Noni Juice Cures

| Modified on Dec 05, 2018
Skin and Bladder Infections
Posted by Ginny (Georgia, US) on 10/18/2014

I was introduced to noni while living in Jamaica. I would get urinary tract infections and others infections living in the bush. I also had adopted a pup that was in terrible shape, close to death. She had open sores everywhere, her skin was crawling with fleas, she had worms and was also starving. A doctor friend told me to take it and I was shown by a dear Jamaican friend how to make it. It certainly took care of my problems and my pups. I gave my pup a good cleaning, dunked her in the ocean a few times, poured noni juice all over her body and poured it down her throat. She healed up in no time. She didn't look like the same pup, she was beautiful. I believe in the power of noni for sure. I don't live in the tropics anymore but I ordered some noni seeds so I could grow some myself. My husband and I are building a greenhouse and I want to grow some tropical plants in it. I ordered some noni seeds and they're just starting to peek thru the soil and I'm so excited! I read that it only takes 9-12 months for it to start fruiting! I hope all goes well. I also have some beautiful bird pepper plants I started from seed that I brought back from Jamaica. I never took noni on a regular basis, only when I got an infection while living in Jamaica. But if I can get mine producing fruit my husband and I will be taking it every day. He has a lot of arthritis and high blood pressure. I'm hoping he'll be able to get off his meds he's taking and just consume noni.

Posted by Dona (Sioux Falls, Sd) on 06/01/2014

To Becky from Buffalo, NY, which brand of Noni was your relative taking?

Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 02/08/2014

Hello Nicola from Dungannon, Northern Ireland:

The type of Noni that's best is from Hawaii. Look for either Aloha Noni or just Hawaiin Noni. I would also suggest you to buy the glass bottled type and not plastic. There are also options to buy either standard Noni or organic Noni. If you can afford it I'd suggest the organic Noni. You can also buy Noni in capsule/pill form as well.

However, I think the better option is to buy it in the liquid form. It's better absorbed this way. The recommended dosage varies for whatever you're treating. Noni is great for pain and inflammation which are certainly symptoms associated with any type of cancer. Since this is a cancer question, as much as 6-8 oz.+ can be taken daily. Start lower and work up. The maintenance dose is usually around 1-2 oz. daily. Hope this helps! God Bless and Good Luck!

Posted by Nicola (Dungannon, Northern Ireland) on 02/08/2014

How much noni juice do u take n what type.

Vision, Energy
Posted by Simz (Kingston, Jamaica) on 11/18/2013

I am a native of Jamaica and Noni juice is by far the best natural remedy ever. Growing up I remember my Grandmother stored the fruit in a jar and allowed it to ferment, sure the smell and taste might be unbearable at first but after a while you will learn to acquire the taste and smell. I know that this fruit works wonders because I have seen my whole family grow up on it and its healing properties are wonderful. I would recommend this fruit above any prescibed drugs.

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Tin (New York) on 11/13/2013

You simply shouldn't write negative stuff like this without sufficient research. And in regards to Noni Juice, I would say you need to try it for 12 months, religiously, and then you will have the ability to honestly review it, from a personal aspect. But don't stop there, you should also interview other people, who you trust to be honest, who have also used this juice for more than a year religiously. Then, you might have something useful to say.

There was a time that most rational people thought the World was flat. A time when it just simply didn't make sense to believe the World was round. And it wasn't until the World was circumnavigated that people sat up and said, "Well, then, maybe all this time, we were wrong."!

Sometimes you have to do the hard yards to know the truth. Sometimes science doesn't have the ability to understand why something works.

I have used Noni Juice for 15 years. It works for me. It's incredible, I don't sell it, and I have tried many types of herbs and natural medicines. Some things don't work. Some brands of Noni don't work. Could have something to do with how it is created, reconstituted, heated or whatever. All I know is that some brands have always worked for me. It's fantastic juice. It stops me from getting the flu, gives me energy plus many other benefits. Please don't scare people away from trying this juice. You are doing people a disservice.

Posted by Marcia (Nj) on 08/11/2013

What was your dosage? I'm assuming it was more than the prescribed one Tblsp per day?

Multiple Benefits
Posted by Heart07 (Brockville, Ontario) on 07/16/2013

I worked a long time in geriatric healthcare. A woman who was a herbalist with healing remedies, brought a bottle of this Noni juice in and requested it be given to her mom (advanced dementia) 2oz daily. Much to the furrowed brows of us all non-believers in 'snake oil potions'. We had to mix in her thickened fluids. I have noticed alot of meds and potions my way, and watched the long term effects. But I have to say, for a bedridden/WC bound pt. I was amazed at what was happening. Just over a week she had energy to eat. After a couple of weeks clarity in eyes, responsive. After a couple months. Clean, clear glowing skin. The were no spider veins or varicose veins. I didn't notice her legs before hand, but I can say, they were that of a 30 yr old. The darkness was coming back in her hair. And just to be sure im not imagining this, I looking at her complete bloodwork 6 mths later and a values were normal range. We were all baffled, she had the best results in the facility. No UTI ever!!! Ohh! It gets better, the flu went around. All she got was slight increase in temp for couple days.

Yes we are believers. We bought a bottle and shared. I noticed alot of phlegm coming up my throat first couple days, then increased energy, skin looked better. Bought more and stayed on for the month. One morning, I walked outside and slipped on ice, did the splits. After, I felt a bump in my groin/right inner thigh. The next day the bump was there, but no pain. My hockey player hubby couldn't understand why I wasn't in excruciating pain. 2 days later after the injury, I finished the Noni juice bottle in the morning. Then the next morning, I woke up in agony, like I was giving birth. I believe in NONI juice.

Posted by Donna Kay (Kansas City, Missouri) on 05/20/2013

To Barbie: Even natural supplements need to be taken according to directions. I also had beginning stage of GERD & HAD ulcers until I started taking 4 Apple Cider Vinegar tablet a day. It also cured my severe constipation. I just started the Noni juice & hope it boosts my immune system.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Don (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/18/2013

Today I turned 47, but in 2002 my BP was 190/140 sugar levels through the roof and cholestoral way too high. 11 years of daily drinking 1-2oz of a noni juice from Tahiti, and my BP is around 140/85, (still high but I am 125kg or 280lbs or so) - cholestoral is fine and sugars so close to normal doctor isnt worried. Although I've added 20kg in that 11 years, I have more energy than before, and I laugh at those who get a cold or the flu (I may get a sniffle for 24hrs, but that is rare) I have never taken prescribed meds for any of the above issues...

Posted by Sam (Thessalon, On) on 11/26/2012

Kombucha tea took my heartburn away. Easy to brew at home too.

Posted by Regis (Panama City, Panama) on 11/10/2012

I planted a noni tree in my back yard about 10 years ago. It is huge now. Gives me all the noni I need. We harvest it and let it ripen until it stinks. Then we put it in a bowl in the frig and after about 2 months, this brown liquid has formed at the bottom of the bowl. Then we put it through the juicer. Using about 2 tablespoons in a small glass of grape juice (optional) on an empty stomach. This stuff is amazing! Good luck!

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Shanti (New York, Usa) on 10/05/2012

i am 57 years old and have been suffering a myriad of health issues plus the graying of my hair roots. I take diabetic pill blood pressure pills cholesterol and thyroid medicine, I suffer tremedous bloatedness and acid burns. I have always taken noni juice in the past for bloatedness and it always helped me. Unfortunately I did not make it a routine as I feel better I stop, my acidity and bloatedness started back with a vengeance so I opted for the noni 100% again. I have been taking two ounces first thing in the morning and wait an hour to drink my tea. its a miracle I am off my diabetic pill since my blood level every morning ranges from 76 to 80. I eat normal but not sugary or white flour food. so I believe it has help in the last two months to reactivate my pancreas. my acidity has reduced a little and my bloatedness has decreased considerably. gods grace I hope to wean myself from the blood pressure medication. I hope my gray hair also reverses itself as sometimes I see few strands at the root turning a little blac. I cant say for sure if its wishful thinking I will just continue on this regimen. vitamin shop always have the noni juice on sale the pure one. Gnc has 20% discount every first seven days of the month. I belive its worth the try like anything faith and perseverance goes a long way and ones diet.

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 09/02/2012

I buy Noni Tea from the Asian Grocery shop; a product of Vietnam labled "Tra Tria Nhau" (Tui Loc); it's relatively inexpensive: $1.99 for 20 tea bags. The box shows a picture of noni fruit and leaves; side of box states "Morinda tea made from fresh Morinda and sweet herb". It is very light, refreshing and nice tasting.

High Blood Sugar
Posted by Nonigirl (Dallas, Tx) on 02/10/2012

You should try drinking more NONI and make sure it is Tahitian Noni it does normalize your blood sugar. You should be drinking 6 oz or more a day...

Posted by Tink (New York, Ny) on 01/24/2012

Maybe you were sensitive, or allergic to Noni? It's better to start off with small doses of anyway.

I've had obvious positive benefits from drinking the juice. Mostly to do with increased enery levels and no episodes of the flu. I have tried a lot of differrent brands of Noni juice, and I find the reconstituted ones don't seem to work for me. The brands mixed with other juices seemed just fine though.

Posted by Emelda (Willemstad, Curacao) on 01/07/2012

Could Mary in Honolulu please send me the recipe for making noni juice? Thank you.

Vision, Energy
Posted by Dfrie (Vancouver, Wa - Washington) on 10/03/2011

I lived in the Cook Islands, on Rarotanga, for four months in 1997. The Noni fruit grows native there. I sat in the kitchen of a native family who had several of the fist sized fruits fermenting in a sealed bucket under their counter. It smelled awful. They would take shots of the juice when they felt sick; they swore by it.

Back in the states a couple years later, Tahitian Noni was just coming on the market. I read their literature and their proported portions of the rare fruits extract. In short, the portion of Noni in their supplement was equal to thousandths (virtually nothing) when compared to the quantities taken by the islanders.

I'm a believer in herbal remedies, but I also appreciate that the potency is relevant.

Posted by Varun (Delhi) on 09/10/2011

hi, could you pls email me about - where could I get the noni juice from ??? - thanks varun

Posted by Mooniize77 (Lake Tahoe, Ca) on 08/14/2011

all of you with gerd, hiatal hernias and indigestion need to start out with one oz of fresh squeezed wheat grass. Read up on what good wheat grass should look like and go to your local smootie shops to look for it. I gaurantee it will heal all of these complaints. You must however cut out all the acid junk from your diet. Look up an alkaline diet. I've studied these topics for years and years. I had all these above mentioned problems and cured them all. The only issue is when you go on a healthier alkaline diet and add one oz of wheat grass at least five times a week, you will start to detox. Stick with it. It will change your life. You may find it unpleasant or burp it up at first.. But take it on an empty stomache earlier in the day when ur up and about.. Eat about hour n half after. Within two weeks you wont feel your gerd, or indigestion as long as you adhear to a better diet cutting out all the acid foods. Look up acid alkaline charts. Change your life! You can do it! It will work!!

Posted by Sharon (New York, NY) on 07/13/2011

Hi, what ingredients did you use?

Multiple Benefits
Posted by Susan (Vancouver, Bc) on 12/12/2010

Noni juice has proved to be a great help to me so far, I have been on it for a week, about 1 oz per day, Hawaii brand and I felt the Noni immediately affect my energy level in a positive way and it is helping my sinusitis, which was left over from a cold, and my fibromyalgia pain and osteoarthritis as well as my skin (acne) I am quite surprised that doctors don't tell people about this substance as it is worth a try if nothing else and no harm that I can tell. I will take it regularly until or if it does not help any more.

Posted by Al (Phoenix, Az) on 07/26/2010

Hello I know for sure is a yea. Why? Because both my parents use to take more than 10 pills daily back in 1997, now my mom only takes 6 ounce of noni juice daily my dad's the same thing. My mom had heart problems, thyroid, high blood pressure and so on. My dad had arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetic. Before, everytime they miss a pill out of the 10 plus I was talking about they get sick. To me its very simple. FDA will never approve noni or accept the the goodness of it cause of political reasons and also a pay cut for them and the doctors. Noni has been good to me my wife and our 7 kids, and even my parents. Natural cure is better than most medicine but they wont tell us that. Thank you very much. God Bless

Posted by Raf (Makati, Philippines) on 01/25/2010

Hi Ms. Barbie, i was diagnosed last week with sliding hiatal hernia but i am suffering for almost 4 months from acid reflux. I lost almost 45 lbs during this period. I am very desperate to cure this disease for i might loss my job in if im not well within 2 mos. I will try your suggestions and pray it works.. God Bless...

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Cathy (Suva City, Fiji Islands) on 12/19/2009

This is in reply to Donna from Aspen. I am from the islands of Fiji and Tahiti is my neighbour.We do have Noni trees growing in abundance in our islands and for sure we use it for medicinal purposes.During my childhood I recall my grandmother eating the ripe fruit of 1-2 noni every morning whilst in season religiously.She never had a cold or suffered from any ailments such as arthritis, diabetes, blood pressure,osteoporosis or even had any kind of bladder or bowel problems associated with old age.When she passed on at the age of 84, she was reading our fine print newspaper without glasses.

Also my uncle (her son)suffered from severe bleeding ulcers and intestinal worms and took 300 ml of home-made noni juice every morning on any empty stomach for over a month and was completely cured of his condition.This was after visiting the hospital numerous times with various prescribed medicines that didn't work.Apparently he decided to revert to traditional medicine and found his healing in the noni juice. So yes in the islands noni is one of our traditionally used medicines and recently has become a money spinner due to research done by western and asian (particularly Korean)researchers.

Joint Pain, Food Stuck in Throat
Posted by Ellen (Riverhead, New York, Suffolk County) on 11/11/2009

I started taking Noni about 4 yrs ago, for joint pain, which it has helped quite a bit . I didn't know it would help my other problem, which I had for years, food would get stuck in my throat! It had been so bad that I would only eat soft foods. It took about 3 months before I noticed the difference and it has been great ever since! You can find it cheapest on it does not HAVE to be from Tahiti to work, and at these prices I can afford to keep a supply in at all times. Yes it IS a bitter kind of taste, but I mix it with a shot of healthy blueberry or black cherry (organic) juice and it has a very nice taste. I also agree that if it IS a weed, Many herbs are also! Who cares, IT WORKS!!

Posted by Barbie (Manila, Philippines) on 10/05/2009

HI, I have had GERD for about 9years and spent a lot of money in the hospital, underwent laboratory rocedures, medcations, water theraphy for years as well as taking leafy vegestables for 1 year. I also had chronic bad breath for about 11 years now. these two things made my social life miserable. Till my faith of continue taking natural remedy to cure the GERD. First, I'd like to explain how patients experience the food from the stomach rise up to the esophagus (reflux) and the abdominal pain whenever we eat or hungry is simply because when the lower esophageal sphincter doesn't function properly, acid and food can reflux up from the stomach into the esophagus. This can lead to pain (heartburn) and damage to the lower esophagus. This damage can cause strictures (narrowing) of the esophagus, and eventually, cancer of the esophagus. Frequently, dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter is associated with a hiatal hernia, in which the lower esophagus and upper part of the stomach slips up into the chest. I TRIED TAKING OATMEAL AS HOT BEVERAGE AND GRADUALLY IT HEALED MY GERD. I STARTED TAKING OATMEAL WITHOUT SUGAR AND FLAVOR FOR YEARS, AND NOW, I'M FREE OF GERD. I CAN EAT WHATEVER I WANT. At first those who suffer from GERD MUST AVOID ALL TOMATO BASE FOODS, OILY, MILK, COFFE, JUICES AND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS becaue it trigger the feeling of bloatedness, and the food are unable to dissolve within 3hours. Foods must be dissolve from the stomach within 1 hour and goes down to the small intestine for another routine. i just wnat to share this. i hope this will help to those who have GERD. I'm now free from GERD but still on battling my chronic bb and the problem is within my tongue...I hope I could find remedy to it. thanks

Posted by Sandra (Oviedo, Fl) on 10/01/2009

Several years ago I shatter my femur in a horse accident. I recovered well but had a limp. 3 people who supported the healing properties of Noni Juice recommended I try. I did and am a true believer. Starting taking the recommended dose of 1 oz per day and literaly my limp was gone in about two weeks from beginning use. It is a good product and it is the only supplement I am committed to for life.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Moman (Wasilla, Alaska) on 09/27/2009

Hi everyone I was diagnosed with Aml a little over a year ago, I started taking Noni but being diabectic it kept my sugar up. I dont know if it was beneficial or not.I started using the noni without all of the taste good ingredients, this stuff is tough to drink but since i have been on it, (about 6 Months )I have stop taking my blood pressure Meds as my blood pressure is usually 110/76, Not bad for a 70 year old guy. Is Noni the reason?, I dont know but i will not quit taking it. My red blood cells are still low but i feel that i will overcome that also if i would excercise I take 2oz in the mornings before meals, which is usually a smoothie. Moman

EC: AML = Acute myeloid leukemia

Posted by Rui (Lisbon, Portugal) on 07/18/2009

Thats pretty sad, it seems you got an overload of juice, as you said, its 1 to 2 oz per day, maybe a bit more, but surelly not 16oz per day... I'm sad to hear that, but perhaps you can try the juice again at 1ox and see the diferrence, perhaps even it can cure your condition at therapeutic dossage...

Posted by Jarocho2003 (San Diego, CA) on 07/14/2009

Any updates?

Posted by Linda (Salem, Oregon, USA) on 04/20/2009

I take Noni in pill form and use it for pain and it works great. Just today I woke up very very early, with joint and shoulder pain. Two noni and some water and within a short time I felt relief and was back to sleeping well. Studies show that fish oil + noni + glucosamine chondroitin is 70% as effective as morphine for pain.

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Cinthia (Springfield, PA) on 04/10/2009

I am a healthy person and try Noni recommended by a friend. I drink Noni 1 oz every morning for a month and don't feel any better. In fact, I feel more tired and some tight feeling around my heard. I decide to stop drinking it eventhough I have ton of juice left. (I brought 2 gallons from healing Noni web site) I will post my feeling after stop using the Noni juice. Good luck for all those spending money on Noni.

Joint Pain
Posted by Josephie (Vineland, NJ) on 03/28/2009

Noni Juice one ounce per day before breakfast has stopped pain in my knees and lower back, also I more energy I feel it's the greatest, no more pain pills.

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Serhan (Bursa, Turkey) on 11/27/2008

Hello, I'm a postgraduation student in biology major. In my country, the scientists from medicine faculty, my teachers researched the cancer inhibitor effects of noni fruit juice from Hawaii. They found that its effect is very powerful. Also its effect is very complex.It consists of xeronin and proxeronin enzymes fixing normal cells and fastening normal cell's proliferation. On other hand it prevents the proliferation of some tumor cells and metastasis. We see three ways about the effect.

1) The factors of tumor cells; VEGF, bFGF causing metastasis are prevented.

2) Immunity cells T and NKs are proliferated so they re able to interact with cancer cells to destroy.

3)It consists of some chemical compounds like damnacantal, antrakinon ehixh are effective on tumors.

Finally, it's so powerful as an after cure drug. And It supports the cure carried out. We re still researching and learning about its new effects and pathways. We hope the plant will reach to the respect deserving.

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Melisa (Birmingham, UK) on 11/03/2008

Just because noni is a weed as you claim doesn't mean it doesn't work. there are a lot of weeds used in healing, like dandi lion nettle duck leaves if Golden seal is the family of the buttercup which is classified as a weed look into them just becuase they are weeds don't make them ineffective.

Posted by Brenda (Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 09/16/2008

I had a ganglion on the top of my hand. I was scheduled for surgery. I started taking noni juice; an ounce a day. Within two weeks the ganglion disappeared! The ganglion has never come back. That was five years ago.

Posted by Susan (Milton, WA) on 09/10/2008

I wanted to know how to use Noni for quitting smoking. I have the capsule kind - how many should I take?

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by David (Hong Kong) on 09/01/2008


Noni juice was used to be very popular in Hong Kong due to its claim of many health benefits...but unfortunately, they are all false claims...verified and found out by the consumer council in HK. Sales of noni juice plummeted as a result. For readers here, do not buy noni juice for whatever health benefit they claim to have, they are all FALSE CLAIMS!!!

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 08/30/2008

I used Noni for a while and did see improvements in my energy as well as it curving my appetite for sweets. Also, I am anemic and during my menstral cycle, I would have cramping and heaving bleeding. On the Noni Juice, I didn't even notice I was on my cycle. I see that people are purchasing juice from stores but the best and original is tahitian noni. The others are watered down.

Posted by Sharon (Pecatonica, IL) on 09/21/2006

I am a cancer patient and as a result of the meds I have to take I sometimes after months of treatment end up having to take something for constipation. I use a shot glass and take Noni juice twice a day. I happen to use a double shot. twice a day. But then I am also taking some strong pain pills (which tend to cause constipation). When I use my Noni faithfully I do not have near the problems. If the constipation is persistent I eat fresh peaches or grapes with it. I also give Noni to my granddaughter who is 7 years old and has had problems in the past and we have really noticed a difference with 1 shot a day as maintenance for her.

Posted by Becky (Buffalo, NY) on 07/26/2006

A close, young relative of mine has cancer of the throat, jaw, tongue, etc. He is in the final stages of the disease and was told the treatments were not working.. He is now taking Noni juice through his Gastric Feeding tube and seems to be improving. The tumors seemed to have shrunk... the lesions are draining...he had been given the last rights.... he wanted to look in the mirror after the tumors shrunk..., he is writing notes again and is resting more comfortably and he is on pain medications also... It will be a Miracle for sure if the Noni cures him.

Posted by Nell (South Boardman, Michigan) on 04/03/2006

I've been taking noni for about 3 years. Before starting on noni I had a hard time getting up out of chairs or even bed without hurting and moving like a really old person. Now I move up stairs without hanging onto the handrail and sometimes stopping halfway. Works for me!

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