A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Royal Jelly
Posted by Alon (Jerusalem Is) on 05/02/2016

Royal Jelly (1 – 2 gram daily) is an excellent remedy for ED. It is also an aphrodisiac and it will increase sperm volume. It should be taken with zinc and other supplements to support the reproductive system.

Do not over indulge ejaculating as it will weaken your system in the long run.

Cayenne, Supplements
Posted by Silverark (Kelowna, Bc, Canada) on 04/30/2015

For Erectile Dysfunction: I recently switched my diet away from meat - beef, pork or chicken. A year later I developed ED.

So I began to take with breakfast, one tablet of 2ooomg of garlic and 1 tablet of 500 mg cayenne pepper.

Nothing changed until I added 1 tablet 50mg zinc, one tablet 500mg magnesium, and one tablet 500mg niacin to my diet. Within 2 days I was cured of ED.

BUT, do not take the cayenne pepper with the zinc, magnesium, or niacin. Take the cayenne separately, otherwise you will have hot flashes and itching.

I'm not sure which of the above, (zinc, magnesium, or niacin, ) is the cure, and I may try to find out by stopping one, and seeing what happens, but maybe not too. The 3 together work real good as far as I'm concerned, so why mess with a real good thing!

I also take 1 capful of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of Baking soda, and 2 eyedroppers of hydrogen peroxide every day before breakfast, though I did this before the ED.

Avocado Oil
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, VA) on 08/25/2014

Heard that avocado oil aids male erectile dysfunction. Anyone familiar with this use of avocado oil?

Posted by Wcb (True North, Nwt, Canada) on 07/04/2012

Cayenne for Erectile Dysfunction

Definite "Yea" here. I started with a bit too much though and it upset my stomach for about an hour, 3 hours after taking it. But the intended effect was unbelievable! I really took it to the limit just to see how many times I could go. 4 times that day and could've gone for more still. This really works but please watch the initial amounts or you will be in the bathroom in pain for a little while.

I started with about 1/2 tsp of 90,000SHU organic cayenne. I will be cutting back to 1/4 or 1/8 tsp and see how it goes.

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Don (London, Uk) on 12/19/2011

1 tsp of Cayenne Pepper powder and 1tsp of Garlic powder has worked for me to keep an erection and last long. Put them in a cup and add warm water and drink 2 times a day. You may need to wait 3 days to see results.

Don't waste money on Viagra or drugs.

Good luck

Cayenne, Hawthorn, Arginine
Posted by Sandra (Alabaster, Al) on 07/28/2011

My husband has had great success with taking the following after dinner every night: 3000 mg. Arginine, 2 hawthorne berry capsules, and a dropper of cayenne tincture mixed in water. He and I have both been very pleased with how this has helped him. He says he feels like he is in his 20's!

Arginine and Pycnogenol
Posted by Richardj (Cape Town, South Africa) on 04/24/2011

Hi Ted, I have been taking cayenne pepper with garlic, borax (1/4) teaspoon in a litre of water and havent really found a significant increase in libido or erection strength.

I tried arginine and pycnogenol and that seems to have a great effect on erections. I'm just curious to know why borax doesnt work for this purpose. Should I take glysine with it?

Posted by Gary (Mobile, AL) on 10/21/2008

I have been using cayenne pepper for years on food since I love spicy foods. Since I have been taking it as a tea my sinus issues have finished! However, I have found one side-effect that may not be a bad thing; at times about 30 minutes after drinking the tea I get a Viagra effect. Must be increased circulation? I am a believer and always take it with me when traveling.

Posted by Diane (Minneapolis, MN) on 05/27/2009

I read somewhere else on this site that the dosage is 1/4 tsp for adult males and 1/8 tsp for adult females, this you put in a liter (4 cups) of water and sip throughout the day. I got mine from _____. I am trying this with my husband I will give feed back in a couple months because for him this is a has only started recently and I am quite sure he thinks I'm a babe LOL. No I am just taking care of him.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rod (Montana) on 09/19/2021

I've had ED for 10 years now, I tried ACV for a week now. No difference in anything. 2TS 2x a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rod (Montana ) on 09/22/2021

Thanks, I'm very fit and don't know why my libido dropped to nothing, hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rod (Montana ) on 10/01/2021

Okay, so with acv, cayenne, magnesium, b3 (niacin), and I take vitamin c I have had no effect on my ED. Hope something helps.

Burst Training
Posted by Jack (Short Hills, Nj) on 08/09/2016

For erection issues. Do burst training. Look it up on internet. It raises HGH (Human Growth H), and testosterone. It takes some time. Always consult with Doctor. It can be too intense for some. Takes 20 minutes 3 times a week. Also, eat nuts like broad beans, almonds, pastachios, brazil nuts, walniuts with raw honey. It need not be mixed together but eaten together. A small amount goes a long way. It's especially good eaten before bed. Ask doctor first. Can upset stomach.

Garlic and Vitamin C
Posted by Joe (Short Hills) on 07/11/2016

Taking garlic capsules or garlic with vitamin C is very powerful for Ed issues. It can boost nictric oxide. Try with a small amount at first to test it out. Best on an empty stomach. Be careful in terms of upset stomach. Best if taken on an empty stomach. Increase the amount to see what works. Maybe more Vitamin c, or more garlic. See what's best for you. If done right. it's like rocket fuel. It Can also thicken the penis. Lowers blood pressure, so if your on meds. be careful. Also, it's best if no ejaculation has occurred for at least a week or 2 or more. Experiment and see.

Posted by Ivan (Sacramento, Ca) on 02/25/2015

The only ashwagandha that does work is the Himalaya brand, everything else is a junk, does not work because is a fraud. Ashwagandha itself does work, but to get you to have sex you would need not what's written on the bottle. Indians took one heaping table spoon to have intercourse.

With the hymalaya, take 3 pill at once, in 30 minutes two more, in another 30 minutes again two more. Sex is guaranteed. Don't be scared. For sex, this herb is taken in large quantities, just don't take it all at once and you will be happy.

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Nohard (Aristomenis, Greece) on 10/15/2011

I've just started cayenne treatment today for ED, I've ground down some of my own cayenne grown here in Greece, these some I mixed with tomato puree and olive oil, I found this very easy to take, if you want cayenne and garlic the choice is yours you can either mix in some garlic powder or mix in some fresh minced garlic, this will keep in the fridge for weeks, I know this because I keep a mix of chilli, garlic, tom puree and olive oil to have on toast with chesse, then melted a great way to start the day.

I'm taking this in a hope it will help with the DHEA I've been taken for ED, DHEA has really helped but I still need a boost for erections and some good ones will help.

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Nohard (Aristomenis, Greece) on 04/21/2014

Hi just back for an update, I'm now taken cayenne with fine chopped garlic and parsley, the cayenne very good for erections added boost of the garlic for the blood, the reason for the parsley, is this helps fight cholesterol, you find all 3 will help fight cholesterol, once you have been on cayenne pepper for a while you will need to up the heat, ie increase the amount of cayenne your taken, its good for a lot of things, it will make you feel good, good the heart, good for your prostate health, very good for getting rid of plaque from the blood, and lots of other things, just go to, www.cayennepepper.info Ok I take 3 good teaspoonfuls each morning with the garlic and parsley, I then walk my dog, after 10 minutes I fill it going round my body, its that good, I keep to jars one has my cayenne mix in it, its CP with tomato paste and olive oil to thin, the other has fine chopped garlic and plenty of dried or fresh parsley mixed in olive oil, just keep in the fridge, I mix one spoonful of the garlic mix on top of the CP, just mix into the top layer and take, I find if I take it later it does tend to repeat on me.

But do get some good erections being on this and some other things. But it will make you feel good and help with erections.

Good Luck Guys

Posted by Mesem (Toulon, France) on 01/08/2011

Sodium borate from your chemist (pure in powder form). Mix1/4 teaspoon with 1 litre of unchlorinated , sans calcium carbonate water and drink through the day.

Posted by D (St. Louis, Mo) on 01/13/2011

Thank you! As I said we are willing to try anything!!!!

Posted by Janaki (Perth) on 05/09/2012

@Sussie: U applied it to the big conductor directly? Did it work? Did u not ask ur hubby to take it orally?

Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Cayenne
Posted by Talibilm (Toronto, Canada) on 12/31/2011

Wikipedia lists the following warnings for Arginine, so I will be scared to use it:


Possible increased risk of death after supplementation following heart attack

A clinical trial found that patients taking an L-arginine supplement following a heart attack found no change in the heart's vascular tone or decrease in the symptoms ofcongestive heart failure (the heart's ability to pump). In fact, six more patients who were taking L-arginine died than those taking a placebo resulting in early termination of the study with the recommendation that the supplement not be used by heart attack patients. [16][17][18] These findings suggest L-arginine is not beneficial post-heart-attack.

[edit]Potential medical uses

[edit]Lung inflammation and asthma

The Mayo Clinic web page on L-arginine reports that inhalation of L-arginine can increase lung inflammation and worsen asthma. [19]

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/06/2010

Hi Diane...I had tinea cruris (jock itch -- a very similar problem as your husbands'problem) for seven years before I managed to get rid of it. Although I fully support the borax cure by Ted(I also use borax now for my skin and internally), what cured my jock itch over two years ago was simple Milk of Magnesia(Magnesium Hydroxide in aqueous solution) that everyone uses as a laxative. I used MoM together with athletes foot powder which is basically salicylic acid or salicylate, the same as aspirin. I also alkalyzed heavily -- as per Ted's advice -- using his lemon/lime or ACV sodium bicarbonate remedy as the main cure for my candida problems (athletes foot, eczma, constipation, poor energy etc).

If your husband's impotence is due to candida or fungus, it would really make sense to get rid of the internal fungus first (ie the cause). Here is the regimen I used for alkalyzing:

Alkalyze 2 X per day with one lemon/lime(or 2 X tablespoons ACV) mixed together with a 1/4 to 1/2 tspn Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) mixed in half a glass of water.

I got rid of my persistent jock itch very quickly. During the day I would use the athletes foot powder in my genital area. At night, after my shower I would apply the MoM to the effected parts of my legs and genitals and let it dry(this is very soothing, by the way). I would leave this on all night. A caveat here -- although leaving the MoM all night didn't hurt me, I would leave it on only for about 20 mins (it dries to a dust) then wash it off -- because different people have different sensitivities. I had been using the athletes foot powder already for about a week when I started using the MoM. My jock itch disappeared completely in 2 days after applying the MoM !!

In my research on tinea cruris(jock itch), I found out that this was caused by the same fungus as tinea pedis(athletes foot) which is why I used the athletes foot powder as well.

I cured my jock itch very quickly, but it took about a year of faithful alkalyzing to rid myself of the candida. Also my eczma, psoriasis, constipation etc. -- which I regard as simple external manifestations of my candida -- also completely disappeared. But, I must add that it took about a year of alkalyzing to remove my candida with all problems.

Here is a link to the MoM cures, read Ted's feedback:


I still take Ted's alkalyzing remedies a few times a week even now. I will always use this simple but effective alkalyzing protocol now.

With much grateful thanks to both Ted and Earth Clinic.

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Yung4evr (Seattle, Washington) on 03/01/2010

I just take a teaspoon of each (cayenne and garlic) and quickly consume with water. Or you can take in a capsule form.

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 05/02/2011

It might be wise to watch the nutmeg it has been said that too much is toxic to the liver. It was quite common in days gone by to take it for its euphoric qualities, especialy by minstrals in the middle ages.

Posted by Bill (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/30/2024

Honey for erectile dysfunction

I have previously left feedback for hydrogen peroxide being successful in treating ED. That review was when I was 48. Now aged 55 I have long since discontinued not because it wasn't effective but more due to the taste when drinking a couple of drops in a glass of water daily.( I am sure I had success using 3% sublingually by just leaving it sit under my tongue of a couple of minutes….i digress) Now aged 55 wanting to reclaim that wood that H2O2 gave me 7 yrs ago, I experimented with honey after reading a research paper saying it increased testosterone in rats. I am happy to report that this sweeter option is just as effective at waking me up with powerful erections that are rigid as! Cannot be bent left, right, fwd or backward….not morning wood more like morning iron!

Dosing: I originally took a dessert spoon daily and noticed a difference but have increased to two dessert spoons daily and am going strong. Adjust as required more or less according to your body's unique needs. Has to be the best tasting ED remedy out there.

Here is the link to the study which may me try this. I will get bloods done to check out my testosterone levels and see if that the reason it works.


Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Bill (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/06/2024

Try true 100% pure honey 1-2 desert spoons daily.

Yohimbine Bark
Posted by Drhoward (Torrance Ca ) on 11/04/2016

Yohimbine bark is or was even recognized by the FDA for ED until the dangerous ED med's came out. Orally or get powder mix with a salve or natural Vaseline use topically on inner thighs, stomach, under bicep areas.

If you have BP or Heart issues check with your doctor. Read up on it carefully. Start, say, with 5mg with food. Works!

Garlic and Vitamin C
Posted by Kev (Qld) on 09/19/2018

When you say Vit C, are you referring to Ascorbic Acid (synthetic) or Vit C (natural or whole food). Vit C is very expensive and most store bought Vit C is in fact AA.

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