Raw Food Diets
Health Benefits

Raw Food Health Benefits

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Posted by Dianna (Austin, TX) on 05/04/2009

here is a recipe for chia seed pudding:

1 cup Chia Seeds
1 cup total combined raw nuts: almonds, walnuts & macadamias
_ to _ cup of organic shredded coconut
_ plus cups of agave nectar (stevia or maple syrup can be used)
1 tsp. Cinnamon
Pinch of good Salt (sea, celtic, redmond's, red salt, etc.)

1. Place the almonds, walnuts and macadamias nut in a bowl and cover with good filtered water for 1-4 hours.

2. Put the chia seeds in a large mixing bowl (it must be able to hold 8-10 cups) and pour 6 cups of good filtered water over the seeds, and stir with a wire whisk. Stir a second time in another 15 minutes. This keeps the seeds from clumping.

3. After the nuts have soaked (referred to as activating), drain off the water, put the nuts in a blender along with the coconut, agave nectar, Vanilla, Cinnamon and salt. Add one cup of filtered water to the blender, and whirl on high for a couple of minutes until everything is a smooth milky consistency.

4. Pour the mixture into the bowl with the chia seeds and whisk until blended. And it is done!

5. Store in a glass jar in the frig.

it is super yummy!

EC: Dianna, so sorry, can you please tell us again the measurements of the coconut and agave nectar? They need to be typed in like this -- 1/2 or 3/4, otherwise the database doesn't recognize it. Thanks!