Children's Remedies
Natural Remedies

Infant and Children's Remedies

Pacifiers and Ruined Teeth
Posted by D. (NY, NY, USA) on 10/21/2009


Dear Ted, How are you? I hope very well. I am writing just to let you know a bad thing that happened to my son. He will be 2 on November 7th. I was so fool to give him a pacifier since birth. I was trusting what everybody else was doing and industries and doctors. How foolish of me! I don't trust them in anything! How could I trust them on this one! So I gave him the pacifier up to 4 days ago when I checked on the internet to see up to what age it is considered safe for the children's teeth to use the pacifier. Many websites were saying it is safe until 2 years of age, some say between 2 and 3 or 4. The site of Colgate, very honest people, says that it is safe until 6 years of age (safe for them and for the dentists not for the children). Then I found a few sites warning about the use of that dibolical object beyond 1 year of age. A site of an independent Japanese dentist said that if you keep using it up to 1 1/2 year chances of getting dental maloclusions is 30 %; if you keep it up to 2 years it is 60% , up to 3 years it is 100%. His was the only honest site I think. So I rushed to check my son's bite and it is completely spoiled. I hadn't noticed before but there is a huge gap between the upper and inferor teeth. When he closes his bite completely he can still stick most of the tongue out of the teeth! His mouth looks exactly as the picture of the pacifier damages shown in the Japanse site. I am horrified. And I have let this happen. Now it is too late. He will have a lot of trouble eating (which can potentially make the problem even worse as the face muscles try to adapt) and when his permanent teeth will come out he will have to wear braces for years. Thank you Avent, Gerber and so on. I couldn't find a warning abut this on Earthclinic and I think it would be a good idea to post my message to help mothers take wise decision. By the way I didn't give a pacifier to my older daughter and she has a perfect bite.

Got to run! Thank you!
