Jean's Famous Tomato Tea Remedy for Sinus Infections and Congestion

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Dena (Granite Bay, CA) on 02/05/2009

I made the recipe but added a can of Amy's Organics Minestrone soup to it and it was a tasty meal :) and I noticed my sinuses clearing as well.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Darren (Lawrence, KS) on 02/04/2009

Tomato Tea for common cold....

This stuff opened my right up and I was able to sleep...took a couple rounds but started feeling better then next day. I didn't have any cayenne or tobasco handy so I used some Southwest Seasoning mix in the pantry (it had Cayenne and dried chili peppers in it)

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Sarah (Moodus, CT) on 01/26/2009

I absolutely love this recipe. I tend to get chronic sinus infections, and this really helps every time. I have passed it on to everyone I know!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Carol (Delray Beach, FL) on 01/04/2009

Tomato Tea is Fantastic!!!

I was desparate with a cold to find a cure. I decided to try the Tomato Tea (although I prefer to call it Tomato Soup). I took one cup in the morning and one cup at night and within three days the cold was gone. I went to visit my daughter in Okeechobee. She works in the radiology department of a local hospital. She had a terrible cold and was treating it with otc drugs, to no avail. I made up a 'tea' for her in the evening when she got home. We couldn't find the hot sauce so we used cayenne pepper (as much as she could stand). She took the tea before bed for two nights - and was cold-free by the time she awoke on the third day. This is fantastic! Thank you so much! By the way, my daughter told everyone at the hospital about this remedy.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Norma (Boston, MA) on 12/24/2008

I have been suffering from sinus congestion all week, nothing OTC was working. I googles home remedies and found this Tomato Tea. I just finished it and am already feeling better. Breathing clearer for the first time in days. OH Thank you Jean!!!!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Heather (Albuquerque, NM) on 12/18/2008

Thank you so much for the tomato tea recipe. I had severe congestion, fever, chills. and aches. I sent my husband out to get all the ingredients and then he made it for me. I was very skeptical because I felt so crappy, but it worked. After i drank two cups, one passage cleared and stayed clear all night, although I had another cup around 2am. It is now 9am and am having another cup and feel so much better. Fever, chills, and muscle aches are gone too. I am a firm believer!!! Thank you!!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Lee (Knoxville, Tn) on 11/27/2008

Thank you for the Tomato Tea remedy....I had had sinus congestion and drainage for a week without any relief in sight and came across this website. I tried the tea and felt immediately better! I also added 2 Tablespoons honey, one-quarter teaspoon onion powder, one-half teaspoon of a combination of herbs: (rosemary,thyme, sage, marjoram, black pepper and nutmeg = poultry seasoning) to tomato juice - the V8 costs twice as much! - and my persistent sinus headache (which was making my upper jawbone throb)went away. Thanks again! This is an awesome and beneficial website.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Maureen (Portland, ME) on 11/24/2008

I was having trouble breathing and had the WORST cold I have had in a long time. So, I checked out the website for your cold remedies and saw the "hot soup." I drank it 3 times in one day. I put in as much garlic and hot sauce as I could because I know how good that is for the body. Besides, I couldn't taste it. Well, it didn't clear up my passages all that well. That only lasted a few minutes. BUT! I went to bed, slept like a BABY and woke up and the cold was GONE! Another friend of mine has had a cold for 3 weeks and here, mine only lasted one day! I was amazed! Thank you so much!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Debbie (Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ) on 10/28/2008

Well i followed the recipe for Spicy Tomato is almost midnight and I cannot breathe due to a sinus infection and/or cold...I have been taking a myriad of over the counter cold meds along with doing numerous sinus irrigations and nothing....I have not been this congested in a long time. I am exhausted from not sleeping. In my recipie I used V8 juice, lemon juice, garlic salt and a lot of hot sauce which I heated in a saucepan......It is sooooooooo hot; however I knew that the hotter the better.....I am slowly sipping it and inhaling the fumes too..already I can feel my sinuses drain although I think I used too much hot sauce b/c my mouth is also burning...Be ware if you do not like hot & spicy things this is not the cure for you...It worked for me....thanks

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Karalyn (Lynwood, IL) on 10/24/2008

Well, I am drinking the tea now, surprisingly it is quite tasty. Prior to this drink, one could not pay me enough to drink tomato juice or try hot sauce. After about ten minutes I can feel my sinus passages in my cheecks warming up and I can breath out of both nostrills. I havent done that in years. Hopefully it will continue to work so I can go back to work. My sinus pressure was miserable up until now. I will write more later on further results.

I used a cup of tomato juice
2tsp hot sauce
1 clove fresh garlic
1 tsp lemon juice

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Ed (Chattanooga, TN, USA) on 10/19/2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Dr. was sending me to the E.R. because the pain was so severe. But I tried your tea first and it worked great. Actually tasted good too. Surprized me. Thanks again. Oh yeah, my sinuses were completely stopped up and had been for 4 days. We followed the recipe as closely as possible, the hot sauce was by taste.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Cindy (Richmond, Virginia, USA) on 10/18/2008

Suffering from frequent and severe sinus problems, I tried the tomato tea this morning out of sheer desparation. It WORKED! I've been drinking it all morning, sinuses slightly better with each cup. I didn't have V8 or tomato juice, used fire roasted tomatoes and fresh. Yummy, too! Thank you so much!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by BB (Louisville, KY) on 10/15/2008

For relief in about 10 minutes I would recommend this tea/soup to anyone suffering from sinus congestion or a sinus infection. I used 2 cups of V8, a few squeezes from a real lemon, 4 cloves of garlic (used a press which basically makes it half minced and half juice), and a various mixture of cayenne pepper, green (jalapeno) Tabasco sauce, and Blair's Death Sauce (mostly habanero peppers). I drank some at night and fell asleep able to breathe through both nostrils and woke up with no congestion. Had some more tea/soup at lunch today and although my condition hasn't worsened I'm having a bit more before bed. The inflammation is still present but it's only been 24 hours so I'll be patient and see if it continues to work or clear the infection without antibiotics. The only regiment I'm doing in addition to this is saline irrigation (Neti Pot) every few hours. The combination is keeping me from wanting to remove my head from my body. So far I'm pleased and will report back if it in fact "cures" my sinus infection!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Shani (Atlanta, GA) on 08/14/2008

Thank you so much for this suggestion. After days of popping extra strength Tylenol to alleviate the pain from nasal congestion I goggle searched a home remedy solution and found the recipe for tomato tea. All I had was some organic tomato soup which has seasonings including garlic in it but it absolutely helped! I drank two cups heated in the microwave and a day later I feel so much better and can concentrate at work and I'm not in pain. Thank you, thank you, thanks you!!!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Feroze (Mumbai, India) on 08/10/2008

i have sinusitus since i was very little. severe tooth ache, ear ache, and jaw pain, to the extent that i can not open my mouth. have tried all sorts of remedies from accupressure to magnet therapy to steroids. initially, the only thing that worked were medicated nose drops, but soon they stopped working (i guess my body got used to it) and in some cases they do cause more congestion.

one cup of tomato tea seems to have caused immediate relief. reheated in micro twice. used one chopped up red chilli and three cloves of garlic and used canned tomato juice. otherwise followed recipe exactly. one thing i thought of was instead of using crushed garlic, chopped garlic might be better. this causes the user to chew up the garlic pieces in his/her mouth, effectively holding the juice in the mouth longer . thank you very much for this near magical concoction. i will write again if i find it to be a long term cure...