Epsom Salt and Baking Soda Bath
Today at 5 pm my 5 year old was melting down. He was crying and fussing about I don't recall what. It wasn't time for dinner yet and he had had a snack a bit earlier, so I didn't think he was hungry. (A good protein snack is really helpful for hungry and cranky little ones, just as an aside.)
Anyway it was too early to put him to bed and besides, he would need dinner.
So, I gave him a bath. I put about a half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of Epsom salt in the tub and added some bubble bath. (Nutribiotic makes one that is good. Regular bubble bath can cause UTI's.)
He soaked and played for a good half and hour and forgot about his troubles. I dried him off and dressed him and he was good to go until dinner and long after. I forgot about his earlier grumpies until I was telling my husband about the day.
A baking soda, epsom salt bubble bath would probably help a cranky adult, too. :)
~Mama to Many~
P.S. Do not leave small children unattended in the tub!
Calcium Bentonite Clay
You can undergo chelation therapy for a small fortune, or you can do this simple bath, once, twice or three times for a fraction of the cost but excellent results.
Buy at least 5 pounds of calcium bentonite clay. Some references will suggest up to 10 pounds, and this is a good idea for large adults. Children may only need 2 or 3 pounds in the water at first. You can get this from the Eyton's Earth website or you can find it under the label Aztec Secret in some health food stores.
1. Run water as hot as you can safely stand it. You will have to block off the overflow drain so that the tub can fill as deeply as you need it for this soak.
2. Dissolve 4 pounds of the clay under the running water, up to 9 pounds if you're a larger person. (If your tub is one of those older, larger ones, you will need an extra pound or two of clay.)
3. Get into the tub, slink down and let it fill until it is over your shoulders. (It's ok if your knees stick out.)
4. Mix the last pound of clay with water until it is like a goopey clay mask and smear it on your face, neck and all around your head. Yes, even in your hair to cover the scalp. Of course, don't cover your eyes.
5. Soak in the tub for at least 20 minutes. It is best to stay in until the water cools.
6. Before getting out, rinse off your head and neck and then go under the shower. Stand and rinse your body before stepping out of the tub.
7. Drain the tub. You don't have to worry about clay in the pipes. Bentonite will actually do some scouring on its way out. Just be sure to rinse the tub out thoroughly when the water has drained.
8. Drink a glass of good water before the bath and take one after the bath also. Afterwards, you want to lie down and rest or sleep for a while, as you may feel tired or woozy. Cover up. Don't get chilled.
You will notice when you get in the bath that the clay is a light sandy color. You will notice when you get out that it is now gray, even a dark gray or black-ish, depending on how much heavy metal has been pulled from your system.
This bath is a necessity for children these days, as they receive so many vaccines which are formulated with a heavy metal base. Research has linked heavy metals, especially mercury (which can lodge in the brain) to ADD/ADHD and autism disorders, and aluminum to Alzheimer's. Also, never allow mercury, gold, aluminum or any heavy metal in your or your children's teeth.
Most adults have absorbed heavy metals and toxins from anti-perspirants, processed foods, cooking in aluminum, dental work, etc. We all could use at least one of these baths, if not a series, to get our health back on track and toward a higher level of wellness.
Sea Salt, Epsom Salt + Baking Soda
Detox Bath Side Effects
Detox Bath Side Effects
Detox Bath Side Effects
Hydrogen Peroxide Baths
When Removing any contaminants from bath water... Remember to ventilate the room very well as the contaminates will now be in vapor form, you don't want to inhale the contaminates anymore than bathe with them.
I personally wait 3 to 5 minutes before getting into the bath and allow the ceiling fan to do its job after adding the removal potion and departing quickly.
I love Hydrogen Peroxide baths (which will also remove contaminates). 1 8oz. cup of 35% FG to a full bath.
Detox Bath Side Effects
You might use just 1/4 cup of the bentonite and 1/4 cup of the epsom salt for now. Make sure the bentonite is not the pool grade variety.
1 teaspoon of tea tree oil seems like way too much.
Coughing up blood and dark urine do not appear to be a typical detox reactions. You should probably consult a specialist immediately.
Best wishes.
Borax, Epsom Salt, and Baking Soda Bath
ok I used 1/4 cup borax, 1 cup both of the others. The water was fizzy before I got in after mixing together. I felt great while in the bath. Did some meditation. When I went to get up and rinse off and get out was slightly dizzy but quickly recovered.
Now the odd thing I noticed: pins and needles in my skin after drying. Some were a bit painful. Ya know like a painful itch. now I just wanna eat and sleep. LOL.

1 cup borax is way too much. That's 16 tablespoons, not the widely recommended 1-4 tablespoons. "Some is good more is better", is NOT intelligent. Use the recommended dosages from a reputable professional like a Naturopathic doctor, not your own guesses.
Borax causes kidney damage in excessive amounts and dark urine is a sign of kidney damage. If someone is coughing up blood, YES THEY SHOULD GO TO A DOCTOR. Go to a Naturopathic doctor if preferred. Or decline at home. You sound either extremely foolish or like a disinformation agent (again, extremely foolish).
Bad experiences like yours sometimes lead to wisdom...but sometimes death. I hope you feel better soon.

EC: Hi Lori, can you please clarify what you mean by "salts"? Pure epsom salt? Sea salt? Epsom Salt combined with other ingredients?
I am currently using Ancient Secrets Bath Salts from the dead Sea. That has been the last three weeks. Before that I was using a Celtic Sea Salt bath brine fluid. I really think the eye goop that I notice after my detox bath may have started to occur about two months ago when I gave up commercial shampoo and conditioner for diluted baking soda and diluted apple cider vinegar. Since my eye ability has decreased so much I wonder if I have a more serious problem.
Chamomile Bath Milk
NOTE: For the coconut cream, buy either tins or blocks of creamed coconut and follow the instructions to make it up into liquid form.
30g dried chamomile flowers (or 60g fresh)
500ml sunflower oil
20 drops of lavender essential oil
100ml coconut cream
1. Mix the chamomile flowers and sunflower oil together in a glass heat-proof bowl. Cover and place the bowl above a pan of simmering water. Simmer gently away for 1 hour, being careful the pan does not boil dry (make sure there is no gap between the pan and bowl), then leave to cool.
2. Once cool, strain the oil and discard the spent flowers. Stir in the lavender essential oil. The resultant chamomile and lavender-scented oil also makes a brilliant soothing skin and massage oil that will keep for up to 1 year.
3. To transform the floral oil into a dispersing bath milk: whisk the oil 1 tablespoon at a time into the coconut cream, making sure the mixture is thoroughly combined between additions of oil. You should end up with a rich milk, about the consistency of double cream. All you've got to do then is bottle it up.
USE: Pour 100-200ml of the milk into the bath. Can be used for adults, also children aged 2-16.
STORAGE: Keep refrigerated, and use within 1 month.
Detox Bath Side Effects
- 1 cup epsom salt
- 1 cup sea salt
- 1 cup borax
- 1 cup baking soda
The water temperature was to be pretty warm and soak time was as long as possible or until the water cooled. I will post article when I can get it.
Borax, Epsom Salt, and Baking Soda Bath
Where did you get your proportions? And, any other feedback about this detox bath?
Thanks, Mary :)
Borax, Epsom Salt, and Baking Soda Bath
Can potassium bicarbonate be added to a detox soaking bath?
I never read anything anywhere? It would be nice to balance out the sodium found in baking soda, borax.
Regarding hydrogen peroxide, won't this make the hair white if the hair touches the detox -bath water?
Thank you
Borax, Epsom Salt, and Baking Soda Bath
To balance the sodium from baking soda and borax, can potassium bicarbonate added to a detox bath?
If yes, how much per bath?
Thank you
Borax, Epsom Salt, and Baking Soda Bath
I see combinations of borax, sodium bicarb, epsom salt and salt.... should all this sodium be balanced with potassium?
What about adding calcium?
Detox Bath Side Effects
Detox Bath Side Effects
Borax, Epsom Salt, and Baking Soda Bath