Posted by Edwardo (Mexico City, Mexico) on 06/17/2007
I read Kevin's urine therapy for nail fungus. I was doubtful but we are poor and I had no choices. So I try it and amazing results! I drink more each day and not only fungus but other skin rash problem go away. I now drink it with milk and also put it inside my shoes before work. Thank you Kevin.
Posted by Kevin (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 07/05/2006
I tried every remedy on the internet i could find. I read about urine therapy on the same and tried it immediately. After two months of drinking 3 cups every morning of my own urine you should see the brand new fungus free toenails that have grown in, absolutely free. I hope this message gets sent to other sufferers because it is the best cure that does work almost immediately, I believe I started seeing results within the first 3 days. Just look up urine therapy on google if you are still skeptical. Thank you.