Oregano Oil Health Benefits

Yeast Infection
Posted by Leeloo (Tucosn, Az) on 03/21/2017

I took the oregano oil orally. I fill 3 '00' size empty capsules and took them 3 times a day for 7 days. I also inserted a clove of garlic while I slept at night. You can do a search on garlic and yeast infections and the instructions should pop up.

I was cleared up in 4 days but continued taking the oregano oil to make sure the infection was completely gone. Hope this helps.

Yeast Infection
Posted by Jenn (Austin, Tx, Usa) on 12/07/2009

I'm serious. Oil of Oregano. Get the wild oregano. It has been the natural antibiotic that has prevented each infection that has threatened to plague me, since I have been told about it. But I was told to take a probiotic cap two hours after, as the oil of oregano acts like an antibiotic in most aspects, including killing off your good bacteria. So definitely replace your good bacteria after taking this.

Also staying away from refined sugar has helped, or better yet, getting my body's ph back to alkaline with alkaline rich foods.

I also keep myself as clean as I can down there at all times to help prevent any bacteria from entering my urethra or vagina. I do this by using baby wipes or showering before and after sex. I hope these tips help.

Happy healing!