The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Lourdes (Madrid, Spain) on 01/06/2009
Hello everyone! It is January 6th. I started oil pulling daily about 2-3 days after this post was published on Dec. 3rd, so it's definitely been a full month. I really wish I could report some amazing reaction but I can't. I cannot tell whether it is working, but am motivated enough to give it another month or two. I am using raw organic sesame oil that is precisely for ayurvedic practices. I swish for 20 minutes until the oil is completely white and liquid, then spit it out, and brush my teeth with tooth soap. I do this first thing in the morning, before even drinking water (I read that this was the way to do it). Changes? Well, maybe less plaque. Hard to tell. Also, in September or so I started experiencing hair loss for the first time (I am a 45 year old woman) and even got a large bald spot (eventually larger than a quarter), which completely freaked me out (fortunately it's still hidden by hair). The bald spot started in September and got bigger. Now, the hair has started growing back in around the edges, but this could have begun before the oil pulling. Sorry so inconclusive. Best of luck to everyone.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Bronzechiqz (France, Argentuil) on 12/24/2008
Ive been oil pulling for a week using sesame oil every morning on empty stomach. 15-20 minutes later, I would spit out, the oil will become slightly white still oily consistency, gargle and rinse with a glass of warm water, baking soda and salt. And then brush my teeth. Seeing teds method, I brushed first and did the procedure. I coudnt really see difference on anything except for lil whiter teeth. My skin just stayed the same and my appetite seem to be increasing??? Im thinking of switching to sunflower oil or coconut to see any changes. Any suggestion?
Oil Pulling
Posted by Gina (Small town, Ohio) on 12/06/2008
Am I the world's most unsuccessful oil puller? I have been oil pulling for a month. I use 1 tablespoon organic unrefined sesame oil and occasionally coconut oil. I oil pull an average of 6 days per week for 20 minutes. I have not experienced any of the supposed benefits I've seen listed here. My teeth are not whiter. My sinuses have not totally cleared. My gums still slightly bleed when I floss. Energy levels remain the same. The only thing I have noticed is a slight reduction in sensitivity to cold on my teeth. I am really disappointed. My main reason for trying oil puling was to improve the look of my teeth and gums. If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts on why this is not working for me I would greatly appreciate it. I will finish the bottle of sesame oil but probably not continue. At this point my impression of oil pulling is it doesn't work. Thank you.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Abby (Chicago, IL) on 08/30/2008

I did the Oil Pulling with Sesame oil for about a week. I took about a tablespoon once a day in the morning according to directions. I swished for about 15 min, to 20min. About a week later I started getting bad headaches. I never get headaches, but these were bad. I also got diarreah that lasted 2 to 3 days. I felt really sick. I thought maybe this was all apart of detoxing, and I must have been really toxic. I wanted to continue to see if my symptoms would subside, but I had an important weekend that I couldn't be sick for. So I stopped. I want to try again but I'm a little afraid. Maybe it was wrong oil for me? Or maybe I need to just keep it up until I'm throughly detoxed? If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. -Abby
Oil Pulling
Posted by Michael (Los Angeles, CA) on 08/19/2008
Oil-Pulling (remedy) for allergies (ailment):
I started oil-pulling with Sesame oil about 3 months ago. It took a little while to get used to 1 whole Tablespoon of oil for 15-20 minutes, but I just did my normal morning routine while oil-pulling. I have not had to take any prescription allergy medications that I usually took at least a few times per month or when pollen counts were very high in my area. I oil-pull every morning when I wake up without fail and find that I have increased energy and no allergies.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Thelma (Baltimore, Md) on 08/01/2008

I tried the oil pulling method and I must admit that the first two weeks my skin was unbelievable. I could not stop looking in the mirror. I am 44 years old and I swear I was looking at least ten years younger. The pores around my nose had tightened and the laugh lines had started disappearing. I used one tablespoon of sesame oil every morning before brushing and flossing. After the first two weeks I ended up with a sore throat, pink eye and skin rash. I have never suffered from pink eye before. I know this was from the O/P. I beleive it was the toxins finding an escape route. I started again this week but I am only O/P once a week and then I will gradually work my way up to daily O/P again. If anyone has any suggestions or any similar experiences can you please post. Thanks.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Sandhya (Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India) on 05/29/2008
Hi! I have been oil pulling with sesame oil (don't think it is organic) for the past 25 days and have been drinking apple cider vinegar with warm water and honey for around 5-6 days. I have noticed my facial pores have become smaller and my skin looks clearer than before and I don't feel very tired which I usually do. I have not dared step on the weighing machine as I would like to continue all this for another three months and then check my weight. I am on the higher side. My query is I am living in India and I got of apple cider vinegar by some company called American Garden, U.S.A. It is not organic. I would like to know whether it has to be organic or any natural one will do. I have found this website to be truly enlightening and useful. Keep up the good work!!!!
Posted by Maureen (Apple Valley, Minnesota) on 04/29/2008
I am looking to purchase refined sesame oil for Shirodhara. Do you know where this would be available? Thank You, Maureen
Shirodhara is a form of Ayurveda medicine that involves gently flowing liquids over the forehead (the 'third eye'). It was developed by vaidyas (practitionars of Ayurveda) in Kerala, India for use in sukhachikitsa (restorative therapy) and can be one of the steps involved in Panchakarma. The name comes from the Sanskrit words shiras 'head' and dhara 'flow'. The liquids used in shirodhara depend on what is being treated, but can include oil, milk, buttermilk, coconut water, or even plain water.
Shirodhara has been used in efforts to treat a variety of conditions including eye diseases, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, greying of hair, neurological disorders, memory loss, insomnia, hearing impairment, tinnitus, vertigo, M%uFFFDni%uFFFDre's disease and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis. It is also used non-medicinally at spas for its relaxing properties.
There are specialized forms of shirodhara called thyladhara, ksheeradhara, thakradhara and jaladhara.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Steve (Tacoma, WA) on 04/20/2008
I was reading about home remedies for a nasty sinus infection from CPAP machine I use for my sleep apnea. I read about the Apple Cider Vinegar and then about oil pulling. I just finished going to the store and getting both. I did the sesame oil and my non-stop nasel dripping ceased before my 15 minutes were up. Coincidence? I'm pretty excited. Also, I couldn't even breath through my nose because it was too painful, and that dissappeared at all. So cool. Thanks! (I have some ACV with tea coming up next. :)
Oil Pulling
Posted by Angela (Syracuse, NY) on 04/10/2008
I have been anemic for 2 and half years now. I was told to take Iron pills. Well they didnt work one bit. Luckily I found this website while trying to find a natural cure for kydney damage and pancreatitis and came across the oil pulling. I read about it and even went to different sites to find out if it was true. Well everything I found sounded amazing so I went out and bought the sesame oil. The first day I took it I felt just a little better. The second day I felt 95% better than i've felt in a long time. I also had blood work done a few days ago and found out I am no longer anemic and not only that but my lipase enzyme levels were back to normal. All this change within a month. I absolutely swear by the oil pulling.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Serena (Nottingham, England) on 04/02/2008
... I had my braces tightened this morning. My teeth were killing me all day, then when I got home, I took a dessert spoonful of cold pressed, unrefined sesame oil and oil pulled. It really helped and now my teeth don't hurt as much, so if you know anyone who has braces, tell them!
Oil Pulling
Posted by Liana (Mississauga, Canada) on 03/31/2008
I have practised oil pulling for about 6 months. I did this only once a day: in the morning before brushing my teeth.
The immediate benefit I enjoyed was that the bloating of my stomach stopped. My teeth has not become whiter as many people on this website reported. But my breath has become very pleasant in the morning. When I ran out of sesame oil and did not do my oil pulling, I did notice my breath becoming slightly smelly in the morning. This condition instantly reversed itself as soon as I started oil pulling in the morning again.
I use only 3/4 tbsp. of organic sesame oil and brush my teeth afterwards.
After reading Ted's and other people's entries. I will now definitely try brushing my teeth first BEFORE oil pulling. I find the reasons given totally credible.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Deirdre, Ted in Bangkok and all those who write in for this website! I will report back.
Oil Pulling
Posted by Willia (Detroit, MI) on 03/25/2008
oil pulling sesame oil. after reading on your site about oil pulling March 2008; I tried it and it worked wonders for my fibromyalgia pain. I used the recommened amount 2 tblsp; swissed it around in my mouth for 15 minutes, spit it out, brushed my teeth and drank two glasses of water. I have tmj--i did not think i would be able to do this for 15 minutes due to jaw pain but after 2 1/2 minutes my jaw pain left. The stiffness, pain and soreness in my body was gone before the 15 minutes was up. I have been suffering from fibromyalgia since 1991 and this is the only thing I have tried that gave me immediately relief. Today I sent my sister-in-law who lives in Louisiana a large bottle of sesame oil. Bless you and I thank you and your readers so much. willia
Oil Pulling
Posted by Carol (Melbourne, FL) on 03/18/2008
I have been OP for 1 month, 1 tab of sesame oil daily, with great success. My teeth are white and my chronic sore tongue is no longer sore, my gums and teeth are pink not white any longer. My Question concerns a tooth extraction I will be having in 2 days. Is OP a good idea after this extraction or should I wait for it to heal over about a week? Carol
Oil Pulling
Posted by Mar (Chevy Chase, Maryland) on 03/18/2008
It seem that quite a few people who are trying to find Sesame oil for oil pulling are using the TOASTED Sesame oil that you find in oriental food stores. This is not the kind of Sesame oil that is called for... it is a condiment that you add by the drop or teaspoon to food as a flavoring, not a cooking oil. It is not so easy to find Sesame oil or Sunflower oil in the grogery stores. I have found inexpensive sunflower oil in some of the ethnic groceries stores, or smaller non chain stores, although you may be able to find it in the larger stores too. Sesame oil is more difficult to find, so I suggest health food stores or the larger earth friendly stores like Whole Foods. Both oils should be yellow in color, not the dark brown of toasted sesame oil. The original instructions that I read about the oils recommended for oil pulling said that you do not have to find cold pressed oils, as these oils are not being ingested, and that, infact, the least expensive form actually works best. I don't understand how anyone could tolerate swishing the very strong tasting toasted sesame oil for such a long time. Good luck in finding the correct oils. mt