Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Knee Surgery Recovery

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Johnny Silverseed (Az) on 07/04/2010

My Naturopath friend suggested to a partner that he take chia as prep for knee-replacement surgery.

He found the nurse aghast at his omega-3 levels being off the chart prior to surgery. His Dr's were amazed at his rate of least twice as fast as considered 'normal'

I believe he ingested 3 tbsp daily for a couple weeks ahead of the surgery; an extreme amount to be sure.

Replied by Summer Thyme
(Durban, South Africa)

I will agree with you in the healing properties of this tiny seed. My husband is battling with brain cancer and he started using chia seed in his diet and we have found a drop in his high blood pressure, general health and energy levels. He eats about 2tsp of it on salads and in his morning meal.

Sleep, Energy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Katherine (Grand Junction, Co) on 07/07/2013

I LOVE Chia! I have learned a couple of things about chia over the past two weeks from personal use. I have gentle, but persistant energy through out the day even to the point that if I drink chia past two or three in the afternoon I cannot get to sleep on time. The other benefit is that when I do sleep - I sleep very well, deep, solid sleep! Chia is a fun, playful experience to drink in my iced tea or water. People at work ask about it and of course I gladly share the benefits. Go Chia!

Replied by Trudyg

Can you tell me specifically how chia helps with insomnia? I've done research but don't see anything much. Thanks.

Replied by Elaine

Perhaps the chia, since it seems to give people so much energy especially if taken early in the day causes people to be more active so that they sleep better at night. Just guessing, but seems possible.

Which Kind to Use

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Robert (Toronto, Ontarie-aire-aireo) on 02/07/2009

Salba is just Chia my opinion just sales hype and over should be able to pick up quality Chia for around $16 per pound. It has been a great addition to my morning cereal etc. and seems to sustain me through the day. It's effects were most notable when I first tried it...and diminished since. (a natural law) Unlike flax the omegas are available even without grinding...

Which Kind to Use
Posted by Jerry (Boiling Springs, SC) on 01/26/2009

I have been taking 2tbs of Chia daily for close to two years and would not go a day without it. Be careful where you buy it from, for the price per pound ranges from $6 to about $37 and a pound will last approx one month. The $6 per pound is the one you want to buy, that way you don't have to pay a companies advertising cost! The seeds come in two different colors; black and white. There are some that claim there is a huge difference, but they are almost identical. I frequent this site often and have been amazed that chia has not been raved about.

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