Lemon & Olive Oil: Effective Kidney Stone Home Remedy

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Taj2000 (Maryland) on 04/22/2016

Lemon juice and olive oil for kidney stones definitely works- took my husband to the ER they gave him morphine sent him home with prescription for oxycodone - he had to take two at a time to manage the pain- meds were running out and I found this website, thank God.

2oz of lemon juice with 2 oz of olive oil did the trick. Took one dose at night and the other at 10am next morning -went 24hrs without pain. Well, it wore off and he was hurting- gave him the mixture again and a dose of oxycodone- he went thru the night with no pain and still no pain.

So it works but it will wear off so you have to keep taking it.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Rebecca (Newburgh, In) on 01/02/2016

Can frozen Minute Maid lemon juice be used instead of fresh lemons for kidney stones?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ji (Ontario, Canada) on 01/04/2016

To Rebecca (Newburgh, In) on 01/02/2016. For the olive oil/lemon juice mixture to work on your kidney stones you need to use real unprocessed lemon juice from real lemons. I am speaking from experience.

I went through a period when my diet was bad and I was creating what doctors like to call "gravel" in my kidneys. This gravel would eventually stick together to form larger stones. I I followed a protocol of drinking 2 spoons of lemon juice in water first thing in the morning and eliminated the kidney problem within weeks.

However, when I switched from real squeezed lemon juice to a bottled "so-called real lemon juice" and had a return of kidney stones within 6 weeks. I think the pasturizing, which all bottled liquids go through, kills the active ingredients that you need for this to work.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Steven Cnx (Chiang Mai Thailand) on 01/17/2016


I had the same question ... It goes rancid too fast inside of us as I understand its only olive oil, cold pressed and organic that will do the job. I have done it 2 times already and was amazed at what came out.

Try an organic coffee enema 2 hours after drinking 8-10oz with a side glass of lemon juice 4oz drinking alternately. This is from my own experience. The feeling of the oil inside isnt what I would call pleasant but what comes after is worth some small discomfort. I didn't collect the stones but took a pic of the first round in the toilet. I also was applying a castor oil pack 3 times a day for 2 hours each time for 2 days prior. I hope this helps.


Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Lisa (Albuquerque ) on 11/02/2015

I've had kidney stones at least 4 times, the last incident was this year. I'm thankful that my daughter told me about the lemon juice and olive oil home remedy, along with the water chaser and then 30 minutes later an apple cider vinegar with lemon juice (everything has to be absolutely organic and no additives). Within a few hours I was relieved of the excruciating pain. No horrendous medical costs and quick relief. The second part to this is to keep those suckers from coming back. Follow this list and it will most likely eliminate forever another excruciating bout with the stones.

Eliminate these food items from your diet:

Caffeine; Sugar and artificial sweeteners; Added salt; Carbonated drinks; Dairy foods and processed foods. Decrease your intake of animal protein and leafy greens like spinach, okra, swiss chard.

I've been following this and so far have not had another incident.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Annika (Finland) on 09/17/2015

Another doctor told me that the ultra sound test doesn't necessarily find the stone, so there is a possibility that the stone is still there..

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Colleen (Braselton, Ga) on 07/07/2015


I just started the olive oil and lemon juice. There is 500 calories in each dose. Did you gain a lot of weight during your 26 days on the treatment?

Thank you, in advance, for your reply! :)

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Will239 (Calgary, Alberta) on 03/13/2015

I was diagnosed a 6mm kidney stone on my left kidney, it is my third kidney stone in 40 years. I found this site with a natural cure, so I try it today and drank 2 oz of lemon juice and 2 oz of extra virgin olive oil mixture as instructed two times today with 6 to 8 cups of distill water. Later today, I found my throat hurt. It's probably from the lemon juice and the taste is awful. At the same time I found an advertising of Renavive from this site. Would anyone have tried it?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sktrsmw (Bakersfield, CA) on 03/18/2015

Will, saw your post about the 6mm stone. I was diagnosed with one as well. Co-incidently I ordered the Renevive yesterday. Can you give me an update on how you are doing? Carol

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Will239 (Calgary, Alberta) on 03/19/2015

I stopped using the mixture of lemon juice and olive oil as it also make stomach upset and diarrhea. Now I am doing lemon juice two times a day with occasional Chanca Piedra tea. So far I don't have pain and have no stones pass from the urine. I have not done anything with the Renevive either. I am going to have another ultra sound test to see if I still have stone six months later. I will keep you informed what will happen. Please let me know if the product worked for you.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sktrsmw (Bakersfield, CA) on 03/19/2015

Will do. I am only on the second day of the lemon juice and olive oil. My stomach seems to handle it with no issues. The Renavive probably will not arrive till next week. I am canceling my hospital procedure scheduled for the 25th today. I figured that if I could have this stone for close to a couple of years now, another month will not kill me. I am also going to get in with another urologist that was recommended by a couple of local friends. Coincidently the dr's name is Dr. Stone. lol

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Will239 (Calgary, Alberta) on 03/30/2015

Hi HB,

Thanks for your experience. I will try your way again. So far I have no pain from the stone. It is a good way to kill the piano if that happened to me. Thanks. Will

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sam (Miami) on 12/13/2014

This is a well known protocol, but one has to prepare first. I have done that not the right way and my friend did and we both, at one moment that lasted hours, thought we would die. Done gently with preparation it works.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Chris (Ca) on 02/15/2015

Hi Sam, What do you mean by " one has to prepare first. I have done that not the right way" Can you tell me the preparation first and the right way. I would like to try this remedy. Thanks, Chris

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Nini (Logansport, In) on 08/29/2015

Yes, I experienced the same pain. I passed a stone and then my second put me in the hospital for nine days with NO insurance. I have since then passed three at home and am working on another as I write this. This is my first time drinking this and I hope it works.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Christine (Ct, US) on 10/03/2014

Olive oil and lemon juice remedy for kidney stones: I did it every few hours and it worked. I used extra virgin Olive Oil and Lemon Juice, 2ozs of each. I was so happy no operation to remove it.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Gary (Lincoln, NE) on 09/30/2014

There are three ingredients used in this home remedy. Lemon juice to dissolve the stone, Olive oil to help the smaller stone move along and get flushed our, and cayenne pepper to heal the scratches on the tissues. The C pepper is very important. A few sprinkles of a good grade, organic, finely ground. I do a cup of each liquid, with the C pepper, three times a day, for a couple days, or until the pain goes away.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/30/2014

Yikes, Gary, a cup sounds like a ton!! Do you mean a shot cup?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cathleen (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/24/2014

The lemon juice and olive oil solution did not work for me. Perhaps I just couldn't stomach it long enough (I started to feel sick from the acid) but I got no results from it when I tried on my last stone (3mm).

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ontee42 (California) on 07/10/2014

2 oz lemon juice and 2 oz olive oil did the trick for me. Rushed to the emergency room with worst pain of my life, tests showed I had a 3mm stone. Morphine in the ER and Norco to take at home. I was taking the pain pill every 2 hours and then found this remedy. I downed the whole 4 oz at once and almost immediately the pain was gone. I never had to take another pain pill and the next morning the stone passed -- caught it in the strainer they gave me at the ER. BTW - after I took the 4 oz at once, I read on to see that most sites recommend drinking it a little at a time to avoid nausea... probably a good idea.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Che (Philippines) on 04/08/2014

How much of olive oil and lemon did you mix for those stones to get out from your kidneys? How many times in a day ? Did you take it before each meal or after?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Elvis (Johannesburg, SA) on 03/01/2015

Hey. I would love to know how much olive oil and lemon juice should l drink

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Robin ( Georgia) on 04/19/2015

Was it painful when you passed the three stones after drinking the lemon juice and olive oil?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by M.k (Uae) on 02/24/2016

Hi all, I am also suffering from this stone problem, I have passed several stones through urine, more than 8 times. The last one I passed was very big around 8-9mm, and I felt very strong pain not on passing but after it passed away but it's for an hour only. It was because it bruised internally.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kathy ( Illinois) on 04/29/2015

How much lemon juice, and olive oil do you mix together and how often do I drink it for?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Pam (Islip, Ny) on 04/14/2016

What are the measurements of olive oil and lemon?

EC: 2 ounces of lemon juice and 2 ounces of olive oil.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Misty (Macon, Nc) on 07/17/2017

Is this safe for someone who is 7 months pregnant?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Jordan (Tx) on 07/17/2017

Safer than drugs from the hospital, I am sure...or worse, surgery during pregnancy.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cecile (San Jose, Ca) on 02/09/2014

THIS IS SO CRAZY! This is my 3rd round with Kidney stones, came upon this article and read about the remedy of lemon juice and olive oil?

Was already scheduled for surgery, tried the remedy for 2 days and past it and with zero pain, just plain amazing, just want to thank everyone for their feedback...you guys cured me!

Thank you, Any advice on a weekly remedy to keep them from coming back?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/09/2014

Cecile: I eat 85% raw organic produce and 15% raw grass fed animal products. I feel better than in my entire life.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Gail (Missouri) on 01/30/2015

Get your ph up.. If you have kidney stones you are too acidic.. No soda for sure! Read on ph and alkaline diet

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Traci (Georgia) on 01/11/2016

Hi Rajesh, do you eat all the bananas within 15 minutes? Or, do you eat just a few of them every 15 minutes until all gone (like the lemon/oil mixture)?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Patty (USA) on 09/02/2023

How many hydrangea supplements did you take per day. What was the mg?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Carolina (Ocala, Florida) on 10/16/2013

I was reading all the great results people have with the olive oil and lemon juice mix when having kidney stones. I do have a 5mm stone coming down my ureter, I was told my ureter is narrow due to some scar tissue I developed after a previous surgery. (no kidney or ureter related).. My question is: have anybody in this group try to pass the stone with OOLJ having a narrow ureter? Any suggestions? Thanks!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Shaun (Uk) on 08/07/2013

Hi there diagnosed witha 5mm stone in right side 2 weeks ago. Went to a/e 4 times in this period and sent home each time after having morphine. It's a nightmare, am off work and just waiting around for next attack to come. I will try the lemon and oil approach from today and let you know if it really works...

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Treena (Malaysia) on 08/22/2015

My father currently suffering from renal kidney stone and we are finding some alternatives remove it naturally. I would like to know how much amount of lemon juice and olive oil is needed? Thank you

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sue (Fairfax, Va Usa) on 02/12/2013

Kelly, thank you so much for your very informative and thorough reply. I am not on heart or bp meds so am certainly interested in trying this herb. I know I'm lucky to have just a few small stones at this point and want to do whatever I can to prevent the horrible complications that are possible. Thanks again and stay well!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Martin (Alabama) on 02/26/2014

Tried remedy 4 days straight...no success

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Maria (San Benito, Tx) on 10/24/2012

for how long do u drink it or how do u drink it I mean once a day in the mornings or at night... really need to know please reply soon...

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Davet (Kokomo, Indiana) on 09/15/2012

After having fought the battle of having a kidney stone for the last 5 days, with no real end in site, I decided to try your lemon juice and olive oil remedy. I have had several in the past, and have stents along with sonic treatment in the past to break them up to pass them. I don't recall how big any of them were, but frankly they all felt like a VW bug being passed through. I hope this works! I will check in later to let you know. Thanks for the site.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Lisalsb (Baltimore, Md) on 08/12/2012

I was diagnosed with a 5mm kidney stone. I am a female, 40. I have 3 children and I can tell you, the pain felt like labor contractions. I have a fairly high pain tolerance, but wow, really quite painful.

I am due back to the doctor's for another exam and maybe stenting. Like many of you, I would rather save money and try the lemon/olive oil method.

I actually tried it this morning and will do it again tonight. One site said it would clear in 24 hours. I have read mixed reviews on time frame. I will let you know if I pass it.

Good luck to the rest of you.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Debra (Lodi, Ca) on 08/12/2012

Hi there, I too had kidney stones and believe me the lemon and olive oil worked! I could feel the stone burst about 10 minutes after taking the mixture. I expected to see or feel something when I urinated, but nothing..... Don't give up take it more often it needed. Good Luck! Debbie

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by James (Ajax, Ontario, Canada) on 10/03/2012

Debra from Conroe is referring to a Gallbladder Liver Flush in the last reply to brown bomber. That is not the procedure for a Kidney stone removal. But a great procedure for the liver flush that everyone should do to get your gall Bladder and liver work at 100 percent and to avoid the unnecessary removal of the Gall Bladder that the doctors say is required for those situations. They also claim the Gall Bladder is unnecessary which I don't believe because alot of people that have them removed still get Liver Stones.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Deb (Dallas, Texas) on 09/29/2013

Is it ok to do the lemon juice and olive oil remedy and apple cider vinegar remedy too or should I try one remedy for a couple of days first?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sarah (Kentucky) on 05/11/2013

How much of each? I have been taking a tbsp of lemon juice 3 times a day but how much olive oil.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Peter (Cape Town, South Africa) on 05/01/2012

Drank 50mil of olive oil and 50 mil of lemon juice mixed twice (night and morning). (Tried ACV but found it too gross. ) Then two more 50 mil of just lemon juice (again night and morning). Woke up this morning and really feel that the stone had been zapped by the acid of the lemon juice - experienced no "flicks" of pain or pain itself the whole day. Perhaps too early to say but am feeling very, very positive.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Prashant (Delhi, India) on 05/08/2012

I used this method for about 2 weeks.... I don't know wether it helped or not but I passed out 8MM stone..... I used to drink lots of water and took homeopatic medicine Berburis Vulgaris...... It took almost 45 days for the stone to pass out.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Amanda (Moulton, Al) on 07/03/2012

I have had back pain and abdominal pain for the past 2-3 months but I thought it was just from a pulled muscle boxing up and moving.... Went to the emergency room and they told me I had a UTI(urinary tract infection) so they gave me meds and took them for two weeks.... The pain just got worse so I went back to the ER oly for them to do a ct scan and there it was a 14. 8 mm stone and a 3 mm stone... I was like holy crap... Ive had stones before but never one that big.... The dr was amazed at how I was still able to walk around and work and care for my son.... I have done a lot of research and today I am trying this lemon juice and olive oil remedy just to see if it will possibly break down this big stone so that I can pass it some how... Where the kidney stone is according to the dr he says that he will not blast the stone until it starts to move or I am in pain... Well I dont want to wait for that to happen because I do not want permanent kidney damage or failure bc of this stone... So I am going to try this and see if it works.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ankit (Delhi) on 07/08/2012

I have never experienced any pain from kidney stone. I am in Merchant Navy and I went through medical test prior boarding the ship. Unfortunately, a small stone of 3mm was detected and I could not board. It's been 2 months I have been trying different remedies inckuding homeopathy and ayurvedic medicines and nothing worked for me. I tried Olive oil and Lemon juice remedy for 3 days but nothing has come up. I got the x-ray done and stone is still there. It's in right kidney lower pole calyx, which I heard is very difficult to pass. Could you please advise the quantity and number of times I should take OO and Lemon juice mixture? I have get rid off this stone asap. Please suggest!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ankit (Delhi) on 07/13/2012

I have been trying ACV and OO lemon remedy for more than a week and it din't work for me. I have tried almost all types of doses which have been mentioned by various people in previous posts. I am thinking of give up on both of these and I am really sad that what should I do now. My stone is in lower pole calyx of right kidney ( size-3mm ). I think it's difficult to pass the stone from lower calyx and also maybe it's difficult to dissolve it. Any suggestion would be really appreciated. Thanks!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ramon (Dallas Tx, Texas U.s.a) on 04/23/2012

My wife had pain for several days, we checked the symptoms and found out it was kidney stones, we ran into olive oil @ lemon remedy 2oz of each, praying that she will be fine tomorrow thank and God Bless

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kristen C. (Reading, Pa) on 04/09/2012

I have had calcium oxalate stones in both kidneys for at least 15 years. I've passed at least 5. The least painful experience was last year, after I tried the olive oil/lemon juice remedy. I sat in a warm bath and sipped it slowly and followed it with tall glasses of lemon water. I passed the stone the next morning.

My question to all of you who have experienced passing multiple stones, many without pain: I have numerous stones in both kidneys. I am hesitant to use this remedy to try to remove all of them at once. My experience was dealing with a stone that was already moving. As you know, the stones I have in the kidneys don't bother me until one of them pops out. The thought of pushing them all out at once, is kind of horrifying.

Have many of you successfully done this? Was it painful? Did it take long, weeks, months? Did you have to take a vacation and plan on feeling terrible with percaset at the ready? I am seriously contemplating trying to cleanse my kidneys completely, but I don't want to incapacitate myself indefinitely.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Michael (Houston, TX) on 01/23/2015

I have been doing this for 4 days and to no avail, the stone needs to pass by Monday or surgery. Not sure this really works, I see the same thing for gall stones, and 10 other ailments

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Laura (Toronto, Canada) on 02/23/2015

Anyone with history of gerd (acid reflux) have problems taking lemon and olive?

I may try Renavive, though I have list of food sensitivities too.. and am worried about long list of herbs in it. Any comments about this product would be appreciated. Thank you

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Lucy (Orlando, Fl) on 04/03/2012

Hello. I tried this same remedy: One shot of lemon juice followed by one shot of olive oil first thing in the morning and before I went to bed. I did this remedy before I had a scheduled ct-scan to determine where the kidney stones were to schedule the laser surgery to remove them. ( I had a ultrasound before that confirm that I had kidney stones). When I went back to the urologist for the results of the ct-scan he said that my kidneys were clear. He asked, "what did you do"? I told him the remedy and he said.. Ahhh yeah.. The lemon juice dilutes the stones and it is easier to pass them. Of course he was not going to tell me this when I went the first time. He took x-rays, then sent me for ultrasound and then the CT Scan. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you EC and everyone who shares their post. I saved $1800 which is the deductible from my insurance for surgery.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Fran (St.louis, Mo) on 03/21/2014

For those who suffer with IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease). My Urologist said Kidney Stones come with this disease (I have IBD). Now I'm sure the Lemon Juice/Olive Oil works for most but if you have IBD be careful. I did this remedy for a 24 hour period and got a real bad case of upset stomach and the runs; almost instantly. No passing of stones just a good cleaning out. So for those with IBD (most of us) Lemons are not a good thing and can make your IBD act up. I am now trying the Apple Cider Vinegar; and hoping for the best.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by KT (Usa) on 03/21/2014

Loren--I would like to know your age and could you please provide the ratio of lemon juice and EVOO that you used? THANKS!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kishore (Bangalore) on 03/28/2014

Great home remedies for kidney stone. I m latest beneficiaries of this forum. Keep it up folks.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mer (Rocky Point, Ny, Us) on 03/25/2012

I have had calcium renal calculi diagnosed in both kidneys. One kidney was almost completely occluded with stone, and the other very full as well. I had lithotripsy followed by numerous surgeries. After the first 3 surgeries, my surgeon gave up referring me to another dr saying he 'couldn't get the angle' I then finally got all the rest of them out at LI Jewish Hospital. All of this happened concurrent to my breast cancer surgery and treatment. I was experiencing a return of flank pain and I saw this purge online and tried it. Following a 2x2 dose of lemon juice and olive oil, I passed 18 stones painlessly. I was surprised to see all the stones in one go come out of me ranging in diameter similiar to that of grains of sand which earlier caused me great pain, sweats and racking nausea. I now use this whenever I get signs of pain.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by John Of Walland (Walland, Tn) on 08/21/2012

I just passed my fourth stone yesterday; what I do is take three Aleve to deal with the pain and drink lots of water, do the pacing and nausea but it passed. I had to take an Aleve every two hours this time!!! I will try this remedy. My brother-in-law drinks lime water every day and has not passed a stone in ten years. I'm drinking it as I type. As a chemist I can see how the acidic acid (sp?)in lemon or lime juice would help to dissolve the stones. I usually eat a lot of fruit and haven't done that lately; so that may be why I developed the stone?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Stephen (New Jersey) on 02/19/2014

Did this really work? This site says yes, but there are so many that say its impossible. I just don't know.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/20/2014

Stephan, why don't you try it? They are salad dressing ingredients so it can't hurt you!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/20/2014

Stephan, why don't you try it? They are salad dressing ingredients so it can't hurt you!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/21/2014

I have used lemon juice four times to knock out kidney stones. 1/2 lemon per glass of water 6 times daily. After 4 days it passed.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Stephen (New Jersey) on 02/22/2014

Ok. I started this method this morning at 8:00 am. Just had my second at 12:50 pm and will do the last one around 6:00 pm. While I have no pain, I did have a CT scan and it showed a small 1mm stone in the ureter. My symptom is the constant urge to pee and this stone is the cause. I will keep you posted.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Stephen (New Jersey) on 02/23/2014

On day two---- drinking the lemon juice and olive oil is not bad at all. No stone yet--- but still have urgency to urinate. Waiting...

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sondra (Austin, Tx) on 02/24/2014

I too suffer as all of you. They say it is genetic and I do not absorb calcium the way that is normal. I currently have a few lingering in my kidneys and the largest is a 1cm. I can feel it but really do not want to go thru another surgery, this would be my 4th in 3 yrs. I have tried the coke and asparagus in the past and I am fairly certain I exploded a very large stone into 13 small ones which passed in about 5 days - they all passed at once! I am ready to head out on a dream vaca and have some worry that this stone may break free while I am abroad. Do y'all think I should take my chances and try to lemon and olive oil before I leave or chance it and wait? Most of all do you think it could possibly tackle such a large stone? I also have had 3 kidney infections from stones so don't want to deal with that abroad! Thx

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 02/24/2014

If you go on vacation, I would take the Renavive product. It will address infection and stones. Plus it is convenient to take. It will pass the stones out as sludge. As far as whether you should go on vacation, use your intuition.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Lauren (Athens Ga) on 12/30/2015


This is a reply to an old post but I saw John from TN say that he had taken Aleve every 2 hours for pain and I want to tell people to please not do that. Aleve is fine if you take the proper dose but if you take to much it can in fact damage your kidneys. My mother lost 25% function taking it "like aspirin" a couple of years ago.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Brenda (Floresville, Texas) on 03/19/2012

My husband went for a cat scan and has 3 kidney stones the largest is 5mm. He does not have insurance but the dr gave him a week to pass it (like he does not have the pain) he is due for surgery next monday. It is 8:59pm we r crossing our fingers and hoping the lemon juice and olive oil remedy works will keep you posted.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Dragan (Tornto, On) on 03/13/2012

I am glad it worked for you but I have difficulty to believe that 9mm stone (diameter???) went painless through your penis (I assume you are male 'Mark'). It is size of a small marble and unless your plumbing is so loose, there is NO WAY it was painless.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Chinad (Brooklyn, New York) on 03/27/2012

glad to say he is 10000% right... Not sure must be the olive oil.. :)... But who cares.. It works..!!!!!! .. I took my first test around 10AM within 20 min I was pain free an has been all day with no perks/codien today.... I'm pretty sure I'm passing the stones now an its 11pm.. Thank you whoever shared this.. Bless your pretty little heart!!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Symmetricallyecclectic (Saint Peters, Missouri, United States) on 06/28/2012

From what I understand the lemon juice, and even more so the apple cider vinegar begins dissolving and softening the kidney stone. There can really be no other explanation, for if faced with passing a marble through my entire urethal system including the penis, I would be begging the doctors to cut it out. A marble travelling through my little buddy? Not in this lifetime.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Anil (Mumbai, India) on 03/01/2012

Hi , I was diagnosed with a kidney stone abt 5mm with lots of pain and prescribed a one month course of tablet to flush it out. 3 days into the medication I was not satisfied and came on this wonderful site on the net. I tried out the 2 spoon olive oil and 2 spoon lemon juice and within 3 hrs the stone passed out in my urine... without any pain.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Rohit (Agra, Uttar Pradesh India) on 03/03/2012

What did you use? extra virgin olive oil or just olive oil? I can't find extra virgin in my city... Simple olive oil works as well?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bobby (Houston, Tx) on 03/09/2012

OK, I have a 7 MM stone. I went and got some shock wave treatment and now I'm home. I just drank 2oz of Virgin Olive Oil and 2oz of lemon juice fresh squeezed and mixed together. Taste is not bad. Will let you guys know tomorrow. If anyone else has passed a stone this size or greater please reply and let me know. If this does not work I will have to See Dr. Monday for procedure.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ct (Portland, Or) on 03/10/2013

I think that simple olive oil would work as well as extra virgin. The extra virgin is merely a different pressing; otherwise, they are the same.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sumir (Dubai, Uae) on 02/03/2012

Hi, I was diagnosed with 1cm stone in the right vesico uretery junction in ultrasound. Pls suggest if olive oil with lemon juice can dissolve?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Genell (Summertown, Tennessee) on 02/01/2012

How long did it take to relieve the pain?
