Noni Juice Cures

Posted by Deborah (San Francisco, CA) on 10/09/2005

NONI juice, two ounces per day has helped my arthritis immensely.

Posted by Marcy (San Mateo, CA) on 09/11/2006

Noni Juice cured the pain from osteoarthritis; also, no colds or flu for the last year. After a few days of taking tahitian noni juice, I was able to stop using my cane, take longer walks, get up and down stairs better. I'm no longer on any meds for my knee. It also helps me to sleep soundly all night. I've been taking a maintenence dose of 2 TB twice daily for about 3-4 years. My family uses noni juice and noni cream for all sorts of first aid also cured a friend of ulcers.

Posted by Sue (Sumner, WA) on 11/05/2005

Good, unprocessed, noni juice ... is a good natural pain reliever. It is said to be a natural COX II inhibitor (like sour cherries). I have used it to increase the effectiveness of various OTC pain relievers for severe mentrual cramps and back pain. My husband swears by it (taken alone) for back pain. (He is more responsive to the effectiveness of pain relievers than I am). The only drawbacks are it's nasty taste plus it's cost if you consume a lot of it. I found that, for me, about 1/4 cup is a basic dose to start with but you can drink as much as it takes to get the benefit you want. It may be diluted with apple juice or water to make it more tolerable.

Posted by Megan (Louisville, KY) on 10/03/2006

I tried Noni juice for about 2 months for severe neck pain. While it did appear to reduce the pain, I had to drink quite a bit for the effect which ended up being too costly. It also seems to cleanse the intestines.

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Karen (Surprise, Az) on 02/06/2006

I am a firm believer in Noni juice. It has helped with my PMS, acne, weight loss and energy levels. I was skeptical at first but if taken regularly it really is effective. I have heard to take it on an empty stomach for best results. I am thrilled to find a natural juice that is so effective!

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO) on 11/24/2005

While I was in Tahiti I did a bit of personal research on the Noni plant, which the Mormons are selling as a cure all. They claim that ancient Tahitians used it to cure people. I asked everyone, and on islands far from civilization (I went to the Tuomoto & Marquisis Islands too), turns out the answer is always the same, the Noni plant is a weed, when it's fruit is ripe it smells horendous (yes-this I witnessed-aurgh). Tahitians used to cut it down, but it contined to grow. Now they make money off of it, so it's being grown everywhere. Tahitians are hearing the word from the Mormon church that it will cure you and are turning up in hospitals left and right--as they are trying to use it & eat it. The Marquisis Islands are getting rich off of it, but still they told me the truth, they only grow it for money, they do not use it, it isn't for sale anywhere except the big islands--in the airports mostly. So, it gets you to wondering about everything, is it all for money? no honesty left?

Noni Reader Feedback
Posted by Hank (Vancouver, BC) on 10/10/2006

I have tried Noni Juice twice over the years and never experienced any positive affects. The second time I tried it I bought it from a reputable drug store who guaranteed it. They were very good about giving me my money back.

High Blood Sugar
Posted by Joe (Turners Falls, MA) on 11/17/2006

I've been taking about two shots of Noni juice for about a year now. I'm a diabetic with high blood sugar and was hoping it would help, it hasn't. But I do have more energy and feel better generally. I also haven't had a cold while others around me have. So I'm going to continue it for a while longer.

Posted by Louise (Ottawa, Canada) on 01/07/2007

I bought some Noni capsules just as a tonic and possible colon cleanser. After having only taken 1 capsule per day for 3 days I feel better have more energy and amazingly my desire to smoke has diminished down to 2 per day. And I actually forget that I am a smoker! I also had a stubborn little discoloration on my face for over 2 years that I would put make up on. I went to put make up on it and was thrilled to see it was no longer there. They say Noni is good for the skin, internal parasites and for addictions. I solemnley swear in my experience it does definitley work for those three things.

Posted by Mary (Honolulu) on 01/17/2007

About 10 years ago I got diverticulitis and peritonitis and was hospitalized for a week. My doctor told me that I would need an operation on my colon once I got healthier. My friend gave me some homemade noni juice to drink every morning and I took it for the 6 months after my hospital stay. When I went back to the doctor for a 6 month check up and to schedule the surgery, I no longer had any bad spots left on my colon. There was no reason to have surgery. My doctor put up the before and current xrays of my colon and asked me "What the heck did I do to cure myself like that!" I now make it myself and take it every morning.

Vision, Energy
Posted by Debra (Newark, DE) on 04/14/2007

I was given a bottle of noni juice by a friend, she said it would boost my energy. She also said it was an aquired taste and made me promise that even if I didn't like it I would still drink 1 oz. a day. I hated the taste, but I promised. after about 12 days I saw an improvement in my vision! I was just expecting an energy boost. It also helped with pms this month. I've only been taking it for three weeks. If you can get past the taste I think it's a good product.

Lupus, Congestive Heart Failure
Posted by Elaine (Kenner, Louisiana) on 04/16/2007

Lupus and Congestive heart failure: I have been taking noni juice and have not been hospitalized but two times since being diagnosed with CHF in 2004. I was told ALL of the hospital patients return every two to three months. Thanks noni. My doctors are mysified by my quick recoveries (both heart valves failed at the same time). I know besides GOD'S grace, it was the noni (2 oz. twice a day).

Posted by Jane (Dunedin, New Zeland) on 05/02/2007

In the first instance I found Noni amazing. I was suffering from thrush, & tiredness etc. I stayed on it for about 3 months for 'detox';and it got rid of waste like no other.(parasites included, saw them in the loo bowl)

I gained new energy levels and mood improved. My partner also went on it for weight-loss and deep cleansing. He was very happy with the results since he did not drop his in-take of food or do any exercise.

However and I don't know why I have felt further treatments of noni since have not given the same amazing 'oomf' of energy. I have definitely noticed it pays to get a high-quality Noni (like a rich dark coloured syrup) as other makes of noni are simply watered down hence far less effective (& weak) in treatment. cheers,

Posted by Linda (Atlanta, GA) on 06/20/2007

I have had heartburn from time to time over the years. Then I married a man who was always positive that his health was far better than mine - or anyone else's. In fact he talked as if I had one foot in the grave at the age of 32. He was always trying one obscure allopathic drug, remedy, herb, etc. He had read about a juice that according to a magazine of case studies that was produced by a company that sold the juice, it was such a miraculous health elixir that it could even cure cancer if taken in large amounts. All he talked about for a year was that juice and how I needed to try it. It was expensive and that was my excuse for a while. Finally I decided to humor him and drink the juice. If it didn't improve anything then at least I would hear no more talk of it. If it did improve my health overall then I would be a believer. The dosage of this juice was 1 - 2 ounces per day, but my husband insisted that I drink 16 ounces per day - because I was in such bad health (which was not true). I drank the awful juice and immediately had fire-breathing dragon heartburn. It was extremely painful but my husband insisted that it was the toxins coming out of my body - I should just stay with it and the heartburn would subside and my general health problems will disappear. The juice tasted like dilled blueberries but was supposedly made from some rare fruit on an island called noni fruit. I humored my husband at the expensive of my own personal discomfort of dealing with continual - non ending, severe heartburn day and night. After 4 cases of the juice had been consumed and there were no health benefits shown, but one new health problem (severe heartburn) I told my husband enough is enough - I will not drink that fire-breathing dragon juice ever again and I don't want to hear a single word about it ever again. I stopped drinking the juice but the severe heartburn did not go away. I gave it some time - to get it out of my system. Still had it - though not fire-breathing, scorching hot as before, but still severe. I began drinking baking soda mixed with water to ease the pain, but this only lasted a few hours at best - same with antacids. My doctor prescribed Previcid and that helped. It was great to live without heartburn but then I stopped taking the prescription because I do not want to take a pill every day for the rest of my life - that surely would damage my liver over time and cause a serious health problem. It has now been years since my last sip of the noni fruit juice and I sit here at 4 AM telling you my story because I went online in search of a home remedy for acid reflux that is longer lasting than baking soda and a better alternative than pills but instead found this site - saw you were looking for answers on why there is an increase in the cases of GERD over the last 30 years and thought I'd offer my personal experience of how an abundance of a juice making fantastic claims changed my life by giving me a permanent health issue - GERD. I believe if we expose ourselves to the wrong foods/drinks/ingredients over an extended period of time, we can cause a great variety of harm to out digestive system. What is wrong for one person may not be wrong for another. We are all different and I think we have come to assume through the practice of medicine and self medication from the readily available plethora of over the counter medications, we have begun to ignore the natural signals our bodies use to alert us to problems. After the first 1 - 2 days of fire-breathing dragon heartburn that began immediately after drinking the juice until it later became constant, I should have listened to my body - not my husband and stopped drinking it. There was obviously an ingredient in that juice that was reacting with my normal PH levels or something else within my stomach and/or esophogus in a very bad way.

Gray Hair
Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, MN) on 08/12/2007

a couple of yrs. ago, i ordered proxenal via internet contains morinda citrofolia or noni plant. i took it for exactly 45 days and the roots of my white/grey hair started turning glossy and dark like a young person. well, at the time i liked my grey hair and stopped immediately. Lately, i wanted to try to get some dark hair but couldn't remember the name of the product and started black strap molasses. After reading about Noni juice the morinda citrofolia name rang a bell and i found proxenal again on line only being upgraded to proxicine. When i purchased the proxenal, it was advertised to be the only vitamin/mineral the human body needs.I didn't notice real dramatic changes in energy level like i have had with BSM, and ACV, but the dark hair roots was really noticeable

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