Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Winnipeg, Manitoba/canada) on 03/19/2011

a ladie told me I can use this for warts so I went and bought a bottle of organic apple cider and a roll of the best duct tape I could find then took a cloth or anything that is sterile and can obsorb it. So I waited for an hour or two then I put a little pad on him then sealed it with duck tape. Waited for 12 to 24 hours but the longer I waited the better they went away but the more the skin was getting scabbed but I am worryed about my son he is four and I would like to see him not grow up with them it would hurt me more then the dumest thing I could ever do and now he went from having 12 to 8 really small ones also I was reading just some of your stuff and think you are comming up with something it is there but now I will take a bit every week to see what it could do

Posted by Nsingh (Cambridge, Cambridgeshire) on 02/22/2011

Few years ago I had really bad warts, a old neighbour said try a very very thin slice of garlic and tape it on if the pain gets to bad take it off. I done this for 3 days and within a week all my warts were gone. Also if don't want to use tape you can before sleeping rub raw garlic clove for around 5min and won't smell in morning. I had so many warts tried everything from doctors to freezing at hospital and nothing worked they would come back. After doing this they have never returned. Thank God

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carina (Edinburgh, Uk) on 07/17/2012

I am responding to the lady with little white scars from warts, I have stumbled across dermal rollering and I am in awe, be carefull of doing this if you have any flatwarts as they could spread. It will bring the pigment back after time. My flatwarts were everywhere after being misdiagnosed and given cortisones ( which will stimulate them as sugary foods will too... So the CURE IS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR from head to foot ( yes I stank) 1 month 3 times a day and now I dermal roller I want to upload a picture one day as I am 50 and my skin is better now than it ever was in my entire life. Clarins 20 sunblock everyday and argan oil at night. This really does work. I felt like a leper a year ago now I am so happy I found ACV simple but it WORKS be patient and keep at it.. Love and light to anyone out there who feels like I did. BE DETERMINED xxx

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Leanna (BC) on 07/16/2023

Yes, Blackstrap molasses works on warts. When I was a young child my mother gave us 1 tablespoon a day. We would have it in milk. My mother got this idea because we would give our cows a molasses block to rid them of warts. It works!

Castor Oil
Posted by Elaine (Edmond, Oklahoma) on 08/21/2009

As a teenager I had five "seed" warts on my right middle finger. They drove me nuts for a about three years until my mother suggested I use castor oil. I would soak small pieces of of a cotton ball in the castor and then place it on the wart held on with surgical tape. After about three weeks of this all of my warts had disolved. There was no scar and the surrounding skin was not effected. I hear that castor oil is also good for longer, thicker eye lashes.

ACV, Banana Peel, Duct Tape
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 07/24/2009

many years ago while studiying reflexology I managed to contract a wart on the bag area under my eye. At tht time the only over the counter remedies were based on salicylic acds which seemed to strong for such a delicate area. The course tutor told me to use clear nail polish on it to stop it from getting contact with oxygen. Well it worked. I put it on morning and evening and the wart completely dissappeared in about 3 days. He explained that all warts need oxygen to survive and if they are deprived they will die off. The sooner it is treated the less time needed on the remedy. BTW this won't work on verrucae cos they get their oxygen fron a blood vessel in the skin hence the red dot in the middle of them.

ACV, Banana Peel, Duct Tape
Posted by Charity (Meridian, Idaho [id]) on 09/29/2011

Hey David, to answer your question. Oil-pulling "pulls" toxins out because they are chemically attracted to fats. You don't have to use oil specifically - any fat will do like full fat milk (but that leaves a gross taste in my mouth). This book, Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing - is really great. He has a lot of the science of how it all works. Check it out - it'll answer your questions.

Nail Polish
Posted by Candi (Knoxville, TN) on 03/02/2009

Hello Everyone * If you have a nasty plantar wart(s), PLEASE READ THIS! I'm 31 years old and I have had these nasty plantar warts on the bottom of my big toe for 2-3 years. It's the size of a quarter(in clusters) on my big toe and it has spread to my other toe's and on several other smaller spots on the bottom of my foot. They spread, because I would exfoliate my heels and also would try and "sand" down the wart.(PLEASE DON'T DO THIS) warts are very contagious. It would also swell up when it was wet. YUCK! I have tried everything possible to get rid of this nasty thing. OTC wart removers, Peroxide, Duct Tape, Alcohol and then I was watching an episode of "The Doctors" a lady had called in and said she had used clear "topcoat" finger nail polish on her sons wart and it was gone in a few days. So, I said what the heck.... I will try that too! I applied the nail polish every night after my shower. Every 3 days I would peel the layers of polish off the wart. Each time I would peel the built up polish off, you could see small layers of the wart coming off. I cont. to do this for a few weeks. I was not going to stop. Then as I notice each week how it was getting smaller, smaller and smaller. WOW I am so amazed and just estatic about this, IT"S COMPLETELY GONE!!! NO scarring, no markings, nothing....just normal clean toe! So Amazing, I just had to share this with others!

Vitamin E
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/27/2008 495 posts

To all those with warts: I haven't had a wart in years so haven't checked out information given me about 28 years ago. One young woman had a bunch of warts, many on finger tips and some of them even growing up into area where distal nail connects to skin. She later came in and showed me her wartless hands and gladly shared with me when I asked her how she got rid of them. Her method was piercing a vitamin E soft-cap or pearl and applying vitamin E to her warts about times a day. You wouldn't have thought she had ever had a wart at all.

Posted by Deb B (Layton, UT) on 08/02/2008

Urine therapy cured my warts. All 3 times that I have gotton pregnant I get warts. The past 2 times I have had them frozen off in my ob/gyn office. This past time I got a lot of them and they spread into my nailbeds were they were no longer able to be frozen. My gyno sent me to a dermatologist and they attempted to remove them with chemo injections. I got about 10 shots in my nail beds with hurt like crazy yet nothing happened to the warts. I went back a month later to the dr. as advised and he decided that they were stubborn enough to not continue with the shots but to rather try a topical treatment called DNCB. Some sort of chemical that is suppose to induce an allergic reaction and have my immune system fight off the warts. Well, it back-fired. I applied the treatment as prescribed and I ended up with huge puss blisters which they said were normal but it developed into a bad strep infection. I got really sick: fever, chills, achy, and fingers that were disabled (which was really difficult with a newborn baby). I was put on an antibiotic for the strep infection and started feeling better slowly. About a month last I developed some bowel problems and started to feel sick with bloody stools for about a week. I went to the dr. again and it was decided after a ton of testing that I had "Antibiotic enduced Colitis". I couldn't believe it. All this just in hopes of taking away a few warts. I of course was fed up so I got online. This is when I found urine therapy. It sounded easy enough, cheap enough, and it couldn't seem to hurt. I wasn't brave enough to actually drink it but I read that by just putting the urine on the warts would do the trick. I figured I could handle that so I did it and IT WORKED!! I can't believe it. What a miracle. After all that trouble, money, pain, and all I had to do was pee on my hands. The warts that were once "stubborn" and huge, cracked, bleeding are now a problem of the past. I don't know why or how it works but I am glad I know this cheap and painless cure.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Erin (Cconcord, NC) on 07/17/2008

Just wanted to let you know that I have tried everything to get rid of a painful plantars wart that was on the bottom of my foot. I tried duct tape, ate tons of bananas, tried every OTC thing possible, even Tagament. I could hardly walk because the foot would hurt so bad. It would be red and painful by the end of the day. Finally tried aloe vera gel. I put it on one night and within two days, I noticed it did not hurt as bad. About a week later, I noticed I could walk without any pain and the wart had turned black. Almost two weeks later, the wart had dried up and I was able to take a pair of tweezers and pull it completely out. The wart is gone and my foot feels and looks normal except a little dry rough spot where the wart was, a small crater like hole where the wart was that is closing in. I am so happy and relieved as I had the wart for about four months.

Posted by Robyn (PERTH, Australia) on 12/29/2007

Crushed Garlic Cure for Warts. Some time ago I had two warts appear on my nose. They seemed to increase in size quite quickly. GP tells me to come back in two weeks and she will burn them off. I didn't like the sound of that so tried a remedy that I'd heard about. Take fresh garlic cloves and crush them and apply to the warts. Keep on warts for as long as possible until they disappear. I used crushed garlic from the jar I purchased at the supermark and applied the crushed garlic to the gauze part of a bandaid and wore a fresh one every night for two weeks. Warts disappeared. Probably go in quicker time if I had used fresh garlic and used it in the daytime as well as at night.

Posted by Janice (Red Hook, NY) on 12/13/2007

Just a note after reading send in other cures re iodine. When I was a teenager I developed warts; I never consulted anyone but started putting just a drop of iodine on the warts every day. After about 3 months (maybe less - that was 40 years ago) they turned black and fell off. I've never had another wart. (I've never had a boil either, and hope I never do, but my partner has been bothered by them for several weeks. We're trying several of the remedies on your website. Thanks! It's a great site.

Posted by Gladys (Las Vegas, NV) on 02/12/2007

I had a wart on my right pinky finger on and off for years. I used the commercial wart removers and the wart would always return. One day, I was complaining to my brother-in-law about the wart that kept returning. He told me to light a match and extinguish it. He told me when the match was cold to just rub it on my finger (where the wart was) and to do it a few times a day until the wart disappeared. Of course, I thought he was nuts, but I followed his instructions and quess what? The wart has not returned in over 30 years! Maybe this will work for someone. Thanks for all the great ideas on home remedies. I love your site. It's one of the best! P.S. Just use the commercial matches that you buy to light your stove or cigarettes.

Posted by Lori (Clearwater, FL) on 12/14/2006

My son had a wart on his finger when he was about 3. We tried everything. It would never go away and eventually there was probably about 7 warts that had spread onto his finger. I found on the internet to take a garlic clove and slice a thin piece(s) and put it on the wart with a band-aid over it (it does burn, but it works!). Keep it on there & covered for 24 hours. After that, it should turn into a blister. At that point, the wart is gone. Then just treat the blister with ointment. The warts are gone and have never come back.

Voodoo Remedies for Warts
Posted by Michelle M (Waukesha, Wi) on 03/01/2011

Here is another remedy for plantar's warts. My daughter had one on the palm of her hand (same type of skin as the bottom of foot) which was growing inward. The root started putting pressure on the bone beneath in and really started to hurt. I combined baking soda and castor oil to form a gummy paste, put a piece of it over the wart and covered it with a bandaid. We put a clean piece of "gum" and bandaid on daily. In about 7 days the roots of the wart started coming outward and when they were long enough, I took a tweezers and carefully pulled the roots out. The wart went away after that and never came back. This is a great alternative to getting plantars warts on the bottom of your feet burned off. Just make sure you careful pulling out the roots so that they don't break. If the root remains under the skin, the wart will most likely. If so, repeat the remedy, making sure to get ALL the root the next time.

Banana Peel
Posted by Wendy (Spokane, Wa)

My daughter had flat warts on her face for more than 4 years. She also had several seed warts on her hands, wrists, knees, and feet. I originally found this site while trying to find something to help her. After visits to her pediatrician and pediatric dermatologist we were frustrated. They just kept saying that the virus needed to run its course. She was starting junior high and these warts only exasperated her anxiety. The banana peel worked on her face in just 3 days! Imagine how ecstatic we were! Nothing seemed to work on her hands and feet though. Finally we found a cure that also worked in 3 days. A co-worker, who's father was a physician, said to soak her hands in very hot water with a couple capfuls of Lysol. After years of suffering, my daughter has been wart free for over a year.

Oil of Oregano and Black Walnut Tincture
Posted by Lisa (CA) on 07/15/2022

I have had a flat wart on my leg since I was a kid. I understand that juveniles can get them. I never touch it, because I had a feeling that it could spread. When I got older, I got one on my forehead, and then one on the other side, not large, very unnoticeable. Sometimes they would itch. But then I had some life tragedies in the past couple of years. I'm sure my immune system dropped. The ones on my forehead got itchier and I started seeing little ones around them. Then one day I woke up and had one starting underneath my eye! Enough.

I came to this site and saw oil of oregano, and black walnut mentioned in different posts. I'd tried black walnut with great success when I had a bout of ringworm from a stray cat I petted. I applied oregano oil daily, about three times with a qtip. I did it on the one underneath the eye, and the ones on the forehead. Daily without fail. The one underneath my eye was extremely new and dried up and died in about a week and a half. It felt like a scab, and just kind of rubbed off. The same has happened with these ones on my forehead. I can still see them slightly but there's no height to them at the surface. For the black walnut, I usually put that on at night before bed. That stuff stains, so let it dry before you lie down and maybe put a handtowel under the area you've applied it to.

You can feel the black walnut stinging the area. The oil of oregano burns like crazy, even with the amount that's on a qtip. Be super careful around the eye. Don't apply above the eye so that sweat could make it drip into the eye.

Posted by Hound (California) on 04/01/2017

I had a wart on my thumb. It was on the joint which made removing it difficult. Tried for years to get rid of it using compound w and sacylic acid. When I started taking 10,000 IU per day of Vitamin D3 after discovering I was deficient on a serum D blood test, the wart disappeared and never returned.

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 07/18/2016

I have cured three warts with thuja essential oil. I put some drops on cotton and then secure it with tape for woods over the wart overnight. DO NOT DO THIS WITH GARLIC. With garlic it can burn you deeply while you are sleeping and leave a scar but with thuja only some redness will be around thw wart. My last wart withered in one day and one third came off in my fingers the first day. It is better to file the wart a little (not bleed it) before first application and maybe sometimes later if it doesn't go away in one week.

The other two wart were at my index finger and needed weeks to vanish completely. Finally it left no scar at all.

The bad thing is that I've used thuja for big moles for months and they it didn't succeed. Just withered a little.

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 07/30/2016

Finally it was my mistake that I didn't succeed with thuja at moles. I didn't put cotton and tape over it so the essential oil of thuja just evaporated without cotton.

In about 10 days, my mole of about a big corn kernel, has withered completely.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/17/2016

Chris, instead of ignoring your body's "yelling" that what you are doing is too much for it, why don't you go the slower route, no rush, and let the pain heal, and then start again with watered down ACV?
