Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Cold Showers
Posted by Katrina (Sterling, VA) on 08/28/2006

After the death of two very close friends and a lot of stress, I ended up with stress induced psoriasis all over my head, neck and shoulder. I tried EVERYTHING OTC and nothing worked so finally, I gave up, and started saving money to go to the doctor. I came across the cold water therapy on this site and although I did not intend to use it to treat this issue, it sure cured it. I started taking cold water showers in the hottest months here in Virginia. Immediately I noticed the increase in energy and my hair is SUPER SOFT even after months of harsh psoriasis shampoos that had my hair turning to straw. Call me crazy, but it seems my shower doesn't get as grimy as it did before when I was using hot water. My complexion has improved, and there is an obvious difference in my pores. Basically, I have nothing bad to say about cold showers. After 2 months of them, I can't even STAND a hot shower now.

Cold Showers
Posted by Pam E. (SW California) on 02/08/2024 137 posts

"Call me crazy, but it seems my shower doesn't get as grimy as it did before when I was using hot water. My complexion has improved, and there is an obvious difference in my pores."

This is all probably due to the heat dissolving & removing the natural oils from OP's skin, which would get splashed onto the cooler shower walls & not get rinsed away thoroughly by the hot water, perhaps even becoming firmer in that cooler environment.... HOT showers cause DRY skin & other problems!

So, the cold water doesn't remove near as much skin oil -if any- which had a noticeably beneficial effect on OP's skin. Win Win!!! Warm & cold showers are therefore much more healthy to take!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Betty (Selma, AL) on 08/02/2006

My dentist friend has psoriasis on his arm that began about 6 months ago. It was so very itchy and painful. I mixed a solution in a small spray bottle 3/4 apple cider vinegar to 1/4 water....He sprayed his arm and instant relief from more itching...with in 24 hours skin soars are noticeably healing...He called being one Happy man....for $10.00 he's getting cured. He is now taking the pill so there will be healing from inside out..He had already spent lots of monies on over the counter cures with no luck.....Thanks guys for this site...will put you on my praise list to the Lord.[and no I am not preaching]. Thanks Again

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 12/13/2021

You should get free dental work for life! LOL

DMSO + Essential Oils
Posted by Natalia (Sarasota) on 12/24/2023

Remember that peppermint essential oil is so easy to "manufacture", so 90% is fake, lab made "essential oil". Not even diluted or adulterated, just synthetic. It looks real and smells real, yet it is fake. There are no labs or methods exist to verify its purity. It can't be verified or guaranteed by any lab. There are very few companies that sell authentic, medicinal quality essential and extracted oils. They buy directly from the distillers and know where the "source' comes from. If there is a middle man involved, the best one can hope for is that it is not too diluted. I have no idea what they dilute it with, but they all do. The more exotic oil is, at affordable price, the higher chances it is fake. As for the peppermint oil, it is easy and cheap to make it in the lab.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sheyla (Meridian, ID) on 07/13/2023

Thank you for your well-written and informative post, Scott. Congrats on being P-free! What do you eat for meals and snacks? Would love to hear a sample of what your day looks like in terms of food.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ljossart (Monticello, Mn) on 11/15/2016

I just wanted to add my thumbs up for the use of of coconut oil for Psoriasis. My son didn't really think it would help and was pleasantly surprised when we were able to get it under control. We used a homemade coconut oil soap for washing and coconut oil to moisturize. I love that it is a natural, non-toxic way to manage it.

Posted by Cathy (San Antonio, Texas) on 06/14/2015

If someone has posted this, I have missed it. It is the cheapest topical cure you will find. I first heard about urine therapy years ago and you will find that if you GOOGLE it (that is, after you stop laughing at this post...), you will find that it is legitimate in eliminating psoriasis on your skin, scalp, etc.. The very first story I read was a man that had genital psoriasis. He thought for sure this was a JOKE. But in the privacy of his morning constitutional, he caught some of his morning urine and simply applied it topically. Within the week, it was about 90% eliminated. It works fast and effectively. This is not to infer that you don't need to clean up your gut, because you do....but whilst you do that, you skin can be clear.

Shea Butter
Posted by Tainowoman (Orlando, Fl, Us) on 04/29/2013

I've had psoriasis since I was a kid and I'm 44yo now. It comes and goes and for the most part has been limited to areas that are not so obvious. When it does flare up, it is sore, painful and really REALLY incovenient.

OTC creams didn't work, prescription meds were not an option and many homemade salves, ointments, lotions and rubs just didn't work for me.

Never tried aloe.

However, we use coconut oil for everything in my house and I tried it on my psoriasis. It was ok, but the results didn't last long. I put it on right after showering, while I was still damp. It's looked good that evening, but in the morning the dry patches would be back.

What did work for me was Shea butter. I only need to apply it once a day and I do so right after my shower. :) I have a little patch on my knee that's looking real good and doesn't itch or hurt.

I've also started drinking green smoothies.

Hope this helps someone else.

Pustular Psoriasis Remedies
Posted by Alesia (League City, Texas, United States) on 03/21/2013

I have pustular psoriasis on both of my hands and the bottom of one foot. I had strep 4 months ago and just started breaking out with these bumps that looked like fire ant bites. The doctors have been ginving me topical ointments but are not helping.

My skin is peeling off of the palms of my hands and is getting very painful. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Pustular Psoriasis Remedies
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 03/21/2013

I was reading somewhere that milk of magnesia was a good treatment for infected boils even in the groin or infected hair follicles, maybe it would work for your condition.

Posted by Karen (Rochester, Mn) on 02/25/2017

Suffering from severe psoriasis since 2009, mayo has given me so many drugs to try and steroids none of which gets to the root of the problem, lost alot of work over this condition. What did they give you to kill off systemic canida(fungas) in the bloodstream? and is there a functional dermatology? making homemade salves they feel good but need to get to the root of this problem asap. I refuse drug therapy cuz it causes problems with your organs. At least once a yr end up in the hospital for 2-3 days being wrapped up like a mummy, with steroids and vanicream. This calms the condition but does not take it out of my body. Gonna find out what test they need to do for fungas. Wish me luck.

Posted by Jay (Ontario, Canada) on 02/25/2017

Hey Karen. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), is great for addressing fungus issues. Some have reported noticing results starting within minutes and I cleared up a spreading fungal infection (both the spreading and the original infection site) completely within a few days. All traces are gone. You can check on line for more information on GSE but I think it is a very easy and safe thing to try.

Regards, Jay

Vitamin D
Posted by Mississippi (Hernando, Mississippi) on 01/18/2013

My husband had severe psoriasis-covering almost his entire body-he had two different kinds and was so ill at one point he could not work and eventually was on crutches due to cellulitis forming on his foot. He suffered from boils at the same time and only got worse with time. We went to medical doctors-holistic doctors-and chiropractors-we had blood work to see what deficiencies he might have and had allergy testing-he was given prescriptions for antibiotics (for the cellulitis)-salves-nasal sprays-and we used many home remedies recommended on this site. Although he found some relief with some of the remedies-nothing worked to slow down the psoriasis or the boils. We learned that Vit-D deficiency is a cause for psoriasis-he took mega doses of Vit-D 3. He is a carpenter and most of his work is outside in the sunlight-a wonderful, natural form of Vit-D. I do not believe he was absorbing the Vit-D in whatever form he got it. (Due to underlying issues.)

The doctors all asked the same question-was there an injury, or a life changing event-they were looking for a trigger-most people who have psoriasis to the degree my husband did-are younger at the offset-he was 50 years old. His only life change at the time was a job that had him working indoors and working through the nighttime when he normally would have been sleeping. He worked through the night and slept (as best as he could) during the day. He kept this schedule for several months and I believe this was the trigger they were looking for. He has always been a healthy, muscular, active man-he became tired, sick, and had a long list of illnesses. Regular sleep is important and I believe sleeping during the night is essential to good health. To wrap this up-after many months of searching and trying different meds, herbs, salves, remedies, we found John Pegano's book on Healing Psoriasis-followed his recommendation to stop eating nightshades and saw immediate results. The boils-terrible boils-dried up and have not returned-the Psoriasis is gone besides two patches on the insides of his legs near his ankles (we believe those will clear up with more time. ) We have followed other suggestions in the book but this one seems to be what turned things around, drastically. The nightshade vegetables include Potatoes, Tomatoes, Egg Plant, Spicey Peppers, & Tobacco. I hope this helps someone else suffering from similar problems with Psoriasis, cellulitis, or boils (cysts). We are still amazed at the results from something so simple-it was hard at first to change his diet to meals without these foods-but he will not touch any of them now.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Helen (Hopkinsville, Kentucky, Usa) on 12/03/2012

Age 66. I have had single areas and multiple of what I called psoriasis (not diagnosed) for years. About 3 weeks ago, I got the typical rash, redness, and thickening on both forearms and chest. I have used peroxide 3% full strength rubbed on areas with good results. It still takes months to completely get rid of it but it works. It takes longer, too, when scratched or shaved over areas. The most recent is looking much better already.

Bee Propolis
Posted by Helen (Austin, Tx) on 11/06/2012


I tried the bee propolis on my scalp for psoriasis; I guess I misunderstood how to use it; its extremely sticky and stains. So I had huge globs of brown sticky stuff; it would not come off at all, not from my fingers or the sink or the countertop and certainly not from my scalp. it was like I had superglued my hair to my scalp. I wrote the company; they said they had no solution of how to get it off. Anyway, I finally am soaking it in hairspray/alcohol for an hour or so before I wash it and it is gradually coming out. I assume it should have been diluted; anyway, it doesn't seem to have helped the condition.

Bee Propolis
Posted by Sunita (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 03/22/2013


I would advise you to use virgin coconut oil it has been found to be an excellent natural treatment for relieving psoriasis. A common recommendation is to take 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil each day. It can either be consumed directly from the spoon, or you can mix it into a fruit smoothie, sautee vegetables with it, or use it as a replacement for butter when eating pancakes. Another option is to apply virgin coconut oil topically onto the affected area 3 times per day.

Note : Use virgin coconut oil extracted from coconut milk.

Over the Counter
Posted by Straycat (Minneapolis, Mn, Usa) on 10/20/2012

I personally do not suffer from psoriasis, but a friend of mine in Canada does. I mentioned a different skin ailment that I am experiencing to her and she said I might try overnight renewing foot cream. She has psoriasis quite bad on her shins and one night as she was using the cream on her feet she started to rub it on her shins also just because it felt good. She says her psorisis is so much better since she started to use this cream. While the cream did not really provide any relief for my skin condition, I thought I'd mention it to you all since it seemed to lessen the severity of psorsis for her.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Megg (North Vernon, Indiana, Usa) on 10/09/2012

Hi Megg here.. What was the name of this stuff do you remember? I have psorisis also and would like to know that name of this stuff... Thanks

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brainbuster (Indianapolis) on 02/15/2014

There's no such thing as "Extra" Virgin Coconut Oil... it's just a marketing term to get you to spend more cash. There is Virgin Coconut Oil.

Gluten Free, Tar Ointment
Posted by Nicole (New York, Usa) on 08/13/2012

I felt the need to give feedback on this site after finding success after struggling with psoriasis on my scalp for 5 years. Your comments and suggestions have made all the difference to me, so maybe mine can be of help to you. For years I had thick scabby buildup on my scalp that would itch and flake horribly. I always told myself that I wouldn't take harsh prescription drugs until the psoriasis really started to affect my daily life. As of recent months, it began to take its toll on my emotional well being. I had tried shampoos, herbs, coconut oil, moroccan oil, apple cider vinegar, and various other remedies. I had tried a tar shampoo 4 years ago, and saw no change with it.

However, recently I have gone gluten free (for my digestive system) and it has been three weeks and I feel better. A WEEK ago I started putting a tar ointment on (Psoriacin) and I am almost completely clear! I had also been taking coconut oil everyday, but I really think putting the tar ointment on before bed, and shampooing in the morning with a salicydic acid shampoo REALLY helped me. I am almost completely clear! I hope this helps any of your struggling with this condition!

Neem Oil
Posted by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 08/01/2012

About 5 days ago, I started developing a doozie of a cold sore.... In the same spot, on my upper lip, with the swelling (terrible) and blisters. I didn't develop the usual symptoms I normally get, which is swollen lymph glands and stiff, achy joints. I attribute that to the healthy fats I take in my morning smoothie. This cold sore triggered the psoriasis in my right ear. Needless to say, I was miserable with the nerve endings throbbing and oozing, etc.

So, after re-reading everything here on Earth Clinic, I decided to try the neem oil. I did some more research and decided to try the oil, instead of the leaves. The smell of the oil is kinda strong (resembles garlic) but, for me, this worked beautifully. Within the day, my ear stopped oozing and throbbing and wasn't so tender to the touch. It took my cold sore till the end of the following day to feel better, but it is healing..... For me, this is huge.. I have tried so much... Lysine, acv, vco, clay... Almost everything on EC... Lol. If you suffer from either of these, please give it a try. It's a wonderful healing oil.

Neem Oil
Posted by Dianne (Delaware, Ontario) on 11/11/2012

How much Neem oil did you use in your ear? My son is experiencing same problems, sore behind his ear and tender to touch on side of neck just below his ear.

Cherry Juice, Diet
Posted by Mysonsmom (Louisville, Nebraska) on 06/15/2012

For over 6 months I have been drinking 8 oz. or more of cherry juice (bought concentrated and I diluted and added agave to sweeten) to see what affect it would have for me. My mother-in-law began drinking it to reduce uric acid that inflamed her gout. I have found that my psoriasis, which I have had since age 9 and am almost 40, is greatly improved and many of my worst patches have disappeared entirely. I try to eat a healthy diet of fresh fruits and veggies, less fried foods, and less sugar as well. I take digestive enzymes and d-limonene to help prevent heart burn and issues with my hiatal hernia and I also take a daily calcium/magnesium supplement.

Don't know if it is the combination of these things or the anti-inflammatory and mineral properties in the cherry juice that has brought about this healing. I am thankful for this amazing improvement! My skin hasn't been this clear since I was a kid!

Bleach Baths
Posted by Christie (San Francisco, California) on 09/14/2012

Sara--Your experiment with bleach is interesting. I once read a NY Times article about a case where bathing in bleach solution brought about complete remission of psoriasis. There's evidence that some types of psoriasis might actually be fungal infections, which could also account for why ACV also works in some cases.

Bleach Baths
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 12/10/2021

I read on EC that Manuka honey cures MRSA.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Brad Shad (North Providence, Rhode Island) on 04/05/2012

Hi, I read your post. I went natural 16 months ago and am still trying to get to the bottom of it. I am currently 8 days into proper food combining. This is the key to it all. I eat fruits for breakfast and veggies and carbs or veggies and protein. Look up for more info. I was BLOATED after eating a regular meal and now after proper food combining I am not after 2 days. Hopefully in a month I will know if it is working. If not I'm going strictly vegan mostly veg til it clears. I was told that if you eat a plant based diet that you can cure cancer. Eating properly will boost the immune system to fight off anything. You have to clear out the garbage and yes your liver is probably struggling. How old did you get psoriasis? Good luck.

Posted by Carole Wynne (South San Francisco, Ca, California/usa) on 03/23/2012

I have had psorisis of the genital area for one and a half years. I hurt so bad when I have to go to the bathroom. I was talking to someone and she said that cayenne pepper made her friend's psoriasis go away. I have been taking it for two days now and for the first time, I have no pain in that area. I have been to 4 dermatoligists, many creams and shots and nothing worked. I am so relieved and happy that I finally found something to relieve my extreme pain.

Posted by Lisa (Kenosha, Wi) on 03/23/2012

Carole.... Will you please tell how you are taking cayenne for your psoriasis? Is it in a pill or just adding it to your food? Thank you.

Posted by Hal (Carmichael, Ca) on 07/18/2012

I began taking a Cayenne Complex for heart health a few months ago- my heart is still beating and all my psoriasis is gone.

Posted by Mbricette (Reading, Pa) on 07/30/2015

How do you use the cayenne? I have it too.

Posted by Shaik (Bangalore) on 02/04/2017

Dear sir plz tell me how to use. I am thankful to u
