Molluscum Contagiosum Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mysonhasmc (Sacramento, Ca/usa) on 10/24/2011

My son was diagnosed with MC last week and the doctor told me to just leave it alone. I'm glad I igored that advice and found this thread. I have been using ACV for the last few days on the clusters and they are scabbing up and shrinking! My son has been thanking me every night because he knows it is helping and just wants them to go away. I feel so bad for him but this stuff does really work and he is also taking the lil critter vitamins.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynn (Las Vegas, Nevada, Usa) on 10/21/2011

I didn't know what they where when they first apeared thought heat rash, bu then more came stgot diagnosed... And tried eveything, zymaderm, natural products, ointments creams, then I experimented with, nailpolish, and so on then in my frustration came across this WONDERFUL information about ACV, and IT WOrKs, they died by going black, yes some pain but hell if it was going to get rid of them then YAHOO... It looked ugly for about 3 days then amazingly, wonderfully I was cleared...!! PS vita E on skin around the bumps is good will keep it. From burning!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (Chicago, Il) on 10/17/2011

When I initially started using ACV to clear up this problem, I killed like 50 of them within the first 24 hours. But they kept coming back 2 - 3 at a time over the course of about 6 weeks. I had to keep applying ACV to the new ones until the virus had died off. Any skin that was infected takes about 6 weeks (average according to online research) to manifest into a bump. So skin that looks normal, but has the virus, might take awhile to show up. I would say that if you are vigilant in applying ACV to new bumps as the appear - they should clear out after about 6 weeks (give or take).

I know that I was frustrated that new ones kept coming - but after like 6 weeks they finally stopped.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (Chicago, Il) on 10/17/2011

I had to use the ACV for about 7 hours on any bumps... (usually left on while sleeping or while working during the day). I applied a waterproof bandage with cotton soaked in ACV - this prevented the ACV from drying out and maximizing the exposure. The bump should flatten out and turn black or brown (smaller ones seem to just go white, though). But if it is still a bump (i. e. you can feel it raised on the skin) be sure that it is still active and apply more ACV. This is how I did it- but others have used other methods such as makeup pads and whatnot.

Also try to minimize anything that might make them spread such as cutting them open or breaking the bump open.

Eventually it should go away if you treat the bumps as quickly as you detect them. Check for new ones every day until you are certain the virus has been destroyed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debs (Kelowna, Bc Canada) on 10/16/2011

I'd like to pass on my 'success' so far with the ACV treatments I have used on my 5 year old from this site. Like all of you, extreme frustration with a virus that has not 'disappeared on it's own' since I noticed the 1st few bumps almost 1 year ago. Not willing to try any of the brutal doctors suggestions, my daughter has tolerated this modified treatment extremely well. I began applying ACV nightly before bedtime on Oct. 3rd, 'dabbing' onto the 40 MC that covered one armpit/arm/side area. I used straight ACV dabbed on with a Qtip, then covered with bandaids and wrapped the larger cluster areas with non-stick guaze for the night. Only applying at night, the MC has looked 'red and angry'.. Slowly drying out, and now I can only see 2 MC that have any pus inside.!! Yes!

Once they began really drying and scabbing out, I have begun to apply Vitamin E ointmant to those MC as I fear some scarring. It also seems to speed up healing. ?? I have dabbed on some Tea Tree oil for good measure as well. Seems milder, but couldn't hurt. I have not noticed 1 new MC since we began treatment. :-)) Fingers crossed! I will definately be passing this info onto our GP. Btw.... Naturally, I have not dabbed ACV onto 'open' MC as they erupted... that would be cruel to a 5 y/old. I just wanted to pass this along to other parents ... That it IS WORKING for us!! Even if it's taking longer.... It is working!! Thanks for everyone's input... We are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Note... I launder her jammie top every day.. And have stopped the nightly hot baths as it also feeds the spread. Who'd of thunk it?? Just wish I'd known this stuff a year ago! :-))

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lolabell (Waretown, Nj/usa) on 10/07/2011

Just wanted to say that my MC is completely cleared. After the initial application of the makeup pad soaked in the ACV, covered with a bandaid (difficult in the bikini line area) and leaving it on for about 8 - 10 hours, I soaked the makeup pads with the ACV and left them on the bumps, which turned white/scabbed over, for 30 to 45 minutes at night. I took them off and let them air out. I soaked them for about a week for 30-45 minutes each night and finally decided to leave them alone and just let them dry up and they Finally Are All Gone. I'm cured! After months of having these bumps they are gone. Now, if they recur, I'll know what to do.

I wish everyone here the best and thanks for this site. You saved me from months and months of embarrasment and discomfort and who knows hundreds of dollars of medication since I have no health insurance at the moment, so ACV will always be a staple in my kitchen/bathroom! Good luck and yes, it works and it takes time and patience but eventually, it does work.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mumjojo (United Kingdom, England) on 10/05/2011

Hope this can help some of you. My daughter has had molluscum contagiosum for over a year now. It started on the back of her left leg and then spread to her bottom and now her right leg. I searched the internet so many times but found no known cure. Doctors told me it would clear within a year but it just seemed to be getting worse.

I decided to try APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.... So far so good. I have only been putting it on my daughter's legs about once a week just before she goes to bed but they are definitely clearing up. I have been putting clean pyjama bottoms on her every night after dabbing the cider vinegar on with cotton wool.

Hope this works for others. Best of luck x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mcfree (South, Georgia) on 09/27/2011

Let me start off by saying this stuff is a miracle! I had bumps pop up on my bikini line for the first time about 2 and a half weeks ago and since I had never heard of Molluscum my first thought was of course herpes. I went to an emergency clinic and they told me I had Molluscum. After doing much research online I came across this site. I never once read anything but freezing and cutting does NOT work. I decided this was worth a shot. I went to the organic food store and apple cider vinegar. The first two nights I soaked make up pads in the vinegar and held them down with a large band aid. I did not poke the molluscums or try to squeeze out the center. After two days half of the spots scabbed over the rest were open and it became very painful to leave the vinegar on for a long time so I started swabbing the remaining spots about 3 times a day. After about 7 days of total treatment the spots were gone. Don't waste your time at the Doctor, this stuff works!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alex (London, Uk) on 09/22/2011

Apple Cider Vinegar for Molluscum Contagiosum

I read ithere last night after losing all hope they would go away, all 20 of them, as the doctor said it would take up2 18 months to clear :'( so I tried ACV first steralised a needle popped them all, didnt hurt, put ACV on make up pads and taped it on my genital area, lower abdomen, leg and chest.

7 hours later (overnight) BOOOOOOOOM I can hardly see them! Shocked shocked shocked! Thank you everyone you are all superstars )

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mc (Troy, Ny) on 08/31/2011

Just wanted to share my experience and say that Molluscum contagiosum treatment with Apple Cider Vinegar worked pretty well for me too. It seemed to work better when combined with other treatment options like evisceration and iodine, but worked well enough on its own.

My brother had them at one point and we found the ACV to work well because it wasn't painful or cause blisters. It did stink though!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by William (Chicago, Il) on 08/30/2011

I'm 40, and contracted MC about 2 months ago from my gf. The infection was in the pubic region. Being rather aware of things, after about a month I realized that the bumps were not just pimples, but something else. I did a lot of online research and came across Zymaderm as a possible treatment. I tried Zymaderm for about 4 weeks (twice a day) and unfortunately, no real progress was made using this treatment. In fact, I think it might have spread worse. I do think zymaderm worked better on the smaller "new" MC bumps. But the larger older "clusters" were not going away. After a few weeks the more infected area would itch pretty bad, but I resisted in scratching, knowing this would only spread the infection.

So in frustration I went back online to check for other home remedies and found Apple Cider Vinegar and in particular this page. I do remember ACV working for me about 3 years ago on a wart I had on my thumb that persisted for 8 months. The ACV killed it in about 4 days after all other treatments failed. Since MC is basically a variation of warts, I thought this might be a plausible treatment. Boy was I right!

I acquired some waterproof bandages from Walgreens that were large enough to cover the worst part of the infection (about 90% of the 30- 35 bumps that I had). I also purchased some cotton pads and cut them to fit into the bandage - so it could hold more ACV. I poured ACV into the bandages and then affixed them to my problem area. I reinforced it with some cloth medical tape. It was approximately noon in the day when I started treatment using ACV. The ACV did sting a bit, but was tolerable. I left it like this till I got home later that day and removed the bandages about 7 hours later. To my surprise the bumps had started turning black!!! Most that were under the bandage were already dead. I decided to prepare another new fresh bandage and applied it for the rest of the night and while I slept. I must say the stinging of the ACV was a bit intense at this point, as the good skin was getting red (like a sunburn). I took some advil and went to bed.

By morning the bumps had all turned black with a white part around it. I think the MC core (the white part that is the actual virus) had turned black and died. The good skin was red and irritated from the ACV like a sunburn really. NO big deal.

I plan to get the rest of them tonight. From what I read when they turn black, they are destroyed. I'm glad this is finally over with.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cali Girl (Riverside, Ca) on 08/30/2011

yes I just would cover them with the makeup pads and leave them for a couple of hours in the morning if I didnt go out. If I went out I would use a bandaid but would dab the q tip soaked with Apple Cider Vinegar and apply on the MC... When I did it at night I would leave it all night n take a shower in the morning.. just stay calm n this will all work out keep putting the Apple Cider Vinegar it truly works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cali Girl (Riverside, Ca) on 08/21/2011

i have been dealing with molluscum for 8months now. This has been such a nightmare. I am 20 years old and it all started with one growing on my inner thigh. It gradually started to spread around my lady bits area. Some even appeared on my neck(dnt knw how). I was getting extremely frustrated with waiting for me to see the dermatologist to remove them, so I found this website and it helped me sooo much. It worked beautifully for me. I bought the apple cider vinegar with makeup pads remover & some tape (good tape). I would soak the pads & place it over the MC in the morning, remove and did the same at night. They soon began to dry up and some got white and the big ones got black. Now they are healing & I havnt spotted any new ones. I have been praying for this to end, its ruining my social life. For others with molluscum try this & pray & have patience.. It'l work out

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Em (Tumbleweed City , Nm) on 08/03/2011

when I first noticed this "bump" it looked like a white head. I did notice that it had a little dimple in the middle and not really a head/point. one bump was larger than the others, but in all there were about 4.

i went to 2 doctors and they told me the same thing--Molluscum Contagiousum. After a bit of research I decided to use ACV. here is what I did:

--got a needle and sterilized it with soap and water, 91% alcohol and then running through a flame.

--poked each bump with the needle till I could see a teeny bit of blood (confirmation that I had gone through the skin of the bump)

--soak q-tip/cotton ball with _____ ACV UNDILUTED and apply/rub on each bump for about 30 secs. Do this several times a day. (upon waking up, before bed, each time using the restroom when at home)

bumps scabbed up and were gone in less than 10 days. had no irriation, burning, etc, but that is because I didn't leave the cotton on my skin for a prolonged period of time (i see that others are taping the ACV soaked cotton onto their skin and getting irritation/burning).

i didn't wear gloves or anything, but I did make sure that I washed my hands thoroughly and even poured some alcohol on them and let it dry.

i also got another cotton ball soaked in ACV and swiped that over all the surrounding areas of skin. I did this to possibly "prevent" the spread of it and to also "treat" what others may have not yet popped up yet.

i think poking/piercing the bump allows the ACV to work with just a quick application as opposed to not piercing and leaving the cotton on for several hours.

if you are paranoid you can swipe down the area after the bumps/scabs have gone away. do this for about a week after ALL bumps have cleared (when you wake up and before bed).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Daniellesoclopez (Cornelius, Oregon) on 07/07/2011

I just wanted to say thank you I have two young kids one 3 one 4 they are both covered with mc I have gone to the dr and they said wait it out well it has been a year now and they are on there genitals on there face I decided to turn to the internet I saw this web sight by just searching and searching we have burned some off and that has been real trama for my babies but now I see apple cidar vinager so I told my husband what can it hurt I went to dollar store bought cotton balls makeup remover pads bandage raps 20 dollars later then whent to the store and bought the vinager .

i soaked the pads then rapped them up with the ace bandages left on all night and the next day they were white by that night they had started scabing so I did this for three night the boys cried saying it was bugging them but gess what it has been one week alot of hard area I just wiped and now they are mostly all gone maybe 5 left each before they had at least 200 each. no kidding thank you very much you have saved my children it was so bad they got infected they had pus in them they were soar and no more now they look normal thank you thank you god thank you to every one thank you with tears down my face thank you!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to everyone

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