Gallbladder Attack
Health Benefits

ACV in Apple Juice for Gallbladder Attacks

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Jill (Portage, In) on 05/15/2011

I have to say I was a little leary of this at first... But when I woke up this morning in such sheer agony... I had to try anything. I dont like taking medicine to much so I was looking for some relief without having to take any. So my boyfriend went and got me some ACV and apple juice. I put 3 tablespoons in a cup of apple juice and drank up. It did take about 45 min to kick in but I feel much better now. Still a little nautious... But overall 95% better! Thank you so much for this remedy!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Sntidwell (Las Vegas, Nv) on 04/14/2011


I have been experiencing textbook Gallbladder Disease symptoms off and on for the last month. Pain was so bad this afternoon I finally headed to urgent care to find out what was going on. After being told "it sounds like gallbladder issues but we need to do blood work first" and being given a script for percecet I started googling and came across this site. Still in extreme pain I did the Apple Cider Vinegar/Apple Juice drink and about 40 min later felt the best I had in days--worked better than the prescription drugs! But here I am, 4 hours later at 1am, waking up in pain again. I drank more, feel better but am left wondering about a more permenant treatment or way for managing my-yet-to-be-diagnosed, Gallbladder issues. Any home remedies, dietary recommendations, supplements etc would be GREATLY WELCOMED! thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Ellen (Broken Bow, Nebraska) on 03/20/2011

I experienced my first excruciatingly painful gall bladder attack last night, and out of desperation turned to the Internet for help. I came across your site and decided to try the ACV suggestion, and about 40 minutes later had significant enough relief to go to sleep. In just a little over an hour the pain was nearly gone. Thank you so much for making this information available for people like me!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Midwife4one (Wherever Needed!, Wherever Needed) on 03/01/2011

I had written over a week ago about my husband's gallbladder 'attack', since, he is doing so well! Only when he eats an unrecommended food, does he have soreness! And a "side effect" has had almost no tenderness in arthritis affected joints! I am using it and have lost 16 pounds and have no joint pain in thapye base of my thumbs - developed from doing deep tissue massage therapy as a clinician! We are sold on ACV regimen... My body feels vibrant and alive! Lots of energy.... Telling clients, family, and friends about this easy, inexpensive... And most important of all... Very effective remedy!! Thx so much 4 this site! I'm telling everyone about it! Terri

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Midwife4one (Wherever Needed!, Western Usa) on 02/22/2011

My husband had cholelithiasis (gallbladder 'attack') episode and I read thru this thread... I am a BIG believer that 95% of people have magnesium deficiency. I rx for almost every one of my clients this 'miracle' mineral... From very young children all the way to 90 yr olds! Age/wt - dose dependent. I increased the dose of magnesium my husband was takes daily, from 1000mg up to 2000mg temporarily, gave him the apple cider vinegar/apple juice remedy for the terrible pain he was experiencing with chills and over all feeling of sluggishness and just wanting to sleep... NO EXAGGERATION... He was totally devoid of pain, (has just slight soreness now with deep breathing) no chills, and feeling so good within 30 minutes, that we were able to walk to the store to get ACV with 'mother', and fresh pressed apple juice! He is sold on this! We'll be drinking it every day from this day forth!! total change of diet! (: Thanks soooo much for this awesome site! Mark and Terri

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Rachel (Dallas, Texas) on 12/28/2010

I was diagnosed with "sludge" in my gallbladder after several attacks 18 months ago. I went into the ER and was too sick at the time to get the gallbladder removed (Jaundice, Liver damage and pancreatitis from a stone that was lodged in the CB duct) In the time that I had to wait for surgery I started learning everything I could about cholecystitis and find out how to handle it naturally. Apple Cider Vinegar is part of my arsenal. I have been eating such crap in the past few days that the pain just shot me right out of bed this evening (morning actually). I went straight to the kitchen and drank a glass of water, the cider/vinegar mixture and now sipping another glass of water. Just in the time I have been surfing the web and reading these comments I am feeling better. Seriously, 40 minutes ago the pain was outstanding, now I am starting to relax.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Cat (Harrow, On, Canada) on 12/18/2010

Thank you... Thank you.... Thank you!!! I have been having problems with a sluggish gallbladder for about 1 1/2 yrs now (right after my son was born). Nothing but pain medication available from the doctor which really wasn't any help. I had an attack 4 days ago that had me in agony for approx. 9 hours. I was into another one when I found your site. The ACV worked like a charm! 2 tablespoons and water.

Also I found another site that I tried first and it did lessen the pain almost immediately. Apparently eating legumes will stop the pain but over time eliminate stones! That won't help me since I don't have stones just a low functioning gallbladder but hopefully it will help someone else. Well worth the read. Again, thank you so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Somethingaboutgrace (Kingsport, Tn) on 11/30/2010

I just wanted to share that I had a similar experience. I have been diagnosed with gall stones and am waiting for surgery. Tonight, I had the worst attack ever. I discovered this site and my husband went to get me organic apple juice and ACV. The pain was gone in 30 minutes. I couldn't believe it! I'm still reading posts on this page and am completely reconsidering having surgery. I am eating healthier and do not want surgery, especially knowing how many people still have problems after surgery. THANK YOU for this site. It literally is blowing my mind that something this simple works this well.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Holly (Tomball, Tx) on 11/02/2010

I've been having these attacks for about 6 months. I just had a baby 3 months ago, and the pain from my Gallbladder is worse than having my daughter naturally. I finally did some research and came across this website during an attack, so my husband went and got some Apple Cider vinager. I drank 3 Tbsp. Mixed with apple juice, and in about 30 min. Pain was GONE! Thanks so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Wendy (Buffalo, Ny) on 11/02/2010

We call it miracle tea and I've been wondering if I should try it for my gallstones. I usually drink it for my upper respiratory health... It's 1 tsp. ACV, 1 tsp. Honey and 1 cup of tea. You can drink it hot, warm or cold. My mom kept it in a baby jar in the fridge. She said it helped her stay regular and didn't affect her diabetes.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Nicole (Memphis, Tn. USA) on 09/26/2010

After suffering with gallbladder attacks for six years to no avail. I stumbled upon earth clinic and found a life saver. When I am having an attack, I drink one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar followed by a glass of tap water and within fifteen minutes the pain is completely gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Schenderson22 (Castaic, Ca, United States) on 09/07/2010

ACV absolutely helps resolve the attack. However, I, too, have been searching for a preventative measure. For the past several weeks I have been suffering from attacks. It got me thinking what may have been the cause. Although a doctor has not officially confirmed this, I truly believe they came on after taking almost thirty days of antibiotics. Originally I started taking two teaspoons of ACV with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in an eight ounce glass of water twice a day and that seemed to be helping. I read that the gall bladder can experience a bicarbonate imbalance. The baking soda helps that. However, today I had enough. I loaded up on acidophilus. (two doses of 4 capsules). I have had a fear of eating for the past couple weeks and this seemed to provide immediate relief for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Remy (Champaign, Il) on 08/19/2010

The bloating and burping all day that you are describing shouldn't have anything to do with the apple cider vinegar in apple juice. It is, however, one of the symptoms of gallbladder problems. I get that, along with a sensation of being overly full. It is very uncomfortable.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Kendra (Berea, Ky) on 03/04/2010

ACV in apple juice really worked! Last night at 1am the same horrible gallbladder pain started. This was my third attck, the last one I ended up in the ER with nothing more than pain meds. So as soon as the pain started I drank 8oz apple juice with 1/4 cup acv and within 20 minutes the pain was almost gone! I was able to go back to sleep but still had some feelings of nausea and sore on my right side. So it looks like it's time to do another gallbladder flush, the last flush stopped the attacks for months.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Bg (Ashland, Ky) on 01/13/2010

I had my first gall bladder attack on Thanksgiving and was miserable w/ pain. i researched and found this suggestion and any time i feel the familiar pain i drink a glass of this. i recently had another attack and did not have any of the AVC or apple juice on hand and had to drive to the store. i was already in a full on attack when i drank this, and it stopped w/in 35 min. i was curious if it diminishes faster the sooner you take it or if it will always average the same amount of time.

Thanks for all your help! this is much better than dealing w/ surgery!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Giselle (Bay Area, Ca) on 01/11/2010

I started having gallbladder attacks in October of 2008.. I didn't know what they were until after I had about 5 attacks.. Didn't have insurance so going to the doctor was not an option.. My friend and grandmother both had their gallbladder removed so they told me the symptoms I had were from my gallbladder.. I tried painkillers and antacids and nothing ever worked!.. Then in December I found out I was pregnant and had to stop taking painkillers during attacks.. That's when I found this website.. My attacks would last about 10 hours!!.. I have had 3 attacks in the past month even though I have been watching my diet.. I drank a cup off apple juice with one tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and my attacks lasted no longer than half an hour after I drank the mixture!!... I am so happy I found out this trick even though I wish I never had to experience this to begin with...

I have a question for everyone though.. Have any of you tried drinking apple cider daily and had it help prevent attacks???.. or does it just help when you are having one?..

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Fran (Montreal, Quebec) on 12/20/2009

I was very happy to find the ACV and apple juice remedy for a gallbladder attach. As everyone who has experienced such an episode will attest, it is very painful and a mixture of as little as 1-2 tablespoons of ACV in 8 oz. glass of water or apple juice or half/ half provides almost immediate relief. Unfortunately, the only solution medics offer is surgery rather than prevention. I have tried to modify my diet but that doesn't always work so this info is much appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Sassiecassie59 (Salem, Or) on 12/01/2009

Julie, The apple cider vineger is supposed to help Gerd. It balances out the acid in your body so I would go ahead and drink it.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Jennifer (Dallas, Tx) on 11/17/2009

Joann, I always have bouts of constipation and irregularity after bad attacks. I think it has more to do with the attack itself than the apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Kim F (Chicago, Illinois) on 11/12/2009

I am 39 years old and have been having gallbladder issues off and on. I have done one effective liver/gallbladder cleanse that was very helpful, but the power of doing the cleanse is to do them continually until no more stones are left - which I haven't done yet... The best info I have found (of course in addition to :))is available on and researching Andreas Moritz.

I wanted to add my review for the 8 oz apple juice and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar. I started to get the telltale soreness under my right rib cage yesterday morning so I took the apple juice and apple cider vinegar at the end of the day yesterday and then again this morning. Ahhh, the relief! I still have slight soreness, but no pain.

I highly recommend this remedy, but can't stress enough how much a gallbladder cleanse can truly help out in the long run.

Best wishes in your personal quest for health. :)

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Sharik (Arcata, California) on 10/21/2009

To Julie from San Diego, CA (6/11/09) I found papaya enzymes work wonders for my stomach. I get the chewable kind from the vitamin dept. of my canned food store, but any health food store will have them. So do many grocery stores with vitamin departments. They are safe to take in medium amounts (I've never had to take more than 10 or 12 for most severe attacks) and are good for ulcers, as well. I have a friend with GERD, and I turned him on to them and he is almost entirely pain-free now (except when he stresses out!)

Peace, Sharik

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