The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Feidon (Tel-Aviv, Israel) on 03/03/2008
Regarding Butt and thighs acne:
I had the worst case of red painful pimples on my butt. It was ugly and depressing. My dear friends, rub the infected area with pure refined sesame oil after each shower or bath. Rub it well after drying yourselves. Then let your skin absorb it for a minute and go on and put your underwear. It has no smell it feels great and in one or two days you will start to notice that no new pimples will develop. In a week time the scars of the old ones will vanish!
I was regulating body cleansing diet for two months and it did it as well, but when I stopped it, it came back. Sesame oil will cure it and still enable you to eat junk and enjoy a very smooth butt cheeks."
Oil Pulling
Posted by Steve (Naples, Florida) on 01/17/2008
re: poor digestion -- yeast overbalence -- sinus congestion -- oil pulling (remedy). I tried the sesame oil pulling for the first time at the early hour 3:30 Am -- I could not sleep due to sinus congestion - my heart was beating 90 - 100 beats per minute mainly due to the yeast in my mouth and sinuses -- I took the unrefined sesame for 20 minutes and during the treatment my sinuses opened up completely -- after I finished I was so relaxed I could not believe it -- the thrust taste in my mouth was gone and my upset stomach had calmed down -- it has been 9 hours since the first treatment and I am as calm as a cucumber -- I can't wait until tonight to take my second treatment on an empty stomach right before I go to bed -- please spread the good word about OP and lets nip the pharma business in the butt - God bless everyone
Oil Pulling
Posted by ANNALEE (LISBURN, N. IRELAND) on 01/14/2008
Hi I have been oilpulling for over a week now, and can feel the benefits of this, clearer head and sleeping better. My question is, even tho you recommend pulling for 10 - 20 mins, I have noticed that the oil in my mouth turns white really quickly, sometimes after just a few mins. Does this mean i have high levels of toxins?? I was wondering if I should spit it out after 5 mins and start again and repeating the process to reap the full benefits, as I seem just to be swishing the toxic substance around in my mouth!! I use unrefined sesame oil, do you think repaeting the process within the 20 mins would be of more benefit to me??
Oil Pulling
Posted by Bill (Bensalem, PA USA) on 01/03/2008
I have been doing oil pulling for 2 weeks now. I use sesame or almond oil. The first time I did it at night before bed. In the morning, My dry chapped hands were noticeably smoother and more supple. My face has also become smoother. After 4 days, I noticed that a cronic pain that I had in my right side upper back and neck were diminished considerably and I could move my head from side to side without any pain.I originally tried it to relieve my nasal congestion which it does temporarly. I have also seen marked improvement in knee and other joint pain. I will continue to do it daily. I take vitamins and supplements, and see my chiropractor, but nothing has helped as much as oil pulling for my pain.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Cinna (San Carlos, California) on 12/18/2007
I have terrible dryness as if the cells of my body are not assimilating water, and have suffered from terrible congestion, resulting in lack of sleep; literally pacing the floor all night when my sinuses are really bad. I found this site and immediately started pulling with organic cold-pressed sesame oil. I did this faithfully for a week, with no difference. What am I doing wrong? I read the testimonials and had such hope. Perhaps for a chronic condition it takes much longer? Please advise, I am desperately trying to cure this.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Penny (The Dalles, Oregon) on 12/13/2007
I have been oil pulling for 13 months now. I went from being very ill, enough so I was too ill to get out of bed some days, to feeling like my old strong healthy self again.
You must Oil Pull every day like a habit. I do it in the mornings, I've used other oils but sesame is the only one I found that works... I usually pull for about 30 to 45 minutes... So many things have been healed on me that I can't even begin to list them all... I did have a healing crises that lasted about a week the first month I started. I have got so many people to try this because of my success with it. So many things for so many people have been cured... Just try it, and use Sesame and do it daily... Some times I will do it twice a day if I have been around someone with a cold... Ohh, I use to keep colds, it was rare that I didn't have one. I am proud to say I have not had a cold for over a year now because of the oil pulling... Its an easy thing to do to get healthy and stay that way... Just remember its not a temporary fix... You stop pulling, and the results will stop too and you will go back to how things were before you pulled... So keep up with it... You will be glad you did... And you have to do it more than a few days a week... Do it daily...
Oil Pulling
Posted by Stephanie (Tempe, Arizona) on 12/07/2007
I have been oil pulling with sesame seed oil for about two weeks. Within two days I noticed my teeth were brighter and gums no longer bleeding when I brush. After a week I noticed my redness in my skin was almost completely gone. I was suffering from Chronic Hives and now my skin isn't blotchy red after two weeks. I also started my cycle, which has been extremely painful the last 8 months. I had no warning! Not one cramp! This is amazing! So I'm hooked! FYI- before I started using Sesame Seed Oil I was using VCO for oil pulling .My teeth were brighter after 1 day and no morning bad breath. I had to stop after 3 days due to mixing too many things in my system. Once I got the clear from my dermotologist on my chronic hives I decided to try SSO because of what I read on this site. If anyone knows that VCO works the same as sesame seed oil please let me know.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Jivana (Scottsdale, AZ) on 12/02/2007

I have been oil pulling for 3 days now, with sesame oil, and feel very nauseated, and headachey. Wondering if this is related... typical... just detox?
Oil Pulling
Posted by Successhere (Fairfax, USA) on 11/02/2007
I tried OP for some days a few weeks ago with Virgin Light Olive Oil, but did not experience any positive results. Changed to Sesame oil about 10 days ago, and can feel its effect in a good way. Little shine on gums and teeth and skin feels better, too. Will keep this updated as it continues:).
Oil Pulling
Posted by Pooh (New York, New York) on 10/27/2007

I was curious about trying this oil pulling that everyone was talking about on the website. So, I went to the store and bought Organic Unrefined Sesame Oil (cold pressed). I oil pulled today. I wanted to spit it out after a minute or two. I don't know why! I hung in for just barely ten minutes and spit it out. I was rinsing out my mouth with water when all of a sudden, I felt sick. I started coughing and gagging a little bit. I then spit out a tiny gob of gray phlegm. Ugh!! Where did that come from?? I feel a little tiny ache in my stomache and throat and, I have a bad headache now. But, my mouth feels clean like I just brushed my teeth. My nose was stuffed up before and, I felt a little congested. BUT, now, I don't feel like that. I can breath fine. Maybe that was what that gray gunk was!! I'm definitely going to keep trying this out to see what else happens. I'll keep you updated. : )
Oil Pulling
Posted by Maria (Courtenay , BC) on 10/14/2007
Hi I've started OP 6 days ago and am pulling twice a day with sesame seed oil. I just lost a filling in my tooth 5 days into the oilpulling. I was not familiar with your site and just discovered it today. And there is the evidence with amalgam fillings. I had no idea. I do have some more fillings, but would hate to stop OP as I have noticed a difference in my energy level, my mood seems to be more consistent and steady and my feeling achy in my body, is starting to diminish. My mouth feels cleaner, my tongue looks pinker, my teeth look whiter and stronger. My gums are not as sensitive. I think I just convinced myself, that I will keep on with the OP as I really like the way it makes me feel. I think the visit to the dentist will be unavoidable, but perhaps a blessing to replace amalgam fillings anyways. Thank you for such a wonderful and informative site.Keep up the good deed. Maria
Oil Pulling
Posted by Subashini (Kuwait) on 09/27/2007

hi, i tried oil pulling with sesame oil.i have done it for nearly 10 months not even 1 day left out.still my irregular period problem has not solved...only good thing is tartar in teeth's have disappeared... generally i do not get bad breath..after started doing oil pulling i am getting it now.once i leave oil pulling again the plaque formation started in my teeth....if i stop oilpulling bad breath stopped... i am highly optimistic much i can convenince myself to continue it,,,,it is not working well.... Also by searching the cold pressed sunflower oil...i am tired too much...normal sunflower oil within one day bad breath starting....i don't know why...whom to get guidence from which website we do interaction with experts... is only giving fewer information.... please advise me if i am wrong...i strictly follow the instruction how to do oil pulling even though it happends to me like this...
Oil Pulling
Posted by Jane (Greenfield, Iowa) on 09/25/2007
I have been oil pulling for about 4 months and have noticed results. Just this week I started to get a metal taste in my mouth and it takes a great deal of water to get rid of it. The oil is not turning white like it always has. I'm not doing anything different. I use Sesame oil - somethimes olive and coconut but mostly sesame. Any ideas what the problem is? I'm going to eat seaweed all week to get rid of toxic metal but why all of a sudden is this happening?
Oil Pulling
Posted by Colin (Montreal, Canada) on 09/22/2007
I've done OP for only a week, each morning with sesame oil, and I was surprised to see that the little bit of eczema on my hand which included an open cut has been disappearing as if I was using a prescription cream which I haven't. The cut has closed over and all that's left is some dry skin, it's not red like it was. I've also noticed, my skin in general, ie. on my face is more soft and moisturized and my hands and face are less pale. Also, I would my mentality feels more alert.
Oil Pulling
Posted by THealth (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/14/2007
Hi, I started Oil Pulling wih Sesame Oil 3 days back and the tooth which was bothering me a lot no longer bothers me. I am really a health frick and would like to see a lot of changes in my body with Oil Pulling even though i am perfect right now. Will let you guys know more as days past and i see more changes in myself.