Health Benefits

B-Complex Health Benefits and Side Effects

| Modified on Jun 27, 2022
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Pantethine vs Pantethinic Acid
Posted by kk (canada) on 02/09/2021

Hello I would like to start taking vitamin B5. I am having a hard time finding anything affordable with a good shipping time that doesn't have any fillers or binders in it.

I have found one brand of Pantothenic acid but it has 45mg of Calcium in it. Will that effect Candida? I know Ted recommends we don't use Calcium when we have Candida.

Also I found pantethine soft gels on for a very good deal.

Is one better than the other in regards to these two supplements? Any help would be appreciated as I can not find much to answer this question.

Is pantethine actual B5? I read that pantothenic acid is converted into pantethine in the body.

Should I just buy pantethine? Im just not sure...

Thank you

Biotin and Blood Chemistry Warning
Posted by Carolina M. (Fayetteville, Nc) on 10/02/2018

Biotin Can Alter Blood Chemistry Lab Results

I didn't find the supplement Biotin listed as a remedy on Earth Clinic per se, but I know it is used frequently to prevent hair loss or thinning and to strengthen nails as well. I recently discovered from a website of professional laboratory scientists that it has been discovered to alter lab results in the processing of routine bloodwork panels. One of the assays mentioned as subject to distortion by Biotin is Vitamin D. This was of great interest to me, as I had recently added to my regular 10 mg Biotin supplement a B complex containing 3 mg. of Biotin. And since that addition, my last two lab panels showed an excessively high level of Vitamin D, and B12 as well!

The guidance from the lab scientists was to simply avoid taking any Biotin for a couple of days before having bloodwork done. They were clear that it is a testing artifact, not an indication that Biotin has any adverse effect on actual blood chemistry.

Importance of Thiamine
Posted by Janet (In) on 08/03/2018

Editor's Choice

Regarding thiamine, I thought I might include everyone in our journey.

The need for this one critical nutrient is staggering. Ted mentions it frequently. As I said, somehow I missed how critical this is.

To paraphrase Dr. Lonsdale, you are starving and malnourished, to put it bluntly. I suspect that is why so many of us must jump through hoops, to get well.

I suggest that all those hoops are not necessary. To back up, the critical elimination of toxins is part of the story. As is alkalinity, anyone that has experienced the far-reaching healing of bicarbonate of soda knows.

This B1 experiment of mine has been an eye-opening healing journey. Not the honeymoon effect. "Oh my gosh, I feel great" to the general slide back into symptoms. Or I only get so much better, then stop.

It has brought it's trials. Sending me back to Google and Dr Lonsdales wonderful book. For my husband and I different issues. Muscle cramping. Soreness. Just addressing those two things, nearly makes my point.

One thing Dr Lonsdale shows in his case studies is oral as opposed to IV treatment. I imagine buying his book would answer specific questions regarding a particular problem that seems insurmountable. POTS, debilitating exhaustion, fatty liver disease, diabetes, Parkinson's, memory loss and many other serious illnesses.

Having underlying issues can be brought to light. Specifically in low vitamin B, magnesium, potassium. I have been reading several personal blogs of various people using high dose B1. To find the results of others.

Some experience a "too much" feeling, a sense that they have revved up their system too much. Considering many read every article thinking they will find a miracle 1 answer fix, seldom looking at the big picture. Just try something, anything. If you look deeper there are some helps for oral dosing. Although again, look to Dr. Lonsdale's book regarding IV treatment.

Having your magnesium, potassium levels up seems prudent. Although for myself having IBS d taking too much of either is a thoughtful endeavour. To my surprise, careful raising of both and B vitamins, L Taurine, NAC, I have not had an issue. I can even use magnesium oil in water. Never something that was possible for me. Having no lower intestine.

So if trying this, I suggest hair mineral analysis. I certainly did not know my levels were low. As I had been able to supplement magnesium mostly topically. Sparingly through ingestion. My low potassium was a surprise though. Easily fixed with potassium bicarbonate added to my alkalinity drink, 1/4 tsp. And potassium citrate.

The biggest surprise of all, and almost as good as Christmas morning when you're 5 years old! Iodine! I am one of those people that cannot ingest iodine. More than one drop, I get ill. I can use it topically and do. My need for it is so obvious now, lol. Who knew? I am absorbing it too apparently. As the skin test shows. Orange would remain hours later. Whereas now. It is all seemingly absorbed. I have painted both my hands. Clear in hours. Normally a drop or 2 linger, linger, linger. Along with this, a solid real effect on my CFS/MCS. The mold sensitivity, still there but diminished greatly.

The other thing you may think about, niacinamide. Ted talks a great deal re this one healer. Another thing I had to be cautious of. It made me sleepy. I have discovered I can take his recommended doses freely. Which in turn, turns a so so healing into real progress.

The other Bs I take individually, riboflavin, B5 as panthenol or pantethine if I cannot find it, Choline inositol, Biotin, Paba. Every 2 or 3 days. The Thiamine, which I alternate, Allithiamine and Thiamine Mononitrate, b6 as P5P, Niacinamide (500mg 3x a day) every day.

I want to mention briefly hormones, you can look to Ted's remedies to further your understanding. If you are over 35, I strongly suggest you look. Intestinal health. Correct digestion, thyroid health, correct hormone levels rule. They are the stuff of life.

Vitamin D3, You can get this tested or order a home test through, Grassroots Health. Human life is ruled by the sun as is everything on the planet. It would only make sense to investigate your levels. Build a rock-solid foundation for the nutritional absorption you need every day.


Vitamin B100 Complex
Posted by Surging (Canada) on 01/28/2017

I have been taking vitamin b100 complex for over a year and half steady everyday ( I also take a vitamin D ) I take one when I wake up .. it has really changed my life, I'm never sick, it has balanced my moods, I heal really fast wolverine style, When I eat it does not take long for me to get a boost my body gets to work fast breaking it down and taking what it needs, even when I quit coffee for 6 months nothing held me back. I recommend B100 to anyone who needs a boost in life..

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Rosemarie (California) on 05/31/2016

I am taking every day for more then 10 years B-Complex 50 mg(Capsul)it dissolves better) and a Combination of Vitamin D Calcium and Magnesium eat every day very healthy(no fast foods).Believe me I am 78 years old and working 8 hrs. a day 4 days a week.Just do everything in moderation.

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Mimi (Nigeria) on 01/15/2016

I read somewhere that some people genetically need another form of the vitamin 12 complex as they don't process it to the methyl form of vit b12 which the body needs. You may wish to look into that.

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Kitty (Ny, US) on 01/22/2015 6 posts

Try purebulk.com, I buy almost everything in powdered form, excellent site and products.

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Timh (KY) on 01/22/2015 2042 posts

P: I would suggest purchasing a capsulator, gelatin caps, and Bulk Nutrition Powder from Amazon or Ebay as each have thousands of merchants competing for customers, so that keeps the price low.

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Paula (Canada) on 01/21/2015

I was wondering if someone could tell me where I could buy vitamin B complex without the fillers, B 50 or B 100 and also where I could get Cellulase in powder without unwanted fillers.

Thank you

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/04/2014

Hello Lima,

Re Vitamin B complex intake/ your reaction.

Well, your report is vexing. The brand you take gives you a "lift" and the next day you drop into a depression. I have been taking various B complex brands for many years and never experienced ... or heard of ... what you describe. I'm now taking a liquid form of vitamins and minerals (twice daily after morning and afternoon or early evening meals) and am of the opinion that the liquid form (pungent)... is better absorbed. Also I've started taking digestive enzymes after EVERY meal.

This intake of enzymes was the result of me taking a "blood analysis test" (google " you tube microscopy blood analysis") and you'll find some youtube illustrations of how your red blood cells are functioning and what other issues are at work on the cellular level (fungus, white blood cell health, plaque level)...all quite fascinating and resulted in me believing that I needed to make some changes in my own health regimen.

Well, all that to say that given you did not have problems with other brands of B, I suspect something is wrong with the new brand you are using. If you are using a synthetic brand, or something that is not up to standard maybe on the cellular level, this may be causing the "depression" reaction. Change brands.

You ask another question; why take the B complex and can you get what you need from a good diet. There are lots of books on that subject and the Vitamin supplement issue was one I first read about 40 years ago. Depleted soils, processed foods etc., convinced me that supplements are important for optimum health.

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Lima (Nashville, Tn) on 05/04/2014

Yes when I take a certain brand high-potency vitamin B Complex I feel a lift in mood but next day big drop to point of depression. I don't remember having this problem on a different brand (probably lower potency too like B50). I would like to know too why because B vitmains are important and may be hard to get just from diet alone.

Baker's Yeast
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 03/11/2014

Cindy: Bakers yeast is alive and replaces candida. Bakers yeast is a good remedy for candida. Many people with thrush have had good results. Brewers yeast is dead and is used as a nutritional supplement. I take home brewed water kefir. This has 6 yeasts. Eat alkalizing foods for candida. Candida prefers acidic conditions.

Baker's Yeast
Posted by Cindy (Usa) on 03/09/2014

Baker's Yeast and Brewer's Yeast: What is the difference nutritionally between these two yeast and has anyone had good results using either one? also can you use if you have candida? Thanks.

Baker's Yeast
Posted by Misty (Indiana, Usa) on 02/07/2014

Baker's yeast is not a good source of B vitamins. It is recommended to avoid consumption of yeast while infected with candidiasis, although inactive yeasts such as brewer's yeast or nutritional yeast can be consumed for nutritional value.

Baker's Yeast
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/05/2014

Healthseeker: There are 2 good yeasts in an 80/20 ratio. Candida's function is to eat excess blood sugar. Eating cooked conventionally grown food creates a condition where the 80% yeast is not able to survive and this causes candida over growth. Toxins poison candida. In order to survive candida mutates into a pathogen. All you have to do is eat raw organic produce and raw grass fed animal products. This simultaneously nourishes and detoxes. Taking bakers yeast is beneficial because this yeast replaces candida with the 80% yeast.

Baker's Yeast
Posted by Healthseeker (Usa) on 02/05/2014

Question for Bill from San Fernando or anyone with knowledge of bakers yeast being used for b vitamin value. Can it be used or will it likely aggravate candida condition? Thanks to all

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Lupe (Salinas, Ca) on 10/24/2012

hi I was wondering if your daughter git better? I took stress vitamin b complex for less than a week and I stopped becauese my hamstrings feelt tingly and I instantly knew it had to be the vitamins. My entire body feels week especialy my arms and jonts. did your daughter get nerve damage and if sh got better how did she do that and how long did it take ? thank you I would appreciate info.

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Gean (Salina, Ks) on 09/18/2012

Here is my experience with B-complex. I kept reading that it's good to take, and that B vitamins are water solluble so the body just gets rid of the excess, etc. , so I tried it. I took the B-50 complex. Here is what happened:

The first thing I noticed after only a couple of days, was that my hair took on a dull look - lost all its shine. Then I became very, very depressed. I also started bruising a lot easier. I was also hungry all the time, terrible food cravings. The depression worsened over a period of a week or two, until I finally said to myself, "What did I add recently?" I remembered the B-complex, and looked up dangers of B supplements. Sure enough, I read that the body can't process large amounts of certain B vitamins without having to pull all kinds of micronutrients out of your body to do it, so you end up deficient. I stopped the B-complex, and within a few days my hair is shiny and beautiful, and I am no longer depressed. Food cravings are gone.

I had given it to my 20 yr. old daughter as well, and she reported after a week or so that her arms got suddenly weak and she almost dropped her violin during orchestra practice. Then I read that excessive B vitamins will attach to your nerves and cause limb weakness. She also started bruising a lot. Needless to say she's off it too now.

Eating whole foods is the best medicine!

Posted by Americantwin (Indianapolis, In) on 09/14/2012

Choline (often taken w/Inositol) has a noticeable effect on brain function, usually in a short time after starting it. Choline is a B vitamin but is not included in B complex supplements in large enough proportions, ( 1,000 mg ) to help mental ability. Choline is great for the liver! You will notice toxic-overload symptoms (nausea, flu-like symptoms) disappearing in a matter of weeks, also. My daughter and I have taken both for years without any noticeable adverse reactions. A chemist at Now Foods told me that Choline supplements are not made from soy (see posted reaction to soy). However, lecithin (from soy) is a source of Cholin, (sometimes spelled without the "e") as are dandelions and egg yolks. Cholin is supposed to be good for the kidneys and I'm puzzled why its properties aren't more praised among the health-minded groups. It's a supplement I would not be without. However, here are some supposed symptoms of excess: (none of which I have personally experienced)

1.) Excess increases muscle tone, causing temporary stiffness or tension

2) Excess is said to cause a fishy smell to skin

3) Choline is said to lower blood pressure

Be careful. Certain distributers try to trick you by labeling the bottle:

Choline/Inositol 500/500mg

when in fact each capsule is only 250 mg. You'll need 1000 mg daily to really tell a difference in your mental capacity, liver function, etc.

Feedback from others appreciated.

500/500 mg

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/13/2012

Mardi, if it's done you good for so long, then that's your best sign that it's good for YOU. If your blood sugar would've gone up, you would have known it by now. And it's an easy thing to check.

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Mardi (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 08/12/2012

I think I read that it was Ted that said: It also takes weeks for the pH to be near normal after taking b complex and baking soda for a week or two. A long term taking of this can also resulted in higher urinary sugar and damaged pancreas, besides damaging the brain.

This freaks me out! I take B complex, 100 mg every day and have done so for decades! I feel that my nerves required it. I love it. Did I read right????

Broad Benefits
Posted by Fountain (Toronto, Ca, United States) on 04/23/2012

The potential benefits of b nutritional vitamins to the older comprise of enhanced ability to remember and feelings. It doesn't matter what how old they are, most of the people observe a noticable difference in the ability to remember and option to pay attention and a loss of stressed out emotions and irritation.

B Complex Vitamin dietary supplements is utilised by the body system to transform carbs in glucose, that's then transformed by the cellular structure into strength, typically called rate of metabolism. The indicators of b complex shortage resemble signs and symptoms of low blood glucose levels. Raised frustration is just about the very first signs. People who have slow metabolic processes or trouble managing how much they weigh generally make the most of b complex nutritional vitamins dietary supplements.

A lot of people which begin to take a b natural vitamins product become aware of a rise in power instantly.

Should you suffer from moistureless skin cells or hair, it could take a couple of weeks to note a positive change, nevertheless, you will spot a noticeable difference.

It happens to be almost impossible to have decent levels of the vitamin b complex set from the normal day-to-day diet program. Furthermore, some things boost ones own everyday b complex needs. Sipping coffees or drinking raises the will need for any B vitamin dietary supplements. Having oral contraceptives, sulfa medications and asleep medicines boost the need for the b complex class. It is helpful to notice that the insufficient b complex nutritional vitamins inside eating habits may result in not getting enough sleep, that may direct anyone to request a sleeping support, which unfortunately adds to the have to have for the natural vitamins.

Prior to reaching for the sleeping drug, you should take a look at diet program and no matter if you're getting suitable levels of the vitamin b complex collection class.

General Feedback
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Vic, Australia) on 01/25/2012

Hi Just Chillin from Vannes, Your Dr should have looked at your feet and used a monofilament to test for lose of any sensation or at the very least used either a cotton wool ball or their own finger. The following is a site with pictures of these: http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/diabetes/foot/Fexam1.html

If you do a search for alpha lipoic acid you will find lots of recommendations for it. http://www.diabeteslibrary.org/PrintArticle.aspx?ArticleID=809

When ever you take large doses of any b vitamin it is best to also take a b complex as well. If your not a vegetarian then you could eat liver or take a liver extract as Bill (from the Philippines) has recommended elsewhere on EC. If you are having trouble building up your b's and are taking them in high doses then make sure your supplements don't contain fillers like magnesium sterate, tricalcium phosphates and others as it can lower the absorption. As explained by Ted (who also recomends liver here), you will have to scroll down the page to the general comments: https://www.earthclinic.com/supplements.html

General Feedback
Posted by Just Chillin (Vannes, France) on 01/14/2012

Hi Connie, Did mail you back but maybe you didn't see it. Just to let you know that I had a B12 & folate blood test via the doctor, and the B12 came back well above the upper limit now, so just don't know what to take. The B complex that I have been taking are all around the 50mg ish, so perhaps I should still take that, then a little bit of the1, 5, 6 and 12 as well.

I had been having an irregular heart beat at night, horrible, but just cutting the vitamins down for a day or so, and I have not had it, so perhaps I have been taking too much

I mentioned to my doctor that I had been told that I may have peripheral neuropathy, and was there any way, they could check to see if I had any nerve damage, and he just didnt buy into it at all, he said just do some more walking, I was so shocked that I couldn't think of anything else to say. I know that lots of people get the burning feet and legs for no reason, and if that is the case, then fine I have to put up with it, but still a good idea to look into it.

It's nice know of someone who has had similar problems, makes you feel better, any further help would be good,

Thanks a lot

General Feedback
Posted by Just Chillin (Vannes, France) on 01/03/2012

Hi Connie, Thank you so much for your reply. I haven't had much luck with replies before, so this is great. I had the burning feet and tingling feet/legs first, then was told I had a b1 deficiency, so had been taking that since last Feb 2011. Then I tried to reduce it and the symptoms got worse again, so re took the same amount, and was told to take b5, then tried to reduce the b1 again, and same problem.

I have been seeing someone who does allergy testing through muscles. In September when I saw her I tested strong for all of the b.s then in December I was weak again in B1, even though I had taken it the night before, and then also b6 and a slight b12. I am so confused with all this, and just want to know that I am taking the right amounts of everything. I had a blood test recently, and everything came back normal, blood sugar fine, and cholesterol fine, liver fine and kidneys etc. except for the haemotology where it was slighly low on the hemocrit, and the euphyrocytes. I queried this with the doctor, who said not to worry as my haemoglobin was ok at 12.5%. I had mentioned the vitamin deficiency also, and the burning feet, and thought that the blood would be tested for vitamins too, but it wasn't, which is typical of doctors isnt it? I am normally quite a positive person, but I am aware that the b deficiencies can cause permanent neurological problems, and don't want to go down this road. Maybe I could just insist on a vitamin and mineral test. Any more info would be wonderful, thank you so much.

General Feedback
Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 12/09/2011

Hi Just Chillin ; It is difficult to balance the proportions of the B vitamins. I've also had this problem. It has helped me the most to increase B-12. Although they work in concert with each other, it seems that some of us do have to develop our own type of composition. I take a low dose B complex daily, such as a B 25, or less. And I take a sublingual lozenge of B-12, (methylcobalamin type), 5000 mcg. Daily. (sometimes I take more, to be honest).

Burning feet may be a symptom of B12 deficiency. It is the most difficult of the B's to absorb, so that could be why the symptoms persist even when one takes it in an oral form. Taking it sublingually may be easier to absorb.

General Feedback
Posted by Marko (Ljubljana, Slovenia) on 12/09/2011


I eat 1-2 egg whites a day for few months. Am I at risk of developing biotin deficiency? Yours sincerely

General Feedback
Posted by Just Chillin (Vannes, France) on 12/07/2011

Dear Ted,

I need help with taking B vitamins. I was told I had a b1 deficiency, and have been taking thiamin pyrophosphate since february this year. I was suffering from burning feet. It seemed to improve, then began to get worse again. I was then advised to take b5 too, and have been taking that for a few months. I started reducing the b1, as was taking a mix ofbuts etc, with b's in it.

Then just recently I started having burning and prickly in the legs, which is uncomfortable. I went back to my advisor who discovered it was low in the b1 again, even though I had taken it the night before. I also showed low in b6 and b12. She has suggested that I start taking b6 and b12. I said would a b complex be better, but she said I tested ok for b complex. Any ideas on what has happened? Could taking the b1 and b5 on its own have affected the b6 anf b12. I am so confused and just want to get this right, any help please, would be wonderful. Thank you so much

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 10/13/2011 2042 posts

I have a long history of all the digestive problems above listed, but I have magically seemed to maintain proper B-12 levels as recorded in blood test. I supplement w/ multi b vit. As well as extra folic acid and 12. I am now using the 12 derivative or preconverted form ---methycobalamin. I also take liquid liver extract which contains nature's highest levels of iron and b-12. Eat chicken or calf liver once weekly. Liver is one of nature's most nutrition dense foods ever.

Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 10/12/2011

Hi D,

As you probably know, the whole complex of B vitamins works best when taken together. But the proportions and amounts may vary with an individual's distinct needs. B6, Folate, and B12 have a special relationship as each supports the uptake and action of the other. Some people may need to vary the amounts of individual B's to achieve a balance.

I've been looking for supplements that are supportive of B12 uptake, but I haven't found much information that is specific to this. However; there is evidence that vitamin E protects B12 from oxidation, and helps make it active in the body. Aloe Vera has been found to increase the availability of B12. Improving digestion, of course, would be the most beneficial for uptake, because B12 is the most difficult of nutrients to absorb. It requires a nearly perfect set of salivary enzymes, pancreatic enzymes, stomach acid, and a well functioning set of intestines to be able to do its good business. ( It's something of a diva that needs to be coddled. )

There are many subtances that interfere with its absorption, and these include just about every medication, certain heavy metals, nitrous oxide (an anesthetic), air pollution, etc. Pathogens and parasites compete with the body for it. This is true for all nutrients, but B12 is particularly vulnerable. If supplemented in dosages of 5000 mcg. or higher, it can antagonize potassium. If someone supplements with high dosages of potassium, it may also antagonize B12.

Some foods, such as algaes and seaweeds contain B12 analogues that do not perform the same functions as the active B12. If taken in too high a quantity, these analogues will fill too many receptors and block the uptake of active B12. But these foods are extremely nutritious and healing, so I recommend that they be taken judiciously. This is such a complex subject.... I wish it could be more simple for us.

Posted by D (Sf, Ca) on 10/11/2011

Are there specific supplements or vitamins that should be included, or excluded, when taking B-12 to achieve the most benefits? Thank you.

B-Complex Side Effects
Posted by Lanos (Socalif, Usa) on 07/31/2011

Hi Pauline, Do not quit using B-vitamins due to color of your urine.. that is absolutely normal.. Hope you have improved health as you consume the proper nutrients. God bless you.

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