Cayenne Pepper
Health Benefits

Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits: Unlocking Capsaicin's Power

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Belina (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico) on 03/12/2008

I've read about people having problems with Cayenne, Habanero or other "hot" chilies or sauces and as a Chef who specializes in Mexican fare, plus I now live in Mexico too, I can give you a very easy and efficient remedy to ease the burning from peppers. Also, it doesn't matter if the burning is in your mouth, lips, face (from touching it with your hands after handling peppers) or hands, it works:

Put a little salt on the palm of your left hand, wet the tip of your right index finger in your mouth slightly and dip it in the salt and place it UNDER your tongue (sublingual) in the tender area on your jaw and not ON the underside of the tongue. Relief is very quick, easy to do, you can do it anywhere (like a restaurant) and works for everyone plus you can find salt everywhere.

Posted by Lisa (Southeast, USA) on 01/02/2008

12 years ago I finally got healed of an ulcer for which I'd been taking medication for several years. So when I recently began having that telltale burning, gnawing pain in my stomach, I knew exactly what was happening.

I also knew the whole's appointment, upper GI, ultrasound etc etc., just to have them tell me what I already knew. PLUS, they'd prescribe medications which my insurance will no longer cover because there are now non-prescription strengths of them available over-the-counter. Needless to say, I was willing to try an alternative method to save myself the time and expense. If you've ever had an ulcer, you usually don't have to have someone tell you what one feels like.

Anyway, I read somewhere about cayenne's healing effects. A week ago, I was up and down through the night with that burning, and all the antacids I could chew were simply giving me no relief. So Thursday morning I got up, got brave, and mixed a full measuring teaspoon of cayenne pepper into a teacup of very warm water and drank it down on an empty stomach.

It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected! And while I was warm all over and my stomach burned a little more when the fluid first hit that spot, the pain quickly diminished. Within minutes, I felt better than I had the day before, and as the day wore on, I continued to feel even better.

Anyway, I've repeated this every day now for the past week, and by day 3 the burning pain in my stomach was COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY GONE, even first thing in the morning. I'm continuing the regimen for therapeutic and preventive purposes, just to see if it cures my allergies and other problems. I'll probably reduce the daily dosage now that the stomach problem has subsided, but I'm a believer! And I'm a lifelong advocate of that little red pepper...this is news worth sharing!

Thank God for natural remedies...

Posted by Cate (Sacramento, California) on 12/18/2012

Deeper research yet would show that Cayenne is a blood thinner UNTIL oxygen comes into the equation. Once that happens coagulation is the opposing result. I could get very scientific in my explanation but for those of you confused as to how it can accomplish both, study harder yet...

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/29/2022

Old West frontier herbalists doctors would use cayenne pepper to save people from gunshot wounds. Mixed with water in the form of a 'tea', and given orally to the victim. In most cases, by the time the herbalist would count to ten, the bleeding would stop.

Puffy Eyes
Posted by Elizabeth (USA) on 10/08/2006

I have been on a regimen of 2 tbls of ACV and 1 tbls of blackstrap molasses 2x's a day for about 4 months now. I've just recently in the last month added 1/2 tsp of cayenne (1 tsp/day total) to my ACV and chase it with a glass of water. I read on your site that cayenne helps circulation and that was the primary reason I started adding it to my ACV. Before that I would cook with it and added it to my food everyday as I really like hot food. Well, I was pleasantly surprised with what happen next... The puffiness around my eyes (due to some kind of allergies food or airborne I'm guessing) and face is COMPLETELY gone! No kidding! I have a healthy glow to me now and the puffiness around my eyes that would make me look tired all the time, has vanished. The next thing I noticed is that my sinus' are clear, the dull sinus headache that I lived with for so long is gone and I can breath through my nose at night. As a result I think I'm getting more oxygen to my brain and body now and I definitely feel much more clear headed. I had no idea how much congestion was in my sinus' that I had just learned to live with. After ingesting a teaspoon a day for about a month, although results came within a couple of days, I look and feel so much better. The only thing I can attribute to the changes to is the cayenne. Thank you so much for posting this remedy. Makes me want to kiss you guys right on the lips! SMACK!

Recommended Cayenne Books
Posted by Phil (Las Vegas, NV) on 06/22/2022

Dr. Richard Schulze was perhaps the #1 student of Dr. Christopher; Schulze was born with bad heart valves and not expected to live. He cured himself using cayenne, to such an extent he was called by fellow students of Christopher "Dr. Cayenne."

Schulze has cured thousands with "incurable" conditions. See his site He generally adds cayenne to any herb tincture he makes to amplify its effectiveness. Cayenne opens the capillaries and allows whatever herb or supplement you take better ingress to your cells.

Here is a link to a book he did "Curing with Cayenne:"

Help yourself to the other texts also.

Posted by Andy (Colo Sprgs) on 04/20/2016

When I first started using cayenne I would do a tablespoon, this was way too much! I use this mix for sinus problems and sore throats. It is amazingly fast. In a matter of 10-15 minutes a sore throat subsides to almost nothing. I drank it for the first time today for what I think is a migraine after looking up the remedy on here. I am very surprised, I can report now that after 10 minutes my headache is a dull throb. I actually was in such pain this morning that I was vomiting. I will take some more in about an hour or two to help knock it the rest of the way out.

I will tell you I literally just finished off a cup of my Cayenne pepper mix. I like things strong so I mix 1 cup of boiling water and a teaspoon of Cayenne with a chicken bouillon cube for taste. I know the cube isn't the healthiest but I can't bring myself to drink tea, honey and cayenne. You may want a 1/2 teaspoon.

Hope this helps.

Increases Energy
Posted by T-ann (Florida) on 09/27/2014

Mama to Many--

Thanks so much for all the info you post on this website. Since I discovered the site I have tried many of the remedies and most all of them have worked! Along with many others on here, I appreciate every person who shares their knowledge. I rarely post anything because its too hard using my tablet, which is what I am on 99% of the time. I had tried the cayenne pepper in some coffee recently, for the same reason you did, and was happy that it gave me the energy to finish some household chores. I am very close to the same age as you and my main complaint about getting older is the loss of energy. Its very frustrating. Cayenne works...even though it doesn't taste so good. I plan on trying aloe vera also...adding it to a smoothie. (cut from the aloe plant). I tell everybody I know about Earthclinic and how many wonderful, natural remedies there are for just about anything that ails you. By the way, several months ago I had an ear that was closed up. It persisted for 2 weeks and almost drove me crazy. Nothing really helped too much. But cayenne came to the rescue again: immediately after I took a little (mixed) my ear made a popping sound and I could hear again! Good stuff :-)

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Chris (Roswell, Ga) on 01/02/2012

Cayenne is a stimulant. Don't take it too late in the day or it may keep you up all night.

Hemorrhaging After Childbirth
Posted by Schrimsh (Seffner, Florida) on 10/01/2010

I have had personal experience with cayenne for stopping hemorrhaging. Immediately after the birth of my second child, I began hemorrhaging pretty badly. The midwife tried everything she could think of to get it to stop, but it wouldn't. Finally, on the insistence of the birth assistant, they gave me two full droppers (not two drops) of cayenne tincture. The bleeding stopped instantly. My mouth was on fire, but at least I was safe.

Posted by Taozen (Nyc, New York) on 12/30/2009

I had a gash on my palm and it was a bleeder. I knew of the Cayenne paste cure and tried it.I used aprox 3 tablespoons and made a paste after cleaning the wound with peroxide. I made a tight bandage of gauze and left it alone for at least two days before I checked the wound. I removed my bandage very slowly so as not to disturb the caked on cayenne powder. It was much better and I re-wrapped the wound after more cayenne. I added tape to the fresh gauze covering and went three more days and it was almost completely healed and the scar is almost non visible today.

Painful Feet
Posted by Richard (Winston Salem, North Carolina) on 06/23/2008

cayenne pepper rememdies: cayenne pepper foot baths will completely cure painful feet, although if you continue to work on hard floors the cure might need to be repeated every so often.

Also, cayenne pepper does wonders on hemorrhoids when mixed with an otc ointment (not vaseline). go very light on this one and be ready to wash it off yourself if you cant stand the burning. i've also tried cayenne pepper in a vaseline salve that i made on the cookstove that completely cured the bursitis in my shoulder.

Mood Enhancer
Posted by Lisa (Newton, MA) on 10/18/2007

Hi, I started to put a bit of Cayenne pepper, along with some lemon juice into my morning tea, as an immune booster, but, I must say, I have found that I have been in an extremely energetic and jovial mood. I had not noticed this until yesterday, my 3rd day doing this regimen---just thought I would share.

Muscle Strains and Pains
Posted by Vince (Phila, PA) on 09/21/2006

I make up a plaster with cayenne and salt to cure muscle strains and pains.

I wet a paper towel and sprinkle just a little of both on it, and apply.

The salt is rough being crystals, and irritates the skin a bit, so I make a saline solution and wet the paper towel with that. The cayenne may irritate some people's skin, but it is used for irritated skin, so isn't a big problem.

I even heard of using it on sunburn.) It usually takes 20min to cure pains or strains. I once had a really strained back and leg. The back came from working under a car, laying on concrete, and the leg was sciatica from sitting on a wooden bench after it.

My back hurt from my neck to my foot, and my thigh would hurt SO bad I could only walk about 75' before I had to sit down. I decided to do the cayenne plaster, and I was SO bad I felt I had to really heat it up. I used a piece of paper/plastic drop cloth, since I was going to add a heating pad, and didn't want it to dry out or wet the pad. I cut a piece to reach from my neck to my butt, applied it and heated it up. The regular plaster usually only needs to stay in place till the heat of the cayenne dissipates.

I kept this on a while longer, and after I removed it the pain was gone.

Strep Throat
Posted by Penny (USA) on 02/01/2006

If it is too late, as in strep, it takes gargling with cayenne in water every fifteen minutes until it goes, and be patient, because it GOES.

I haven't had a sore throat take hold in 15 years or more, though many have tried to start up, which also is a way for many illnesses to sprout.

I generally will gargle cayenne in water at whatever strength I like and do it as much as I can until I tire of it, and then repeat every fifteen minutes, each time swallowing a tiny bit real slowly (not necessary).

It only stings the tongue a little when spitting out, otherwise, no discomfort, you can get used to even the swallowing part when you see how well it works.

I use the cheap Mex. stuff, but also keep on hand in refir the pesticide free stuff from health store.

Cayenne is a miracle cure for ulcers and so many other conditions, plus aids assimilation of nutrients and vitamins. I will keep cayenne in water in the bathroom in case I get up in the night, so I can gargle once in the night if I am very sick, but if it is in water, it will go bad quickly and needs to be put back in refridge in morning.

Afterwards suck on a clove (see below). I have never seen a sore throat that won't succumb to it.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok) 391 posts

While ginger seems to restore energy in most cases, however I find capsicum powder (cayenne peppers) mixed with fresh ginger works the best as it helps with circulation. Especially works well if you are drowsy and raises oxygen level to those tiny capillaries which receives little or no blood flow. If you can find them, fresh ginger and fresh cayenne peppers (fine chopped) work the best due to higher bioflavanoid, vitamin P content, as well as vitamin C, etc.

When I need a good good circulation, I just eat the ginger, then the fresh cayenne peppers. The ratio is 50:50.

Of course, I don't expect anyone will do that, so just try getting a mortar and pestle and mix the fresh cayenne peppers and ginger. Try 1/4-1/2 teaspoon for each. Then either mix them in lemon and honey. I can't be too specific about the recipes. It depends on how well you can tolerate the hot taste of peppers. Fresh peppers worked the best.

If you find this too hard for the stomach, just take Vitamin B3, Niacin. That will get you on skin flushing and it works also, but differently. Cayenne peppers are more powerful and for the heart. While Niacin seems to be active on small capillary circulation on the skin. Niacin seems to reduce cholesterol and helps repair damage tissues (such as gum disease and heart circulation also).

Best Type of Cayenne
Posted by Dave G (Florida) on 11/02/2016

I get a pure organic Cayenne from amazon in powder form and extract from the powder pure form it takes 45 to 60 days to extract the the pure form with no additives and put it in a eye dropper bottle and add about 20 drops to a glass of infused citrus water and drink it with breakfast and have no side effects basically because alot of the companies mix crap with it as fillers even in their Tinctures as well. The formula was from a Herbologist who recieved her PHd and wrote a study and thesis about all the benifits using it. Would suggest you start out with 10 drops and work up to 20 once a day.

Cayenne Contraindications
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 03/28/2014 2063 posts

Jeanne: I see no problems w/ the BSM & Cayanne. Two herbs which to avoid during this drug treatment is Gingko biloba and White Willow as they are considerd "blood thinners".

Cayanne & Ginger work together very well to assist in improving circulation which reduces the risk of blood clotting stroke.

Omega 3 fats like Fish & Flax oil are recommended for keeping the blood thin but are considered "mild" anticoagulants and very much indicated in cardiovascular conditions.