Back Pain
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Back Pain Remedies for Holistic Relief

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Boblack (Germantown, MD) on 07/20/2009

I have experienced bad back pain ever since junior year of high school where during a heavy lifting session I injured my back. After spending a lot of money on drugs and physical therapists, I can truly say nothing works better than just eliminating diary from my diet, sleeping on the floor, and doing several ab exercises. I have been doing these three things for the last two months and have noticed a significant reduction in my lower back pain. For those of you who complain they can enjoy the favorite breakfast foods without milk I suggest trying rice or soy milk or If you don't care like me just use water.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Chris (Atlanta) on 02/18/2007

Had crazy making lower back pain from age 14(!) to 25 when finally my new therapist told me to go off dairy and give it a chance for only 3 weeks. I gave it a chance although my "diet" up to then was probably made out of up to 60% dairy products. after 3 weeks my back pain was COMPLETELY GONE! dairy sucks!!!
