Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Diarrhea

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Chris (Romeo, Michigan) on 02/09/2010

My mom, 82, has bouts of diarrhea every month or so. This last for hours and hours and then slowly it subsides and next day she is okay. I remembered reading about taking ACV for this. I asked her if she would try it and she said yes. I mixed 2 tbsp of ACV (with the mother), and 1/4 tsp of baking soda (without aluminum from health food store) and about 8oz of water, and she drank it. She said immediately that she felt better. I checked on her about 15 minutes later and she said she was 100% better! I'm just elated! And so is she of course. Thank you EARTHCLINIC and TED! And thanks to all who posted their experiences about ACV and diarrhea.
