Health Benefits of Lecithin: A Versatile Nutrient for Wellness

| Modified on Jul 26, 2024
Posted by Freddie (Buckeye, AZ, USA) on 02/17/2009

Editor's Choice I tried Lecithin. A Bechtel engineer who worked at a laboratory when he was younger told me that they grew the herpes virus. They used Lecithin to control and kill the herpes virus. He saw the herpes breakout on my face one day at work. He told me to take 2500 mg each day for a month. I asked him why he hasn't come forward with this information. He said that the FDA was too powerful to fight.

It worked for me. I haven't had a breakout in 20 years.

As I understand it, hospitals use Lecithin based baby formulas on new born babies born to women with genital herpes.

Lecithin 2500 mg a day for a month

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tina (Nsw) on 07/17/2020

Editor's Choice I started taking Lecithin in granule form for treatment of fatty liver on advice of Ted on Earth Clinic website. I have been feeling generally a lot better in many ways, my memory is sharp to the point of recalling childhood memories as if they were yesterday, I am faster to think of witty responses in conversations, anxiety is gone, my tummy is toning up, I am not reacting to foods with bloating, my IBS is gone, my inflammation has gone down, and my skin is clear. I feel great and don't intend to go a day without this wonderful nutrient.

Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 08/13/2011

Editor's Choice So glad to finally know why I no longer suffer from herpes outbreaks. From childhood I was always breaking out, my lip line shows evidence of old scarring. Anyway when I was early thirties I started studying nutrition and began taking lecithin. It was some years before I realised I was no longer getting the dreaded herpes tingling and subsequent blisters but I never made the connection with lecithin. I just assumed I had "grown out of it" I am now 69 and have not had an outbreak in nearly 40 years!

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/16/2009

Editor's Choice Dear Patricia: Under Pulling Oil, you ingest lecithin, which goes INSIDE the body and causes rancid oil, toxic oils and bad oils (such as gasoline and hydrocarbons) to be removed from your body, through stools, thus reducing the toxins built up over the lifespan. It should be noted that the body simply has no means of ridding hydrocarbons out of the body except with the use of a fat emulsifier, such as lecithin.


Posted by Jacqui (Brisbane, Qld Australia) on 01/08/2010

Editor's Choice After 12 years with the curse of Herpes Virus I read comments from Freddie from Buckeye US and thought "what would one more thing to try hurt" - I took 2 x 1200 of Lecithin when I had an outbreak and it was clear within 24hours. I would like to thank him for sharing that information, it worked for me!

Posted by Gh (Oz) on 10/12/2015

It's not rubbish, Rose. Lecithin can remove toxins that are in fat cells. Search 'phospholipid exchange therapy'.

Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 02/21/2018

Editor's Choice Lecithin cures colitis. Google it. I used sunflower lecithin. Some research says eating it won't work (because you need some patented drug! ). Others say it does work. In any case, eating it with yogurt worked for me!!!!! Hope this helps someone.

Posted by Kenny Lee (Florida) on 08/02/2015

Lysine, lysine, lysine. Lecithin probably contains some lysine. Lysine, lysine, lysine ... every day, and you will never have herpes again. Probably works against shingles as well, as these are sister viruses which live in the sheathing around nerves. Arginine is to be avoided, and that means NO CHOCOLATE and peanuts. Lysine, lysine, lysine!

Did I make myself lysinely clear? :-)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tina (NSW) on 02/25/2021

I started out with a tablespoon of the granules and after a couple of weeks switched over to a 1,200 mg tablet for convenience. 1 x 1,200 mg tablet a day.

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 02/25/2022 52 posts

The 'value' is in Dandelion's leaves & roots. Dandelion is a blood purifier which aids in the process of filtering and straining wastes from the bloodstream. It is useful in treating obstructions in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and spleen. The leaves aid in the elimination of uric acid. Use the root primarily for problems related to the liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys, and the leaf for liver, kidney, and bladder concerns. The leaves and root can make an excellent food or tea, rich in minerals, including for growing children... The flowers are used to treat a backache, depression, headache, menstrual cramps, and night blindness.

Posted by Thankful (A, B) on 12/07/2010

LECITHIN!! Thank you Freddie from Buckey!!!! I recently contracted the virus, and had breakouts AT LEAST twice a month. I'm talking big, bubbly ob's that itched and were devastating. I tried all the remedies but once the bump emerged there was NOTHING I could do but wait for it to clear up on its own. After reading the comment from Freddie & doing some research of my own, I decided to try Lecithin. I take 2-3 soft gel pills (1200mg) per day. I also wipe my genitals and lower back with DMSO on a cotton ball nightly. I haven't had a breakout in over 4 months and I'm praying I will never have another one. My diet is pretty good, but I do drink wine (red & white) and have not had an issue. I even started having little helpings of chocolate every so often which before would cause a breakout within hours. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REMEDY. I hope this helps someone :)

Improved Memory
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 04/17/2009

I've been taking lecithin now 2x a day with every meal. I bought the gel caps at Whole Foods (their generic brand). The first thing I noticed was that my memory improved dramatically. I was frustrated the day before I started the lecithin that I couldn't for the life of me remember the name of one of my childhood friends! The next day, a few hours after taking lecithin, the full name of my childhood friend popped into my head along with the name of her dog (Chadsie). Not sure yet about the pulling oil effect that Ted speaks about, but will report back in a month or two. Wanted to report my initial findings...

Posted by Cato (Canada) on 12/20/2015

Lecithin produces methyanine - then cysteine - then glutathione. Glutathione is a detoxifying antioxidant and immune booster. It makes metals and other toxins water soluble and binds to them, taking them out of the body. Lecithin stimulates macrophages (immune cells) to increase.

Weight Loss
Posted by Beth (Long Island, Ny) on 02/10/2014

Hi I read the comments about Lecithin and using it as a supplement. I want to better understand how it will affect the body. One of the discussions seemed to imply that if one takes lecithin and it is working in the body one will lose weight. I however am looking to use it to help me improve my digestion of fats and therefore help me absorb the healthy fats that I eat. I am somewhat under weight and am trying to (in a healthy way) gain weight. I believe my liver for the most part is healthy as I eat very well. My question is in my case if I use lecithin will it make me lose weight? Which I do not want or will it help me gain weight by helping me process and better absorb the fats that I eat? Thank you, Beth

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Julia (Tulsa, Ok) on 04/03/2015

Use of SUNFLOWER lecithin will solve the soy hormone and hexane problem. Get non GMO and natural brands at the health store . It tastse nice too!

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Ally (Uk) on 10/29/2015


If sunflower lecithin comes from sunflower seeds - would it be possible then to get lecithin just by chewing a couple of tablespoons of sunflower seeds along with drinking roasted dandelion tea? Thanks

Posted by Falala (Shreveport, Louisiana, Usa) on 12/31/2012

I tried Freddies remedy - 2400 mg lecithin every day. I bought 2 large bottles that contained 100 softgels each. I decided I would take all of the lecithin until I ran out. 3 months worth with absolutely no outbreaks or symptoms. I usually get an outbreak every 2 months. I get tingling every month, but not since I began taking lecithin! Since I am done with both bottles, I am going to take a break and see if there are any changes. Bue, if a breakout occurs, I will go purchase another bottle of softgels and begin taking it again.

Non-GMO Lecithin
Posted by Art (Usa) on 07/26/2014 2226 posts

Swanson and NOW both sell non GMO lecithin.


Side Effects
Posted by Darlene (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 03/23/2009

I've been taking 1200 Mg.of lecithin a day and I also started breaking out on my face.The product I use ingredients are Lecitin from soy 1200 mg.Phosphatidyl Choline 180 mg. Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine 156 mg. Phosphatidyl tnositol 108 mg. Linoleic Acid 324 Mg. Linolenic Acid 72mg. Is the Lecithin I'm taking wrong or is this something that does happen when taking it. I know I am very sensitive to oils. Please Respond.

Posted by Stephanie (TX) on 02/26/2021

Lysine cured my husband's shingles.

Posted by Bruce (Washington) on 06/13/2024

Rose, let me tell you a story. At the gym I go to there is a steam sauna. This one guy was doing a detox to get healthy. He would bring a couple of gallons of homemade green juice with freshly juiced grass from the local river banks, Dandelion leaves, and wheatgrass, along with Celery and Cucumber and Steam distilled water. After a few weeks of doing this daily one day his body "dumped" and I was not there that evening to witness it but all the people that were there told me about it and the man himself. What happened was that whole sauna started to stink to high heaven of Diesel fuel. Come to find out he was a diesel mechanic and all that hydrocarbon poison that you said does not hide in our bodies was coming out of him. I was there the next day and you could still faintly smell the diesel. I inquired about it was excitedly told the story by those who had been present. Keep an open mind, Rose.

Weight Loss
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/10/2014

Beth: Please let me explain, as best I can, both lecithin and weight gain. When fed properly with active nutrients the body can make lecithin. Lecithin is made from phospholipids and b vitamins. Normally choline is the hardest to get. Choline is in raw pastured eggs and desiccated liver. Both of these are high in all the b vitamins. B vitamins work effectively for 5 hours so taking a dose every 4 hours is wise. A green smoothie made from organic baby leaves is high in all the b vitamins except choline. Taking a supplement would not be wise because the body self regulates when functioning optimally. The body makes enough lecithin and then stops. As for weight gain the weight you want to gain is muscle. Every gram of muscled added requires 6 grams of protein and strength exercises. Carbs, oils, and proteins need to be taken together at certain dosages and at certain times. Proteins have a biological value. The protein for added muscle is glutamate. Bcaas become glutamate. The easiest and most cost effective way to get protein for structure is non denatured whey isolate. I pay $85 for 5lbs shipped from a reputable company. Supplementing with isolated amino acids is not wise because they lack co-factors. Eating 85% raw organic produce and 15% raw grass fed animal products enables the cells to function at peak performance. Thank you.

Weight Loss
Posted by Debra Williams (Texas) on 03/19/2016

I began to take sunflower lecithin for memory. I could use a good cleanse. Does it clean liver, colon or what?

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 10/25/2013

Eggs are the best food source of Lecithin. (Only if they are cooked in a way that keeps the yolks soft, though.)

Weight Loss
Posted by Cactx (Htown, Tx ) on 08/10/2015

Clearly, your metabolic rate is high. Getting it lower naturally seems to be a challenge. Age, in many cases, is a factor with high metabolic rate the norm below 30. All the same, eating healthy now or for some time, don't necessarily means optimum working liver. For that reason, a liver cleanse is in order. A cup blended pineapple and olive oil two to three times per week is suggested. Ones weight becomes regular with a proper functioning liver. Keep the faith!

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Cindy (Usa) on 10/23/2013

Can anyone tell me if you have to eat dandelion flowers with anything else to get the lecitin value from them? I was looking it up and find references to having to drink milk too? I don't drink milk or eat soy(as much as that is possible to avoid) but want to help my liver with lecitin. thanks

Side Effects
Posted by Mark (Las Vegas, Nv) on 10/13/2012

Lecithen contains phosphatidylcholine and regulates moods and also helps with memory. It has also been said to clean the arteries and lower choleterol. Now of course studies have been put out linking it to cloging arteries in rodents. But nevertheless humans have been very sucessful in using it.

Posted by Maryland (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 09/03/2011

I took 2400mg of lecithin then up to 4800mg of lecithin daily for two months and the only change I noticed was that my breasts seem fuller :)

But the outbreaks kept coming..

Best Way to Take Lecithin
Posted by Joana (Florida) on 12/17/2015

Hi Janet, I used to take a lot of lecithin, when I was young , and it was a liquid. It tasted terrible. But I used to take one tablespoon full, closed my nose and swallow up and put something in my mouth right away. Do not mix it, just take plain with little water. God bless you!

Weight Loss
Posted by Catherine (Atlanta) on 05/11/2014

Read the book: "why we get fat... " By Gary Taubes. This book cites the most recent scientific studies as well as historical data and will help you decide the best methods for gaining weight or losing weight. It does not prescribe any specific diets. It merely will enlighten you on what causes weight gain and loss and the massive bad inforlation we are sold by the mass media and our govt. And where that info came from as well.

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Wyandotte (Canada) on 08/14/2015 13 posts

About the hormones in soy products, I'm not sure that would apply to lecithin. As I understand it, the components of soy that are not good for our health are not present in the fat. I am willing to stand corrected.

Best Way to Take Lecithin
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 03/29/2009

Yes, you can add lecithin granules to soup and eat it straight-up. You can also add it to blender drinks, oat meal, cereal, baked goods etc. etc. etc. Anyway you can think of eating it is good for you.

Posted by Bo (Edgbaston, Birmingham, Uk) on 10/21/2010

Regarding the 2500mg of Lecithin... Is it only for 1 month daily for a cure or does one have to take it when outbreaks occur? & for maintenance? It's been decades of monthly attacks and am at wits end!!!

Posted by Cato (Canada) on 12/20/2015

Here's a study on how lecithin increases immune cells via phosphatidylcholine:

Side Effects
Posted by Pacific Coast Lady (USA) on 03/13/2021

Not 100% positive yet, but I bought Lecithin and started on it a couple of weeks ago. Just put it in Green Tea and let it sit and dissolve nicely. Really liked the addition to the GTea. But I have been having a migraine every day (not severe but bad enough I had to take tylenol) and when waking in the night, migraine then as well. When I say a migraine, I'm talking without the aura, just the pain in one temple, not the full-blown classic/hemoplegic ones I get maybe once every 6 months.

So I knew I was warned about the Soy Lecithin but for the price I could afford, that's what I got. I quit using it just yesterday and will see how things go for at least a week. It could be other things as well, just have to experiment to find out. I was recently (Jan 20th) diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and the Lecithin was hopefully going to bring down my triglycerides and cholesterol.

So dropping all the carbs except under 30 grams per day (which finally brought my bg down) has really put my body into withdrawals. So that could cause the migraines as well. I don't think so though as I already went through normal type headaches the first month or so. Then I started the Lecithin. If it is the Lecithin with Soy, I will take others' advice and get the Sunflower type and try it. Thank you all.

Edit: It must have been the Soy Lecithin, no more "every day" headaches, and none at night. I bought the Sunflower Lecithin but accidentally ordered the Powder, not the granules I believe were recommended. Doing ok on this one though, just stir it in with a bit of hot water, then add my Almond milk, just a cup, and it tastes just fine. When I just took a teenie taste of the Sunflower Lecithin, no taste at all that I noticed. I even read recipes for lattes you can make with coffee if you like that. I'll make another review after I've been using the SL for awhile.

Best Form of Lecithin
Posted by Christine (Uruguay) on 10/11/2015

There's ample info to back the negatives of soy lecithin --go with sunflower! Let's start with the fact that hormones require fat for assimilation, and typically you'll find the highest concentrations there....for example, RBST, the hormone used in commercial milk production, is highest in butter, making it very important to consume grass-fed only. ALL fats act as a depository and carrier for more than hormones: know where and how your food is raised and avoid agri-chemicals and heavy metals by consuming organic or transitional only. Non-GMO soy is virtually non-existent anymore, fyi, no matter WHAT the label says!

Best Way to Take Lecithin
Posted by Hans (Seattle) on 05/06/2018

For breakfast, I have 4T of wheat germ, 2T of lecithin, and 2T of ground flax seed with enough rice milk to make it liquid once most of the rice milk is absorbed by the mixture. All of the above is organic and non-gmo. This means that it has to sit for a while. I do like the taste, but others may not.

Non-GMO Lecithin
Posted by Angela (OR) on 04/09/2021

According to the website, while the liquid and tablets were not produced with any harsh solvents - the granules and powder don't appear to be listed on the list. I'm emailing them for further clarification, but it looks as though the granules and powder are produced with hexane.

Weight Loss
Posted by Dorothy (texas) on 09/18/2022

Hi Cactx (Htown, Tx),

Re liver cleanse: you meant whole pineapple or pineapple juice?

How much fresh pineapple (juice or whole?) do you blend with how much olive oil and when do you drink this smoothie? Right before sleep or first thing in the morning or?

Which brand of olive oil do you use/recommend?

Thank you

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 04/24/2014

Dandelion is the highest source of lecithin in the world. There is info on the net how to make oil out of everything. Love Andrea C xxx

Mental Acuity and Prostate
Posted by John (Bronx, Ny - New York) on 07/25/2012

Lecithin does help my memory and my prostate. I don't take it everyday, only when I feel I need it. I make a weak cup of tea, sweeten it, add 2 ice cubes and water to make about 10 to 12 ounces of liquid. Then add 1 tablespoon of lecithin granules and blend in a blender at the lowest setting that will dissolve it. Good before a lot of mental work and helps urine flow.

Side Effects
Posted by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 05/22/2011

Hi Bill,

When I give my mom a teaspoon of lecithin she feels very giddy afterwards. Like a mild mania. I gave it to her on a different occasion and same result. What's this mean? Why is this happening? Thanks.

General Feedback
Posted by Jean (International Falls, MN) on 05/14/2009

if you are worried about soy lecithin, you can poach an egg and get it that way too. you want to cook it to just doneness be careful not to over heat it as it changes the properties. i am not sure how much lecithin an egg has i just know it does my son is special needs and we were told to give him poached eggs for the lecithin a few times a week for nerve support

Avoiding Soy-Based Lecithin
Posted by Bev (Long Beach, CA/USA) on 03/29/2009

Lecithin if you have breast cancer.

Hi. I am concerned about using Lecithin since I have breast cancer. I have been told to stay away from any soy products. Any information is appreciated.

Avoiding Soy-Based Lecithin
Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 03/29/2009

I too am concerned about soy-based lecithin and I will not take it. You can get lecithin from egg yolks, and also organ meats if you eat those. Dandelion seems to be a good alternative if you'd rather get it from a supplement or plant source. It appears to be a good source of lecithin, along with many other vitamins and minerals in levels comparable to or exceeding commonly consumed vegetables.

A caveat from one of the above sites: "If you have an allergy to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, daisies, or iodine, you should avoid dandelion." To this I would add that getting yours fresh from the typical back yard is probably not a good idea unless you're certain there's no heavy metals, pet waste, or pesticides in the soil. Supplements and teas are readily available if you have no access to 'clean' dandelions.

Dandelion is in general quite safe and very nutritious (all parts are edible). It seems to have a lot of potential to treat or support a wide variety of things from warts to liver and digestive issues to yeast infections, breast problems, inflammation, bone building, and much, much more. I refuse to call it a weed! This is one plant we could probably all benefit from looking into further.

Best Way to Take Lecithin
Posted by Marijane (Florida) on 12/17/2016

I have read from various sources that one should not use / take lecithin with anything hot, so putting it in hot soup is out!

Side Effects
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Usa) on 06/21/2011

Darlene;What is inside of the body must come out on the surface. Maybe you are doing too many items all at once, why not try a few at a time? good luck

Side Effects
Posted by Desigirl (Oakland Gardens, Ny, United States) on 09/25/2011

Diamond from Salisbury why don't you try Egg Lecithin or Dandelions since you are so sensitive to oils. Ted did mention somewhere that Soy is not at all good for this reason.

Liquid vs Granulated Lecithin
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 03/15/2009

To Gean from Salina, KS. According to Carlson Wade author of Lecithin Book, What You Need to Know, published 1980. The best lecithin is pure lecithin granules which contain over 95 percent phosphatides and about 2 percent soybean oil. Compare that to liquid lecithin which contains approximately 61 percent phosphatides and about 37 percent soybean oil. He cautions against Lecithin Powder which may be altered therefore may be not pure lecithin.

Best Form of Lecithin
Posted by Steve (Uk) on 11/07/2021

Now does a good sunflower supplement, cheap considering brand.

Non-GMO Lecithin
Posted by Barbara (Wa., US) on 02/09/2015

I just bought Whole Foods brand Lecithin Granules that are "Non-GMO Soy Lecithin".

Side Effects
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 02/27/2012


A word of caution about Soy Lecithin granules. I had a severe allergic reaction causing hives around my neck, severe itching and a huge red stripe around 2-3 inches in diameter from my chin to the base of my neck. Luckily, I read on Earth Clinic to blot the rash with borax and hydrogen peroxide. Then I took a bath with a couple of scoops of coconut oil in the water. Instant relief! I also had switched breads to a 12-grain variety that started off the allergy attack. I must have had a huge buildup of lecithin in my body and a soy allergy too.

Lecithin Tips
Posted by Sue (Townsville, Qld, Australia) on 04/27/2009

You can add lecithin to your cooking by replacing some of the fat/oil in the recipe with it. I use it in muffins that way with good results. I've also seen health recipes where you dissolve it in water and use that instead of oil. So if the recipe requires you to "fry an onion", use the 2tblspns of both lecithin and water instead. Just start off with the water and lecithin in the pan then when hot start cooking. It is good.

General Feedback
Posted by Edensong (Nashville, Tn) on 01/14/2010

Because of the soy issues with common lecithin products, I'd like to share that you can purchase sunflower lecithin. It is non-GM, allergy-free, GRAS approved. Just google it and you'll find suppliers.

General Feedback
Posted by Earlygirl (Sacramento, California, Usa) on 03/01/2012

Regarding lecithin and the concern about soy/estrogen, here is an interesting article which essentially states that there may not be an issue.

Avoiding Soy-Based Lecithin
Posted by Judy (Hong Kong, China) on 09/05/2012

I am avoiding soy products because I have thyroid problem, so I bought a couple of jars of raw sunflower lecithin oil too before reading on Ted's thread that only granulated lecithin would work.

Did anyone have any success with detoxing with lecithin oil please? I worry about ingesting more oil when my liver is already overloaded.

Posted by Anita (Ny) on 10/23/2010

I started sprinkling non-gmo lecithin on my egg breakfast in July (fairly consistently-maybe missed 7 days since). I used to have monthly facial outbreaks. I've had 2 minor OB (I did ICE, h2o2, lysine, vit. C as well) which consisted of a very small pinhead size scabs. I just continue sprinkling. Kinda scared to stop... Lol

Posted by Enzy1 (Khi, Pak) on 01/05/2013

hey all... So I have been taking lecithin for a few days and it is keeping the outbreaks a bit in control... Im also supplementing it with oil of oregano, vit c, lysine and beta immune complex... I have a lot of faith in lecithin after reading the post by Freddie and the others that have followed... however, could you pls tell me if this needs to be continued even after a month and if any of u have had recurrent OBs after taking lecithin...pls lemme know!!

Posted by Allison (Houston, Texas) on 03/09/2013

Herpes could be brought on by Aspartame, the sugar free substitute often found in sugar free drinks, gums, cookies, yogurts, protein powder, and others. So lecithin may still help control herpes, but make sure you are not ingesting aspartame. You can find this information under cures for herpes. Wished I had knew this instead of ignorantly chewing sugar free gums for years and all along getting herpes simplex cold sores.

Posted by Littlew (Boston) on 04/02/2017

Hi Shaw – probably different for everyone but when I have an outbreak I take 2000mg in the AM and 2000mg in the PM. I do this only when I have an outbreak. I do not take Lysine as a daily supplement nor do I take it for anything else. While taking the lysine I also use my Herpecin lip balm and either hydrogen peroxide directly on the outbreak, or I mix a small batch of very strong Willard Water, and soak it for five minutes several times a day. When I do this it usually doesn't even come out to play. It's my power play. I'm sure others who have suffered this their whole life as I have their own tricks of the trade. Try to stay out of the sun as well during and a general lowering of life stress always helps. Good luck.

Best Form of Lecithin
Posted by Sarah (Winter Park, Florida) on 11/01/2021 8 posts

I believe the best form is granules, not powder, but sunflower is better than soy and I can't really find sunflower lecithin in granules.

Does anyone have recommendations on exactly what to buy that aligns with Ted's suggestions and where to get it?

Best Form of Lecithin
Posted by BevilNC (NC) on 11/01/2021

You can get sunflower lecithin at a good price from vitamin shoppe online.

Best Form of Lecithin
Posted by Sarah (Winter Park, Florida) on 11/03/2021 8 posts

You'll see though that all (or almost all?) sunflower lecithin comes in powder form, not granules. You can only find soy granules and I don't want soy.

Best Form of Lecithin
Posted by Sarah (Winter Park, FL) on 11/24/2021 8 posts

That's the only one I can find in Sunflower but again, it's in 'powder' form not 'granules'. The only granules I find is soy.

With that said, I guess it's safe to assume that when you start using lecithin consistently, you could get detox symptoms like hair loss, amongst other things, right?

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