Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Dietary and Herbal Suggestions
Posted by Yigal (North Israel) on 09/21/2008

Psoriasis: avoiding sugar really helped my friend. Evening primrose oil drops is also very good. Neem cream externally. Cleaning the blood and liver is V important as well.

Posted by Stephanie (Chicago, IL) on 09/14/2008


Your skin contains one fifth of your body's zinc supply. Rats and mice that are deficient in zinc develop a skin condition called keratogenesis that is very similar to human psoriasis (Hoffer and Walker, Orthomolecular Nutrition, p 156-157). Zinc deficiency in humans is the rule, not the exception. The US RDA for zinc is only 15 milligrams a day, and yet the average American takes in even less than that. (Williams, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 7th ed., page 253) In spite of this, it is most uncommon to find either dietitians or doctors ever recommending a supplement of this mineral.

Research has shown that supplements of zinc are safe up to about 500 mg. daily. A more sensible daily dose of 50 mg to perhaps may be maintained for as long as is desired. A good multiple vitamin along with this will provide some balancing copper, as will (believe it or not) the copper water pipes in your home.

The "amino acid chelated" form of zinc ('chelated zinc') is better tolerated and better absorbed than zinc sulfate or other inorganic forms of the mineral.

Sulfer 8 and Zoriasis
Posted by Lynne (Dayton, Ohio) on 09/11/2008

I have been suffering with psoriasis for twenty years. I was mainly affected on my scalp and had constant flaking. Several years ago, I began to get small patches on my body. One day a lady noticed the flakes on my shoulder and recommended a product called Sulfer 8. This is usually found in the African American hair care section in major supermarkets. I found that it did work pretty well but when I mixed a product called Zoriasis in with it, the results were amazing. The small spots disappeared in several months and the redness and flaking on my scalp has diminished greatly! I am so happy. My scalp doesn't itch like it used to. The Sulpher 8 does have a menthol smell but it feels really good. The Zoriasis product can be found online. I just mix about one teaspoon of Zoriasis into the four ounce jar of Sulpher 8 and this will last for months. I just had to share this and I hope it brings psoriasis sufferers the same relief it gives me! Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/28/2008 495 posts

To Sela from Huntsville: Hi Sela, If you are sure your problem is psoriasis, you might try Adele Davis's (a nutritionist) theory that psoriasis is caused by faulty fat metabolism. Her recommendation was 6 tablespoons of lecithin granules per day. My suggestion would be to stir 3 tbsps. in small glass of buttermilk twice a day and drink it. Tastes a lot like cornbread in buttermilk, which I happen to like. I have checked her out on several things and found that she was right, but have never had psoriasis, so can't vouch for this, but I'd certainly give it a try before trying a lot of other things. I recall one of my patients who used Siroil ointment on his. He was terminal renal disease because the mercury in the Siroil had destroyed his kidneys.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nicky B. (Martinez, California) on 08/06/2009

Was glad to read your suggestion about ACV - I will give that a try! But would like to point out that you should never use petroleum jelly; your skin won't breathe. I have had psoriasis since age 13; I'm 49, now. Have tried many meds offered by doctors but the body tends to build a resistance after it becomes accustomed to its effect. Moisturizers are very helpful but try to stay away from scented products lotions, hair products and laundry detergents. An inexps. brand (St.I.) has a fragrance-free body lotion which I have used for years. Instead of using petroleum jelly, try a fragrance-free (Eu) brand moisturizing oitment. Its best to apply moisturizers immediately after a bath or shower as your pores are open and better absorb the moisture. Drink LOTS of water and take lots of antioxidants (vitmin C, etc.). To your health!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by Leesa (Tampa, Fl) on 09/08/2010

Is your psoriasis still in remission? Did you stop using the ACV after you cleared or continue your daily dosage in order to maintain your clearing?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by Rose (West New York, Nj, Usa) on 08/26/2012

Kathy, there are so many different brands of systemic enzymes on the market. Could you please provide the name of the brand you used and any other information you may have? I have scalp psoriasis, and would very much like to try what worked for you. I've tried everything else, and nothing has worked for me. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by Rpsharma (Noida, India) on 06/13/2014

Will Kathy from Macon, Georgia elaborate the name of the Enyzme and other information on psoriasis. it will help us thanks. Rpsharma

Posted by K.A. (New Jersey, USA) on 07/01/2008

Ailment: Psoriasis.
Remedy: Throw away your sunblock and take a walk in the sun!

The insides of my ears have itched like crazy since I was about 16, though I never knew it was psoriasis until almost a decade later. I just recently figured out that that was the age when I started to avoid direct sunlight and also wear sunblock constantly to prevent future wrinkles on my very fair skin--a practice I continued up until this year.

Avoiding the sun and living in an area with a far angle from the sun during winter months causes Vitamin D deficiency, which I am certain I had. Getting more sunlight by exercising outside in the morning has helped tremendously. Vitamin D apparently decreases cell turnover, including in the skin.

Avoiding a pro-inflammatory lifestyle and stress should also help, since autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis are modulated by inflammatory cytokines; in the case of psoriasis, interleukin-17 seems to be the problem.

Posted by Betty (Helllstown, California) on 10/01/2012

Vitamin D and sunshine does not help my psoriasis, (and I have every type offered along with the arthritis) Also Vitamin D creams was akin to just greasing my body up and that was it.... It does not work on some people..... A shame since I am in Calif!

Posted by Trina (St. Helens, OR) on 04/26/2008

My mother has psoriasis on her feet - i talked her into using Honey to stop the bad itch. I worked instantly. the itch was gone. She reports that she dont like the sticky tacky feel of the honey but it worx. And she will use it more in the future when in a pinch.

Posted by Solange (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 01/24/2012

Banana peel rubbed on psoriasis, google it. I am in the process of noticing an improvement from doing it. It's worth a try.

Oregano Leaf
Posted by Cathy (San Antonio, TX) on 11/06/2007

I noticed in your long list of ailments, psoriasis was not mentioned. Please let people know that Oregano Leaf absolutely gets rid of psoriasis in a big way. I have battled psoriasis since I was 10 yrs old (I'm now 48). I had heard that oregano leaf and olive leaf were good for infections so one day, I started taking them both. Within a week my skin was so clear my husband commented. I started wondering what I had done differently. I had taken olive leaf before with no visable result so I started investigating the oregano. There are MANY resources out there on psoriasis and oregano leaf, and also, that psoriasis is mainly caused by a fungus (which oregano goes after). I personally buy OregaMax since other oreganos have not worked for me. People should know about this!! It is wonderful. Three to five capsules a day (divided) should do it. I got my initial results simply taking 1 both am and pm.

Oregano Leaf
Posted by Nc1966 (Chattanooga, Tn, United States) on 05/26/2011

I tried this several months ago and it did not have any effect on my psoriasis but I have read other reports of this working for people. I believe it really matters what type of p you have and the reasons behind it. Oregano leaf if basically a natural antibiotic and anti- fungal. It is very effective for many things. (If you have hormone balance problems beware and pay attention to your body as it can have some effect on you.)

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Ryan (Chicago, Illinois) on 10/03/2007

I have had EXCELLENT success with ACV (2tbs) and Baking Soda (1/4 tsp or so) in a glass of water three times per day especially upon waking. I also mix a small thermos with another two doses and sip it during the afternoon. I definitely find it energizing and the psoriasis/eczema (whatever it is -- apples/oranges) I've had on my elbows ever since an extended fast is clearing up PRONTO. I'm very excited. I think I'll be a lifelong devotee. Ted -- you're awesome. I'm also taking a bit of borax occasionally and experimenting with the sodium thiowhateveritis. Best of luck to everyone.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Leasyloo (Brisbane, Qld) on 04/13/2012

I have suffered from psoriasis for years but have been able to control it with different types of creams, lotions, antibiotics etc from doctors and skin specialists but lost faith a few years ago & thought their must be an alternative out there and decided to research on the internet. I found aloe vera gel to be wonderful for 4-5 years but psoriasis always needs a change in treatment methods after a while so after having a terrible outbreak on my face (which I have always dreaded) I decided to try a Paw Paw cream (which featured on tv about a month or so ago), its described as liquid gold. I was still wearing makeup during the week so I didnt see a speedy improvement until I stopped wearing makeup and read about apple cider vinegar which I use for my scalp but never thought to mix with baking soda & take internally. After my husband returned from being away all week he thought I was wearing makeup. My face looks fabulous after only 4 drink doses of ACV, using the pawpaw ointment twice daily, and moisturing with a sorbolene cream during the day to keep my face moisturised. Thanks to reading this site I will be able to wear makeup again next week.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynne (Dayton, Ohio) on 08/15/2007

ACV cured my psoriasis on my scalp. I have been aflicted with psoriasis on my scalp for twenty years. I have tried more "remedies" than I care to count with little or no success. After reading about how people were helped by putting ACV on dry spots on the body I decided to try it on my scalp. I put undiluted ACV in a spray bottle and sprayed it on my scalp before going to bed. Within a few days I could see that the scales were getting thinner. In two weeks they are practically all gone! Even if the scales never fully go away, the ACV has made the scales easier for me to live with. By the way, ACV is better at drying up acne that any treatment on the market.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Natla (Woodland Park, New Jersey, USA) on 08/05/2012

Can you update your condition? How many times a week and for how long did you do the bath? Thank you for putting out this info.

Vinegar and Olive Oil
Posted by Tom (Sunnyvale, CA) on 05/09/2007

vinegar and olive oil Ailment: psoriasis

When I was in elementary school, I had psoriasis on my elbows and knees, and all over the side of my face! It got behind my ears so bad I used to dream that my ears were falling off.

None of the doctor's remedies helped. Then my parents found this old home-remedy book from around the 1700s. It had what I call the salad dressing cure.

You soak the affected skin with vinegar for a few minutes, then you cover it with warmed olive oil (make sure it isn't too hot).

It got so I hated vinegar for years because of the smell (I think Apple Cider Vinegar would have been much more bearable), but it worked! The psoriasis went completely away, and I no longer felt like a freak at school.

Every few years I'll get a tiny patch on my knee or elbow. If it bothers me I'll use the treatment and it will go away.

Vinegar and Olive Oil
Posted by Tom (Sunnyvale, CA) on 05/09/2007

vinegar and olive oil Ailment: psoriasis

When I was in elementary school, I had psoriasis on my elbows and knees, and all over the side of my face! It got behind my ears so bad I used to dream that my ears were falling off.

None of the doctor's remedies helped. Then my parents found this old home-remedy book from around the 1700s. It had what I call the salad dressing cure.

You soak the affected skin with vinegar for a few minutes, then you cover it with warmed olive oil (make sure it isn't too hot).

It got so I hated vinegar for years because of the smell (I think Apple Cider Vinegar would have been much more bearable), but it worked! The psoriasis went completely away, and I no longer felt like a freak at school.

Every few years I'll get a tiny patch on my knee or elbow. If it bothers me I'll use the treatment and it will go away.

Eliminate Wheat
Posted by Amiee (Eastern Passage, NS) on 08/04/2006

I had been wheat-free for 7 months and my gas, acid-reflux and psoriasis went away. When you are on a wheat-free diet, it can cause other problems like constipation if you do not watch your fiber intake. I am now off the wheat-free diet and all has returned. I will be going back on the wheat-free diet ASAP.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 12/13/2021

You should get free dental work for life! LOL

Distilled White Vinegar
Posted by Jimness (Torrance, CA)

After I dampened a small sponge with water, I poured a small amount of distilled white vinegar onto the sponge, which I then used to lightly scrub away the unsightly white patches from my chin. Although this vinegar treatment does not STOP the appearance of white flaky patches (which I believe to be Psoriasis), it definitely slows-down the recurrence.

Ted's Remedy Reader Feedback
Posted by Wayne (Exeter, Devon, Uk )

Hi, I have suffered scalp psoriasis on and off for numerous years. Sometimes I find a shampoo that will clear it but the scalp appears to become accustomed to it after a while and it is no longer as effective. Recently, after washing my hair I noticed a strong ammonia smell from my scalp which eventually subsides. I would like to try Ted's lotion recipe of 5% Milk of magnesia, 10-15% Ammonium Chloride & 5% Xylitol. Is this solution made in water or an unscented shampoo? Will let you know how I get on.

Chinese Herbal Ointment
Posted by Debra M. (Kenmore Washington ) on 04/06/2024

Good morning

In reading your post on psoriasis, I thought to mention a product that I have been using.

Although it treats my psoriasis within 6-8 weeks, new spots appear in different areas of my body. Ugh!

The product, which I purchase on Amazon is called Qicaogangmn Caoben Yijun Rugan.

It is a cream. You can look into the ingredients and perhaps find it useful in coming up with your own concoction??

I had my former dermatologist who is Asian look at the ingredients to make certain there were no steriods in it. He concluded there were not.

Good luck

Debra Mahoney

Pink Himalayan Salt
Posted by Maverick (Washington State, USA) on 04/28/2023

Unreal... I had eczema, dermatitis and/or psoriasis under both eyes after I got cross-contaminated with gluten (being glutened sucks A**). BTW, similar can happen if you're lactose intolerant. The protein in dairy (casein) mimics the protein in wheat (gluten).

I had it for many weeks and I tried everything such as aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, castor oil, etc.. Then I read some comments here that swimming in the ocean and sea salt or dead sea salt got rid of their eczema. So I decided to try it with salt in water.

The last 3 days, I've put Pink Himalayan Salt mixed in filtered water, into a cup. I swished it around with my fingers so it would dissolve in the water and then I splashed it on both eyes (I did NOT dry at all). I think it's KEY to understand not to dry it off!

I woke up just now, everything flaked off and the red dime sized circles are GONE. I'm in shock. I also read that Chlorine Swimming Pools can do similar, but that's not even necessary. Just fill a cup with water and salt (I presume any salt will work, even table salt), splash it on the area where you have the red rash or eczema/dermatitis/psoriasis and just like it dry. Don't wash it off.

I also remember yesterday I noticed that the reddish areas under my eyes had turned yellowish, which I had not seen before when I used the other treatments (ACV, Castor Oil, Aloe Vera, etc..). So I kind of figured it was dead skin drying out and ready to come off. I'm still in shock at how quickly it happened. This is the cure for your rashes due to Eczema / Psoriasis / Dermatitis.
