Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Diarrhea

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (Manassas, VA) on 03/21/2007

Apple cider vinegar cured my diarrhea caused by milk and other foods. I switched to Lactose Free Milk while taking ACV and eventually the diarrhea was gone. I continued to take ACV 3x/day (2 tsp in 8 oz of water before each meal) for 2 months when I decided to see if drinking regular skim milk (as I used to) would cause the diarrhea again. To my surprise, I no longer get diarrhea to any foods, not even to milk. So thank you God for ACV. Another good effect I had as a result of taking ACV is the disappearance of a couple of moles.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Jewelz (Ottwawa, Canada) on 02/03/2007

after researching a lot of sites while literally having quick breaks to the toilet, i found that acidic item pop up in many forms, apple cida vinegar, vinegar.. but the first thing i tried was Lemon juice because it was the only acidic thing i had in the cupboard. God bless the person who showed me lemon juice. In a panic because i needed the toilet again, i drank about half a glass of lemon juice maybe bit under and sat on the toilet. It was around the 14th time today that i had been, when the 14th was done i sat there and drank it all and since then i sat for another 15mins and was satisfied enough that it did do something. and since then Im happy i had lemon juice. Give it a shot, you got sh-- to lose haha!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chaka (Gardena, CA) on 01/02/2007

I can't believe it! I had diarrhea for 5 days!!! I had no nausea, no fever and no signs of dehydration, so I didn't want to go to a doctor and go through expensive and time consuming work ups for them to tell me they couldn't find the cause. So decided to try whatever I could at home. Repeated doses of Immodium and Pepto Bismol, but nothing worked. Until I read this page and tried the Apple Cider Vinegar. Amazing! Immediately, the cramping stopped and after 3 doses, I was cured the same day!!! The suggestion to mix with Apple Juice was a good one. It's pretty yucky with just water, but at that point, I was willing to try anything! Can't believe something I've had in my cupboard all along was the answer! Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Louise (Ocala,Fl.) on 02/11/2006

I had diarrhea ( including blood ) almost constantly for 8 1/2 weeks after a " holiday " party at work. I received the advice of 6 MD's, 1 nurse practitioner,& several public health nurses. I had lab tests done. Besides all that , I am a registered nurse. No one knew what was wrong with me ( and yet they wanted to do even more expensive and invasive tests ). I could eat only certain things. When I would take prescription medication - I had to keep taking it. Over the counter medication stopped the diarrhea but left me in constant pain and drowsiness. This week I was blessed to remember something I heard a long time ago about apple cider vinegar. So I tried a few mouthfuls. I had already had about 6 bowel movements that day. I didn't have any more problems that day ( to my surprise ) even though I had eaten alot. My only problem now is to figure out what should I eat first...a pizza ?, chocolate malt ?, grilled cheese with tomato ? I am very grateful to the Almighty for creating such a thing as apple cider vinegar.

Posted by Sharon C. (Sparks, NV) on 04/23/2021

My dear friend took such hope from your post. She asked me to ask you what brand name or how to obtain this. Hope you can help. Thanks so much!!!

Coconut Macaroons
Posted by Cindy (Middleton, NH) on 06/15/2023

I don't have this issue (luckily- yet), but have heard coconut does work great for some people. The dose being 2 cookies per day or about the same amount of coconut.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Myway (Usa) on 01/31/2016

I had problems with loose stools and the runs - I just took my food grade diatomaceous earth 1 tsp mixed in water 2x a day - and worked my way up to 1 tbsp in the am and within 2 weeks, problem completely resolved. This stuff has a constipation effect - which is great for the runs. I carry a small bag of this stuff when I travel overseas. Great stuff!

MyWay :D

Coke and Alka-Seltzer
Posted by Bgempire (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/01/2015

Quick and easy cure for diarrhea, I don't know how it works but it does.

one coca cola, 2 regular alka selzters.

Pour coke in glass and add alka selzter; let it fizz. When fizzing stops, drink. Usually works instantly.

Posted by Linda (St Amans De Pellagal, France) on 11/24/2014

I've had very watery diarrhea for three days, and tried several things - cider vinegar, activated charcoal, turmeric, rice water - with no success.

I read something in a book of mine which suggested cheese. This seemed kind of counterintuitive, I've not been eating in the hope that this would run its course, but figured I would give it a go. So I had some cheese, and I was kind of hungry so it was welcome, and a couple of hours later another piece.

Well, I now feel so much better, no more rushing to the toilet. Apparently it sort of binds things up - whatever the case, it's worked.

Black Tea
Posted by Jayne (London) on 06/08/2014

Black tea works well for me. I don't split the tea bag open, I just drink a hot cup of black tea and it calms my stomach immediately and usually stops the diarrhoea quickly. I crave black tea when my stomach's bad. I think our bodies often know what's best for us.

Menstrual Diarrhea
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 05/01/2014

Can you please make a section for the menstrual issue of menstrual diarrhea please? I would like to get advice on this issue. Thank you.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Taram7 (Cincinnati) on 03/07/2014

Black Draught


Clover Salve

Any salve can be made with an infused oil (infuse with the plant you want to use) This would vary based on the oils you choose, infusion method and plant. Then you add 1/3 part of infused oil, 1/3 other carrier oils (selected for properties) and 1/3 natural beeswax. These recipes could have been as numerous as the homes that used them based on what clovers were accessible in the area. Red Clover is supposed to be a good one for skin issues.

Beeswax has to be melted to mix - but that is all. infuse, melt, mix, cool. You can find basic infusion methods on the internet and many different salve recipes as well as tutorials also. Unless you had a 'clover oil' then you would want to infuse yourself. Its not difficult and saves money although not time :)

Parasite Cleanse for Chronic Diarrhea
Posted by Kathy (Va) on 03/11/2015

I'm wondering what the parasite cleanse was that was so effective?

Diarrhea Remedies
Posted by Sasha (Uk) on 08/17/2013

Well, I've just had an MRI scan and I had to take some stuff that would show up during the scan. The side effects are yes, you've guessed it, diarrhea! Perhaps I've got a particularly sensitive gut but I didn't find the turmeric worked for me, nor the cider vinegar nor the cinnamon and apple cider vinegar. I'll try the stewed cooking apple and cinnamon and see how that goes. It's got to get better as I've got to do a hydrogen breath test when the 'd' finishes?.Wish me luck and more.

Granulated Soy Lecithin
Posted by Billy B (Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada) on 03/15/2013

I had chronic diarrhea and loose stools. Tried fiber, digestive enzynmes, apple cider vinegar, probiotics, nothing. Reading Ted's post on granulated soy lecithin I tried it, but I didn't try it as a remedy for diarrhea. I started taking one tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals and it did wonders. The second day of this regimen I had 5 solid bowel movements. After that my bowels, which I couldn't trust, are now normal.

Also, consider taking granulated soy lecithin first if coconut oil gives you bowel issues and you want to experiment with coconut oil.

Thank you EarthClinic, I sent Ted a donation in thanks for his effort and sharing of wisdom.

Posted by Paula (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 08/29/2012

I was having persistant diarrhea for a week and researched that in developed countries, they would give zinc to children so that they don't die from the diarrhea.

I tried zinc gluconate 50mg and it stopped my diarrhea. Apparently zinc deficiencies make diarrhea worse.

Posted by Molly (Spring Valley, Ny) on 11/04/2012

Have yourself tested for c.difficile, do some research on it.

Hydrochloric Acid
Posted by Mariel (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 08/13/2012

I had chronic diarrhea for 15 years without knowing the cause. I was depleted of minerals to the point of losing hair/eyelashes, muscle and joint pain and lack of energy to the point I was bedridden for quite awhile. After hearing some information on HCl with Pepsin, I decided to give it a try according to the protocol of 1 at each meal of cooked food and increasing by 1 capsule at each consecutive meal until stomach burn is detected and then backing off by 1 capsule. Within 24 hours, my chronic fatigue was gone and within 30 days, my aches and pain were also gone. I have wondered if anyone else has given Hydrochloric Acid supplements (capsules only with Pepsin) a try? It worked for me since my digestive system was not able to break down minerals necessary for bioavailability. I have since given up all grains (wheat, rye, barley and oats) and have eliminated my chronic diarrhea of 15.

Ground Flaxseed
Posted by Jayne (London, Uk) on 02/18/2012

This method is for diarrhea caused by IBS, as I have not tried it for any other kind, and don't know that it would work. I started taking one tablespoon of ground flaxseed (same as flaxseed meal), in the morning and one in the evening. At first it didn't help, so I gave it more time, and after about a month (will be different for different peole probably), I have really noticed that things have improved.

For as long as I remember I have had loose stools every day, and at least twice a day. (Sorry if tmi.. ) But a month into taking flaxseed I have firm stools for the first time in ages! It's remarkable how it has helped.

Most people think of ground flaxseed as a laxative, and it apparently will get you moving if tend towards constipation, but it seems to do this by bulking up your stool, (making it less hard). And in the same way it stops too loose stools by bulking them up and making them more solid. (Apologies again for the detail I am going into. Not sure how else to explain it! )

I'm very happy with it. It's meant to contain loads of vitamins and minerals and to be really good for all sorts of disorders. I'm really happy with it, and will be taking it for a long time!

Ground Flaxseed
Posted by Jayne (London, __) on 02/25/2012

Just to update, this is still working. Not only has it completely changed my bowel movements from soft/watery and frequent to properly-formed and normal, it has also reduced the bad stomach pains I was suffering on a regular basis. This pain was especially bad in the weeks before my period and was put down to a mix of IBS and endometriosis. Either way, I have just had an almost pain-free month. I can't quite believe it, it's been so easy! Will carry on with the flaxseed and update this again in a few months to ensure that this hasn't just been a fluke. :)

Posted by Melissa (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 02/03/2012

Blueberries, especially dried blueberries, will stop diarrhea--if you want to stop it. Sometimes it might be a good idea to purge the offending... Whatever. But other times, if you are suffering travelers' diarrhea, an overdose of Vitamin C, or too much gourmet coffee (which can have 8x the caffeine of regular coffee) a serving of blueberry yogurt, or a blueberry muffin might set you right again.
