Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

| Modified on Feb 28, 2017
Posted by Mary (Asheville) on 02/28/2017

I agree, chia seeds are fantastic for easing anxiety. I add a heaping teaspoon of chia seeds to my smoothie every morning and besides making my skin soft, have noticed increased calm and centered thinking. Borage oil supplements (high dose) have the same calming effect. Perhaps even better than chia seeds.

Sleep, Energy
Posted by Elaine (Ca) on 10/03/2016

Perhaps the chia, since it seems to give people so much energy especially if taken early in the day causes people to be more active so that they sleep better at night. Just guessing, but seems possible.

Blood Sugar
Posted by Mary (River Edge, Nj) on 06/02/2015

Chia seeds have mostly fiber in them and fiber definitely lowers blood sugar. Each tablespoon has 5 grams fiber (soluble). I've been incorporating a lot of fiber in my diet (Chia, Ground Flaxseed, etc.) and finally my blood glucose has dropped dramatically. Between my diet and added fiber from supplements (about 40-50 grams) total for the day, I'm extremely impressed with the results!!!

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 08/21/2013 2063 posts

It isn't wise to make blanket conclusions on studies that include several questionable variables and unknowns. The benefits of Omega 3's on human health and disease prevention are numerous. The one problem I see which could raise issues like this study found is the lack of fat soluble antioxidants like Carotenes, Vit-E & A that are essential to protect the sensitive unsaturated 3's. Heavy metals especially and any type free radical damages the Omega 3's.

Zinc and Selenium were also mentioned as being studied in this publication proly to find some "unknown factor" increasing cancer risk rather than reducing. Anyway, Zinc & Selenium are the two most important minerals for prostate health.

Despite being in the high risk category for prostate problems I have, so far, evaded any of the first symptoms of complication; with the exception of only very recently a problem urinating. At the first signe of urinary problems I take Stinging Nettles herb and Cranberry. Cranberry prevents infection by keeping the urinary tract clean which prevents inflammation in the Prostate. Stinging Nettles reduces dihydrotestosterone levels which is the number one factor for enlarged Prostate.

General Feedback
Posted by Sandra (Australia ) on 08/20/2013

Don't jump to conclusions.. Read the whole study. For starters a quick look reveals:

"The study did not collect information on the men's diets. Therefore, it's not clear whether the omega-3 fatty acids in their blood came from food or from supplements."

The above paragraph says a lot.. But many people will give up chia seeds because of it. They are natural from nature, unlike many man made supplements.

Remember cancer can not live in a oxygenated and alkaline environtment. Research herbs that provide oxygen to the body. Deep breathing is good. Eat healthy food from nature (unprocessed) and fresh juices and you will be fine.

General Feedback
Posted by Dj (Edmonton, Ab) on 08/20/2013

WARNING: Omega 3's such that is found in Chia seeds can increases prostate cancer risk.

Sleep, Energy
Posted by Trudyg (USA) on 07/08/2013

Can you tell me specifically how chia helps with insomnia? I've done research but don't see anything much. Thanks.

Sleep, Energy
Posted by Katherine (Grand Junction, Co) on 07/07/2013

I LOVE Chia! I have learned a couple of things about chia over the past two weeks from personal use. I have gentle, but persistant energy through out the day even to the point that if I drink chia past two or three in the afternoon I cannot get to sleep on time. The other benefit is that when I do sleep - I sleep very well, deep, solid sleep! Chia is a fun, playful experience to drink in my iced tea or water. People at work ask about it and of course I gladly share the benefits. Go Chia!

How to Eat
Posted by Kelly (Cinti , Ohio) on 03/09/2013

Chia Seeds: Thought I'd pass along this info. If you are a homade soup lover (like me), a good substitute for traditional thickeners ( ie. cornstarch, flour, milk) is chia seeds. Have not tried this with flax seed but I'll let you know. The ratio of chia seeds/broth is 1 tbs/1-1-1/2 cups of broth. Yum!!

How to Eat
Posted by Genevap (Lancaster, Ca) on 01/03/2013

Chia seeds do not have to be crushed. They open whenever they come in contact with moisture. You can add them to anything. I put 1-2 tablespoons in half cup of kefir most of the time. Stir and let sit for few minutes or put back in frig and eat later. Suppresses your appetite, adds omega 3s to your diet and lots of fiber as well. Love them. I also make a pudding with them, add them to soup, many ways to eat them.

Knee Surgery Recovery
Posted by Summer Thyme (Durban, South Africa) on 09/12/2012

I will agree with you in the healing properties of this tiny seed. My husband is battling with brain cancer and he started using chia seed in his diet and we have found a drop in his high blood pressure, general health and energy levels. He eats about 2tsp of it on salads and in his morning meal.

Posted by Cherylanne (Clarksburg, Wv Usa) on 09/02/2011

After reading about chia seed, I purchased a lb bag of them for the omegas. I couldn't believe the vitamins, minerals and amino acid complex in these little seeds. After 2 weeks, I noticed my energy level increasing and I didn't have my usual sugar cravings in the afternoon. My anxiety started going away and I started walking more. It has been almost 2 months and I couldn't be happier with how much better I am feeling. I put a tablespoon of chia in a glass of water about half full then add a little cranberry juice, let it sit a minute, stir it with a spoon and drink this down twice a day. It's a whole food that is loaded with good things.

General Feedback
Posted by Margaret (Waikanae, New Zealand) on 05/10/2011

I have only just found out about these and I think I am going to get some and give them a go. There appears to be a difference in them according to the country they are grown in but on the whole they should be the same. I would love to get rid of some weight along with aches and pains.

Blood Sugar
Posted by Bea (Tulsa, Ok) on 02/27/2011

I started taking chia seeds last fall. I am a diabetic and took 3 tbls in 6 oz of water, with a little lime juice. I made it the night before, put in the fridge, and have a light, tasty breakfast. I can tell you, that after about 3 weeks, my fasting blood sugar was getting steadily lower. I have since cut back on my insulin, and I am also losing weight, perhaps because now I have the energy to get out and walk 30 min. 3-4 times per week. I don't know if this progress will continue, but I sure hope so.

Posted by Jason (Peoria, Az) on 02/09/2011

Hello, I have heard that some 2004 study concluded that Chia seed puts males at a higher risk of prostate cancer if consumed on a regular basis. I also have heard that Chia seed is a "superfood" that has a ton of vitamins/minerals and is wonderful for our health.

Is Chia seed good or bad for prostate health?.. And also general health too?

I have taken it and it has worked wonders for my mood and energy.

Sincerely, Jason

How to Eat
Posted by Lilyelectrolux (Twentynine Palms, Ca, Usa) on 12/11/2010

I have been eating chia seed ever since I heard about it. My favorite breakfast is to put 2 or 3 tablespoons in yogurt flavored with vanilla, anise, cinnamon, with a handful of blueberries and pomegranate seeds.

How to Eat
Posted by Stacey (Mesa , Az) on 10/27/2010

I make a lentil soup with the chia seeds in it. It thickens the soup, and is an easy way to eat them. I don't like the gel plain. Yuck.

Knee Surgery Recovery
Posted by Johnny Silverseed (Az) on 07/04/2010

My Naturopath friend suggested to a partner that he take chia as prep for knee-replacement surgery.

He found the nurse aghast at his omega-3 levels being off the chart prior to surgery. His Dr's were amazed at his rate of least twice as fast as considered 'normal'

I believe he ingested 3 tbsp daily for a couple weeks ahead of the surgery; an extreme amount to be sure.

How to Eat
Posted by Lisa (Anaheim, CA) on 07/23/2009

I'm a big fan of Chia Seeds! They are a great source of plant-based Omega-3's, and fiber.Plus, they are a very simple and easy to use supplement. The gel they create when you mix them in water (1 part seeds to 9 parts water) is loaded with fiber, and some people use this gel to aid in weight loss. The gel can be made and stored in the refridgerator for, I think, up to a week. I like to make a little chia gel each morning and add to my smoothie.

Appetitite Suppressant
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 03/20/2009

i have been taking 2 tablespoons of chia seeds daily in my smoothies. so far i have noticed that it definitely keeps me fuller longer. it is too soon to say but i also think it is helping keep my blood sugar stable. and i love how they taste in smoothies and juices.

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 02/22/2009

I noted it's effects mostly when I first added it to my diet. (increased energy) It is a regular addition to my morning cereal, sometimes adding both ground flax and Chia. One noticeable quality is how I can go the day without feeling hungry.

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