Cayenne Pepper
Health Benefits

Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits: Unlocking Capsaicin's Power

Best Type of Cayenne
Posted by Dave G (Florida) on 11/02/2016

I get a pure organic Cayenne from amazon in powder form and extract from the powder pure form it takes 45 to 60 days to extract the the pure form with no additives and put it in a eye dropper bottle and add about 20 drops to a glass of infused citrus water and drink it with breakfast and have no side effects basically because alot of the companies mix crap with it as fillers even in their Tinctures as well. The formula was from a Herbologist who recieved her PHd and wrote a study and thesis about all the benifits using it. Would suggest you start out with 10 drops and work up to 20 once a day.

Posted by Blwalk75 (Dallas, Tx) on 09/30/2016

Hello and thanks for that remarkable story, glad for your recovery results. Please tell me how you took the cayenne 2 to 3 times a day. Thanks!

Multiple Cures
Posted by May (Orange) on 08/16/2016

I have suffered with bleeding hemorrhoids for a few years, plus bleeding gums. I commenced taking Cayenne Pepper daily for Heart Arrhythmia -and over the course of a few months have noticed my gums are healthy and I no longer have bleeding hemorrhoids!!! I find taking Cayenne Pepper& Black strap Molasses has helped my heart significantly, not cured, but improved very much. I also use Ylang Ylang essential oil in a carrier oil & apply to my chest after taking a shower.

Posted by Andy (Colo Sprgs) on 04/20/2016

When I first started using cayenne I would do a tablespoon, this was way too much! I use this mix for sinus problems and sore throats. It is amazingly fast. In a matter of 10-15 minutes a sore throat subsides to almost nothing. I drank it for the first time today for what I think is a migraine after looking up the remedy on here. I am very surprised, I can report now that after 10 minutes my headache is a dull throb. I actually was in such pain this morning that I was vomiting. I will take some more in about an hour or two to help knock it the rest of the way out.

I will tell you I literally just finished off a cup of my Cayenne pepper mix. I like things strong so I mix 1 cup of boiling water and a teaspoon of Cayenne with a chicken bouillon cube for taste. I know the cube isn't the healthiest but I can't bring myself to drink tea, honey and cayenne. You may want a 1/2 teaspoon.

Hope this helps.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Kiki (South Africa) on 03/22/2016

What you said about taking cayenne on an empty stomach is so true. I normally take it first thing after brushing my teeth, hey man you'll find me pounding up and down in trying to cool and settling my stomach from burning and sometimes I would even feel like vomiting for some minutes before I feel back to my senses. It is really a bad idea to take on an empty stomach. I regret every time after taking it. Thank you so much for your advise of eating before drinking the powder. God Bless.

Take Capsules With Food
Posted by Cayenne1 (Fl) on 02/22/2016

HI Michelle.

I highly recommend taking the Cayenne Pepper in Water rather than the pills, as the pills dissolve in your stomach, causing stomach upset. If you take it with warm water, it goes right to the heart with NO stomach upset.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Everson11 (Mt) on 12/31/2015

This is my general post concerning my treating of almost all issues with cayenne, despite having a history of surviving 2 heart attacks by using cayenne, after reading the story of Dr. Christopher, and my Awakening tonight... I had an extreme bout of anxiety / agoraphobia for a stretch of a week, with combined almost fainting / vertigo for 3 weeks or more... This is what happened after my nap, the first real sleep in 3 days... I woke up after drinking a lot of beers (7) and felt great, no anxiety, still had head fog but no dizziness... Went to check the mail for the CBD spray, and had no "anxiety" or agoraphobia of being outside... I drove fine, albeit just to the mailboxes and back, but still, the previous 2 days were difficult to get that distance going to the store for beer

A couple of hours later, the anxiety started kicking in, so without the spray, I did what I had to and drank beer as fast as possible, which this time only increased the anxiety and brain fog / dizziness...

For the fun of it, I searched Earth Clinic for "Cayenne Dizziness"... Being that the dizziness and vertigo was triggering the massive panic attacks, I completely forgot that Cayenne treats the ENTIRE circulatory system, which obviously includes the brain, and Arrhythmia matches all the symptoms

I boiled water, added it to about 1/4 tsp of Cayenne and drank it...

The anxiety was gone within 45 seconds or so, and I cleared several paper towels worth of mucus, clearing my lungs... I had been planting my foot in the floor so hard when under these attacks, that I literally tore a gash in my new slippers... The foot pain was intense... It's GONE now, I can feel it warm, but no pain

When I cut my finger deep and healed it with Cayenne, Adrenaline kicked in, and I ignored that it was helping the anxiety and lungs completely... Same thing with the Heart Attacks... I was hitting the prime target for the Cayenne, and ignoring the other benefits...

I guess I would have known on both occasions if I couldn't breathe, but I'm sure I could perfectly, so I had NO IDEA until now that Cayenne takes care of the lungs as well...

There is surely some adrenaline involved now because I'm able to see and concentrate etc, and it will take more experiments to figure it out, but I'm going to drink a cup every morning... Everybody should, it costs about 2 cents.

Cayenne Side Effects
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 12/28/2015

While it has many benefits, I wasn't able to use cayenne either. It made my BP skyrocket.

I've read the same from others who post here. It aids some in controlling their BP, but for me (and others), it has the opposite effect and causes BP to go through the roof! It scared me to death.

I started 'low and slow', too. I took just a little, then slowly increased my intake, but once I got to the recommended therapeutic dose (actually, even before I got there), my BP was so jacked-up that it scared me and I stopped.

It's definitely not for everyone.

Cayenne Side Effects
Posted by William (Colorado) on 12/27/2015

I'm a bit new to Cayenne and also [FWIW] Blood type A

It appears that what is for me, an aggressive amount of Cayenne bumps my BP up after ingesting it but that it goes right back down after a short time.

I'm contributing this for any who may find it interesting but also seeking confirmation from others more experience with Cayenne.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Donna (Santa Monica, CA) on 04/23/2015

Becky, I checked out your recommendation for cayenne on Earth Clinic's remedies. Amazing! Who knew there were so many applications for cayenne and it was so good for ones heart.The testimonial by Dr. Christopher is eye opening. Thank you.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Becky (San Diego, CA) on 04/21/2015

I just read this marvelous remedy for cayenne. .For those interested put "cayenne remedies" in the EC search box. You'll be amazed and maybe find a cure.

Cayenne Side Effects
Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 04/16/2015

Yes, I agree with Liz. Get a capsule machine! I bought mine online and it wasn't expensive. Likewise I bought 1000 capsules online on the cheap too.

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 04/16/2015

ACV, Chilli, and Bicarb - all three of these are antifungals.

I use Bicarb quite frequently as a spray whenever my plants have fungal issues. Works quickly. Bicarb also neutralises the mycotoxins produced by pathogenic fungi.

General Feedback
Posted by Raniya (Ny, US) on 04/06/2015

No, they are completely 2 different things

Cayenne Tips
Posted by John1974 (N. Ireland) on 03/08/2015 38 posts

Thanks mama for your lovely reply. Yeah I got myself some and I have put some of the powder into capsules. I've been taking it for 4 days now. Heart condition runs in our side of the family and I'm trying to avoid such illnesses.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/05/2015

Dear John 1974,

Did you buy cayenne powder? One thing you can do is just put some in a pepper shaker and add it to food. Over time you will increase your tolerance and be able to add more.

Another option is to add 1/4 teaspoon to some juice (4-6 ounces) once or twice a day. I use a straw when I drink this otherwise the cayenne can burn the lips.

Cayenne is awesome to have on hand for a sore throat. If used at the beginning of a sore throat (or cold that begins with a sore throat) gargling with it every few hours for a day or two will often knock out the infection. It also helps a lot with the pain. I add 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne and 1/4 teaspoon salt to 4 ounces of water and gargle. (Put some chap stick or something on your lips before gargling to avoid burning the lips.) It is super spicy but wow, it works so well.

Cayenne is also awesome if you get a cut that won't stop bleeding. After cleaning the wound you can pack it with cayenne. A friend did this with a bad cut and went to the hospital to get stitches. The ER doctor wanted to know how they got such a bad cut to stop bleeding! It stings at first but that does not last and often helps with the pain.

And yes, cayenne is great for the circulatory system and for the heart. When my husband would have arrhythmia problems, he would take a couple of capsules of cayenne, hawthorne and ginger and it would always help.

Cayenne will also help to warm you up. You can take it in juice when you are cold.

~Mama to Many~

Cayenne Tips
Posted by John1974 (N. Ireland) on 03/04/2015 38 posts

hi everyone. I just bought some cayenne pepper and I am looking to start using it but not quite sure of the amount to take and what to take it with?

I was also told that it is very good for clearing the arteries? and its good for over all health. Any info would be great. thanks

Liquid Cayenne
Posted by Peter (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/01/2015

American Botanical Pharmacy sells a cayenne tincture rated at 250,000 Heat Units. I've been taking it on and off for years.

Multiple Cures
Posted by John (Pennsylvania) on 02/18/2015

Myrrh is also good for the gums.

General Feedback
Posted by Joy (Thailand) on 10/18/2014

Hi Brendan re. Cayenne pepper.This is available all over Thailand and I buy mine dried in the markets or in Makro Tesco and most stores; hope this helps as chilli is ok but not quite the same as the lovely red large cayenne.

General Feedback
Posted by Brendan (Thailand) on 10/17/2014

Would appreciate if someone could clarify if any chili pepper would do as well as cayenne or does it need to be cayenne in particular? Thanks

Increases Energy
Posted by T-ann (Florida) on 09/27/2014

Mama to Many--

Thanks so much for all the info you post on this website. Since I discovered the site I have tried many of the remedies and most all of them have worked! Along with many others on here, I appreciate every person who shares their knowledge. I rarely post anything because its too hard using my tablet, which is what I am on 99% of the time. I had tried the cayenne pepper in some coffee recently, for the same reason you did, and was happy that it gave me the energy to finish some household chores. I am very close to the same age as you and my main complaint about getting older is the loss of energy. Its very frustrating. Cayenne works...even though it doesn't taste so good. I plan on trying aloe vera also...adding it to a smoothie. (cut from the aloe plant). I tell everybody I know about Earthclinic and how many wonderful, natural remedies there are for just about anything that ails you. By the way, several months ago I had an ear that was closed up. It persisted for 2 weeks and almost drove me crazy. Nothing really helped too much. But cayenne came to the rescue again: immediately after I took a little (mixed) my ear made a popping sound and I could hear again! Good stuff :-)

Increases Energy
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/27/2014

This afternoon I was driving home and I was really sleepy. I was thinking about all I had to do when I got home I started to think about coffee. Yum. I figured that would perk me up to do what needed doing. At the same time, I notice that my gall bladder area was just a bit off. The last thing it needed was coffee. :(

When I got home I put 1/2 a teaspoon of cayenne pepper into a mug with grape juice and drank it up.

I have to admit, I think it worked as well as coffee. I was able to do what needed to be done and didn't feel tired. And I didn't aggravate my gall bladder. But, alas, I have to admit that cayenne pepper in grape juice is not nearly so delicious as a good cup of coffee would have been...

~Mama to Many~

Cayenne and Surgery
Posted by De Shawwn (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 09/22/2014

I can attest to the effectiveness of cayenne pepper because March 17,2014. I had a major surgery. I was a severe anemic at the time and on the day of my surgery my doctor was advised several times by other medical personnel working with him to give me a blood transfusion BEFORE my surgery but he didn't.

I believe had it not been for me taking cayenne pepper before my surgery, the outcome of my surgery could have been devastating.

After the surgery I received a blood transfusion. No one could ever convince me that cayenne pepper is what allowed me to not bleed to death during my surgery because at the time of my surgery my blood was a 5.0 and remember I had a major surgery cut wide open from one side of my stomach to the other side.

My healing was amazing. 2 days after my surgery my cut had healed on the outside and I was walking around without any problem.

High Blood Pressure, Surgery Recovery
Posted by Deshawn (Las Vegas) on 09/22/2014

When my doctor first told me I had high blood pressure and then he had prescribed me bp pills my first thought was I will fill the prescription as a back up but I refused to take them without first RESEARCHING natural alternatives.

I chose powdered cayenne pepper and in the beginning it did raise my bp but then after 2 days it normalized.

I love the results of cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp in a small amount of warm faucet water is what did it for me and continues to do it for me. It is cheap and highly effective but don't do it on an empty stomach, I did and it wasn't a good feeling. I felt like I wanted to vomit, my mouth kept watering and my stomach felt weird but only for about 5 minutes, afterwards I felt great.

It helped me out again in a major surgery I had back in March, my healing was rapid and amazing.

You do not need organic or any special type of water a small amount of warm faucet water and the regular grocery store cayenne pepper works perfectly fine.

I don't believe in hyping others up with you must take organic and the water must be either this type or that type but if taking organic makes you personally feel better than that's great.

I only paid $1 at the grocery store for my powered cayenne pepper and the warm faucet water was free it just doesn't get any better than that and I had amazing results each time.

And please before any gets offended I am not putting down organic anything nor am I against organic I just personally do not help spread the deception that it must be organic to be effective because my results have proved organic is not necessary to achieve great results like mine.

Sluggish Digestion
Posted by Vee (Sheridan, Wy, Usa) on 09/22/2014

Cayenne Pepper helps my sluggish digestion. I have episodes that last for weeks sometimes where it seems as if my digestive system just stops. It causes tremendous stomach discomfort in the middle of the night, no matter how many hours it has been since I last ate (the problem is exacerbated by laying down). So, needless to say, I have many sleepless nights being awakened by a burning, bloated stomach. Lately I have been taking 1 capsule of 100,000 Heat Units Cayenne pepper after my last meal. From things that I have read, I decided to open the capsule and put half in a small glass of warm water with honey, then swallow the half-filled capsule. It has done wonders for my stomach discomfort and has allowed me to have very restful sleep. I believe it is helping the digestion process. I really don't know what my digestive problem is, but the cayenne pepper makes my stomach feel great and actually normal for a change.

ADVICE WHEN DRINKING CAYENNE PEPPER POWDER IN WATER: do not inhale as your bring the glass to your mouth unless you want to really clean out your sinuses! Cheers to all who are taking charge of their own, and their loved ones, health.

Cayenne Side Effects
Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 09/03/2014

Hi, I have to tell you that everyone is different. I am on bp meds and then I heard the great things about cayenne pepper so I tried some.. Well It made my blood pressure go up and so I don't use it now... I do still use some hot sauce here and there.. I don't know much about the cayenne capsules because I haven't used them and thinking would they be better? I don't know but cayenne can raise bp and heart rate.

Cayenne Side Effects
Posted by Leenora (Charlotte, NC) on 09/03/2014

Heart, will cayenne get my pulse rate up; as well as heart palpations? pulse rate(48-60)

Veins, Complexion, Eyes
Posted by Mellisa (Madison Wi) on 08/24/2014

My experience with cayenne in my twenties at 6 capsules per day was that my veins started protruding out of my arms it looked as if I was a body builder even though I had no excercise regimen. My complexion skin color went from a white to a more cinnamon tone. My eyes looked much brighter. I'm taking the same amount 6 capsules per day in my fifties now for a chi blockage. Diagnosed by an acupuncturist. The acupuncturist did not prescribe cayenne. I'm taking it because I crave hot spicy foods and think that's just what my body probably needs.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Alex (Australia) on 07/09/2014

I find drinking cayenne pepper tea (a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in hot water) helps to relieve hypnic jerks. Info on Cayenne pepper and all its benefits is just a google search away but it helps regulate blood pressure and is awesome for heart health. I had hypnic jerks last night for the first time in months and tried cayenne pepper tea (which you can also have with green tea and a dash of cinnamon or lemon etc - see many online recipes) - and I was DELIGHTED to see it eased my hypnic jerking when drifting off to sleep almost immediately after getting back to bed and tying to fall asleep!

Cayenne Contraindications
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 03/28/2014 2063 posts

Jeanne: I see no problems w/ the BSM & Cayanne. Two herbs which to avoid during this drug treatment is Gingko biloba and White Willow as they are considerd "blood thinners".

Cayanne & Ginger work together very well to assist in improving circulation which reduces the risk of blood clotting stroke.

Omega 3 fats like Fish & Flax oil are recommended for keeping the blood thin but are considered "mild" anticoagulants and very much indicated in cardiovascular conditions.

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