Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Taft, Ca, Usa) on 03/08/2010

I have been spotting for three months, and recently it has gotten way heavier. Lately,the weird thing is that it's the heaviest at night. After 5pm it starts to go out of control, then the daytime it goes back to light.

I have started using ACV pills and it has slowed my flow. After the first dose, it made my flow slow way down. It was at least 80% less bleeding. I am only on day one, I will keep you informed on the outcome of this treatment. This probably a temporary solution, until I can make it to the Dr's.

I used 2 pills three times a day, with a small meal, such as bowl a cereal or bread and butter. I bought them at the drug store in the diet aisle.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angela (Tonasket, WA) on 08/18/2008

I have suffered from painful ovulation and also irregular periods and many misscarriages. I monthly chart and know what's been going on for years in my cycle. I have been taking ACV for a little over a week, and for the first time, my ovulatory pain was walkable and only an hour. . .as opposed to a day in bed. Plus, it was less than 1 week after my period, instead of 2 weeks plus. This is crazy! I also have taken molasses for period pain, but not for long and then I ran out after less than a week. I may have found it helped with my infertility as well, but I figured I needed to heal from my last misscarriage before attempting again. We will see next month, and what my next period will be like (usually another day in bed). . .will keep you posted.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by SYLVIA (BROOKLYN, NEW YORK) on 05/04/2007

i take ACV everyday when i eat because i strive to eat one meal when i don't have my period. It helps me when i get my monthly period the flow is less than it use to be it helps my eye sight also,I would like to know what is good for ingrown hair in my face i would like to hear from you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by S. (Plantation, Fl) on 12/29/2016

Hi, those symptoms are probably from normal detox due to ACV eliminating toxins from your body in general. I experienced this as well when I started taking it. Its a good sign!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mayra (Edmond, Ok) on 09/13/2014

Hi there, I been on my period for almost one month.. I'm so tired of it so I'm going to give this a try.. I've been drinking 100% pineapple juice and lemon juice to stop my period but no luck.... :( so lets see how this goes.. If anyone has more remedies pleases post..

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