Back Pain
Natural Remedies

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Tailbone Pain Remedies
Posted by Sandy (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 03/13/2013

I am a 65 year old female in good health. About six months ago, out of the blue, I began having tailbone (coccyx) pain. I did not have an injury. Over the last few months I have tried the following. I took hyaluronic acid for about three days but it made me very tired and brain foggy so I stopped. I have tried MSM, tumeric, ginger, vit. D, VCO and stretching with no improvement. (MSM does help a lot with other joint issues. ) I tried ACV for about a month but had to stop because of a previous ulcer. It seemed to be irritating my stomach. I can't take NSAIDs either for the same reason. I juice every morning.

Has anyone had tailbone pain that got better on it's own or by using any remedies that I have not tried?
