Hair, Natural Conditioners
Health Benefits

Natural Hair Conditioners

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Magneto (Eastern NC) on 12/23/2023

I've tried ACV and it seemed ok. Recently I tried approximately 50/50 of water and white vinegar and my hair is soooooo soft! I don't even need conditioner anymore! I've switched to using kids shampoo which is so much gentler. I'm hoping to try borax shampoo solution soon.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kay (Hibbetts, Ohio) on 05/17/2018

For what it is worth... I rinse my hair with organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother, and sold in glass bottles); a 50/50 mixture with water. But I do not rinse it out. The vinegar odor quickly dissipates and my hair is very shiny when dry. In my experience, organic apple cider vinegar sold in plastic bottles does not produce the same results and does not smell organic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crabby Apple Pi (Minnesota) on 07/24/2017

I use ACV for everything but never, ever considered pouring it over my dry hair. After reading the posts from people who use ACV in their hair I went to the kitchen sink, more to prove that it wouldn't work for my problem. I shampooed, then poured diluted ACV over my hair and let it sit for about a minute. At this point I'm thinking it won't work because my hair felt dry when I poured the ACV solution into my hair BUT as I was rinsing I could feel my hair soften and turn silky...with nothing but water and vinegar?! I dried my hair as usual and my hair is soft and healthy with not the slightest trace of the dryness that has plagued me for 2 years. Shut up!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ctbrowneyes (Ct) on 01/29/2015

I love ACV on my hair. It has been now 5 months I ditched shampoo. I used thr Dr. Hulda Clark recipe of 1 Tablespoon with 1 cup water of baking soda to wash my hair and then rinse with water. For conditioner and extra rinse, I use 1-2 TBs of ACV in about cup of water and rinse my hair, hair comes out great and don't need to wash for 3-4 days. Less frizz and healthy scape and shinny hair. Takes a while for hair to get used to it and it took me a while to get used to not having suds. Love it. I ended up buying on Amazon a 50 lb container of baking soda because I use it for cleaning my home and more.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lloyd (Charlotte, Nc) on 09/29/2013

On the use of Apple Cider Vinegar as a hair rinse and left to dry overnight... Well I've done that when hair was just lifeless and dry. Even when using conditioners. Just now did it again. Let it soak on hair to the point it was nearly dripping... Very wet but not dripping. In the past when I did it, next day hair had a sheen was very managable.

Can't recall if I read it from Dr Jarvis' book on ACV "New England Folk Medicine" which I read about 20 years ago. That book is what got me started on the amazing world of ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barbara (Union City, Tn) on 05/16/2011

I totally agree. I have been rinsing my hair with ACV for years and years and I have never noted any bad side effects. The ACV helps control my dandruff and it brings out the red highlights in my hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tasha (East Coast, Usa) on 08/27/2010

Apple Cider Vinegar is WONDERFUL for hair especially frizzy/curly hair. I mix 1/3 ACV or White Vinegar and 2/3 water in a bowl. First thing I do is dump this over my head. I let it sit while I wash up, rinse at the end and follow with a tad of conditioner. I have fine curly hair and its usually a hit or miss as far as how my hair day goes. I havent had a bad hair days since I started doing this. Hair is smooth, shiny, FULL and just plain gorgeous.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pauline (Sebring, Florida) on 08/23/2009

to Laurie from SudburyOntario- My hair was very fine and wouldn't even hold a hair clip it would drop out. This is what I did, massage the scap real good with olive oil then massage the olive oil into the hair all the way to the ends. you can leave it on for 30 minutes or a little longer the longer the better. Then shampoo and condition, then mix half Apple Cider Vinger and half water pour this through the hair and leave it in do not rinse, just wrap a towel around your head leave it on about 5 minutes then take the towel off and let your hair air dry. When the hair dries you won't smell the vinegar. The olive oil will make your hair grow and make it thick and the A/C/V will clean out any chemicals like hairspray, spray gel, hair mousse.

Now for the nails, I use olive oil but you have a choice to use olive oil, castor oil or petroleum jelly, all three are good for the nails. If you use olive oil or castor oil use a cotton ball and wet it good with the oil and rub it into the nails and cuticles real good. for the petroleum jelly use a small amount on nails and cuticles. Make sure you do this before going to bed. Use rubber gloves for cleaning bathrooms,dishes and gardening, water is not good for the nails. Remember nothing works overnight! It will take a few weeks for this to work. You will see a difference as the weeks go by. It sure did work good for me, I know it will work for you too. Good Luck!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Houston, TX) on 06/20/2007

I just tried the Apple Cider Vinegar Rince on my hair for the first time . My hair feels much lighter and cleaner , But it burnt my forehead, so when you use it becareful not to get it on your forehead.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lana (Hamilton, OH) on 09/16/2006

I started using to rinse my hair after washing and cream rinse. I have long hair from my crown about 31 inches. I use 1 cup of apple cider vinegar ever time I wash my hair, which is 3 times a week. The smell only stays for about 30 min, but my hair is so much healthier and has also grown. If I miss the vinegar rinse my hair feels flat and unclean. It also helps with the split ends. White vinegar is not to be used on your hair as it will strip the naturel oils

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Ontario, Canada) on 02/12/2006

I rinsed with the apple cider vinegar for 4 nights in a row. My hair didn't have any build-up in sight! thanks! :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barbara (Phoenix, Arizona)

I have been using vinegar once a week for years and years as a hair rinse. It gives my hair the perfect pH balance. As a result, at the ripe old age of 63, I have very thick, healthy, shiny hair. When I tell people about it, they think I am crazy, but it works!! I remember when I was very young, my mom would wash my hair in rain water and then rinse it with vinegar.

I use approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup vinegar diluted with about 1/2 cup water. I shampoo and rinse first then pour on the vinegar - let it sit about a minute and then rinse out the vinegar and then shampoo again and rinse very well so there is no odor of vinegar. This was even recommended to me by a beautician once, and I hadn't even told her that I was already doing it!! The vinegar also removes all the old shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, etc. build-up in the hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO)

The vinegar cuts the minerals in your water--that's why it works. Hard minerals stick to your hair. Just try rinsing with distilled water for silky hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dora (Ottawa, Ontario)

The apple cider vinegar worked very well. The only things to be watchful for: is not getting it in your eyes (becomes irritated for a couple of seconds) and being mindful in the shower where it becomes slippery on the floor. The best way I believe to use the ACV is over a sink to wash your hair, not the shower.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (Kingston Area,Ontario)

After being guided to use apple cider vinegar to rid Candida.. I decided to cleanse my scalp of any yeast buildup. hair is so curly,shinny and very healthy. I will use every second week as a cleanser. Try diluting 1/2 cup of ACV with 1/2 cup warm water-pour onto scalp, then shampoo & conditioner. I have even tried it on a cotton ball to exfolliate my skin--results were "glowing skin". Buy the "unpasturized"apple cider vinegar-it is live and therefore ACTIVE.Try it - IT does work.

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