Hot Flashes
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Hot Flashes

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jan H. (California, Usa) on 03/23/2018

Hi, Texas Terri (2014)

Wow! Our stories are similar.... I was going into my 12th year of night sweats when I found all of you on Earthclinic. I was having 4+ night sweats per night. (This is nothing compared to what other ladies are going through but I was pretty miserable.) Each time I was so drenched in sweat that I had to get up, change my nightgown and put a fresh towel on the bed. I also tried HRT and lost hair. I was pretty sad and desperate for relief.

I've been taking the ACV for about six weeks, two tablespoons three times a day. I believe that equates to 2/500mg pills 3 times a day, spaced out morning, noon and night. I've only had two night sweats in the beginning while I was trying to find the dose that would work for me. I still suffer from terrible insomnia but at least I'm dry now! ACV has been a miracle and a blessing!! I really hope our reviews will help others. May God continue to bless you, thank you for sharing!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachel (Vienna, Austria) on 07/30/2017

Hot Flash Remedies:

Sage did nothing for me. I took 2 500mg sage pills every day for 10 weeks. No relief from hot flashes at all.

I also tried Black Cohosh, magnesium supplements and several other things. I finally started drinking ACV twice a day -- 2 tablespoons morning and night -- and after only 5 days my hot flashes are greatly reduced to a point where I rarely get them either throughout the day or at night. Wish I had tried ACV before. It's an excellent remedy for hot flashes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Louisamay (Marina Del Rey, Ca) on 05/11/2017

Thank you to Earth Clinic. I'm 52 and after a year of solid hot flashes ("flushes" for you Brits) when I was 48, they subsided suddenly. I was in a fairly dull relationship then which eventually ended. My periods are more erratic than ever, but that's to be expected. After a long "dry spell" I am now in a vigorous new relationship. To my shock and embarrassment, my hormones must be being stimulated because for these three weeks, I'm having almost endless hot flashes - all day and frequently (6-8 times at least) per night! Desperate for relief! Took black cohosh at night for a week - felt no difference. Today, I just gagged down my first 1 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in 8 oz of room temp water. Boy, I sure hope it works! It's an awful taste, but perhaps like wheat grass juice, that depends on one's body chemistry. I'm going to take another 1 T on an empty stomach right before bed. Here's hoping! Thanks for posting your article and to everyone who commented. I am inspired by your stories.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stuff (Washington) on 12/09/2016

Holy smokes!!! I thought I'd try cider vinegar before bed for hot flashes. I woke up and didn't recall waking up throwing covers off, checked my fitbit, my awake/restlessness went from 20+ per night over the last month to EIGHT last night!! Sweet! I took 1 tbsp.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jillg (Burlington, Ky) on 09/29/2016

Menopause slammed into me with a force about 3 weeks ago. Periods were every two weeks for a few months then none. THEN the hot flashes during the day (2 to 8) and night sweats (6 to 20). They started immediately. No ramping up. Started the ACV (2 tbsp in am and 2 tbsp in pm - mixed in apple juice or warm water).

For the past 4 days I have not had one daytime hot flash. For the past 4 nights I'm down to 1 to 3 night sweats. I'm fairly amazed at how simple this is. I should not be... God gave us everything we need. But I do wonder... how long do I need to keep using the ACV? Does it do it's thing then we stop taking it? Or does it only work while on it? Also - do I need to worry about a high acidic environment in me? Is it necessary to use baking soda as well??

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Soraya (Florida) on 08/04/2016

I love apple cider vinegar. I take it with water 3 times a day to reduce sugar levels, but I also noticed it is reducing hot flashes from menopause. It's amazing!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angeles B (Bronx, Ny) on 01/11/2015

Thank God for those who posted these remedies! I couldn't sleep or function due to hot flashes. Since I've been drinking ACV with honey end of Dec 2014, flashes are mild and I've been able to sleep most of the night. Found out last week that I have calcifications in my breasts and that ACV can dissolve them. So, I'm trusting that when I go to Dr. on Wednesday the mammogram will be clear. Thank you everyone! God bless!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Louise (Toronto, Canada) on 08/06/2014

Wanted to share important info on using ACV for hot flashes, but first I want to thank earth clinic. If I hadn't discovered ACV (used it for other reasons) right around the time my hot flashes started, I'd really have suffered.

So for a couple years, as long as I took about a tablespoon (maybe a bit less - I never measured) per day, I'd have zero hot flashes. Lately, it seemed to stop working. I've had hot flashes I can only describe as debilitating - so bad I haven't wanted to leave the house.

After trying various things, I decided to increase the ACV by a lot. I must be taking about 4 tablespoons (still not measuring) either in water (always with a straw to protect my teeth) or in salad dressings that are heavy on the ACV.

This has worked. I have my life back. I've slept through the last 3 nights, which makes a HUGE difference to my quality of life.

So my advice is, pay attention to dose. Some people may need more than others, and the necessary dosage may change over time.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Connecticut, US) on 04/02/2014

Hi Everyone,

I stumbled across this website while searching a natural cure for hot flashes. I am 64 and have been on HRT (Activella) for 15 years. I wanted to try to get off so last September I started "weaning" myself down a little at a time. I got down to every other day and began having hot flashes all day and night. I then stumbled across this web site. I can't stand the taste of vinegar so I bought some ACV pills. The pills are 250 mg and equivalent to 1 1/2 tsp. of vinegar. I took 2 pills the first night and they didn't help much. I came back to check what amount others were taking and noticed a lot of women taking 2 Tablespoons of vinegar day and night so I started taking 4 pills in the morning and 4 again at night. This is the equivalent to 2 T. liquid vinegar. I have been taking the ACV pills for a couple of weeks and have no hot flashes and can sleep at night. Ironically the day after I take my HRT pill ( I am down to one every third day) I do get some mild hot flashes. the other two days that I do not take the HRT pill I am HF free!! I am tempted to just stop the HRT pills altogether and take the ACV pills only but don't want to throw my body back into severe hot flashes again. Is anyone else out there trying to wean off of HRT and taking the ACV pills at the same time and how are you doing?


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terri (Texas) on 01/22/2014

After suffering from horrible night sweat and hot flashes for over seventeen years and trying hormones which cause my hair to fall out even more, out of desperation I visited the local health food store in an attempt to try something else. As I was talking to the attendant she mentioned one of her older clients who takes Apple Cider Vinegar at night with honey. I thought what the heck my only other options was jumping off a bridge to escape the insomnia from the night sweats and hot flashes continuously whole sleeping. First night I drunk four ounces because I knew with the hot flashes I had two tablespoons would not be enough. To my amazement I only had one hot flash. Next night I repeated and again only one hot flash. The next night I figured it was in my system so I went down to two ounces and to my amazement no hot flashes. This has been a miracle and a God send for me because I was feeling really hopeless. I have not had a hot flash in about five nights and my husband has been so excited because he has watched me suffer for so long. this is the first review I have ever written and I pray to God that my testimony help someone else who was at the end of there rope like me. I am just in awe after so many years of praying, it was something this simple that healed me. God bless!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jillery (North America) on 01/08/2014 86 posts

For hot flashes, the ACV works best for me if I take 2 t. in a half glass of water. It's strong but I don't mind the taste. I then drink water after that. It is so nice not to wake up 'over hot' all the time!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jillery (North America) on 12/31/2013 86 posts

2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar diminished my night time hot flashes soooooo much last night. I had the ACV in water and drank down a cup and didn't have ongoing hot flashes. It was great!!! I have been drinking ACV on and off for a number of weeks but I never corrolated it with less hot flashes. Enjoy!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Badtazgal (Camarillo, Ca) on 08/04/2013

I have been suffering from hot flashes and night sweats for almost a year. The hot flashes were so severe that I found myself avoiding situations because I might flash and sweat profusely. Also being extremely self conscious of what my body was doing felt like I was becoming introverted. The doc prescribed effexor but I was determined to find a natural alternative.

I read on your site about using the Apple Cider Vinegar. I have used it for 5 days, just generic and OMgosh..... I have gone from flashing for up to 2 minutes at a time every hour with extreme sweating and facial flushing, not being able to sleep through the night and sweating non stop to about 4 flashes a day, minimal facial flushing and sweating and night sweats? Haven't had them for 3 nights and I've slept like a baby.

Thank you so much for posting the info on ACV. I am finally starting to feel confident and comfortable again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hot Woman (Nairobi, Kenya) on 11/05/2012

Thanks for this fantastic site. I am 53 years old and not had flashes before till last week. Went out and bought ACV (not even organic as this is hard to get in my country) and took 2 tablespoons morning and evening in water. Flashes down to one or two mild ones per day. Unbelievable as did not see how I could bear that horrible feeling of burning And sweating throughout my body. Telling anyone who cares to listen about ACV for hot flashes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Renee (Westminster, Co) on 10/28/2012

I was having 10-20 hot flashes daily. Read about ACV helping. I cannot stand the taste or smell so I went to health food store and purchased the pills. It has been 3 weeks since I take 1 pill per day and I am down to maybe one flash per day that is very mild. Thank you so much for your website and advise. It has changed my life for the better.....

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