Maximize Your Health: Unveiling Diatomaceous Earth Benefits

Posted by JulesElway07 (Denver, USA) on 07/25/2024

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade for Destroying Parasitic Infection

My husband became deathly ill after eating a fast food hamburger. The next day he was still so sick and lethargic I called the EMT's. He was admitted to the hospital, and ended up having pneumonia. He seemed much better after 5 day stay. However, he was having diarrhea more and more. He could see he had parasites in his stools. He was losing weight, and fast. Spoke to his cancer doctor (he was 3 years in remission) and told them. They sent him to the infectious disease Dr.s at this elite teaching hospital. The very first thing the intern asked was, "Have you left the country". No. But I have parasites. The main doctor came in and treated us like some low life lunatics. Finally he handed him a "poop kit" and told him to bring the sample back. Went home, didn't refrigerate it, and took it back next day after sitting all day. Came back negative. So we went to the clinic in our small town. Surely they had seen parasitic infections through the years, and my husband was losing weight rapidly, and the diarrhea was happening at anytime and (sorry), explosive. He had to wear 2 depends for safety. He was so embarrassed and was feeling so weak. The small town doctor (PA, who consulted with doctor and they all laughed in hallway at us. They gave him the poop kit, and brought it directly back. The next day it hadn't even gone to the lab. Didn't matter, it came back negative. He had every symptom of parasites. He was dying right in front of me. We returned to his cancer doctor for a checkup and he was concerned, but also a spot on his lung appeared within a month! He again referred him to specialist but when they saw it was us, said that he tested negative already, and dismissed us. That very night, his bloodwork from his doctors appointment had come back as usual except the hospital called at 7:30pm and said his RED BLOOD CELL COUNT WAS DANGEROUSLY LOW AND HE MUST BE AT HOSPITAL AT 5:00AM FOR BLOOD TRANSFUSION! No one had an explanation but ME! I had spent 100's of hours reading, researching, anything to help him. After the transfusion he felt better, but was still losing weight and still the diarrhea. I had called his sister and she mentioned an old boy out at the farm once took dog dewormer to rid of parasites, and we both agreed that is too risky. But didn't dogs have a more natural way to get rid of worms? I took a look. Finally on the 5 page of the search on google, a ranch wife was talking about putting Diatamaceous Earth Food Grade in their 4 Golden Retrievers food every day, with 5-10 day break every 2 weeks. Said, NO WORMS, REGULAR BOWEL MOVEMENTS, SHINY HEALTHY COAT, WHITER STRONGER TEETH, MORE ENERGY AND HAPPY HEALTHY DOGS IN EVERY ASPECT. I was intrigued, but could I give it to my husband? At the very end of the article, the lady stated, "AND IT'S SAFE FOR YOU TO HAVE SOME TOO! " I looked it up and ordered the fastest way to get here, and that was 2 days. It was very reasonable as well. At the time, it was a 10 lb bag for $15.00 and s&h were free on first order. I started out small like they said, but didn't have much time. He had lost almost 50 lbs in 2.5 months. He was never overweight so he looked like he had anorexia, and he couldn't even play his guitar or model railroad (he was a professional musician, singer, songwriter, still actively playing up until he got this sick). We put it in our coffee, I put in 1.5 tsp first 2 days, then after reading it could be up to 1.5 Tblsp. I upped his to 1 Tblsp. He didn't like it at all, gritty, and he loved his a.m. coffee. SO, I made a cup for him plain to enjoy, the put it the DE in the 2nd cup. I also found out that in Cola (sugar free at the time because parasites love sugar), the DE was much less gritty tasting. After a week, the diarrhea started to let up. His bowel movements improved and after 2 weeks he was eating and having normal poop! Also, His color changed from the white anemic look (he was on prescription iron pills after blood loss as he was anemic), but he began getting the healthy color and glow back in his face and his eyes lost the dullness and started to shine again. After 3 weeks He was feeling so much better and no sign of parasites in poop. He wanted to stop, and I told him NO WAY. You are not risking any of those things still in there hatching, or any risk at all. As far as I was concerned, He and I both should take the DE the rest of our lives. He didn't like the taste, but he continued with it for 4 months, taking 4 days off every 2 weeks only after the first full 2 months were complete. Every single day after starting the DE he got better. It was a miracle. It truly was. Some people were doubting he really ever had parasites, because of the "negative" tests. But I found out that when the poop samples are examined, it is by a robitic arm, that swipes it onto a slide (a person doesn't even view it in most places) and then a COMPUTER, compares it to similar pictures. If he had a new type of parasite or one that wasn't in the computer, or the smeared slide was blurred and computer couldn't match it, it would come back NEGATIVE.

So, DE saved his life, and gave me (us) a bunch of other great things. My hair grew fast, and was thick and healthy. My never grow long nails were strong, my achy joints are flowing great, hardly a pain. My skin looks better. It has been almost 5 years ago, but I have sworn and testified to anyone who would listen about the miracle. One more thing, I almost forgot. When he went back to cancer doctor, 2 months after his last appointment where they saw the spot on his lung, it was gone. I believe, and even his top in the world cancer Dr.had to agree, that it was very possible the spot could have been parasites. My husband was cancer free for almost 4 years, healthy and enjoying life. Sadly, he was killed in a horrible accident. But, I want to let you all know how grateful I and so was he, that we found, Diatamaceous Earth Food Grade! 5

Posted by Suzy (Texas) on 07/24/2018

Don't give up, I had a similar scenario. After a year and a half they are gone now.

Posted by Jazz452 (Uk) on 10/09/2017

Yes DE does work for parasites, sure they will scatter they hate it, but they need to return to the gut to breed and if you keep taking the DE they won't return. Problem is you need to take for at least 90 days consecutive, well worth it.

Posted by Zennish (Florida) on 03/06/2016

I have been taking diatomaceous earth to regrow hair and detox toxins and heavy metals, but noticed an effect on my strongyloides parasites infection I thought you might need to know.

When I take DE, I start to cough, but it's not a die-off cough, it's the same cough I get when I have what I call a "hatch-out" of new strongyloides about every ten days that migrate to my lungs. This is a cough straight out of the lungs, not from dry throat or sinus drainage.

I'm not breathing in the dust. I am very careful about that. I wear a mask when I'm handling it, and I put my dosage into a spoon, put the spoon into the water, and let it become completely saturated before I stir it, still wearing the mask. I drink the cup of water with the DE, then immediately follow up with another cup of water, which I also use to swish around my mouth and wash any residue left there into my stomach. There may be a tiny bit that is inhaled in this process, but not enough to cause the cough.

I think this new cough is caused by strongyloides dying and depositing their eggs, which hatch out in massive numbers and migrate to the lungs. The more DE I take, the worse my cough gets. It's a vicious cycle. Kill them in the digestive system (I'm hyperinfected), and they multiply and just get worse. Then you kill those and the cycle starts all over again. I keep thinking that if I just keep taking the DE every day, killing the adults and juveniles, it will eventually help, but I wonder if I'm just fooling myself.

So this is my experience. Hope it helps someone.

Posted by Tamara (Dallas, TX) on 11/10/2014

I have been using DE for three weeks now.. U have to drink alot of water as it is very forming...I use it to assist with parasites.. When I feel them worming around, I take two tbsp with water and in about 20 minutes, they slow or stop. Afterward, I grind two garlic cloves for more peaceful nights. At times, it brought the worms out and made them run for the border... but I have noticed my skin is clearing. I don't itch anymore either. I also used pineapples(fresh) coconut oil, flakes, water (all of coconut) to start the process of elimination of worms.. I will continue to take D/E as it has many health benefits I am told. No side affects, only if you don't drink enough(lots) of water.

Posted by Joe Boxer (USA) on 10/02/2014

That is not true. It does kill worms in all areas of the body- even the lungs...Farmers have been using it for years on the food of livestock for deworming.. It works and too bad for you.

Posted by Palma (Navarre, Florida, Usa) on 08/11/2011

To ALL who have problems, and posted here for help.

I have purchased FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH for internal parasites (husband, myself, and two cats). And we also use it to "dust our carpets, beds, and even plants. It works by dehydrating the parasites, and works on most all types, including tapeworm.

Besides killing parasites, it has good health benefits for humans & pets, and is safe for children.

For adults: At bedtime take one heaping Teaspoon in 8oz warm water, then follow with another half glass water.

For children and also for small pets dosage is 1/2 teaspoon in 8oz warm water followed by additional half glass of water. I would do this for 30-45 days. Tapeworms will often come out in pieces. Can sprinkle directly on pet's food and mix it up if they won't drink the water.

The website I purchased from also sells a duster container which the DE can be poured into to easily dust beds (also kills bed bugs) and carpets. Dust lightly on carpets, as it can clog vacum if sprinkled too heavilyI would suggest a GOOD QUALITY intestinal/colon cleanse after 45 days, though not necessary. We purchased Dr Natura colon cleanse. A bit expensive, but very good.

As for the Diametrous Earth, we bought from Wolf Creek Ranch website. They also give detailed information on dosage and other uses. It has stopped my itching in areas of my body. Avoid getting it in eyes. Can also be lightly sprinkled on pets fur to kill fleas etc. I offer the two brand names as I know their quality, but there are other good ones out there, I am certain. DE MUST BE PURE FOOD GRADE.

Posted by Doomed (Washington, Dc) on 03/21/2010

Please use food grade Diatomaceous Earth. I have used this substance and this is what happens:

(1) It will give you serious constipation if you don't consume an equal ratio of soluble fiber and drink lots of water with it.

(2) It will definitely scare the worms right out of your gut and into your other organs. Claims of one pooping tons of shredded worms are false. You probably won't see anything pass out of your bowels. It will simply eliminate the sensation of the worms slithering around in your colon because the worms will evacuate to other parts of your body.

(3) It's best to use this in conjunction with a proper diet ...vegan or vegetarian is best...and a diet free of sugar and lard.

(4) This will not cure anyone of parasites but it will manage the condition in your gut (only).

(5) A good holistic approach to managing round worm infection would be to ingest:

-Drink teas containing distilled water and avoid tap water altogether

-Drink original Green Tea daily

- Drink raw garlic tea daily....let a few pieces of raw garlic steep in hot water for about 15 minutes then drink it

-ingest Odorless Aged Garlic tablets daily

-ingest Black Walnut and Wormwood tincture daily

-Eat lots of green leafy raw vegetables (that have been properly washed!)

-ingest Goldenseal tea periodically

-ingest Fenugreek tea periodically

-Eat lots of plain yogurt daily

-DO NOT consume ANYTHING which contains sugar or sugar bi-products...This would include High Fructose items (Worms ADORE sugar and so does cancer)

-Step up your personal hygiene and make sure that you are not reinfecting yourself.... If you infect a housemate, your problem is compounded and they may or may not seek treatment too and your recovery will take that much longer

-Continue to educate yourself about legitimate treatments out there and follow them if you feel it will benefit you

Foremost and above all, please seek help from a physician. If you think your physician is an idiot, seek out the opinion of other physicians... Just don't stop trying to get your health needs met simply because some ass tells you that he or she cannot find anything wrong with you.

Good Luck!