Curaderm Benefits, Application, and Side Effects

| Modified on Apr 30, 2024
Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Bev (OH, USA) on 09/07/2021

Editor's Choice My husband developed squamous cell cancer on his bald head. The dermatologist wanted to make an appointment to have it cut out. I found Curaderm while researching the internet for alternative treatments. I applied it to the spot, following the directions that came with the cream. There were also some videos online that I found helpful. The lesion opened up and the cream burned in the beginning as it "ate" the cancer. But my husband was patient and willing to use it. It took about 8-10 weeks before it began to heal but eventually it did. The length of time is determined by how much cancer cells are in the skin. Some time later, the doctor's office called and ask about my husband and scoffed at the idea of a cream healing skin cancer. So my husband went in for an exam. The doctor was certain she was going to find cancer but after taking 4 skin samples, she had to later admit that there was no cancer. He never returned because unlike cancer that is cut out, no cells were missed. It was totally eradicated. He never had any more "suspicious" spots for the doctor to test.

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by LM (Bonita Springs, Fl) on 12/14/2021


I had severe actinic keratosis on both my forearms from the overuse of tanning beds in my teens and 20s. I tried many other things and Curaderm finally worked. It's a tedious process and I suggest also buying hibiclens and washing with this during every dressing change and application. It gets alot worse before it gets better, so don't give up. Once it's healed you will be glad you followed through, the first few weeks are the toughest (for me anyways) after that when the skin starts healing, it can become very itchy. This is when I purchased a lidocaine spray.

Great product! The reason the US doesn't prescribe it here is because of Big Pharma! They don't want us using plant based products!

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Bruno | Curaderm BEC5 (Vanuatu) on 09/08/2021

Every individual is different where some of us are prone to scarring easily and some aren't.

There could be a number of reasons why the areas have scarred. BUT If you scar easily, then I would suggest applying Curaderm 2 times a day as written on the instruction and not over-treating the area. Also, after your treatment with Curaderm is completely over, apply Tamanu oil on the area twice a day to help fade any scar tissues over time.

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Earth Clinic on 09/13/2022


Your Curaderm should be okay.

Since Earth Clinic is one of the US distributors of Curaderm for the past year, we have been asked this question before and had checked with the main distributor in Australia, which Vitastream should have done. Here was the answer from the company.

Since 2015, Curaderm is now heat stable compared to the older stock. This means that Curaderm tubes can now handle high heat temperatures without affecting their potency.

However, Curaderm still needs to be kept in storage at less than 77°F (25°C). The company recommends keeping Curaderm either in the fridge or medicine cabinet.

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Deirdre (NC) on 08/12/2022

I tried Curaderm on two spots on my face last winter. One was a keratosis right on my eyebrow line that popped up a number of years ago. The other was a tiny raised spot along my jawline that had been there for a number of years, barely visible to the eye. The keratosis on my eyebrow went perfectly and exactly as described. It took about 5 days of applying Curaderm 2x/day to work. The tiny spot on my jawline was an entirely different story because, I think, I tore off too large a piece of surgical tape and basically ended up smearing the Curaderm then into a much larger area. It got very inflamed, and the area kept getting bigger and bigger. It then took months for the area to heal up. It's now August, and the skin is finally no longer pink.

So I would like to add that you should always use as small a piece of surgical 3M tape as possible and be careful not to extend/smear the cream outside of the area you are treating. Not a big deal if you are treating another area of the body, but I turned one tiny little spot on my face into a much bigger problem!

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 09/01/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and my face is a mess because I have neglected to address it with 5 % fluorouracil for several years. Now some have turned to cancer and I am using Curaderm as I have for 10+ years. It works and leaves no scars as does a Dermatologist, when he cuts. I still go to a dermatologist to freeze those on my arms and address the ones that get away from me.

Curaderm is an amazing story from Australia where the farmers learned that their eggplant had an ingredient that would cure the cancer in the cows' eyes. A microbiologist named Cham studied and isolated the compound in the eggplant that cured the cancer. At first, the government backed him, but then tried to put him in jail, when the Dermatologists lost their business.

He moved to England and that is where I once had to buy it. It works for certain, but not on Melanoma. Money rules the world, if you did not know. Do not find your cancer by sight. Rub your forefinger and locate rough spots on your face.

Address this every fall so you can keep it under control. I have an appointment with my Dermatologist again in 3 months to see if I need his help. He knows that I am half smart and respects that.


Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Kenneth M. (Ohio) on 07/26/2019

We have used curaderm for several years. It was made in Australia, not cheap but cures all cancer except melanoma. Also cured my wife of a pressure ulcer on her ear hole almost through. Eight days later new skin, no pain ever.. Unknown growth in ankle and other places healed. We love the products and have pics to prove what I say. My age is 79 and I want to heal, not have symptom relief with side effects.

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Elle (Cape ) on 02/21/2018

For treatment of basal cell carcinoma please google Curaderm which is based from eggplant. You can research it and order it online. It is approved for usage in treatment of basal cell carcinoma in Australia. US FDA has not approved it (of course because it is much cheaper ) than the protocol that US MD's will recommend. Read the Curaderm website. I have personally used Curaderm multiple times with success that has given me 100% satisfaction. When I see a suspect site on my skin, I go to a dermatologist and have a biopsy. If the lab confirms that it is basal cell, I use the Curaderm. The dermatologist that I go to confirmed that he knows about Curaderm, but since it is not US FDA approved he can not recommend it. It is important to continue the application of the cream for the full cycle of destruction of the cancer cells and renewal of healthy skin. It may take day 21 days or longer depending on your situation.

Good luck.

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile) on 08/17/2017

HI U ANA AND OTHERS INTERESTED IN TREATING SKIN CANCER. I have used Curaderm for a number of years. I first bought and read Dr.Cham's book, " THE EGGPLANT CANCER CURE". Not only is the book educational, but it is also very interesting as how the Australian government first helped him and then tried to put him in jail when his cure took business away from the dermatologists.

There are numerous color photos and one is exactly where you say your cancer is.....right under the eye. The photos how the before and after so you can see that there is little or no scaring. My advice to all is to buy this book and read it 3X's. You add the cream and cover it with micropore tape. If your site is indeed cancer then a black scab will eventually form and fall off when the cancer is gone. Mine are usually gone is a month or so. The cancer is usually far larger than it appears on the surface. There are numerous sites on the net reviewing all of the above.

I wish you well.


Curaderm Questions
Posted by gARY (kITCHENER oN) on 12/31/2023

HI judith

The best thing for your condition is Hemp Oil and Baking Soda..

Here is how I apply it, dab a little on sore and put Baking Soda on Oil. Cover with bandage. Four days of this they will be gone and never return.

God Bless


Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Tdmart (MN) on 09/07/2021

How to prevent scars after using curaderm?

I used Curaderm on 3 spots on my leg that were around a basal cell the dermatologist cut out and made a real doozie of a scar. I assumed these smaller ones around it were more basal call, so I used the Curaderm which I assume worked, but I have scars for each so I wondered why I have scars when so many on this site don't?

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Air (Ca) on 09/13/2022

I have ordered Curaderm BEC5 cream and it was shipped on 9/5/2022 via USPS. It was in Sacramento on 9/7/2022 and I received it on 9/10/2022, at the end of record-breaking heat. Those several days the temperature was between 107 and 110 degrees.
When I opened the box I read the instructions (typed in BOLD letters):
Store BELOW 77 degrees!
The Curaderm BEC5 cream was shipped in a tiny cardboard box without any protection. And it was exposed to several days of OVER 100 degrees temperature.
Naturally I am very concerned whether that (very expensive) cream got spoiled in the excessive heat, so
I just called the VitaStream customer support, and the lady that picked up the phone said she couldn't answer my question, AND there was no one else who could talk to me!
And now I can't use the cream, and I can't get any support from VitaStream (let alone get my $200 back).
All I can do is share my bad experience and hopefully save someone else from repeating it...

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Irene (New Zealand) on 09/08/2021

Thank you for a brilliant product- after the GP prescribed inappropriate creams we discovered Curaderm - this has reduced the lesions on my partner's face and are almost gone - I expect one more week of treatment and they will no longer be - this has reduced the inflammation on other areas- so after having surgery to remove other ones he had on his arm we now have a safe -effective natural resource for his care and management.

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Jeremy (Stockbridge, Ga) on 03/08/2017

Used Curaderm AKA BCE5 - had a squamous cell on my forehead, I knew the dermatologist was gonna cut on it, as I had a cryotherapy a year earlier and it returned. My Naturopath recommended this cream, mainly made of eggplant extracts - worked amazingly in about 3 weeks, it eats away the cancer cells, but does not affect the normal healthy cells

Curaderm Questions
Posted by judith (USA) on 01/02/2024

Greetings Gary and thank you for your reply! When you say my "condition" are you recommending hemp oil and baking soda to treat the scarring or to treat bcc/pre-cancerous lesions on my face? Also, do I search online for "hemp oil" or is there another search term I should use? Many thanks again, judith

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Janelle (Australia Queensland ) on 02/04/2023

Hello. I am wondering if you guys sell the Curaderm or know of a reputable please that does? When I google it, many come up that are in other countries but not Australia. And other websites that come up, don't seem safe.

EC: Hi Janelle,

From Australia, you can order from, a company recommended by the Curaderm distributor.

We had been selling it for about a year but won't be importing more as it's too expensive to buy in bulk.

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by George (Wichita, Kansas) on 02/23/2015

I have used Curaderm for a small skin cancer on my finger and it works. The area was about the size of maybe 1/8 inch on top of the skin but when using the Curaderm the under the skin area darkened to about the size of a quarter. After about a week or so the skin starts to heal.

Curaderm Questions
Posted by Coco (Lansing, USA) on 12/11/2023

Curaderm Use on Excised Basal Cell Carcinoma

Can I start Curaderm if my small basal cell carcinoma was cut off and biopsied and skin has healed over before my positive diagnosis came through? Dr wants to excise larger area now, but I want to start Curaderm instead. Will Curaderm be effective if the topical nodule was removed and the skin healed over? Would I need to open the skin to start using or will Curaderm absorb through skin to destruct lower cancer cells?

Curaderm Questions
Posted by judith (USA) on 12/30/2023

Expired Curaderm for basal cell/actinic keratosis on face

My face seems to be exploding with problem areas. I'm 64, have had two prior MOS treatments on my face, with one requiring skin grafting. Decided that wasn't any fun at all and have now let other areas go a long time. I know, I know! I've already beat myself up pretty good about that! Recently I went to a doctor who used a topical treatment to essentially cut off the blood supply to the areas. It may or may not have been successful, but the smaller ones are smooth skin with not much pink/scar remaining while the two larger areas have pretty significant pink color. Anyway, there still remain other areas and I have some Curaderm left from a spot on my leg that I treated successfully years ago but it says expired 2017. Any thoughts on whether it would still be good? I have two tubes! Many thanks! I wish I knew why I didn't have success with ACV since so many seem to have! Anyway, Happy New Year to all of us! judith

Curaderm Questions
Posted by Jill (Colton OR) on 04/30/2024

How do I know when to stop treatment? My spot is not weezing or seeping at all anymore, but it still is really red. also, when I put the Curaderm on, it still burns.

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Kat (Canal Fulton, Oh) on 05/01/2023

Have a question with anyone who uses the curaderm cream..It worked great on a Basal spot I had..I had a few pre cancerous spots applied to them and there are much bigger and very red. it does sting still so I have been still using it and covering. How do I know if its stinging from sensitivity from the cream or if it's still working? It's been about a month and it's hard to tell because its just bright red..thx for any help

Curaderm Reviews
Posted by Fairlie (ON) on 10/27/2022

My husband and I have used Curaderm BEC 5 for several basal cancers with great success.

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