Apple Cider Vinegar for Fat Burning and Weight Loss

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Cynthia (Fort Worth , TX) on 01/14/2008

I am 50 year old female in excellent health I have been taking ACV for a year and half have lost 38 1lbs without having to diet and my skin looks great I sleep well at night and no longer suffer from depression or any digestive problems. I have lots of energy and look 38 instead of 50. My whole entire Family takes Vinegar I take it 3 times a day before 15-30 min before meals.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Cape Canaveral, Fl) on 08/22/2007

I used to be prone to constant urinary infections to the point I no longer felt them. One time it had got so bad I actually felt the severest of symptoms. At the time no medical insurance and no money to go to a doctor. So I emailed a friend who had a huge book on herbs and natural remedies. He researched for me and found if I took a bath with apple cider vinegar it would eliminate the urinary infection because the urethra acts as a wick and draws the high ph into the bladder. Well I had no bathtub and no access to one. So we devised this plan. I would take a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar and place it on my urethra for twenty min three to four times a day. The skin would burn and it did hurt alot. But I persisted. I woke up the next day and had no symptoms at all. I continued to use the acv for three more days. Since then I have not had another attack of urinary infection.

Years before I forgot to mention this. A neighbor told me about acv and honey as a remedy for headaches depression arthritis pain help and lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure. Well i suffered from all of these symptoms. I asked how much to take. She said she took two tablespoons each of acv and honey in enough hot water to melt the honey and drank it down half an hour before she ate. I did the same. The first week I lost ten pounds of excess water weight due to bad diet of too much salt. I sweated alot and peed alot. I lost a total of forty pounds. I had visited my doc before I started and thirty days after. He was amazed at the weight loss and asked how I did it. I told him and he said oh. he wasn't concerned at the amount in that short of a time. I should have been. It is dangerous to lose too much weight in a short amount of time. But I believe in my case it was extreme excess water weight. My cholesterol dropped from 256 to 156 in six months. My blood pressure was below normal and I couldn't gain weight. So acv and honey is my magic remedy. My kids would see me taking the acv and honey for my migraines. They wanted to try it for their headaches. Well after the first time they used it they didn't want tylenol anymore. Ever. To this day they are teenagers they remember it is instant and keeps the headaches away.

I have laxed in my daily regimen of acv and honey and have gained back the weight and the blood pressure. i am going to start it again. Anyways. Thank you for your time in reading its benefits to me. Hugs to you.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Donna (Lancaster SC) on 02/01/2006

I came across this site looking for natural results in lowering my husband's blood pressure which was 166 over 90 and had 1/3 of his lung removed due to finding lung cancer in stage 1 after we had a vehicle accident. Since we both are American Indians I wanted something natural so I got it and tried it on him, myself and our 24 year old daughter who has asthma. We started this past Sunday and the next day I didn't feel bloated like usual so I told all at work and they just looked at me so I printed this out. Tuesday morning I had energy like never before so with the paper and they saw me and read this site they all went to get the ACV and about 20 customers were going. My husband blood pressure is as of 1/31/06 (150 over 80) and he claims that he feels like "jumping rope" so with fresh vege and lean meats and very low sodium in his diet with this is working and since Sunday i have lost 5 lbs and my hair is no longer falling out (waist length). It's so nice to comb my long hair and it isn't falling out anymore or see my hair on everything. Thank you all so much. Donna -- Geyatahi Cherokee Indian NC

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 06/20/2012

Hi Cat - Obviously, I wouldn't expect ACV or any other product to help me lose weight on its own. That's just common sense.

I actually eat very clean - no sugar and no processed foods. I put about a half teaspoon of raw honey in my morning coffee, and that's it for the day in terms of anything sweet. And, I was drinking tons of water every day a decade before it became popular to do so.

I have always struggled with my weight (10 pounds, give or take). I am the type who gains five pounds just walking by a bakery. It seems it's a genetic-type curse. I had my thyroid checked years ago. Everything was normal, according to my MD. And, I certainly don't live a sedentary life either. I am always on the go.

My point in posting to the previous thread, was that I found it interesting that when I didn't take the ACV for a couple of days, I lost a bit of weight. (Keeping in mind that I'd taken the ACV every day for a year or more.)

I'll continue with the ACV for its other benefits, but my posture concerning its weight loss properties remain - I feel they are 'greatly exaggerated'. But then, as with many things, what works for one may not work the same for another.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Beeboo (California) on 01/17/2021

Gaining a pound is easily attributable to fluctuations in water weight.

I think the takeaway here, is that ACV is effective at appetite suppression, or making you sated earlier, which I have definitely noticed if I drink ACV in water 30-60 minutes before a meal. I find it completely eliminates carb/sugar cravings; to the point that even thinking about candy or ice cream is slightly off-putting.

If you were to phrase it in a rule, I would suggest "ACV before meals contributes to weight loss by decreasing food intake. ACV after a meal doesn't have the same effect, though it can blunt your insulin response."

Metabolic Increase
Posted by Tom (Rr # 2 Hornby, Ontario) on 09/01/2011

Yes, many people have food sensitivities to many things as well as ACV, try buying some pure aloe vera juice and drinking it after, it is one of natures best remedies for upset stomachs especially since it is one of the best natural cures for stomach ulcers. Tom

Metabolic Increase
Posted by Pamm (Birmingham, Alabama) on 09/23/2011

Apple Cider Vinegar can & will increase your Stomach Acid causing Gerd/Indigestion so if it burns your stomach neutralize it with milk or baking soda & discontinue the ACV, the only people that benefit fully from acv are those with low stomach acid. So if you get a burning sensation it means you have too much stomach acid. You can take a splash of ACV in a gallon of water & sip it through the day, this will help not get the acid reflux. Or I have taken it with baking soda & that also works because baking soda neutralizes it. Acv also lowers blood sugar & that could be the reason your so hungry. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Taaz (Manchester, Uk) on 11/27/2010

Hi all. As mentioned before the required dose for weight loss is 2 teaspoons in 16 oz of water which is to to be sipped over the course of the day. My question is, since the Apple Cider Vinegar can cause damage to the enamel when do I rinse/ brush my mouth after taking the solution. I haven't started the remedy as yet, however I do understand that it is recommended that the solution be sipped through a straw. Thank you in advance for any replies- I am so grateful for this wonderful site and have told all my friends about it.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Dr258250 (Johnstown , Oh, Usa) on 10/21/2010

Ok got a question for you if I take a tsp of the Apple Cider Vinegar just straight up since I can't stand the taste (never have) will it do harm? I can suffer thru the taste then drink the water straight up but sipping it.... Not sure about that one. What is everyones opinion on this one.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 10/21/2010

Hi Dr...
If you do that, it will work, but most people take a couple of tablespoons at a time, 2x a day. After prolonged exposure, your teeth and throat might not like it. If you put 2 tablespoons of ACV in the bottom of a glass, and add 1/2 of a TEAspoon of baking soda to it.... And let it sit until it stops foaming, then add water (about 8 - 10oz) and a splash of Orange Juice or Apple Juice, (or any type of juice - about 2 oz) I swear you will not even notice the ACV! Just give it a try.... Oj is best for masking the taste in my opinion.
It is really worth the effort. I don't even really measure anymore, I just dump this and that and all good. Been taking it for about a year, and loving it.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Mirs (Riffae, Bahrain) on 03/17/2010

Hi everyone, happy to inform you that i lost 5kg (1kg=2pounds)in 20 days, i was adding 2tbsp of ACV to a cup of water, and a quarter a tsp of baking soda. i drink 4 liters of water per day and watch my food. now my weight is not only normal but ideal. good luck eveyone.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Melissa (Cranbrook, Bc) on 11/30/2009

You should keep in mind that just because you are not losing pounds does not mean that the treatment is not effective. Muscle weighs more than fat, so your body type and the type of exercise you are taking part in will determine wether you will lose pounds or not. I am a firm believer in not judging your success by the scale, as to how different your clothing fits. I have had success with ACV for weight loss, combine it with a great exercise regimine.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Lionofpeace (Sacramento, Ca) on 07/29/2010

I've read that white vinegar is acid-forming which is bad for the body, whereas raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar should be alkalizing, which is what you want...

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Lynn (Whiteland, In) on 11/15/2011

I copied this info from an article online....

The mother is the dark, cloudy substance in the ACV - formed from naturally occurring pectin (fiber) and apple residues - it appears as molecules of protein connected in strand like chains. The presence of the mother shows that the best part of the apple has not been destroyed. Vinegars containing the mother contain enzymes and minerals that other vinegars may not contain due to over processing, filtration and overheating. ACV ranges in color from a light golden to orange. You'll know you've found natural ACV if you see sediment, referred to as the "mother" on the bottom of the bottle. The bottle should be shaken prior to use.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by AngeleAlAahna (Navarre, FL/USA) on 06/28/2009

well I told you all about my depressing and ACV now here is a update on my weight ...I began June 5 181 pound..Today after church june 28 I LOST 7 POUND... WHAM ..June 19 is my next weight in....As I said I put my ACV in a hugh bottle/glass/jug and drink it all day I excerise and I still eat what I usally eat BUT I LOST 7POUND...see you all next month

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Spicy (Queens, New York) on 06/26/2009

try drinking it without the honey you may see the results ... but keep in mind what works for others may not work for you . and vice versa. keep it up.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Cris (Londonderry, NH USA) on 05/06/2009

I have a question. I have been using apple cidar vinegar for about a month. I started with 2 -3 tsp per day in water. Then, for weight loss I started taking 1 tbsp 2x daily prior to eating. I have not lost any weight, and am wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I quit smoking 1 1/2 years ago, and gained about 30 pounds. I am tracking what I eat, and not over-eating. I'm 45, female, and always been thin. It's almost like my metabolism is gone, never to return. I also exercise, at least 2-3 hours per week on average. Any thoughts for me??

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Jude (Cottonwood, Az) on 05/14/2009

To All you Nays, I think most of you women are too critical and are obsessing on what the scale is saying to you. A 3 lb weight gain is usually due to water and not actual fat gain. Also if you are working out consistently you may not notice weight loss right away as muscle is heavier than fat, stay off the scale and start measuring yourself on a weekly basis. I think the results will be more gratifying and please don't give too much concern with the scale, try weighing in once a month, if you must. I hope this helps and remember,beauty comes from the inside.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Cathy (Declo, Idaho) on 02/27/2009

i swear by acv. i drink it first thing in the morn. and thru out the day... aprx. 2-tbls. in a 32-oz. glaa thru the day.. has helped me keep my weight off, and has made a big part in removing acid indigestion, that was a big problem, i love the results so much i tell all who ask me what am i doing to look so good you have to try acv. i have also found that if i feel im getting the flu, so on, if i take my acv. in water it helps remove the problem or reduce it..... i really cant say enough, as a matter of fact just today i was recomending it to some people at the hospital, there for my sister, i e-mailed some facts out to try to help.... GOD made all things for a reson and i think the most simple and pure are the best... [for me any way.]

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Melanie (Farmington, NM) on 02/26/2009

I had a baby two months ago i also have a 10 yr old and a 14month old. I gained weight not awhole lot with my pregnancy norm was 30 pounds.. after i had baby i was stuck and have been stuck at 156 pounds. so i was looking on the internet for healthy weight loss and i ran into earthcinic i read everyones blogs about using acv.. i said what the heck i have nothig to loose. so i went down to the healh food store and bought organic apple cider vinegar (braggs). i started feb 13,2009 i checked my weight i was 156 went to the doctors yesterday feb 25,2 009 my weight was 148.. wow it really works i lost 8 pounds in 2weeks.. i only do 16oz of icy water with 2tlbs of water and 1 tesp. of lime juice and sip it throughout the day. i have alot more energy to keep up with my kids my complexion is glowing again. i had high blood pressure and it is back to normal.. plus i do exercises throughout the day. my goal is to get to 135 pounds.. thank you so much earth clinic i also told my mom about this she is going to try it this week.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Jessica (Salem, OR) on 02/09/2009

I have been reading up on everyones posts of acv for weight loss. I am not overweight& work out regularly, but would like to try it to drop a few pounds.I am basically just a bit curious as to ways to take the acv. Is it best to sip it slowly/throught the that what increases it's affectiveness or even though i can't stand the taste but can take a shot does that change/affect the outcome? Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Margaret (Florida) on 11/01/2017

I am doing this too, just started. The honey sure makes it much easier to drink!!!

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 03/15/2009 495 posts

For Isabelle from Tampa, Fla.

Hello and congratulations on that weight loss. However that "have a Slimfast drink" for breakfast caught my eye. I find that a lot of the so called health foods and drinks to help you lose weight have one or both of those excitotoxins in them which may be preventing you from losing more weight, as both monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame are noted for causing weight gain. So look up those names they hide MSG under and go read the ingredients on your Slimfast drink, especially looking for any hydrolyzed plant (corn, soy or other) protein, because it contains both MSG and aspartame.

Curbs Appetite
Posted by Anonymous (Louisiana) on 02/03/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar does Deter the Appetite if you drink it STRAIGHT, a couple of Tablespoons a couple of times everyday. Its main benefit is that it RIDS the Human ORGANS of Parasites that attach & live in our organs that we All get from Mosquitos, Water, Coffee Beans, Food, Salads, Walking Bare Feet. If you don't want it to deter your appetite and you only take it for the health benefits add water.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Kendra (Lexington, ky) on 01/18/2009

Ive been using apple cider vinager for a few days now for weight loss. I have been having more energy. The question i have is how to take it. I hate the taste so i put 2 tbls in a tiny bit of apple just and drink it with one sip and hold my nose. I then follow with some water. Is this good enough. Ive tried mixing with honey as a tea and it made me wanna puke(sorry)! I dont take well to bad smells or taste. I also know im a junkaholic and my cravings for suger are gone!!! Thats so awsome. Thanks Please give me some feedback!!!!

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Julie (Linden, Michigan) on 01/15/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar: This is the best by far. I love it, and have become addicted to using it. It has now become a part of my daily routine. I take 2 tsp to an 8oz glass of water in the morning upon awaking, and then go about my business. I find the early morning remedy gives me a burst of energy, and I think we all could use that first thing in the morning..ha ha. I drink the same amount after eating a light breakfast usually about 10am-ish. I again take it after eating a light lunch. Again after a light dinner. I follow a low carb diet, and do try to watch my fats, but I am telling you...this works for me. I started following a low carb lifestyle approximately 4 years ago, prior to my use of the apple cider vinegar. I weighed 158 lbs, and I dropped 30 lbs within 4-5 months. I was able to keep it off for about 3 years, and then slowly started to regain over the past 1-2 years. I weighed 143 about a month ago, and I was at the point where I was NOT going back to 158 again. I started the apple cider vinegar. I now weigh 138, and I am full of energy...major plus!

I have read almost every post on this site and I am amazed at how much it has helped many of you. I know though, as in any other remedy out there, this may not work for everyone, but it does work for me. I am very intersted in trying the coconut oil now as well. I have elevated cholestrol, but not to the point of danger, although the high cholestrol runs in my family, as does heart disease on both sides of my family, so I figure it cannot hurt to give it a try. I am a 39 year old female, and have become very interested in living as healthy of a lifestyle as possible. I see a chiropractor twice a week as well, who is very supportive of this. I wish everyone all the luck in trying this. To those that have had hard time with it, never give up..keep the faith. A big thank you to the creators of this site. Julie-Michigan

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Leslie (Jonesborough, TN) on 12/12/2008

I have been taking a grocery store brand of ACV for a week now. I take 2-3 tbl spoons twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. It has taken my daily headaches completely away, my skin is softer, and just when I thought it wasn't helping my weight, I put on a pair of jeans that I hadn't worn in a week, and they were loose! I've been pulling them up all day! I do want to suggest to definitely get the organic kind of ACV. I believe that it will work even better than the grocery store brand. I'm going to get some today.The only side effect so far is constipation. I hope by changing to the organic ACV that that will help.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by M. (Boston, MA) on 02/17/2009

In response to someone's post about no weight loss (I believe it was after using it for 1-2 weeks)... the reports for ACV and weight loss indicate SLOW weight loss, but the weight reportedly stays off.

The following is from another ACV site siting a study done by Professor Carol S. Johnston, a nutritionist at the Arizona State University East in Mesa, to further investigate the beneficial relationship between vinegar and diabetes. The subjects were not engaged in study-related diet/exercise for weight loss.

"As an unexpected side effect she found that her test subjects were losing weight! They were taking two tablespoons of vinegar before each of two meals daily. The average weight loss over the four weeks was two pounds (several people lost up to four pounds)"

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Merjen (Mesa, AZ) on 05/10/2009

Just to clarify on Gloria's comment - fat does not convert to muscle, nor vice-versa. Fat is fat and muscle is muscle. Muscle gain increases fat loss but one does not CHANGE into the other!! Yes muscle weighs more than fat and is sometimes the reason people who have recently started working out do not see much actual weight loss at first since they are probably, initially, gaining muscle before the fat loss can catch up, of course everyone is different so keep that in mind. But I could not allow that post to sit there without someone correcting it. Thanks :)

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