Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

Posted by roseroberta (Roseville, MN) on 04/27/2008

I suggest that your readers go here: Here you will find that doctors have been finding and ignoring that surrounding every cancer is fungus. Baking soda kills the fungus in the body. If some are getting a yeast infection which is a fungus. I find that interesting. This site uses straight Baking Soda with no ACV and does so both by mouth, intravenously and injected into cancer sites. It may be that acid reflux is also a symptom of candida. Those who find relief from bread....may and I am not sure....may be getting relief due to the fact that the bread feeds the yeast and gets it to shut up.

I have a cat who has incurable cancer. We are going to inject it into the site. I will print here how it goes.I myself have just started doing the ACV and honey with Baking Soda I may try also adding the Coconut oil. I would be interested in hearing from others, but don't want my email address hooked to a spider. Cheers.

Posted by Marla (Santa Barbara, CA)

I just recently read about a Dr in Italy using Baking soda to cure cancer here is his site so this protocol is very timely Marla