Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Herbal Remedy
Posted by Sam Ayaan (London, UK) on 04/11/2014

I had bad psoriasis on scalp, tried everything mentioned above but worked temporarily. It was spreading rapidly on my scalp and my ears. Luckily I went back to my country and found an ointment from a herbal doctor which cleared it all after only three applications. I don't have no scaly scalp anymore and thank God I m free from it and here doctors still say that there's no cure for it.

Herbal Remedy
Posted by Denise (Milwaukee, Wi Usa ) on 02/08/2015

Can you tell us what the ingredients were?

Herbal Remedy
Posted by Rose (New Jersey) on 11/30/2018

Can you provide the name of this ointment? and its ingredients?

Baking Soda
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/21/2013

Dear Amazedshunt:

Yes, you can get an acid/alkaline test strips kit at many drug stores and you want to be slightly on the alkaline side normally. But when I find myself indulging in acid "stuff"... Coffee, tomatoes, chillis... You know... ALL the things I LOVE... Then I have to over alkalize for a few days to make up for my excesses. (The point is in answering your question, you will have to vary the alkalizing intake depending on what you are dealing with.)

To deal with big irritations you want to be on a continuous program if there is a chronic problem-which you say you have. I often use not only a diet devoid of acids, and use baking soda but also use pills that are helpful such as ones that say something like "ph basic" which will help bring the system back to slightly alkalized. I'd love to hear from people who use alkalized water to find their experience with that in healing experiences. I've thought about buying one of those units and maybe I will in the next year or so.

I am prone to an acidic system so (unfortunately) have lots of experience with this. I could wirte a book: "Living with an Acidic Body; Causes and cures"...

Hope this helped,


Oil Pulling, Black Turtle Beans, Soy Beans
Posted by Miss Dimples (Hong Kong, Prc) on 05/20/2013

Black turtle beans, Soy beans, oil Pulling for Psoriasis

Some background info: I'm 33 yrs old, female. I'm not on any supplement or medication. My weight is normal, my health has been good and never had any serious disease, except cold and flu once in a few year. I'm also a runner and did several marathons in the past. Quite a healthy eater to start with, low salt, no sugar, no MSG, no junk food or no fast food, no dairy product, eating meat once in awhile. Lots of salad and slightly cooked veggies, and fruits.

My skin had been flawless until 4 years ago. I got psoriasis on both cheeks 4 years ago due to skin infection (i spot treated some flat warts with tea tree oil and that burnt my skin) while I was going through a very stressful period of my life, ever since, I had tried many different approaches, internal and external remedies (including ACV and baking soda), the best they could do was to temporarily improve the condition, but once the treatments were stopped, it tended to come back. My condition was not very serious but my skin flaked like crazy and the patches turned red and burned every once in awhile, especially after running. I could only wish it was grown elsewhere instead of my face.

3 weeks ago, I have started using sesame oil (regular sesame oil from grocery store, not cold pressed and organic) for oil pulling (swishing oil in the mouth for 20mins and spit it out) every morning and before bed, also started to avoid high GI foods, quit rice and noodles, eating soy pulp and soy milk (homemade) made out of soaked soy beans and black turtle beans bough from the local markets in China as my staple. Occasionally I would have rolled oatmeal once a day. Just doing this out of curiosity and see what this change can bring to me, and hopefully it would make a difference to my skin. I started to notice the difference the next day. My skin was all cleared nice and supple at the first 3 days, then when I ran on the forth day on, it flaked, turned red, itched and burn, I thought it got worse but wanted to give it a bit more time. The flaky patches was a bit different than then the flare ups. It all flaked at the same time (evenly) and a few spots where I had warts also bulged out and turned red. After the big initial "flare up", I had also had a few flaky patches afterward, but can tell it's been significantly improved, the patches have been healed and lightened, some areas are all cleared up already. 90% healed by now. Skin completely regenerates itself every 28 days, and also depends on your age, the older you are, the longer it takes. I expect it would be all gone and healed, back to normal in two more weeks. I run almost everyday, 5K minimum, sometimes 15K. Personally, after running is the best time to examine the condition. No flare up now, lesser and lesser redness I can detect from my face. My skin is even and radiant now, I think I must had done something right.

Black turtle beans have very powerful anti oxidation and anti aging effects loaded with goodies, great for the skin. Same with soy, get the organically grown ones. I know there are tons of mixed opinions about soy drinks in US, but I believe the problems mainly come from the commercial manufacturing process and GMO. Asians have been eating lots of soy products and other beans. Personally I see no reason of quitting it.

How I make soy drink: I grab a handful of black turtle beans and soy beans individually, soak them overnight, drain the water and wash it slightly, before pouring into a soy drink maker. I do it twice, I put half of the beans and add 1.8 liter of hot boiled water, the machine grinds and cooks the beans, all done in 20 mins. Filter the pulp with a cotton bag that I sewed. Eat the pulp 3 times a day, drink soy milk throughout the day. Slightly lesser than 3.6 liters, that can last me for two days.

The benefits of oil pulling are many, you might want to check it out. Possibly, the cold pressed organic extra virgin sesame oil would work out best, but I'm happy with the roasted sesame oil, it does the job well.

I'm not a naturopathic doctor, or a TCM doctor, I don't know why it works, or maybe it only works to me, but I really think I must have done something right, and I hope this would help you too!

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Carrie (Florida, US) on 03/24/2015

Just be sure it's FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth. The diatomaceous earth used for swimming pools is dangerous to inhale or ingest.

Topical Application of Colloidal Silver
Posted by Grammie4u2 (Duncan, B.c. Canada) on 06/19/2011

I have a neighbor that had psoriasis on her lower arm and I make colloidal silver she asked me for some because it was so good on rashes.

She applied it by gently rubbing it in until it was nearly dry and also in the evenings she soaked clothes with it and applied it for several hours while watching tv. It was gone in 3 weeks. Amazing. That was two years ago and it has never come back.

Topical Application of Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jenny (Hartford , Wi) on 09/16/2012

Can you tell me how many ppm the colloidal silver was that your friend put on her psoriasis? I would like to buy some for my mother-in-law to try on her psoriasis.

Topical Application of Colloidal Silver
Posted by Brittany (Grove City, Oh, Usa) on 12/05/2012

Yes, please share how many ppm the colloidal silver was! I have a form of psoriasis on my hands and feet and would love to try this! :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lara (Lehi, Ut, Usa) on 06/02/2011

i have had psoriasis on my face since I was a kid. I still am not quite sure what triggered it or what caused it to fluxuate beween bad and really bad but about 2 years ago I found an online clinic that claimed a high success rate in healing different skin conditions. It was a treatment that an epideiologist came up with and was different thatn any dermotologist that I have been to.

Anyways they put me on a 90 day treatment which consisted of no sugar or alcohol for the first 8 weeks, I washed my face 3x's a day with a mild, non-antibacterial fragrance free soap, basically just the really cheep hand soap from any grocery store. After I washed I let my face air dry, they said not to use a towel because it can reinfect the skin. Then I would spray on the scs solution they gave me which was safe and has no side effects unless you have some kind of sensitivity to it. I also took primadophilus to get rid of yeast, and milk thistle extract to clease my liver and colon, they also gave me some medication to cleanse the blood stream. I was clear of the irritating symptoms within a few weeks and I continue to watch my skin get softer and softer. It was awsome. I hope this helps someone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (Northern Michigan, Michigan ) on 05/22/2011

A combo of treatments: Essiac, Apple Cidar Vinegar, Lavender & Chamomile Body Butter and Salt Water Soaks did the trick for me.

I developed psorisis on my legs and arms in late December/early January. I had an extremly stressful fall and December, which I would guess was the fuel that lit this fire..

It was extremly bad on my right leg and covered my leg from ankle to knee. If it wasn't itching unbearably, it was burning. I couldn't wear socks and had to roll my pants up to my knee because I couldn't stand for anything to touch it. At first I was using hydrocortisone cream on it, which did relieve the itching, but wasn't healing it.. After a few weeks, I started worrying about what was actually in hydrocortisone cream. I did a search on it and found out I didn't want to continue using that and having those chemicals leach into my bloodstream. I then starting trying all kinds of natural remedies (I avoid any type of pharmacutacels like the plaque). I did not want to get caught up in the medical merry go round or use any man made chemically derived creams or shots.

Let me point out here, I am not an expert, I'm just sharing what worked for me.

I came to Earth Clinic to see what has worked for others.. I tried many of the treatments others had tried, but not one alone did the job. They releived the symptoms, but it wasn't healing.

I've done a lot of research on Essiac for my cat, who has a tumor. Something told me to dig further, so I did, and read an article about a woman who had psorisis for something like 8 years and nothing worked, but when she tried Essiac, it finally cleared up. Knowing that Essiac is actually good for us (it's natural herbs that build the immune system), I decided to try it myself. I have read that they "think" psorisis has to do with a break down of the immune system, so using Essiac made good sense to me. I used an Essica Tincture, and put a half dropper full under my tonque 3 or 4 times a day. Along with that, I used the other items listed above, which I feel was the answer.. Not just one treatment, but a combo.

I started spraying a mixture of apple cidar vinegar (organic) and water on my skin after showering, then patting dry.. It's believed that the Apple Cidar Vinegar will help get your skins PH levels back on track.

I started using an organic Lavender Chamomile body butter. Lavender, as I think most people know, is just good for our skin, and Chamomile is the #1 leading herb for healing the skin. I have to say, I don't much care for the smell of Chamomile, but this combo of Lavender and Chamomile was incredibly soothing, so the smell was just a minor problem for me. One I quickly got over once I realized how much it was helping. Once I started using this, I was no longer waken in the middle of the night by itching/burning skin.

I read where many people had good results soaking in salt water. We have an iPool (excercise pool), so I purchased a salt water filtration system so I could basically soak in salt water every day when I excercised.. I made sure I got in the pool once a day for about 1/2 hour for 30 days straight. I would think soaking in a bathtub in salt water would create the same results. I used Morton Pool Salt, but I've read that Sea Salt works wondefully.

It took about a week before I suddenly realized my skin was really improving.. Within 2 weeks, it was itching/burning much less, within 3 weeks, remarkable improvement. It's been about 6 weeks since I started these 4 treatments, and the psorisis is pretty much gone. I would call it 99% better. My left leg and arms are completely cleared up, and my right leg, which was absolutely the worse, doesn't itch, it doesnt' burn, there is no raised skin.. This leg was very red January - March.. There is a slight discoloration in a few spots, but I have no doubt that, too, will clear up with time.

At first I was using these treatments daily. Now I spray the apple cidar Vinergar on maybe 2 times a week, I take Essiac 1-2 times a day, use the pool every other day or so, but do use the body butter daily, however, I was using it 4-6 times a day (whenver the itching/burning became noticable), but now I have to remind myself to use it because I'm no longer having symptoms.

I hope this information helps someone else. I never realized how distressful psorisis is until I developed it myself. I spent hours and hours researching natural remedies for it, and after trying this, that and the other thing, I have to say, these four treatments finally did the job!

Best of luck to all you Psorisis sufferers.

Sea Salt
Posted by Brad Shad (N.providence, Rhode Island) on 05/08/2011

I started using himalayan sea salts for my psoriasis as directed by a friend. One teaspoon in the morning in 8-16 oz. of clean water on empty stomach and the same thing at night. You get one of the sea salt rocks and you add triple the water to it to make what they call a sole. Then let it sit for 24 hours and it is ready to use. Then use a hard plastic teaspoon to scoop the mix into a glass of water. Mix and drink. Note, make the sole in a glass not plastic and when scooping mix into glass dont use a metal spoon. I was told it will change the chemical component of the sole. So my psoriasis is getting better and the added benefit is I go to the bathroom every morning like clockwork. Sea salts are very healthy and do not raise blood pressure providing you are eating a healthy alkaline diet (vegetables etc.. ). good luck.

Topical D-3
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Ma.usa) on 05/06/2011

Amanda; Thank you so much for your great post, I am quite sure this will help millions of people, my younger brother has it bad. He suffers every day with it. Again thank you so much. God bless

Topical D-3
Posted by Gean (Salina, Ks) on 05/08/2011

I wonder if topical D-3 would help with acne? Has anyone tried this?

Glycerin, Zinc Oxide
Posted by Stonefieldsian (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/12/2011

Can you describe in more detail how you mixed and applied glycerine and zinc oxide? Thanks.

Glycerin, Zinc Oxide
Posted by Bea (Burbank, Ca) on 04/12/2011

I just alternate between the two. During the day, I apply the glycerin for a couple of hours and sometimes mix the two, however they do separate. I apply the zinc oxide at night. I'm using Desitin for diaper rash. It has the highest percentage of zince oxide that I could find (40%) In any case, it is working and my leg is healing more and more daily. And I cannot tell you how happy I am. It was a scary nightmare watching my skin being eaten away for a year.

I also added vitamin D (5000 I. U. 3X a day) and Zinc tablets as supplements.

And this week, I am going to use a tanning bed. Even though I live in California, I don't sit in the sun ever and I have very white skin. And according to what I read here, UV light is a therapy doctors use.

Thanks Earth Clinic! You rock the planet!

Candida Connection
Posted by Jb (Michigan City, In ) on 06/23/2011

Herbgirl, You are a fount of knowledge. Thank you. Question for you, how did you decide on such an aggressive syntol regime.

Also the saliva test has been pretty thoroughly discredited as a mktg hoax to buy a probiotic product. Tried it this morning and failed, part of my saliva went sallying to the bottom, while the rest kind of broke up leggy at the top

Candida Connection
Posted by Kumar (Perth, Wa/Australia) on 10/16/2011

hi herb girl, i have psoriasis nearly 7 years, I try allopathy, homeopathy, ayurvedic, siddha, unani any medicines never worked for me, now I try syntol for candida, I take 6cap/day but my psoriasis going worse, so please relpy what should I do.


Candida Connection
Posted by Abby (Bangalore, India) on 03/06/2013

Hi Kumar, Start Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil three times a day & within six months you will see a significant change in your problem.

For more info on Oil Pulling, check oil

Regards, Abby

Candida Connection
Posted by Laura (Clarkrange, Tn) on 03/17/2013

excellant article. I was burning the backs of my hands all winter from putting wood into stove. Put lavender oil on them & they'de heal. A yr ago I had massive facial surgery to remove basil cell cancer. Worked good. Now, about three wks ago I had candida, stomach aches. And all of a sudden psoriasis on back of hands and face. Was using essential oils to no avail. Am spraying with half water, half food grade glycerin on effected areas. Now to tackle the candida. Hopefully naturally. Thank you for all you info.

Candida Connection
Posted by Psosufferer (San Diego, CA) on 05/06/2014

For those who have replied to the original post with positive results, what diet did you follow and how strict were you? I have seen positive and negative comments for Candid, GAPS, and SCD diets. The three seem pretty similar.

Candida Connection
Posted by Steph (Ortigas, Philippines) on 05/09/2014

Hi bill from San Fernando Philippines, where can I buy that Milk of Magnesium? thank u =)2

Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Shea Butter
Posted by Kelly (East Brunswic, Nj Usa) on 06/01/2011

What brands did you use? Thanks!!!!

Posted by Muslartorlando (Orlando, Florida) on 01/18/2011

Just wanted let you guys at Earthclinic know what an amazing site this is! Long story short.. I've had psoriasis my whole life since I was 17 years old and in my senior year of high school. I would just get these annoying patches of scales around the peaks of my hair and occasionally under my eyes. At that time I lived in the Florida panhandle ( Fort Walton Beach, FL) and was at the beach at least 2 times a wk. I don't get nearly as much sun now that I'm landlocked in Orlando, FL and the condition has only gotten worse the past few years.

I came upon your site by accident one day while I was in research mode and looked into several 'cures/remedies' and found out about glycerin. I went to a local chain's website and had to order some after going to 2 locations and them not actually having it in the store. I'm at the end of my 1st wk and WOW!! What a MIRACLE.. This 8.5 oz bottle of glycerin did what cortisteriod creams never were able to do! Its almost gone in less than 8 days.. And for the first time in years I've not had to use any makeup to cover up the 'condition'!

I've also had tremedous success with the epsom salt / borax for nail fungus!

KUDOS to ya'll for an AMAZING SITE!

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 01/19/2011

Reading about your symptoms of psoriasis and nail fungus it makes me think that you suffer from Candida therefore creams will help you for a while but won't make your symptoms disappear. Right now I am reading quite a good book about Candida but doing the diet might be more than I will manage as it is quite strict. I am not sure that I will be eating potatoes with salad alone, for example as you can't mix quite a lot of foods. Worth reading if I were you..... The title is "Beat Candida through diet".

Bee Propolis
Posted by Mel (Southeast, Georgia) on 03/28/2011

I have the same symptoms minus scalp. Have you tried ACV?

Folic Acid
Posted by Amanda (Sacramento, Ca) on 01/15/2010

Cure for Psoriasis - Folic Acid

I had psoriasis for a year and a half. The patch on my knee just kept growing and would go through cycles of horrible itching redness, then purple, then flakey and so on. I started taking Folic Acid for other reasons and in a couple weeks I noticed my psoriasis was getting better and then shortly after completely disappeared. I have been free from that torture for 5 months now. I was completely shocked and so relieved.

Folic Acid
Posted by Becky (St Charles, Mo) on 12/07/2012

how much did you take per day? I have 500 mg pills, not sure if I should stick to just one like it says or if I should take a couple more a day. What helped you?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shak (Dallas, Tx, Usa) on 04/27/2011

Emily, Just wanted to know if your remedy is still working for you? Did you get rid of your psoriasis comlpletely cuz if you did, it sure is a miracle. Also, please tell me how often do you drink this lemonade ? My sister has psoriasis and it started last year.... out of nowhere. Her confidence shattered and she's not the person she used to be anymore. I really hope this works for her. Thanks for sharing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hbaldwin11 (Bladenboro, Nc) on 12/03/2011

Try a shampoo called kitikiti(pronounced "kitty kitty").

Use that shampoo twice a week along with the conditioner, if you want. But I just used the shampoo twice a week and in about a month my scalp had cleared up. I would suggest for african americans though that there is also a type of grease that this same company also makes that you can use after you wash your hair with the shampoo and dry it. It works very well. Anyone can also use this same grease on your skin.

Parasite Cleanse
Posted by Mai (Loule, Portugal) on 08/17/2010

Please try to find the name. Thanks

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Jere (Atlanta, Ga) on 10/27/2009

I am a thirty year old male who has had psoriasis since I was six. Every summer I use ointment and sunlight to clear my skin from head to toe. Only to have it return in the fall and worsen throughout the winter. I recently visited a certified practitioner at my local natural health store who told me something very interesting. She ran a Limbic Stress Analysis on me (which is basicaly a new technology that asks your body questions in order to find out what your body does not agree with) and then reading from her computer screen she told me my body does not agree with dairy products and that it causes me skin inflamation. I then told her about my psoriasis. She recomended me a few products from the natural health store and also to cut way back on my dairy intake of course. This lady knew nothing about me. I was quite suprised. I will report back to this site in a few months to update. Hope it works...

Tanning Beds
Posted by Elle (Columbus, Oh) on 09/17/2009

Sun and tanning bed use at tanning salon. All exposed areas of psoriasis cleared completely with treatment, with visible results apparent immediately. Psoriasis returns in other areas after stopping treatment, but when resumed continues to clear. The dry buildup of flakes and scale first leaves you with smooth red patches which fade in color, leaving me with a dark patch of normal skin. The dark patch completely fades as well, and the skin is left as if it were never afflicted.

EC: Warning!

Associated Press
Wed., July 29, 2009

LONDON - International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas.

For years, scientists have described tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation as "probable carcinogens."

A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation was thought to be lethal.

Vitamin D, Fish Oil
Posted by Sandy (Fayetteville, AR) on 06/24/2009

Vitamin D3 2000-4000 iu per day (more in winter, less in summer, if you get natural sun)
fish oil - _____ (this is high grade Omega-3)
1 ibuprofen per day

This greatly reduced my symptoms and i have very few small spots left. This does take serveral months.

Banana Peel
Posted by Singing Preacher (Belton, Texas) on 06/14/2009

I recently read in a local paper that a woman used banana peel on her Psoriasis. I have had two treatments and immediately saw results. I rub the inside of the peel on the affected area twice a day. The first reaction burned like nettle, but after the stinging stops the itching did as well. Now that I have used the peelings for two days it appears that the areas are less productive, and lighter in color. No ointment has worked this successfully, and I am 51 with psoriasis at my knees and elbow since I was 12.

Vitamin D, Fish Oil
Posted by 4Yahshua (Fountain Valley, CA) on 07/01/2009

Sunsong, just to let you know. You do not need to see fleas to have a problem. We learned this the hard way with "Pretty" the young calico kitty that came to our home late last year. She stayed mostly in our garage and was doing very well with the good diet we gave her, including a garlic capsule (to help control fleas) and a lecithin capsule daily. After awhile we noticed a small bump on the back of her neck, that was all. However, during this past month she started to have more bumps there and they looked like sores, raw and open. We took her in to see what was wrong. Then we learned that she was infected by the fleas. (They said that they are a real big problem here.) If you feel any bumps under the fur (especially at the back of the neck or under the chin), please start flea control immediately. Eventually, they can kill your beloved pet!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Edie (Lafayette, AL) on 06/24/2009

To Kay Ramos: I read your post and was wondering with everything I would need to cut out of my diet, what foods are left? Could you send me a list of everthing that I would need and some recipes that I can use with those foods? I've tried every cream, potion and lotion on the market and I figure maybe the cure comes from the inside not the outside. I have pscoratic rheumatoid arthritis and hep-c. Maybe if I tried this program it would help both problems. My hep-c is controlable and it has'nt gotten any worse for a long time but I'm still concerned that it might. I'm aware that both of these problems stem from an autoammune disorder and if it could help build that up then it would be worth trying. Thanks again for your post and I hope to hear from you.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Chantel (Orlando, Florida) on 10/20/2009

i was wondering the same thing as Edie!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anna (Chicago, Illinois) on 10/21/2009

Such a huge change in diet is also a lifestyle change which is very hard work. So I would suggest taking baby steps. The positive results will drive you forward, rather than leave you hungry or developing a complex about food.

For example, after reading other testimonials and due to personal experience, I would recommend first cutting beef and pork out of your diet. To make sure you are still getting your protein and iron, get a vegetarian cookbook (browse Amazon before buying or better yet, go to your local library) or look online for recipes with lentils, garbanzo beans, navy beans and kidney beans. You can make soup, dips, and even amazing veggie burgers from scratch (if you are addicted to burgers for example) with beans. Not all beans treat people the same, so play around until you find beans that most agree with your digestive system - sometimes too it's just a question of soaking and cooking them correctly. Listen to your body - if you start to feel strangely tired, it could be that you are low on protein or iron. Lentils are a good source of both, and almonds. Then of course you have white meat (chicken livers - paté or fried in salad!) and fish as well as nuts (walnuts and almonds are excellent), but everything in moderation.

Then try to cut down on your dairy intake but make sure you are still getting your calcium (through supplements, or kale, kidney beans, almonds, sesame seeds).

Also, simply swap your white rice for brown, honey for sugar, or try brown rice syrup. Consider using barley too, or oats, in place of rice. It may seem overwhelming, but once you get the hang of things, it really doesn't take much time or effort to whip up nourishing dishes in a matter of minutes. It still surprises me at the end of those days when I'm grumpy and tired and hungry how quickly I will be sitting down to eat.

Instead of junk food snacks, nibble nuts, dried fruit, or fresh fruit, or even things like rye crackers. You can even make your own granola bars; there are some excellent recipes out there.

I was diagnosed with low iron last year and started eating more red meat than ever [and citrus (acidic) to help with the absorption of my iron supplements] and my psoriasis kicked in for the first time in years. At first I thought maybe it was the winter and lack of sun (although winter comes every year, but not the psoriasis), then I started to feel more and more down and thought it was SAD and a side effect of that. But then I thought maybe I was down because of the psoriasis. After awhile it's a vicious circle. The other frustrating thing is that everyone has a different metabolism and so what works for one person doesn't work for another person. So keep track of things: keep a food diary and a skin/body diary. For example, I noticed that when I cut out dairy completely (and I don't eat much of it to begin with), my fingernails turned to rubber, which is bad news for women with osteoporosis risks. Also keep track of any supplements you are taking.

I hope this is helpful! This site has really helped me connect the dots. Thanks to everyone for sharing!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 10/22/2021

Beware of this advice if you have a nickel allergy. Look up foods containing nickel. Beans and nuts are high in nickel.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Susan (Gastonia, Nc) on 02/13/2011

I have PsA as well, and I am from southern NC. I am now on Remicade, prednisone, skelaxin, tramadol, folic acid, Vit B12 injections, vit D, and that's not all of it. I've tried diet modifications with zero results. How old is your daughter? I would like to get more information from you.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Mikek (Cleveland, Ohio) on 12/21/2011

Yes I agree with complete dietary changes. I read the book psoriasis free in 30 days and it didn't take that long, but I didn't eat any meat either and that could have sped up the process even more. I hade relief in days and clear skin 95% in two weeks. Also many ailments that I had for 20 years disapeared also and my energy level was through the roof!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Shel (Eugene, OR) on 03/30/2009

In answer to question about oil pulling, I used organic sesame oil. I had no difficulty keeping from swallowing it but it is a little difficult to keep up the sloshing movements for 20 minutes. Also tastes fine and apparently I sloshed enough to get good results.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Igor (Toronto, Canada) on 01/31/2010

Hello. Could You please explain what oil pulling is. Thank You.

Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 03/27/2009

Selenium and Psoriasis:

Selenium deficiency is pretty common in dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, tinea (age spots), athletes foot, jock itch, seborrheic dermatitis, candida infections, hypothyroidism.

There are different yeasts, of course, trichophyton, mallasezia furfur, candida and others. Some spots may itch, others may not. I suspect rosacea may be a yeast problem as well (combined with Demodex mites eating the yeast).

Yeast needs oxygen, and Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant (500x stronger than vitamin e). Kill the oxygen supply, with Selenium, and you kill the yeast.

A good source of Selenium is brazil nuts(orally), or Dandruff Shampoo(topically). Selenium works with iodine (and is thyroid protective). Taking one alone, though could cause a deficiency of the other, theoretically.

Seborrheic dermatitis is an advanced form of dandruff, possibly caused by fungi colonizing on the scalp
"* To treat seborrheic dermatitis, look for shampoos that contain coal tar, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide or salicylic acid."
Note: head and shoulders selenium sulfide shampoo says on the bottle that it "treats seborrheic dermatitis".

Trace element status in eczema and psoriasis

"Concentrations of zinc, copper and selenium were determined in plasma and leucocytes from 23 patients with psoriasis and 24 with eczema."
"Concentrations of selenium in whole blood, plasma and leucocytes were significantly reduced in both groups. This finding may be of importance in relation to the effect of free radicals on skin."

Selenium sulfide: adjunctive therapy for tinea capitis

"Selenium sulfide lotion used as a shampoo has been shown to be an effective adjunctive agent to griseofulvin in the treatment of tinea capitis(head)."

How to treat Malassezia furfur (tinea versicolor) in humans?
Medical Care: Patients should be informed that tinea versicolor is caused by a fungus that is normally present on the skin surface and is therefore not considered contagious.

Posted by Anonymous (Filipstad, Sweden) on 10/27/2011

Yeast cannot live WITH oxygen, that is why h2o2 works as a remedy, what is this about...

White Vinegar
Posted by Mary (South Williamsport, Pennsylvania) on 12/31/2012

It helped mine all by accident. I read that it is better for your hair than conditioner and helped with the ph balance of your scalp so I used it after a shampoo. NO ITCHING OR ICKY CHUNKS FOR AT LEAST A WEEK!!! I swear by it now. I use it every week on my scalp and in my hair after shampooing and let it set for about 10 minutes. I love it and what it does to my hair!!! Granted the smell isn't the best, but it is much better than the spoiled smell of apple cyder vinager (which I now also consume to help my immune system).

White Vinegar
Posted by Kristine (Ca) on 12/17/2013

Are you diluting the white vinegar for scalp rinse?

Vitamin D
Posted by Chuck (Atlanta, GA) on 02/07/2009

For about 20 years, I had a chronic patch of psoriasis over my left eyebrow. I had tried several prescription and OTC creams, but none of them worked. After reading an article about how thousands of people got relief from psoriasis by sunbathing in the Dead Sea area, I remembered how my own psoriasis would practically disappear during the summer months when I sunbathed regularly. That was when I made the connection between sunshine and vitamin D. So, I started taking a daily supplement of 1000iu of vitamin D, which was in addition to the 400iu in my daily multivitamin. In about a week, I was amazed to see the patch of psoriasis had completely disappeared and has never returned. It may not work for everyone, but it sure worked for me!

Dietary and Herbal Suggestions
Posted by Amrita (Delhi, India) on 01/26/2009

i had psoriasis for last 10 years. after being treated with all types of therapies, i started holistic treatment. dr started my detoxification like colonics, acidity cleans and also by some herbs. to my surprise i saw improvement within a week. i was also put on diffrent types of fruits and vegetable juices. i was also performing regular stretching exercises and breathing exercises and at the end i took some herbs to correct my immune system. for last 3 yeays i have not noticed any symptom of the disease. i am eating well and livig joyfully. PSORIASIS has become a history. in my openion HOLISTIC THERAPY is the only solution for this disease. i know some other people also who are free from this disease after a long sufferings. thanx

Posted by Ron (Los Angeles, CA) on 01/13/2009

Hello Brian, would please indicate the brand name you are using and how long does it take to see the effect, i it perment or temporary?

EC: Whole Foods sells a good brand of glycerin singers use to coat their throats before performing, also for sore throats. For external use, most pharmacies and groceries stores will have it in stock.

Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 01/14/2009

Thanks for the information. I think this could be very helpful. Will add it to my medicine cabinet.

Posted by Brian (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 02/10/2009

The "external use" type in drug stores is USP, which is actually pure food grade glycerin. The labelling is obsolete; it is also safe for oral or internal use, according to FDA guidelines. (A GRS food additive.) The vegetable glycerin, such as NOW brand, is specifically labelled as safe for internal use, if you are worried.

In general, its action is to re-establish normal skin layering, and suppress autoimmune attacks on the skin. It apparently "breaks" a runaway positive feedback system that directs destructive biochemical action designed to fend off invasive organisms, but ends up harming the skin.
An interesting secondary use I've found is sinus clearing; if you're stuffed up, rub a bit just inside each nostril. Over the next 20 minutes or so, the blockage will gradually soften, liquify, and drain naturally. Repeat as necessary.

Posted by Brian (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 02/10/2009

Ron; Sorry I didn't reply properly.

The effect is "permanent" if you persist until AFTER all discoloration has disappeared (carry on a few days). It may recur, but hitting it quickly at the first sign will stop and reverse it.

The speed varies with the type and severity and duration. But, here's an example quote from someone on the site:

"Just wanted to pop on and say thank you for the mention of glycerin.

My son has had P since he was 4 or 5......and the patches on his elbows and knees during the winter are awful. I went to Walmart and bought some glycerin this week. This morning, the patches on his elbows are gone! And the most stubborn patch on his knee is healing up very nicely. The $3 bottle of glycerin has done what the $500 creams could not, I am thrilled. I don't know if it will last, but I am happy to not have to continue to put steroid creams on my young child night after night.
Hopefully, we are on the road to being clear w/out having to continue to move on to stronger steroids, or worse. Thanks again!

Posted by Maria (Vineland, New Jersey, Usa) on 10/24/2011

If you use a natural soap, you will be putting glycerin on your skin everytime you use it! The chemical reaction known as "saponification" creates soap and glycerin molecules from mixing water, lye and fat molecules. The makers of those "beauty" or "bath" bars that are sold, draw out the glycerin and use it to make lotions to rehydrate your skin, so they can increase their profits. I get my handmade, vegan, natural soaps for a great price.

Posted by Rose (West New York, Nj) on 11/29/2012

I have had severe scalp psoriasis for the past 6 years. I have tried every natural remedy imaginable, but nothing has ever worked. After reading the info on this site regarding glycerin, I decided to give it a try. I have been using it for 8 days now, and cannot believe that the itching and flaking are almost gone. I am wearing a black top today, and NO FLAKES. I am so happy, and will continue to use the glycerin with hopes that it will go away and never return. It's a miracle!!!

Posted by Muslim (Oslo, Norway) on 11/29/2012

Hi Rose, I wonder if the glycerin just moisturized your scalp that made scalp stop being dry and flake off. Coud you give more spesifikk about that. Are you cured or did you just manage the flaking of the psoriaris?? I dont kritize you. The reason I ask is because I have a friend who suffers something alike. I wonder if it CURES it, if it does I would remember this and recomend this to him as well as others. Thank you for even submitting something you have found to help. I wish you good health. Have a nice day/night. Friendly Greetings from a Muslim.

Posted by Rose (West New York, Nj) on 12/07/2012

The glycerin has moisturized my scalp and has reduced the scaling and itching tremendously. I have been using it for 16 days so far, and I can't say that I am cured but it is a major relief. I will continue to use it because it is safe and has no known side effects for external use, and hope that it will eventually cure my psoriasis because I've tried every natural remedy available and nothing else worked.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brendan (Adelaide, South Australia) on 11/23/2010

I have had a similar experience. My face psoriasis or sebhoraic dermatitis, whatever it is, started to get better when I first started applying Apple Cider Vinegar and I got all excited but then I started to notice that it was spreading to other areas on my face. After a bit over a week I stopped using it as I thought I would be covered in it if I didn't. Now that I've stopped it's even worse than before. Im near breaking point, I don't know what to try, it seems ive tried everything. My dermatologist is trying to shove me on elidel but I dont believe that will help long term as everything else he's given me made my psoriasis worse. Also ive heard bad things about elidel. If someone has any ideas, please help me. I would give anything to have my life back.
