Joint Pain: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Dawn (Centerville, Utah) on 07/28/2008

I injured my elbow when I wrecked on my mtn bike. I did some research on joint pain and found turmeric. It worked like a charm on all my joint problems! However it did cause me to have some major hair loss. I noticed when I stopped taking the turmeric daily my hair loss was not as drastic.

Posted by Candy Moss (Ofallon, MO) on 05/04/2008

I have used L-Glutathione for years for stiffness or joint pain of any type. I works great. I am told it is the key to allow calcium and vit. D amd mag. into the osteoblasts. Without it very little gets in to keep them working properly and it works really well. It also detoxifies the liver. Also I use a product called colon tone by Dr.Eskeland. It is an oxygen based cleaner and one of the great things I noticed it also does is help with yeast infections which I have often, I am guessing the xtra oxygen in the colon kills bacteria. All I know is its great not to have to put up with those yeast infections constantly. I suppose you can find it on the web. Otherwise e-mail me and I can tell you where I get it. Also the glutathione is a very inexpensive supplement.

Posted by Gary (Scott, Louisiana) on 11/29/2006

Knox Gelatin cured my bursitis of the shoulders. it works on the joints. i mixed the gelatin in a glass of grapefruit juice. then drink up.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Larry (Boise, Idaho) on 11/29/2006

I consumed 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Coconut oil before each meal, and if I skipped a meal, I would still take the 1 tablespoon of Virgin Coconut oil. My problem was my left hip would have a popping type of action every time I rotated my leg out away from my body, same sound as if you were cracking your knuckles, after 1 week of using the Virgin Coconut oil, and now my hip no longer makes any poping sound. Still taking it to see about the weight loss benefits. Now on week 3.

Vitamin C
Posted by Barbara (Portland, OR) on 12/06/2006

I started taking high doses of Vitamin C to help ward off a cold virus. For the past several weeks I took 5-10 grams of Vitamin C. I noticed my knee pain disappeared. I am a runner/cross country skiier who has virtually stopped these activities due to pain in my right knee. For 7 years I have tried glucosamine, calcium, MSM, and NSAIDs. I don't like taking NSAIDS. However, the other remedies did not relieve the pain and inflammation.Therefore, I have been tolerating the pain and have discontinued using NSAIDS. I was very surprised to find that the Vitamin C use correlated with complete pain relief and reduction of inflammation. So I stopped the C for a week and the pain returned. I have resumed the C and the pain is gone again.

Vitamin C
Posted by Dee (San Jose) on 09/29/2006

My boyfriend is a martial arts instructor and has been experiencing severe hip pain for the past few years, on and off. He recently discovered that the hip pain will literally disappear overnight if he takes 1,000 milligrams of Vitamin C. If he stops the C, about a week later the pain returns. He has stopped and started the vitamin C enough times to confirm that this supplement is indeed curing his hip pain.

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Vince (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/18/2006

I used to play tennis and my knees started to hurt. An old timer told me to try cod liver oil. I didn't believe him and a physical therapist friend asked if it Lubed the Joints. It may. One cap would relieve the pain in 15min, and it wouldn't come back till I stressed my knees, twisting while carrying something heavy, usually a few weeks.

I often wondered what the cod did. I read a NE Journal of Med newsletter around the time and they were doing a study on arthritis and giving Fish Oil Caps. 20/day, and geting 30% improvement. I thought to myself. Use Cod!!) Years later i saw a forensic show about a woman who was shot in the knee. Because of the location they left the bullet in. Weeks later she died of Lead Poisoning. They said, the Synovial fluid that Lubes the joints displved the bullet. I looked up the fluid and it has Vit A in it. Cod is A & D.

I had a dog who I believe had a heat stroke. He couldn't back up without falling. It was a Sunday nite so I gave him a cod cap And some Ephedrine, since i knew that could strengthen muscles. I only gave one of each and he was at least stable for 2 yrs till he died at 14.

I have had different knee pains since and the cod didn't help. I tried glucosamine and That Didn't help. I heard about MSM and tried that. The first brand, Nature's Bounty, cured a chronic sinus problem I had, but Not my knee pain, I figured I would need more so picked up my fav brand at the time, Sundown, and that cured a muscle pain problem I got from a chemical exposure injury. Still having the knee pains I bought every brand of MSM I found. The 3rd one, Natrol took my knee pain away in an hr. I didn't realize the glucosamine was needed with it since I had stoped it the day before. 4mo later when the pain came back, the MSM didn't help. I remembered I had stoped the Glucos. so took it. An hr later the pain left. I have had to take them after 6, 10, 16, 18 mo, and recently 2 yrs between pains. I added Hyaluronic acid since the last time with lifting weights, I was geting a Different twinge, and Something cured it... for now. Not sure what I have since each problem the Different things cured has been Different. A friend who Had surgery insisted that I Needed it. Not when I can find a cure...

Whether pets or humans, The last thing I would take or give are drugs, and the Very Very last would be surgery.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Rose (Kampala)

I suffered from joint pain for a period of over two months. I took antibiotics continously to no avail. However one day I was told by a friend that aloe vera could work. I started by boiling aloe vera juice extacted from the sap. In addition I would also rub the gel on my joints and experience healing.

Posted by Bill (Califon, NJ)

I have had severe knee and lower leg pain for over one year. All the doctors say my knees have normal wear and tear but they always hurt and especially at night. I took 1600 mg of tumeric (800 x2 day) and after about six weeks the pain almost all gone and flexibility is returning.

Posted by Reem (Karachi, Pakistan)

I have used turmeric as a joint pain remedy and it has always worked for me. I usually take 1 tsp in hot milk and it relieves all forms of body pains, joint pains.

Posted by Rose (Las Vegas) on 03/02/2007

i love your recipe for turmeric tea, i have many joint/bone pains from medicine i must take for breast cancer. So this tea has helped.i hope it will continue to relieve my symptoms when i have taken the tea for a longer time.. great site. thanks

Posted by Charles (Saint Cloud , Florida) on 12/31/2007

I started taking turmeric powder about 2 and a half years ago, after seeing on a famous news show that it was one of the main ingredients in a pill that was able to reduce your antioxidant level to zero. I did a little research and saw' there was little Alhiemers in India, where it is a big part of the diet. I was having a bit of a memory problem at the time. Anyways, after about 3 months of taking a tablespoon a day, I noticed my shoulder pain went away. My doctor had said he could do nothing for it, as it was arthitis and that he had it also. Now I notice that I don't seem too concern about memory and I have regained some interest in reading articles. I have had several, 3, cases of skin cancer in the last year, hopefully its due to the years of living in a tropical climate. I tried to stop taking it a couple of times to see what would happen and my shoulder pain seem to start to come back. So apparently it did not cure it but stopped the pain and I am now able to shoot basketball or any other activity. I put it in water and stir it up and swallow the half a cup very quickly as I do not like the taste. I order it 5 pounds at a time and keep a 10 pound supply on hand. Be careful it stains things yellow.

Posted by Gurudev Khar Khalsa (Los Angeles)

Gurudev Khar Khalsa , a Sat Nam Rasayan healer and Kundalini Yoga teacher in Los Angeles sent us this Ayurvedic tea for lubricating the joints. Gurudev tells us that the almond oil is a very important part of this recipe. Turmeric is called "the internal healer" in Ayurveda. Turmeric is also a blood purifier and is best known for its ability to help the female reproductive organs. Some research indicates that turmeric may be of value in preventing diabetes and cancer.


1/8 teaspoon turmeric, 3 cardamom pods (optional), 1/4 cup water. Simmer 5 to 7 minutes, then add : 1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons almond oil (cold pressed). Bring just to the boiling point (but do not boil). Add honey or maple syrup to taste. Sip slowly as a hot tea.

Posted by Victor (USA) on 06/26/2007

Raw cabbage and cabbage juice relieves joint pain and swelling in my hands, and it works fast.

Working With the Knees
Posted by Suzo (Seattle, WA) on 06/13/2007

My hips had been hurting for some months. The physical therapist told me to sit down and then stand up and notice what was happening to my knees. I looked and saw that they came together when I rose or sat. That was putting improper stress on my hip joints. He said to make a fist with my hand, place between my knees and remember to keep that distance as I sat down or stood up. It worked! An easy habit to form and I have cured my hip soreness. And maybe saved myself from hip surgery. Thanks everyone for all the help we provide each other and especially thanks to Ted and the staff at Earth Clinic.

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