Side Effects of Pet Vaccines: A Closer Look

Posted by Cheryl (Knoxville, Tennessee) on 08/08/2011

Three years ago, I took my 3-yr-old dachshund in for his vaccinations and grooming. He was actually going to be part of a TV commercial the next day. When I picked him up his eyes were watering and his face was swollen. They told me he had a reaction to his vaccines and they give him benadryl and a steroid shot. He was a little better by morning. The sad thing is after his vaccines he started to have monthly seisures! He had never had one before. And the look in his eyes changed.

Fast forward a few more years, when "Skipper" was six and he needed surgery to clean out his stomach after gettign into the trash and digesting too much junk. The vet said it was "not-uncommon" surgery and I would be find to take him home in the evening. He went on to say most dogs are back up walking around later that night. Well, that's not the case with "Skipper" - unfortunately, he had could barely move or keep his eyes opened. I let him rest and just stayed up with him. But by mid morning, he was gone. It was awful! I have had to say goodbye to pets before from old age and stayed with them when they were put to sleep, but I've not had to go through this. And I blame it all on the vaccines triggering the reaction, the seizures and thus, not having the strength he should have to go through a "routine" surgery!

I've since found out doxies are one of the breeds that has reactions to the vacccines. It's crazy we are insisting dogs get so many shots yearly - just to keep veterarians in business!

Distemper (Dogs)
Posted by Jordan (Alexandria, Va) on 07/18/2011

My Pekingnese died in four days from a distemper vaccination. He was in otherwise perfect health. The vet who had administered the shot admitted that it sometimes happens. I had never heard of a deadly reaction to a shot that we are told all dogs must have. Her sanguine advice was, if I get another dog, to "get the dog's titres checked" before getting the dog vaccinated for distemper.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Deep (Coimbatore, India) on 07/14/2011


I got my 5 month old labrador shot with coronovirus vaccine. After 3 days the puppy got sick and developed the symptoms of coronovirus. It started vomitting and lost its appetite. What could be the reason for this and what are is the treatment to be given ???

Combination Vaccines
Posted by James (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 07/08/2011

My almost 9 week old American Bulldog developed small pimple like yellow dots close to his penis after his first set of shots and worming. Also some loose stool. I will keep an eye on this to make sure it dosent get any worse.

Distemper (Dogs)
Posted by Jim (Nyc, Ny) on 07/01/2011

Yes, I Have had a GR puppy that had frequent and excessive urination right after I vaccinated him with distemper shots. Never again. It took a long time for the issue to correct itself. A good Holistic Vet can give your dog homeopathic treatments that has no side effects and may help your pup get back to normal.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Stephy (Upper Marlboro, Maryland Usa) on 06/21/2011

Cody is a pure bread long haired mini daschund he received a distemper shot and a rabies shot and ended up sick like he had the flu. Mucus coming from his eyes and major vomiting! Most recently he has lost his will to eat. I don't know what to do to get him to eat on his own, are there any suggestions on what to do?

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Britt (Tucson, Az) on 06/18/2011

My 5 month old chihuahua/poodle mix puppy just received his last round of puppy boosters. The breeder gave him the first round, the Humane Society the second round, and the vet just gave him the last round yesterday. She asked if he had any reactions to previous vaccines and I stated no, he did not. The last time I took him for his shots he was completely fine that evening and the following days, playing and everything.

Last night my dog couldn't sleep at all because he was continuously yelping. Anyway he tried to lay, it hurt him. This morning was no better. I called the vet and they had me bring him in to give him another shot called Metacam that is supposed to relieve the pain. I couldn't even get the harness on him because it went over his shoulder and that's where he received the first shot.

After the Metacam, he is still very lethargic and yelping but not as much. I hope by tomorrow he returns to himself. The vet assistant actually said that in the future, we may have to refrain from vaccinating him because of his extreme sensitivity to vaccines. We plan on keeping him in the house after puppy classes anyway and I don't want to see him go through this again.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Ginger (Phoenix, Az) on 06/17/2011

The beginning of 2011, my two year old Shichon received the three year parvo/distempter booster. By morning, she could not walk. When she attempted to walk she could not walk in a straight line. She would not eat, drink or play and later in the day developed a limp. I called the vet and immediately took her into the office. I was told to watch for vomiting. Vomiting never occurred but she was not back to her regular self for three entire days! I was told by the vet complaining to the manufacturer would be a waste of time so I felt very helpless. I will NEVER have my dogs vaccinated again! TOO RISKY!

From my research, most dogs do not need the booster shots. A titer blood test can determine this. What a shock that the manufacturers finally are claiming the same "yearly" boosters are now good for three years instead of one year. Non-traditional vets have been saying for years that yearly boosters are not necessary and are very harmful.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Angie (Danville, Iowa) on 06/06/2011

In December of 2010 I had a beautiful Staffordshire Bull Terrier shipped to me from England. I have been involved in this breed for 20 years and have been looking for a nice red and white for about 4 years. I paid a very large amount of money for this boy. I finally found the perfect dog and had done all the due diligence of studing his line. He arrived healthy and absolutly everything that I had expected. With many of my dogs being in the top 10 in the country my expectations were that this boy could be number one. As he grew I was very pleased and never thought any less of him.

In February I took him in to the vet and had his vacinations and Rabies. Within a week I was noticeing him rubbing his eyes and face on the carpet and a large area on his back losing hair. I took him in to the vet and found that the area where his hair was falling out was right where he had recieved his rabie vac. We decussed options on how to help him through this and then I took him home to decide. The skin was becoming very thich where the shot had been administered and the thought was that the only way to stop the issue was to surgically remove that area of skin. As the days passed I saw that the area was getting larger and knew that we would have to act on it.

Then one Monday morning I woke up with him having cherry eye. I took him in right away and it was confirmed. We decided we could no longer wait and had surgery on the eye as well as the large area on his back (about the size of golf ball ) removed. The cherry eye was caused from the allergies and his rubbing his eye on the carpet, his background has no issues with allergies or any other health problems. So now I have a young dog that I had planned to have in the ring to win against all others who has an eye issue and a large scare across his back. I worked as a vet tech many years ago and do not ever recall seeing these issues from these shot, but then we used modified live vacines back then not the killed.

I love this little guy with all my heart, and still do even though he is not able to do what my original plans were. But I still have to keep him from reacting from the allergies. He still wants to dig at his eyes, rub his face in the carpet and dig at himself. He is uncomfortable becouse I did what the law says is the right thing and had him vacinated. He lives in the house and is never allowed to run free, so what is the chances of him ever coming in contact with rabies. This has changed my thoughts on Rabies vacines and I honestly do not know that I will ever be able to bring myself to give another one again!

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Lola (Oakland, California) on 06/05/2011

My 3 year old chihuahua mix got his Lyme disease shot today. He usually is all happy and entergetic but now he is just laying down or sleeping and only gets up a little bit and walks slow and stiff. He doesn't really move his neck either. Also I tried to pick him up and he squealed. I was wondering if it's side affects from the shot, or maybe side affects of the actual disease? Can getting the Lyme disease vaccine put an animal at risk to actually get it? Thanks. I just hope he doesn't have Lyme disease. It's sad to see him like this..

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Katharine (Azusa, Ca) on 05/30/2011

she has been tearing up her bedding and having diarrhea in her crate which never happens. She is fine otherwise don't know what else would cause this.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by M (Calera, Al) on 05/27/2011

I took my 3 lb 16 week old Maltese to get her last parvo shot. They gave her it and the rabies shot. She was fine until about and hour afterward. She yelped when I tried to hold her. I thought she was sore. Later she kind of drug her hind end and could not stand for me to touch her from the shoulders back. She would turn around trying to get to her tail. I now read she should not have got multiple vaccines, and that Maltese AND small breeds are most likely for reactions. UGH!

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Ellen (Eaton, Ohio/usa) on 05/19/2011

My 5 year old Tortie cat got a 1 yr Rabies shot and FDRC shot and Revolution application on 4/17/11, one month ago. (Not her first.) She was my fat cat who hogged all the food (was a starving kitten when I rescued her) and loved to be outside. But since the shot she will not go outside, may initially lick the food like she wants to eat, but walks away. And sleeps or lays around all the time. The VET claims it could not be a reaction or side effect to the shots. So, I am looking into the Diamond Naturals Active Cat Food that I recently changed to and the canned foods I have been feeding them (although 2 other cats are eating it without apparent ill effects ...).

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Maria (Gyeongju, South Korea) on 11/11/2011

My two cats - boy, 9, and girl, 8 - were vaccinated against rabies, and got the FVRCP vaccination and were Frontlined, all at the same time, to get them ready for a move overseas. Then I used Advocate on them a week later, as per the vet's recommendation. Nine days later, the female cat moves occasionally and is still eating, but is much quieter than she was. The male cat is not eating, has lapped up a small amount of water on two occasions, and been put on a glucose drip. He went from being a very active cat to just sleeping all day. The vet has done blood tests and they show nothing abnormal.

To 05/19/2011: Ellen from Eaton, Ohio/usa - how is your cat doing? Did she recover? Did changing to a different brand of food help? (I got cat treats for my cats - something different - the female ate all hers, I ended up putting one treat in the male's mouth, and he just spat it out. Still refuses to drink water or eat anything.)

Posted by Kaye (Courtland, Ontario) on 05/18/2011

One of the following homeopathic medicines for companion who has a reaction to vaccination.

Acontium napellus

Works well with animals who have had seizures after vaccination may also respond to Aconite.

Thuja occidentalis

Is usually the first choice for vaccine-induced breathing problems.


This is the remedy may successfully treat seizures that occur after a vaccinations.

30c Homeopathic remedy rules:

Don't touch the pellets with hands use spoon, crush them up and use and folded paper like and funnel etc. To put them directly into the mouth. One dose of each is usually enough, but if you see any improvement then it worked. If not give one more dose.

Posted by Fern (Langton, Ontario) on 05/17/2011

I have a boy puppy that was born Dec 27/10 and had his first set of vaccines Feb 18/11 and 9 days later had a seizure. I am going to take him for his second set of vaccines but only his distemper and parvo. I bought Thuga and Sulfer 30c tablets but unsure how much to give him and for how long. Thank you in advance for your help. Fern