Ease Heartburn Naturally: Top Home Remedies

Posted by Ssidhu (Toronto) on 11/12/2015

For heartburn, try cold milk, two sips at a time.

Posted by Fatima (London, UK) on 04/06/2015

Drink milk mixed with water , one glass water half glass milk. This is also good for pregnancy related heartburn.

Posted by Becki (Washington, Indiana) on 12/11/2011

Throughout both of my pregnancies and afterwards, both dairy and non-dairy milk has always worked for me. During my menstral cycle, I notice that I become lactose intolerant. So, I will drink soy, almond, rice, and even coconut milk to soothe my heartburn. I find that when I drink the non-dairy milks it will take a lot more to soothe the burning than dairy milk. However, my favorite remedy is chocolate milk and dark chocolate almond milk. I suppose, it is because of the thickness it helps to ease off in a matter of seconds.

Posted by Veronica (San Antonio, Texas) on 02/21/2008

I noticed a couple of swallows of milk will always relieve my heartburn. I thought everyone knew that milk was good for burning sensations in the mouth and throat, but it seems that is not so. Milk also works much better then water on stopping the burning sensaton from hot sauce.

Posted by Taryn (Topeka, Kansas) on 02/19/2008

I have had acid reflux for about 7 years now mine is chronic so it'll never go away, but I found that if you have really bad heartburn drink a COLD glass of milk and it'll sooth the pain. If it doesn't go away after one glass get another and keep doing this process until your heartburn dies down.
