Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Saw Palmetto
Posted by John (Mount Washington, USA) on 09/07/2007

I can't recall how I came across this, but Saw Palmetto supplemental capsules work great for BPH. Common directions are 2 caps in the morning and 2 in the evening. I mentioned this to my father who told me he had already been taking Saw Palmetto for years to keep from having to get up during the night to urinate. Upon more research, I found that Saw Palmetto is a DHT blocker. DHT is what causes hair loss. I was getting a thin spot in my crown when I started taking Saw Palmetto. Six months to a year later, my wife asked if I was using Rogaine! I asked why and she said she noticed I no longer had a thin spot. I again mentioned this to my father and he increased his dosage. At 75 years old, he has noticed his hair becoming thicker. Hope this helps everyone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pitbullblonde (Apache Junction, Arizona, Usa) on 09/27/2010

I would like to try the hair loss remedy of using borax and peroxide on my scalp, but was wondering if 1% peroxide would bleach out my hair - it's already blonde, and I don't want to go from pitbullblonde to pitbullplatinum overnight and have to explain my hair issues to my coworkers. Any and all information greatly appreciated, as I had always heard that peroxide would bleach out ones hair.

Edgar Cayce's Remedies for Hair Loss
Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, Minn) on 11/27/2011

Just read on this site about splenda and hair thinning and loss. Thanks whoever posted this, I wasn't aware. I started using splenda 2 yrs ago, using it in coffee and baking. Claims to block the absorption of vit d and proteins and kills the good bacteria in the colon. I found other side effects others have complained of on the web I have some of them such as the feeling of water dripping somewhere on the body, night sweats( I even started sage capsules to cut down on the perspiration), itching ( which I thought was from dry skin) mental fogginess which I thought was just me. I cut it out completely this am and I do feel more focused. Thanks to all who post here.

Treat for Fluoride Toxicity
Posted by Epiphany (Chicago) on 10/03/2022

Our son, 24 is dealing with this condition. We attribute it to a whacked out immune system caused by tick diseases. Have you ever been bitten by ticks? The infections go into biofilm mode and your immune system gets whacked trying to eradicate things it cannot see. He also has chronic fatigue syndrome, and we recently moved to a very heavily fluoridated/chlorinated city. thanks for posting, I will look into the filters (we rent, not easy). He will not consider iodine, as he is oppositional due to a lifelong experience of me taking him to doctors who have, for one reason or another, not worked out.

Treat for Fluoride Toxicity
Posted by Connie (Horicon, WI ) on 10/11/2022

I have the Berkey system with fluoride filters mainly for removing fluoride. Fluoride caused bowel leakage that docs could not figure out or give relief for. Here is a post about using a spice that might be helpful. to remove fluoride from the body!!!

Sea Salt
Posted by lana (london) on 03/09/2023


May I ask what type of salt did you add back and how much per day?

Did you just sprinkle it on your food or added to your water as well?

Thank you

Dietary Changes
Posted by Surfer (Florida) on 04/19/2018

I started a vegan diet back at the end of January and almost immediately noticed my hair fall in the drain drastically declined to almost nothing.

Posted by Ruth (Nm) on 01/02/2016

I tried numerous suggestions from Earthclinic and other sites to stop hair loss and none helped, but happily found something simple that works.

While searching for hair loss treatment shampoos I found many pleased with Argan oil, but that seems to be a fad now and the $30.00+ price tag, to me, supports that. I kept searching and discovered Niacin and caffeine shampoo by OGX (sold online and at Ulta Beauty stores) for $7.00. They also carry a conditioner with same active ingredients plus I found a $3.50 off coupon if I spent $10.00.

I thought, why don't I just take some niacin (not niacinamide)? There was a partial bottle of 250 mg niacin with 125 mg calcium I had for lowering cholesterol, I believe. After taking one per day for just 2 days my hair loss stopped. This is what I am taking same brand/dosage but mine is not the prolonged release just plain old niacin and calcium: (and NOT the advanced formula either. they sure like to mess with stuff).

I didn't buy online, but from the corner pharmacy.

Previously, after running my hand through my hair I would find 5 or more hairs in my hand every time and all day finding hair fallout on the clothes I was wearing, in the sink etc. and a massive amount after washing my hair.

I have a disclaimer. I was taking Armour Thyroid and thought that was the hair loss culprit so I switched to Nutri-Pak Thyroid (get online) which has the same exact active ingredients and dosage per 130 mg pill as the armour 120 mg pill. I switched only 2 days before taking the niacin. (I phoned my doctor's office and told them I'm doing it so they would have on record.) I could not determine if that made a difference and I have often read that the thyroid med stays in one's system for days or longer.

I believe the niacin is what helped and am interested in knowing if taking niacin to reverse hair loss will help others. My Google searches support the benefits of niacin for hair, skin and circulation.

Jamaican Black Castor Oil
Posted by Tspencer (Tn, US) on 12/10/2014

Jamaican Black Castor oil WORKS!!!!! Your hair grows so fast you won't know what to do and it doesn't take long at all. I use it and have told others about it. If you are looking to grow your hair, you can't go wrong with this product!!!

Sage Tea
Posted by Sam (Ohio) on 10/15/2014

Try sage tea for hair loss. Works well and smells good. Steep leaves--I use the dry kind-- in hot water, let cool, massage GENTLY onto clean scalp (hair can be damp) Either rinse out or leave on.

All the best!

Acupressure on Nails
Posted by Margaret (Huntsville, US) on 09/19/2014

I have had hair loss due to fungus. I read a book on hand reflexology about rapidly rubbing the fingernails across one another (face the 4 fingers toward each other, then rapidly buff against one another, hands going in opposite directions--up & down, or back & forth) to prevent hair loss and cause it to grow back. 5 minutes, 3 times a day. Since I have a delicate condition in my neck and can't handle the jarring, I use a hand massager, and set my fingernails, one hand at a time, on it. My hair is now growing back, although I have to keep it up every day, so I am also beginning to try the ACV also. I'm not usually on this site, so I may not respond to questions. The reflexology book is very old--can't remember author's name. Hope this helps.

Aloe, Essential Oils
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 04/26/2013

I had thinning hair because of a thyroid problem. If your doctor says there is nothing they can do if you have hormone imbalance, then he/she is wrong! Time to find a new doctor or - better yet - a naturopath.

My husband uses 8 ounces of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil and 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil (mixed in a glass bottle and kept in the fridge). Every day he massages about 2 teaspoons into his scalp. His hair loss has slowed down quite a bit. Everyone loses hair on a daily basis but his was clogging the shower drain. Now, it may be that it is the actual massage that slowed down his hair loss and not necessarily the ingredients but he's just happy that "something" is working.

Hair Loss and Hormone Issues
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 03/27/2013

Googling around again and one site said to no longer use soap or shampoo on hair but 1/2 cup soda in 1 1/2 cups water and massage in scalp and then rinse with cold water as little as needed and don't mess with hair much, combing , curling , styling , but massage head once in a while until improvement shows.... Hope this helps.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 01/25/2013

Hi, I think it could be the lysine. Try taking b50 or b100 and eat eggs.

Cold Showers
Posted by Om (Hope, Canada, Bc) on 01/10/2013

Hair Loss:

I had the same symptoms. I remembered then that hot water is for cleaning but COLD water is for toning and healing for such things. Slowly turn the shower head to cold as you wet your hair (make sure you are not feeling chilled at the beginning) try cold water for about one to two minutes, then towel dry. Remain in temperate surroundings and repeat the towel drying process until you know you could not catch cold.

Repeat this procedure and you will feel the wonderful effects of natural treatment and increased blood circulation and a feeling of well being.

In addition I use urea with great benefit. This is, however not for those that do not know anything about it. I also use coconut oil, undiluted ACV, and colloidal silver in case there might be a parasite infestation. In addition I chew soaked fenugreek seeds, a good teasp. Daily for diabetes but it makes also the hair grow. This may take some months as the action is at first in the hair follicles. Good luck and patience. The itching and burning disappeared quickly at the outset. Om

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Aurora (Palo Alto, Ca) on 11/29/2012

Hi, I just thought I'd share my success with growing out my hair (even if not intentional). It used to be thin and stay shoulder length, it would break off, very fine and dry. This was when I was in my twenties and part thirties. Now, five years later, my hair is shiny, wavy and fairly thick, I cut it about a foot (12inches) every 9 months or so, it reaches my waist right now.

This is what worked:

1. stopped using commercial shampoo.

2. only wash with a natural shampoo with low alcohol content once a week (I started doing this after a trip to Italy, when I got some advise from a lady with enviable curly hair to her hips. She says shampoo is the worst enemy of hair; it strips it of nutrients, opens the fibers and makes it vulnerable to break off).

3. wash everyday (if needed) with a natural, low alcohol content conditioner, or even better; an olive oil based cleaner like available in Italy (not available were I live, so I realized I could use a lightweight conditioner). The reason the conditioner cleanses is that if you think about it; oils cut (mix with) oils. What we want to cleanse is the amount of oils in our hair, right? We don't want to strip out all the good oils from the hair, that makes it break... (commersial or harsh shampoos)

4.Rinse with COLD water when finished, to close the fibers in the hair.

5. Supplements; I started taking selenium, blue-green algae and alpha-lipoic-acid together (to control blood-sugar spikes). It seems the side effect of perhaps Selenium is to support hair-growth. I also took multi mineral or coral calcium and Sublingual Vit-B multi-vitamin in the evening from time to time.

6. Stopped blow-drying. Let air-dry, massage scalp with towel while drying (for blood-sirculation) and only brush hair AFTER its dry. With a natural brush, llike boar, or wood-comb (not plastic or metal - again these will tear and break the hair if it is fine like mine).

This is what I was doing, and it's so nice to have my hair back almost like from my childhood, too bad I didn't know to do this in my twenties! ;-) Good Luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Far (Ny, On-canada) on 11/30/2012

What is natural shampoo?

Posted by Diana329 (Philadelphia, PA) on 10/14/2012

Eggs are also good for your face. Whites are good for oily skin and yoks are good for dry skin.

Posted by Karmala (Templeton, Ca) on 08/06/2012


Good news/bad news regarding biotin. It worked great at growing hair.... I actually had eyebrows for the first time in years! But, I wound up with severe migraines. I have tried different brands and different strengths, but ended up with migraines each and every time. Just to let you know that some of us get negative side effects from biotin. I suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities.... not sure if this has anything to do with it or not.

Posted by Assaf (Tel-aviv) on 06/24/2012

Hello, I am taking magnesium for hair loss, that is magnesium citrate tablets, two a day, about 100% the RDI, for now a month, and have a lot of growth on my scalp, and in the beard actually too, which appear to come in fuller.

Magnesium seems to calm the scalp, or something similar, I think. I am taking iodine and phosphorous as well, as these minerals are lacking in my nutrition.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/25/2012

This is a remedy from Edgar Cayce who was a medical intuit and some say a prophet. He could put himself into a trance and offer advice to people on healings. I read it today and thought I would post it here. This is the question asked of him:

(R) How may I promote the growth of new hair on my head?

(B) Eat more shell fish and rub same with a few coffee grounds occasionally.

Perhaps any males out there (or females) could try this and report back?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Barbara (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 01/01/2012

Hi Sayno from Vancouver, BC, Your dandruff is an internal issue. Most everyone is lacking the health essential fatty acids in their diet. I cured my seborrheic dermatitis a skin disorder on my scalp with organic extra virgin coconut oil. I took 2 table spoons each day of the 29 oz jar and after I finished I noticed my scalp healed completely and it felt as smooth as a baby's bum. My scalp prior to using extra virgin coconut oil was very dry with scab like bumps that were also very painful at times and would also bleed a little after I scratched it. I only flaked a little and itched a little, but mostly it was sore and extremely dry. Before I decided to experiment with extra virgin coconut oil, I was consuming flaxseed supplements and oil for about 12 or so years.

It definitely helped, but this past summer for some reason the flaxseed oil was not doing a good job and so I decided to search for something else. I am soooo amazed at the results of extra virgin coconut oil and it's many many other medicinal healing properties. Just google health benefits of extra virgin coconut oil and you'll be amazed. Mother Nature always come through for us, we just have to look for it.

Accutane-Related Hairloss Remedies
Posted by Nickodactyl (Pullman, Wa Washington, United States) on 12/10/2011

I'd like to start by saying how amazing this website is and all of the great information that Ted and all of the members provide. A little background; I started Acctuane July of 2010 and got off it in December of 2011. I took anywhere from 40-80 mg a day. I saw a previous post on Acctuane and hair loss on this forum and I have been following it to a T for the last 4 months will little success. I am 18 years old and had the thickest head of hair before Accutane and I have no family history of baldness on either side of my family. I am 100% sure that I am losing hair due to Accutane. It isn't in the MPB pattern, it is mostly diffusing all over. I have taken so many supplements in attempt to counteract my hair loss, here are some:

Biotin (5mg)

N-acetyl Cysteine (1500mg)

Riboflavin 5- Phosphate (36.5mg)

B Complex (Activated/co-enzymated 3x daily)

Molybdenum Picolinate (1, 000mg)

Phytisone Adrenal Complex (3x daily)

AC Grace Vitamin E (1200 IU)

Glutathione (2x daily)

EPO (1000mg)

Thorne Mediclear (2x daily)

Prescript Assist soil based probiotic (2x daily)

Niacinamide (1, 000 mg)

L-Glutamine (10g)

Copper (2mg)

Zinc (30mg)

Manganese Sulfate (400mg)

Fish oil (2x a day)

L-Lysine (1000mg)

Vitamin C (5000mg)

MSM (3000mg)

Vitamin D (6000 IU)

As you can see, I have experimented with a lot of different supplements and it's quite overwhelming. The hair loss did not start until 2 months after my course was over. I feel like none of these are getting to the source of my problem which I believe to be cell divison. Accutane is a chemotherapy agent and acts by suppressing cell division and proliferation. I have done copious amounts of research over the last 8 months and feel like I am getting so close to the answer.

"Retinoic acid (active form of Accutane) induces differentiation and reduces proliferation of stem and progenitor cells. It works on acne by inducing similar events in basal sebocytes. These same actions also lead to 13-cis-retinoic's (Accutane's) side effects, and these are directed towards proliferating cells in the adult such as in the skin, gut and bone. "

"A wide ranging effect of retinoic acid is to inhibit proliferation in dividing cells, and this accounts for its frequent consideration as an anti-cancer agent."

"Deleting telomere elongation capacity throughout the body would also be life-threatening, because it would mean that our regular, proliferating cells (like those in the skin or the lining of the gut) would suddenly have iron limits on their ability to reproduce themselves and thus replenish tissue. From the moment that we denuded our cells of telomerase, a clock would be ticking. With each division the telomere would shorten by a notch from whatever it had been when we took telomerase out. We would be under the specter of a rather horrible death, as our stem cells went offline one by one under replicative senescence with each failure of a stem cell responsible for supplying key functions, the tissue would fail to be renewed and would slowly degenerate. "(De Grey, 297)

To sum all of this up, the evidence we currently have is that long term treatment with ATRA (all-trans retinoic acid), which is almost chemically identical to Accutane, causes "telomere shortening, growth arrest, and cell death."

Accutane induces cell apoptosis. It down-regulates the telomerase enzyme and shortens the telomere length so the cells can't divide as much anymore.

Numerous factors affect the number and activity of androgen receptors in dermal papilla cells. Retinoic acid (vitamin A derivative), if used for a long time, may reduce the number of androgen receptors by 30 - 40 percent. [29] Vitamin B6 reduces by 35-40% the extent of protein synthesis observed after androgen receptor activation. [30] A polypeptide with molecular weight of 60 kDa, analogous to an intracellular calcium-binding protein called calreticulin, prevents binding of the androgen-receptor complex to DNA and also results in the production of calreticulin.[31]

Drugs producing hair loss:
Drugs may affect hair follicles in anagen in two ways: by stopping mitosis in matrix cells (anagen effluvium) or by inducing transition of hair follicles from anagen to premature telogen (telogen effluvium). Anagen effluvium ensues a few days or weeks after drug administration, [46] and telogen effluvium only after two to four months. In both cases hair loss is reversible. Anagen effluvium can be produced by cytotoxic drugs (alkylating agents, alkaloids) and telogen by: heparin, vitamin A and its derivatives, interferons, angiotensin converting enzyme blockers, beta-blockers (propranolol, metoprolol), the antiepileptic trimethadione, levodopa, nicotinic acid, salts of gold, lithium, cimetidine, amphetamine, isoniazid and antiinflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid).

I feel as if there was a way to increase cell division that the hair loss could be reversed. It states in the last paragraph that "in both cases hair loss is reversible". I hope that this is the case and that I just have telegon effluvium and not permenant alopecia.

Without having a scientific background it is hard to connect the pieces and come up with a solution. Ted- if you can decipher all of this and make some connection between it, it would mean the world to me and many other Accutane sufferers.

Sorry for the long post, take care EC.

Mold Caused
Posted by Judy (High Point, Nc/usa) on 11/27/2011

Please see an eye doctor immediately, the dimming like a curtain falling is a symptom of detached retina, it can result in blindness, but if caught in time and repaired can save your sight.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 10/16/2011

Hi, Try Lugols iodine it helped me with hair loss, also have thyriod problem. Good luck.

L-Glutathione, MSM
Posted by Rhonda (Boston, Ma) on 09/09/2011

I know this sounds strange, but L-Glutathione & MSM help the texture/look/feel of my hair almost overnight. I have very thin hair, and when I take these supplements my hair doesn't have that "thin" appearance anymore. For the first time in my life I am getting complimented on my hair - I can't believe it!
