Cream of Tartar: Health Uses & Benefits

on Nov 27, 2023| Modified on Nov 27, 2023
Prostate Inflammation
Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 03/26/2017

I find Cream of Tartar very helpful in treating prostate inflammation. Dissolve in hot water between an eighth to one quarter teaspoon of Cream of Tartar (CoT), then add this to your juice. Do this morning and night.

CoT is very high in potassium and this is great for the renal system. It works quickly, within an hour or so. Make sure to dissolve in hot water as instructed as it doesn't dissolve well in cold water. If you don't dissolve it the granules are a bit too acidic as they are (I can get a canker sore), and it is also likely to not work as well.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 06/12/2012

It seems that its the Cream of Tartar and not the cream of Tartar and Sulpher tablets. The boil on my hip has completly cleared up. The sting was out of it quite fast. But I felt a bit iffy while taking the Cream of tartar, but you generally feel yucky with a boil anyway. It seems to do the trick.

Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Texas) on 06/24/2010

everyone talks about baking soda for yeast, i have found that cream of tarter is a much better for ridding the body of yeast with out die off, 1 teaspoon in a little water 3 times a day, works great. take for at least 5 days.

i have used this for people suffering from rashes, etc. from any yeast related problem. cream of tarter, comes from the making of wine, so it is mostly made from grape skins pulp and seeds. it also does not have the salt of baking soda so is a better choice for high blood pressure. for thrush just swish around in the mouth and swallow. also great for acid reflux.

Candida, Sinus Infections
Posted by Ricardo (Danbury, CT) on 11/28/2008

Candida Cleanse, Cream of Tartar Pro-biotic and organic sea salt.

Hi, I've been suffering with chronic sinus infections for about 4 years. Went to doctors several times, had an operation inside my nose and nothing worked. I am extremely mad a conventional medicine that uses drugs and surgery as treatment. Conventional medicine and drug companies should go down as they do more damage to the population than the diseases itself. After I got the operation, my life became a living hell. I lived my life around the sinus problems I had. I lost so many good things in live that I can't even count. I finally decided to take my health in my own hands and I will never go to a conventional doctor anymore, unless it if is a real emergency, in an ER of a hospital because one can't never say never, now I am my own doctor and I don't take drugs anymore. Why take drugs if they only purpose is to make money, IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY. The antibiotics destroyed my life completely. I gave tons of money to the drug companies on the course of this problem, I bought so many nasal decongestant and over the counter decongestants that if I have my money back I would probably be rich by now.

I had relieved that came when I understood that most chronic sinus infections are fungal and not bacterial or viral. I started with the Threelac therapy, helped but, they don't tell you on the websites that you need to do a Candida diet for at list one month (very hard to do), then they send you a paper inside that tells you that you must do the diet, but I tried anyway, without the diet, it did not help. Then I did the Candida diet for 45 days, I felt fantastic, but all ended few weeks later, then I did colloidal silver maximum strength 10,000 PPM (parts per million) for 45 days, I felt fantastic again, but few weeks later the problem started again; this time I added Pro-biotic, PB8 14 million and used a water pump (the ones used for cleaning teeth) device with an end of rubber for nose use. I bought Organic sea salt and put two table spoons in 30 oz of distilled water, tilt my head about 45 degrees on top the sink and started the machine, all of the sudden there was a strong burning sensation,in my nose started some really loud noises inside and the discharge went on for about three days, I had to breed thorough the mouth for hours and when I got tired I used the decongestant to catch my breath a little, about few hours. My eyes burned too, to control this problem I used lots of cold water on my eyes and blinked. I did the same for several days and now I am nasal decongestant independent for about a week, and that is the first time in about 4 years.

The real action was actually happened when I found the testimony of a lady on EARTH CLINIC ABOUT CREAM OF TARTAR. I went to the health store here in town and bought 10 spoons of the product for 9 bucks; the first time I drank one tea spoon of the product in a 4oz glass of water, I felt really strong reactions in my body. I was in and out the bathroom for two days, and was eliminating Candida like crazy. I check my ph the next morning, just before breakfast or brush my teeth, and it was a fantastic 7.5 ph, I am usually 6.0 ph, which is acid.

I credit my cure to these five things together, 1) cream of tartar, 2) nasal pump 3) organic sea salt 4) pro-biotic and 5) Earth clinic, thank you.
Ricardo Aguiar.

Posted by Mortie (Las Vegas, NV) on 04/25/2008

A cure for boils that I have used since the 1960's: one teaspoon of cream of tarter, 3 doses, eight hours apart for the first day; then one teaspoon per day for 5 days. Other people have tried it and it seems to work universally. My father called it Canadian Folk Medicine. It works by correcting a potassium deficiency.

Posted by Healingmama (San Diego, Ca) on 06/10/2012

I had my first boil (CA-MRSA) in February of this year. Took doxycycline for 6 weeks. In May I developed another boil, this time in my nose... An undesirable location thanks to its close proximity to the brain. For another 6 weeks I used Bactroban (Mupirocin) cream 3x per day as per doctor's orders. No change in the boil. Finally in desparation I tried hot compresses in my nose combined with this cream of tartar remedy. I started with 1/2 tsp in a glass of warm water but that gave me a wicked headache for 24 hours on the second dose... So I backed off to 1/4 tsp 2x per day. Within 24 hours the boil suddenly came to a head and now, three days later, has opened on its own and is slowly draining away.

I am a true convert to the cream of tartar. I do believe it is at least in part responsible for the sudden and rapid healing from a boil that has plagued me for 6 weeks. Very impressed - plan to use cream of tartar in small doses from now on for maintenance and healing. Thank you!

Bloating, Dry Eyes
Posted by Mysticgardener (Plain City, Ohio) on 05/14/2011

I am still unraveling the mystery of how my sleep apnea was cured, because even with plenty of Vitamin C, occasionally I know I have suffered in my sleep because I wake up with a headache. I have more to add which seems to be a very important part of my protocol. Before my last sleep study which determined me to be "cured", I had begun drinking cream of tartar in water several times a day, because I had read that cream of tartar kills candida. And it DID trim down my bloated stomach. Cream of tartar is a by product of the grape/wine industry. It can be found in any grocery store in the spice section. You can also buy it in bulk at some bulk food stores.

Another thing that the cream of tartar does for me, I have had chronic weeping and tearing of the eyes for 10 years and it stops when I take the cream of tartar!

Posted by Karl (Chiang Mai, Thailand) on 04/22/2007

quote: Cream of Tartar kills Yeast !!! Direct quote from the following website: http:/

..."Through the work of Dr. Tom Revis DC, ND, I've discovered that plain old Cream of Tartar powder, yes the spice, will not only alkalinize better than the coral ever could. (You can test your saliva with Litmus paper to see the difference), but the Cream of Tartar powder also kills yeast all by itself! What a great combo to help with the battle! Most folks need between 1 to 2 tablespoons of the powder daily depending on the severity of the infection. You can mix it with water or just plop the powder in your mouth and swallow water to wash it down. (Don't breathe in while the powder is still dry in your mouth as some of the still dry powder can go down the wrong way). You can divide the tablespoon into 3 teaspoons to take less at one shot. Expect to have the runs for the first few days using the Cream of Tartar as the initial die off of yeast happens.

So take the cream of tartar then at a seperate time take the I Flora (2 capsules 3 to 4 times daily with or with out meals) and the Inulin powder (one teaspoon 3 to 4 times a day) as well. These days I've been using the Inulin from NOW ( It is significantly less expensive that the stuff I used to use as it is from chicory and not artichoke hearts, yet all of the studies done by the German researchers from the University of Leipzig who first successfully used Inulin used the Chicory kind, so why spend more when the chicory Inulin will more than do the job and for a lot less money!

Most docs and patients who have used this program have put a considerable dent in their Candida Infections in 30 days without the problem of compliance to a restrictive diet. The program will work regardless of what you're eating!

Posted by Thomas (Chehalis, WA) on 06/08/2008

Here's a folk remedy for boils. I get boils all the time, always around my belt buckle. They seemed to last a week or two, and even after they burst, the area remained tender for a few days. My Grandmother gave me a teaspoon of Cream of Tarter mixed with about 6 oz. of water when I had a boil the size of a golf ball. Within about 4 hours it had burst, and the next day, it was gone. Now I use it all the time, with great results. She says "It cleans your blood", but I'm sure there is a scientific reason for it. You may want to use warm water, as it doesn't dissolve well in cold water. Also, it tastes very acidic, so I usually dissolve it in an ounce of warm water and mix it with cold orange juice, and you can't taste it at all.

Posted by Julie (Melbourne) on 11/30/2016

The fastest remedy for urinary tract infections I have tried.

I am amazed that cream of tartar is not included in the list of remedies for UTI's.

I have been hounded by them for years but last year I had an incredibly bad time with them recurring, particularly in the summer when I was perspiring a lot in our intense heat. I would drink copious amounts of water to counteract this but would often end up with a weekly infection anyway.

I tried cranberry tablets, D-Mannose, apple cider vinegar without quick success. It usually took a week or longer of treatment to feel as though I was OK. Then, I found one post in my internet search, by a lady who suggested cream of tartar. As I have it in my pantry, that was an easy one. 1/2 tsp in a glass of water stopped the infection and ALL the symptoms dead. With the cream of tartar, the pain and discomfort, brain fog, disorientation and weakness, etc. all vanished WITHIN MINUTES.

With most remedies, they work for some and not for all, I agree. However, my husband started to get the burning sensation one night after not drinking as much water that day and I suggested he take the cream of tartar. Within minutes he was comfortable and that was the end of the UTI for him. He was amazed.

A few days ago I heard my sister had a serious infection with blood in the urine, brain mush as she calls it, weakness, etc. She had been suffering for four days, although she was taking many of the remedies mentioned here. She was no longer passing blood but still had all the other symptoms. I told her about this remedy and suggested she at least try it as she had nothing to lose. So, she popped down to the local supermarket and paid $3.75 for 125g (how cheap is that for something that works! ) She was totally amazed that her symptoms also left and she could go back to work with a clear mind - no more fog.

You only take it when you feel the symptoms appear, not as a preventative.

This is now our go-to remedy for UTI's.

Judging by the comments here, it is a shame that most people have not heard about this SENSATIONAL remedy. Nothing else has worked as fast as it does for us!! Most people I have known in the past with these infections, have to take other treatments for days or weeks before they start to feel well again.

If you have tried everything else, without success, or your favorite remedy is slow to work, you might like to give the speedy, but humble cream of tartar a try.

It is an old remedy used frequently for various diseases, by doctors before big pharma showed up.

Posted by Hh ( Dc) on 10/24/2015

Thank you for sharing.

I have been taking Lasix (furosimide?) and daily potassium supplements for many years for my valve leakage, and gradually I started retaining more and more fluid. Cloth still fit, just that the scale shows numbers that pop my eyes wide. Tried so many things...none worked.

So I tried 1/4 tsp of cream of tartar with glass of water and was amazed by how fast it worked.

Then went and read more, and learned that's it may not be good if taking potassium sparing drugs. (my meds were non-potassum sparing) Optimistic by the result started taking 1/2 tsp with glass of water daily.

I must say, I feel good, I've lost 10+ lbs of fluid over a couple of months. Plan to adjust/reduce to 1/4 tsp once I reach my optimum weight and see how it goes.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 05/12/2012

I got a cyst after what could be referred to as a detox.. I think that the Lymph system might get overloaded, with the accumulated crap leaving the body, It was more a cyst, but Turmeric and Cream of tartar got rid of it.

I started off with just a teaspoon of Tumeric, then added a teaspoon of cream of tartar to it, poured in some milk, gave it a stir and drunk it all down. Then as it improved I just used Cream of tartar.

The Cream of tartar seemed to kick start the healing, not the Turmeric. The sting came out of it about the second dose. I used it internaly. I got through about packet of Cream of tartar from the baking isle of the supermarket. I'm sure the boil/whitlow its something to do with the general cleaning up of the body, with the natural cleansers ive been taking. Ive only had one like that before.

Posted by Torontogirl (FLA) on 03/23/2023

I found using cream of tartar and internal ingestion of essential oils finally cured a nasty antibiotic resistant UTI.

The oils I used were mostly Juniper, and less of Eucalyptus, Lavendar and Siberian Pine.

The UTI calmed down within a day!

Posted by Gayle (MO) on 02/26/2023

I just tried Cream of Tartar yesterday and felt much more comfortable after a couple of hours. Today I'm at a lower grade of discomfort and taking it again. No question it worked yesterday and pretty fast. I have been doing the Apple Cider Vinegar, baking soda etc, and this is much better. I'll see what it does today. Thanks for sharing!

Allergies, Asthma
Posted by Sharon (Fl) on 09/22/2015

This works great! I read about cream of tartar in another place a couple years ago, and it just said to take it, so l ate a half teaspoon right off the spoon and followed it with water. It tastes tart, not bitter this way. It prevented my husbands allergic reaction to the grass and weeds as he cut the grass as well. l also used it to stop an asthma attack from mold when l was out of meds, and it worked. It is a by-product of wine-making, the powder forming on the barrels from a substance in grapes and other tart fruits.

Posted by Eileen (Atlanta, Ga.) on 06/09/2013

Cream of Tarter for Edema: Cream of Tarter is rich in potassium. Often edema is caused from not enough water intake (dehydration) or too much sodium and not enough potassium. Cream of Tarter, 1/4 t in a glass of water, sipped, will provide a hefty dose of potassium. For me I start to pee out the fluid within an hour.

Side Effects
Posted by Ana (Anonymous) on 08/15/2012

I had a non-healing boil and started taking 1/4 tsp of powdered turmeric in a glass of water a couple of times a day for a couple of days. I have taken turmeric in the past without a problem. Today I tried cream of tartar instead (same dosing). After the second dose, eight hours apart, my stomach grumbled and I had bad racing heart, anxiety, and had runny stools. I think it was the cream of tartar and I was surprised because I didn't think it had much side effects (but I know things can affect people differently). I heard it is an "acid salt" and wonder if it is because I am a little sodium sensitive. The racing heart happens if I take baking soda alone too but is fine if I take it with apple cider vinegar or lemon/lime juice, maybe because the natural potassium balances the salt out? Anyways high anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling.

Bloating, Dry Eyes
Posted by Nmx (Wisconsin) on 12/26/2014

I have read that Sulphur homeopathic can work on some sleep apnea... if your skin tends to be reddish it might definitely be your remedy... Also Arsenicum might help.

Posted by Joanne (Arroyo Hondo, NM, USA) on 07/19/2008

I very much appreciated the toxicity information listed under cream of tartar in the cures for candida section. I even wonder if I already have damage from using it before (in much lower doses than suggested here, and for arthritis).

My favorite remedy for candida is Huang Lian Su, a chinese herb available at Chinese pharmancies, but not where I am currently living, which brought me to your site. I did take some GSE--grapefruit seed extract--before heading to the grocery to get other remedies to try, and realized as I was shopping, that the symptoms were already subsiding. So GSE might be at the top of my new list of favorite helps for candida.

The toxicity issues around cream of tartar as documented in the "nay" article were very surprizing, and I will never use it again. The levels recommended by someone else posting on this page sound potentially extremely damaging, when compared with the information that follows in that entry. I hope you will remove the suggestion of cream of tartar as a remedy given the extreme hazzards, and the poor public awareness of these hazzards.

Thank you,

Posted by Leigh (Dallas, TX) on 10/01/2008

I vote Yea! The comments posted for this one intrigued me to do some more research on cream of tartar. Here's what I found. Cream of Tartar is NOT the same thing as Tartaric Acid - although some try to use the names synonymously.

The technical name for Cream of tartar is potassium bitartrate which is not exactly the same as straight tartaric acid. It is formed during the cold stabilization process in wine making and happens when the potassium that naturally occurs in grapes binds with the tartaric acid which also naturally occurs in grapes. Thus diluting (neutralizing) the tartaric acid and making a white crystalline substance called potassium bitartrate.

Let's also note that cream of tartar is a food grade substance which is regulated by the US FDA. It is widely used in baking, as well as some sodas and lots of other foods. If it were that toxic to the consumer, I sincerely doubt the Food and Drug Administration would allow it to be freely used in foods available to everyone!

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