Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Coconut Oil
Posted by Natalie (Seattle, Washington) on 06/27/2012

Try taking Coconut Oil for Hair Loss!!

When I take 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil, my thin hair instantly becomes smoother & seems thicker - it's incredible! Ihe color even looks darker, too! Just remember to start slow - even 1/4 teaspoon for a week, then slowly increase the dosage. You can get severe Herxheimer reactions (die off) from coconut oil, so please start slow!! Get Virgin coconut oil - if that is too strong for you, try Expeller Pressed.

Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Mary (Rural, Va) on 01/30/2012

Maria, I use your basic drugstore Potassium Iodides. The colorless kind.

Oiling the Hair
Posted by Dana (Nyc, Ny) on 01/21/2012

Peace & Love. I have been losing my hair since I was 9 years old, I am now 21. I was using Rogaine when it first hit the market, I was only 12. I used all sorts of crappy pills and "chemical" stuff. I was a young growing female, so I had obvious vitamin deficiencies. I was never seriously ill my entire life, nor have I ever had a bacterial infection on my skin/hair. Female baldness, however, DOES run in my family, BUT none of the women started losing their hair until they were in their mid thirties or higher.

I do believe that baldness/hair loss (for most people who arent ill) is half your genetics and half of what you put in and on your body. I have completely stopped using chemical based products on my skin or hair and will hopefully cut them out of my diet one day as well (and I mean ANY sort of chemical, don't use anything thats not EARTH GROWN on your hair and skin) I don't use those fake 'organic" ones you find at health food markets. I'm telling you ladies and men that have a history of hair loss without physical illness, to take up AYURVEDIC remedies. A nice Indian lady once told me "These Americans don't put oils on their hair that's why when they're old they are all balding!" And I swear to you it's the truth.... I dont care if you "think" you're not losing hair and you "think" your hair is lush... But compared to Eastern folk, Latin folk, and Island folk, all of us Americans look "bald". Our hair lacks lustre body and youth. YOU HAVE TO OIL UP YOUR HAIR!

Put the below list of ingredients into your hair 2-3 times a week, depending on how oily or dry your hair is (mine can get oily quick so I put it in twice a week for now)

Get Amla oil, Brahmi oil, Henna leaves or dried Henna, Coconut oil, Aloe Vera, Honey, Milk, Eggs, Some fresh cut red chillies, Castor Oil, Almond Oil, Mustard Oil. Mix it allllll up, rub it on your scalp and all through you hair *The trick is to massage it well into your scalp for 3 minutes. Wash it out in the morning with Shikakai powder (natural cleaner like baking soda) and some baking soda in water.

And try more ayurvedic recipes, many of which can be found online that are pure and organic. Take what you think would be best for you. Stop taking all the pills and chemicals, and use ONLY what you can eat. That's the trick. If you can't eat it dont put it on your body!

Once you start oiling your hair, try other remedies, like eggs and milk for a hair mask, and mix some good ayurvedic oils in the mask as well. Trust me a combination of oiling your hair and hair masks once or twice a month will do the trick and NOOOOO shampoo. Only shikakai and occasional baking soda or borax. After a while oiling you hair 2-3 times a week, your hair will being to balance between oily and dry and you can either oil your hair every night or once a week. :-) I'm telling u it works.

I have been doing this for over a year and my hair loss has been cut in half and my hair looks beautiful! My hair was always dull in color, easily tangled, and FLAT as hell.. But now its bouncy and pretty and I can even grow it long again (almost past my waist yayy! ) without having to worry about it being "too heavy" and falling out more cuz it's long (that's a buncha doodoo) :-). I'm telling you ladies, find the ayurvedic recipes that's the only way to go. I mean look at Indian ladies hair! They must be doing something right then!

Half is your genes and the other half is WHAT YOU DO! Your hair loss will be cut in half I promise that, and your hair will look more youthful which is also a plus. Hope this helps guys :-)

Dietary Changes
Posted by Koltton (Scottsdale, Arizona Usa) on 10/28/2011

For the last 5 years when I see clients coming in with good hair I ask what they eat... So 90% consistent with good head of hair is..... A daily consumption of apples, oatmeal, milk, peanuts, dark leafy greens. This is really interesting too.... all of them had cooler body temperature...

Question: I may have hyperthyroidism and noticed when I take zinc my scalp feels better. Any thoughts?

Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 10/15/2011

B12 stopped my unnatural hair loss.

As I recall, it took about a month or so. I was also taking a low dose of B-complex. 1000 mcg of a sublingual lozenge of B12 is a good average amount to try. Many people find that after 6 months of this, they are able to reduce their thyroid meds.

When the proper amount of B's are supplied, they can help balance electrolytes, which in turn may help with blood pressure. It may also help lower BP to increase potassium in diet. This should be done very carefully if the BP med. is a potassium sparing type, though.

Baking Soda, Borax, ACV
Posted by Doddie (Lawrenceville, Georgia, Usa) on 09/16/2011

1) I used baking soda 1:5 ; 1 part baking soda to 5 parts water to wash my hair, left it on 10 minutes and rinsed.

2) I used borax 1/2 Tablespoon to a liter of water pour it in my hair and left it on overnite, I rinsed the following day, then sprayed my hair with 1 part ACV and 5 parts water. I have a sink top water filter and so it probably did have some chlorine and definitely fluoride it in and I am hoping the borax helped some.

The only side effect I had is when I left the baking soda sit on my scalp for 10 minutes. It did burn (sting) in the areas where my hair had thinned out (on top, at temples) and I take that as a good thing (like there was a little fungus or something there that I did not know about, that needed to be removed )

3) I am very pleased with the results and my hair is not falling out.

I think that when a person chemically treat their hair maybe with perms or permanent hair color and use peroxide or vinegar incorrectly you will have a negative reaction. Read everything carefully!

Jamaican Black Castor Oil
Posted by Lady English (Brooklyn, New York, Usa) on 08/14/2011

Speak to anybody from the Caribbean, and almost all of them will tell you about Jamaican Black Castor Oil for growing, thickening and moisturizing the hair. The castor oil beans are boiled, and used as a hair pomade. It has an awful smell, is thick, but it does grow your hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. For caucasian hair it is best to use Jamaican Black Castor Oil, with Peppermint Oil as the peppermint combats the greasiness, and the presence of the menthol gives a cooling effect to the scalp, binds the hair roots & increases blood circulation. The resulting stimulation of your hair follicles culminates in a renewed and reinvigorated hair growth cycle!

Jamaican Black Castor Oil, infused with Peppermint WILL grow and thicken the most thinning hair, it's worked for thousands.

Posted by Brenda (Mt. Dora, Fl) on 03/22/2011

Regarding the previous post, states that a symptom of BIOTIN deficiency is seizures. BIOTIN is readily available in egg yolks, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, carrots, almonds, etc.

Cayenne Pepper, Olive Oil
Posted by Bulbultuk (Bangalore, Karnataka, India) on 09/09/2010

Today at 58 years of age I am very happy to say that after many years I have succeeded to grow hair on bald areas of my scalp. I have Male Pattern baldness from at least 10 years. I tried all treaments including Minoxidil etc. But to no avail. Finally desparately I started searching the NET for natural cures. I came across The Cayenne Pepper E V Olive oil and started using it on 15th August. Today its 24 days and I can see new hair sprouting. Maybe I have to wait for a longer period, say 3 months to see a noticeable growth. The new hair is thin and looks almost transparent or colourless you may say. I want to know how this new hair can be nourished to thicken and grow longer. I request readers to suggest a remedy for this. I shall update about future progress as things change. Also I will guide anyone on this cure. Please email me your queries. Thanks. Bbtk.

Cayenne Pepper, Olive Oil
Posted by Bulbultuk (Bangalore, Karnataka, India) on 09/14/2010

It is exactly 30 days since I started using the Cayenne Pepper EV Olive oil treatment for growing hair on my balding patches. (Male Pattern Baldness). Am happy to say that the following formula has given encouraging results. (This is the proportion I have used to make a potent infusion of oil to concentrate it. No side effects have been seen).

You will need:-

1. 50 grams of Powdered Cayenne Pepper of highest scoville units (Buy strongest red chillies and get it powdered in the CHAKKI. Avoid readymade chilly powder like Tikhalal, MTR etc as they may contain preservatives and salt).

2. 100 ml of the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil like Figaro.

3. 1 glass bottle with a tight cap.

4. 20 grams of black Pepper powder (kaali mirch).

METHOD to prepare the OIL. Pour all the above ingredients in the bottle and after shaking the mixture store in a cool dry place. Shake every day for 2 minutes so that the peppers dissolve their potency into the oil. After a week you may start using the oil on your scalp. 1 TEASPOON will be sufficient to cover a bald head.

HOW TO USE. Before applying the oil you have to apply juice of half an Onion 2 pods garlic on the bald areas rubbing vigorously for 2 to 5 minutes. Wait 15 minutes for scalp to dry onits own and apply the OIL infusion evenly. Mildly massage scalp till it absorbs the oil. Cover head with a WARM cap or shower cap or monkey cap. Go to bed with cap ON. Shampoo in the morning. Apply pure coconut or mustard oil on scalp during bath as is usually done in Indian hoseholds.

IMPORTANT.... Take care while washing your head as even the water flowing down the face can burn eyes though its harmless. FREQUENCY..... If applied daily results can be seen within 2 weeks. Queries are welcome on my cell no. 09343158575. Between 9AM and 7PM IST.

Cayenne Pepper, Olive Oil
Posted by Bulbultuk (Bangalore, India) on 01/22/2011

Try a mix of organic olive oil and cayenne pepper. Add 50 grams of cayenne pepper to 500ml olive oil and store in a tight bottle for 15 days. Let the transfusion season by shaking the bottle every day 2 minutes. The oil will become red and ready for use. Apply thrice a week on scalp before going to bed. Wear a shower cap to keep scalp warm and aid circulation. Wash with shampoo next morning. It may sting if the water flows to the eye, though its harmless. Done regularly will see positive results in a month or so. Eat a hair friendly diet containing omega3 fatty acids. To remove harmful toxins from the system consume half inch piece of raw ginger with each meal. Add lots of fruits and veggies to your diet. Best of luck.bbtk.

Grass Oil
Posted by Kelly Colby (Dallas, Tx) on 06/08/2011

I searched for Grass Oil and found that it can be purchased through some India(n) stores. I also came across a recipe that looks like it is pretty straight forward.

Mix 63 ml. of the juice of green grass in 250 ml. of coconut oil, boil it. Let it cool down, strain and use it for massaging the body or scalp.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Truda (P.louis, Mauritius) on 07/30/2010

To Reina and anyone else on this website,

Thanks for trying to help me, I don't feel as desperate as I was a month or two ago. I have been documentating myself a lot on remedies found on this site. In fact, acv is an astringent (cleanser)it cleans the scalp, lemon is also a good astringent which helps cleaning the scalp and helps with greasy hair. My hair is in fact greasy, I had a habit of touching my head this also helps in making hair greasy as it releases sebum.

I have stopped taking acv orally and wash my hair once in a while with acv now. I tried the cayenne pepper and vodka as well and I didn't feel any different.

But something has finally stopped my hair from falling completely and that's aloe vera, I went to an aryuvedic shop and bought aloe vera pills.

It in fact, helps all skin problems and stops hair from falling. I did not find borax to wash my hair but I found a neem and lemon soap as well as its shampoo. The blackstrap molasses mentioned by some kind friends is not recommended as it helps in producing cancer, anyone using this often should stop. I write off here for now.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Msg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/03/2010

Hm, I wonder about that. I actually take Blackstrap Molasses to up my low iron levels and it has worked very well (iron pills never worked for me).

Medications for Hair Loss
Posted by Ebony (North Hollywood, California) on 03/05/2012

Hello all, It saddens me to read about the problems some of you are having with hair loss. I too have suffered with hair loss (not really sure of the reasons). 12 years ago my hair was barely ear length due to massive breakage, neglect etc. Due to a job layoff and depression, I ceased to comb my hair and kept it under a scarf. 5 months later, to my suprise my hair was healthy and at least 3 inches longer.

Since then, I've kept my hair "UP" in protective styles with very low malipulation.

My diet was balance.

Through research, I've leaned how to take care of my hair. There are sooooo many things one can do to ensure long, healthy, strong, thick hair. My hair is now 28 inches (mid back length) and ultra thick. (I'm 56 years old). The methods below worked for me:

1. Massage scalp with pure aloe vera gel.

2. Co-wash often (clean scalp and hair with conditioner only.)

3. Massage scalp with one or all of the following:

-extra virgin coconut oil

-extra virgin olive oil

-Emu oil

-Argan oil

-Tea tree oil

-Castor oil

-Onion juice topical

-Garlic juice topical

-Jamician Black Castor oil

-Seal ends with shea butter

-Vegetable Glyercine

-Black tea hair rinses

-Weekly hot oil treatments

-Jojoba oil...... And so on. These methonds worked for me to achieve and maintain healthy, strong hair.

They worked for me but may not be for everyone. Do your research and as always.... Consult your M. D. Before beginning any new regimen. Good luck.

Posted by Superslide (Las Vegas, Nv, Usa ) on 05/07/2010

My father has had multiple ailments all his life. Nothing life threatening, but wearing nonetheless. I suggested he take iodine supplements.
After 1 month, he hasn't noticed his improvement, which my mother did, but called to tell me new hair is growing and the roots feel stronger. His shedding has decreased and the new hairs are really black. I also have noticed my own hair growing. I am shedding a lot but I have tons of new hair growing like crazy. Lol.

Selenium, Coconut Oil
Posted by Jasmine (Lawrenceville, Nj) on 04/15/2010

Selenium has reversed my hair loss. My hair started thinning in college. I'm now 41 years old. I used to have very thick, luxurious hair. But over the years, my part just got wider and wider and my ponytail smaller and smaller. Then in Jan 2009, I started taking selenium (1000 mcg) to reduce skin spots. Over the course of only a few months, I noticed my part filling in.

At first I thought it was my imagination because I didn't dare get my hopes up, but I kept taking the selenium. Now after a little over a year, I have a significant amount of hair so that my scalp doesn't show anymore. I also take B-complex 50 mg x4 and folic acid 800 mcg x 3. I've recently reduced the amount of selenium to 600 mcg since I noticed my nails flaking which is a sign that there may be too much selenium in the system. I also use coconut oil to moisturize my hair. I leave the coconut oil in my hair overnight and wash my hair in the morning. I do this a few times per week on alternating days. The other days, I use ACV as a rinse. I mix half cup of ACV with half cup of water to make the rinse. I pour this in my hair at the start of my shower and then rinse it out when I'm done showering. My hair is now healthy and shiny.

Blackstrap Molasses, Biotin
Posted by Vm (Dayton, Ohio) on 01/01/2010

I have had great success with black strap molasses and later biotin in regenerating my thinning hair. I am a 58 yo female and noticed my hair thinning on top of my head.

I started taking 1 to 3 Tbl molasses and my hair started filling in and getting thicker.

Later I started taking biotin from 1000 mcg to 3000 mcg a day and it also helped my hair get thicker.

Both the biotin and molasses separately help my hair grow. I took molasses for about 6 months and quit taking it and then started in on the biotin for around 3 months and have hair that is about 2 1/2 inches long. I part my hair in the middle and there is new growth about 2 1/2 inches long all over my head but most noticable where I part my hair as the new growth is all the same length and the rest of my hair is shoulder length. My hair also does not fall out like it used to.

Both products worked.

Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 09/08/2009

Okay, the iodine doesn't seem to be working as well for the dandruff anymore...still working, just not as miraculously. About a week ago I had a massive outbreak of flakes on the top of my head near my hairline. Having read that milk of magnesia is great for skin & itching, I impulsively doused that area, left it on for about 1/2 an hour, then rinsed it out--without using shampoo or conditioner, to make sure nothing else affected my "experiment". My hair felt like it was full of glue and baby powder (washed out fine the next day), but it seems that Milk of Magnesia really helps the dead skin slough off!!! I had to brush out lots of flakes but since then my scalp has been pretty clear, and much less itchy.

I also patted some Milk of Magnesia on my face and let it dry. My skin was SO soft afterwards, for days, and a couple of rough rashy patches are cleared up!

Red Raspberry Tea, Kelp
Posted by Kate Saggu (Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK) on 12/23/2012

Noelle from Minneopolis - Thank you very much for the advisement. You have saved my life. My hair loss has practically gone after taking the remedies for a week. My hair is glossy and no longer continues to fall out. I owe you a huge 'THANK YOU'.

Red Raspberry Tea, Kelp
Posted by Noelle (Minneapolis, Mn) on 03/31/2013

Hi Roberta -- sorry I haven't been on the site in a while. Use the Raspberry Leaf Tea as long as you feel you need it. It's pretty safe. Really tones the female organs. Be more careful with the Kelp. If you find yourself feeling a little wired or having trouble getting to sleep, try reducing the dose or taking it only in the morning. 1/4 - 1/2 tsp of Kelp in the morning and evening will usually stop hair fallout cold.

There are a couple of types of hair vitamins that really contribute to softness and texture, although I can't name brands on Earth Clinic. (I can tell you to check out the reviews on Swanson Vitamins and iHerb. ) Also, if you're looking to thicken the hair Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) really works and fast, but you have to take at least 500mg per day. B5 is also indicated for energy production in the adrenals.

As for me, hair growth is fine, but I've been experiencing a different set of hair problems since starting constitutional homeopathic treatment in late 2010. I've been on Naja (cobra venom) for 1-1/2 years now and there were problems with dosages in 2011 & 1st half of 2012. Homeopathy tends to push things out through the skin and hair, and I had an extreme reaction with both. (Hair formed huge knots, totally uncombable; I had to cut it off! I won't tell you what was going on with my skin and where. Wanted to murder my homeopath; got a second and third opinion instead. ) Things are much better now. When I comb my hair, I have no shedding whatsoever. All that's left of the damage are a couple of alopecia spots and a receding hairline in the front, which I am working on. I had to stop relaxing and coloring my hair -- it grew back in in big patches of black and white and looks really cool! People are always asking me, "how did you get your hair like that?"

Anyway, for growth I recommend:

1) Nettles, both drinking the tea and rubbing on the scalp. Make a strong infusion of Nettle Leaf; it'll keep in the fridge for about 48 hours. Longer than that, it's ineffective.

2) Get a big aloe leaf, rub some of the gel on the scalp. It seems to stimulate the hair follicles.

3) And, of course, Red Raspberry Leaf.

So there!

Posted by Vee (Ft. Hood, Tx) on 01/26/2011

Well, my hair has been always been thin on the sides, but for the past 5 years since I was diagnosed with fibroids, I see that my thinning has become worse. I was diagnosed with anemia because of the fibroids & I thought this & the medicine that I was on caused the hair loss. Recently, it has become really bad & I almost have no hair on the side of my head but fortunately have enough hair to cover up the bald spot. I see that you mentioned that your hair loss got worse when you used dandruff shampoo. Well, I have had so many changes happen in my body due to this illness & dandruff is one of them & I have been using Head and Shoulders Every time I shampoo, and my hair loss has been worse. So I'll stop using it & try other remedies mentioned here and update when I see results!

Selenium, Coconut Oil
Posted by Dan (Bullhead City, Arizona) on 12/18/2008

I have found that taking Selenium nearly completely stopped my hair loss. With Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, I saw a little hair re-growth - not to mention a fantastic improvement in my overall skin and scalp health.

Mine is typical male pattern baldness, but it started when I was only 16 after a tough bout with Walking Pneumonia. I'm now 39 years old. Hair loss began early with me, most likely by way of an internal systemic fungal infestation that was allowed to flourish in the wake of the heavy antibiotics I was given for Pneumonia.

Read Ted From Thailand's comments on hair loss and causes. You need to detox and get heavy metals out of your body first, then treat with natural anti-fungal remedies and supplements.

When taking 400mcg of Selenium and two to four tablespoons of Organic Virgin Coconut (internally) each day, I saw some very modest hair regrowth. Just some; not a lot. I also was taking as many tablets of Acidophilus as I could to fight fungus in the body, since I don't think there's a way to overdose on Acidophilus.

Consistency is the key. I am not as consistent as I need to be, unfortunately. To see real results, I have to take the Selenium and Coconut Oil each and every day.

Scalp itching is part of my hair loss, and treating itching topically with coconut oil helps a lot.

It is my hunch that if you have dandruff, acne, hair loss, brittle hair, flakes in your eyebrows and crust around your nose or in your ears, you probably have a fungal infection. Again, read Ted From Thailand's recommendations.

Carrot Juice Applied to Scalp
Posted by Doris (Santa Ana, USA) on 04/15/2008

re: Lustrous thick healthy hair.. Through my younger years in professional career, many were spent car-pooling. The Spanish women I knew all had lustrous spectacularly thick raven hair. Then, marrying, my own Spanish-American Indian origin mother-in-law also did. She said 'well of course all natives of her vicinity, New Mexico and that nearby So Amer region, boiled their cattle's beef bones till the bones were softened, and the water was marrow filled. They'd add a bit spoon or two of home pressed olive oil and use it as a hair treatment, as we do in salons today. What a difference in my own hair in those years. Also, rubbing cold pressed carrot juice, for the vitamin A, fully restored a male friend's hair from total baldness. Took one year, with substantial overall body health occurring, freckles disappearing, muscle and skin tone restoring, then year 2, a baby fine regrowth of skull hair, then by year 3, totally restored youth-level full head of hair.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mike (Woodbridge, New Jersey U.S.A.) on 01/01/2009


EC: When a post mentions tablespoons, it is usually an internal dosage.

Fungal Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, GA) on 04/15/2008


Please let your readers know that this combo should be used only if they know that hair loss is due to fungus & probably use a little once/week. I used this 2-3 times a week and my hair loss was not due to fungus and thus caused some of my hair to fall out.

Baking Soda, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Quetzalcoatl (Tampa, USA) on 01/31/2008

The men in my family lose their hair. As one of those men in the family, I did too and expected to do so..... No one really feels bad about it and each of us have enough "game" LOL that we never feel bad about ourselves THAT SAID Strangely it has not been in the usual MPB pattern .... Just a consistent thinning starting in the 30's..... SO for one month the guys decided to secretly agree on an experiment ..... every other day we pour aluminum FREE!!!! baking soda n our DRY hair, rub in into the scalp, let it sit for 15 minutes and wash it out (no shampoos ever and no metrosexual gel or styling!!!! THEN every other day we add 2 tablespoons of ACV to our tea with as much AGAVE nector to sweeten the flavor flav.(hehe) 2 months later we all noticed less hair falling out and NEW hair growth .... its been over a year and comparing pictures of the guys at thanksgiving the past year and pictures this year and the results are clear and affirmative. worked for us. IMPORTANT: we dont eat red meat.

Posted by Tima (JHB, S. Africa) on 12/16/2007

Hi! Thank you for this informative and wonderful site. I have tried Ted's recommendations, used the vitamins as directed as well as the oils. my Hair seems stronger, however when I put ACV on hair seems to fall more rapidly. What I have been told really works, is a Stinging Nettle hair wash. Boil some fresh or dried Nettle leaves for a short time, and use as a hair rinse. You will like the results. Does anyone know about the Samson's secret treatment?

Posted by Alena (Praha, Czech Republic) on 11/01/2012

Yes nettles work very well.
