Healing Baths
Health Benefits

Rejuvenate Your Body with Healing Detox Baths

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Magnesium Hot Baths
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 07/20/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and my '54 classmate lived in Hot Springs, ARK. and yet never took the detoxing baths, that I urged him to do. Once upon a time the whole world went to Hot Springs to do the magnesium hot baths. It was a neutral zone for the dreaded mafia and no family battles took place there. They went there to get well. All the bath houses are now gone except for one or two. We once went there to take the natural baths. When you went through the program, you ended up limp as a dish rag and you sleep that night. Their massage was not like you thought. It was about pulling your blood away from your heart and pushing it back. No one beat on your muscles. You cannot imagine the relaxation you feel and you slept like a baby that night. Too old to travel, but thinking about going back to Hot Springs to experience that joy one more time.
