Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

Tried for the first time yesterday - 250 ml water 2 table spoon of ACV , Purified American Garden Brand.
Liked the taste , but 3 - 4 hrs later for all most 24 hrs ( even now ) feeling slight head ache and feeling little tired . Is that because of less bicarbonates in my body ? and ACV is producing this side effects ?
If neutralised with Baking soda, will there be any reduction in the efficacy of ACV for weight loss .
Pl. let me know
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

At this point I was really trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I realized that the only thing I was doing differently was drinking the ACV. Well, I stopped drinking the ACV and my monthly cycle went back to normal flow. I put two and two together and realized that the ACV was causing me to bleed so much that I was becoming anemic with low iron, which in turn caused the fatigue and hair loss.
Anyway, I stopped the ACV and started taking some iron pills, and now I am totally back to my strong, normal self, and my hair has grown back.
ACV may help many people, but it definitely did not help me at all.
(Washington, Dc)
(Columbia, Tennessee)
Have you ever cleaned a glass coffee pot with straight ACV? It takes off the deposits in just seconds. It's Acetic acid dilute to 5%, and not recommended to drink straight. Also, I found that the larger, plastic container of a well-known brand did not contain apples, but grains, so make sure you are getting the real thing. Try soaking your feet in a container of warm-hot water with a cup of ACV for 15-20 minutes, using a brush to remove dead skin. Amazing!!!And you may have absorbed some of the vinegar through your skin. In the winter I like to add 1 TBSP of ACV in a cup of hot water and honey. Tastes like a spicy hot apple cider.
(Vancouver, B.C. Canada)
Loretta from Columbia, Tennessee - please check your sources before commenting on "well-known brand did not contain apples, but grains".
Read this: "A vinegars "grain" is a number used to specify its acetic content. Grain is 10 times the percent of acetic acid present. For example, all ..... bottled vinegars are at least 50 grains, which means they contain at least 5 percent acetic acid and are called 5 percent vinegars. It's important that vinegars are 5 percent, because this amount of acetic acid is necessary for safe and efficient food preservation and household use.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

(Phoenix, Az)
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

(Santa Ana, Ca)
It could be detox, or you might just be allergic to it. I don't know why you are taking it, but I'd back off of it and try something else. A good green powder will do wonders. Go to a healthfood store and ask the staff for a recommendation. They are expensive, but the good ones are worth their weight in gold.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

(Oswego, Il)
(Sacramento, Ca)
(Salyersville, Ky)
(Missoula, Montana)
Hope, I AM type A blood, and ACV has only produced miracles in my life (see my previous posts and testimonials)..I'm sure you mean well, but I'm living healthy proof that blood type be darned, it works amazingly for myself and my son who is also blood type A. Just wanted the EC community to recognize another opinion. Thanks
(Campinas, Brazil)
(Sacramento, Ca)
I totally respect what you are saying and indeed, the blood type diet is not perfect. Some things apply to some people. I am an A and took ACV religiously for 4 weeks to lower my blood pressure and it did nothing but upset my stomach and my blood pressure remained the same. I then realized according to Dr D'Adamo, that vinegar is an avoid food for type A's.
I REALLY do wish I could take ACV and keep my body happy, but it is not possible in my case.
Thank you for your thoughts....
(Dubois, Pa)
I personally think the whole "eating for blood type" thing is nonsense. I am type A, too, and if I ate the way they tell types A's to eat, I'd be a diabetic hypothyroid with heart failure and gas.
I eat some meat, lots of eggs, yogurt, cheese, some fish, but lots of nuts and seeds, and lots of veggies (but few legumes) plus a little fruit (including dried fruit). I use lots of raw homemade (grass-fed, from the farm) butter, plus some olive oil. I avoid sugar, starches (all flour products of any kind), coffee and tea, and I supplement with a complete round of supplements to make up for the nutritional deficiencies of our food supply (even organic food). And I eat alot of fermented foods because fermentation seems to enhance food's nuritional profile. As far as I can tell, my saliva has a pH of around 7.5 - 8.0. My diet seems to keep me slim, energetic and youthful looking. Long story short, I listen to my body and eat what makes me feel healthy and energetic and avoid anything that drains me of energy, no matter how healthy it makes someone else feel, or what any ideologies have to say about it. It really is a matter of biochemical individuality and getting to know yourself.
p.s. I have started to make my own cheese from raw milk.
(The Beach, Canada)
i really dont understand the blood type diet. my neighbor is running around telling everyone what they should and should not eat according to their blood type. but animals have blood types too and i dont see too many vegetarian or raw food animals out there. i think they would be surprised to learn they have been eating wrong all this time...
(Phila., Pa)
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

I had been sick and passed out in the floor a couple of nights before. I'd had a huge pain that radiated to most of my body from my stomach or heart area. My nitro pill did nothing so it wasn't my heart. I would have called an ambulance but I couldn't get to a phone. When I got better I just went to bed. The doc did tests for h pylori and c difficile the next day, no results yet. But, I think I now have my own diagnosis after the ACV and looking up the kind of pain I had. It was a perforated ulcer.
Now, I said all that to say this: If you feel anything in your stomach when you take the ACV, see a doctor ASAP!!! I had been having that pain only not as bad (dull ache)and just ignored it.
I did a lookup on VCO for ulcers and am now taking that. I had some I had bought for cooking, But, the best use for it I had found was washing myself in the shower w/exfoliating gloves and putting VCO on head to toe after I turn the water off in the shower. Then I dry off w/an old towel. WOW! My skin looks and feels GREAT!
(Columbia, Tennessee)
I have been taking ACV on and off for 30 years. I find that when I take it I am more alert, my appetite for sugar slows and I can loose weight easier. I have an under active thyroid, and have type "A" blood. Try soaking your feet in it. Amazing how much dead skin comes off. I have a book, The Amazing effects of ACV, and in it suggests that you try detoxing by drinking diluted ACV and water for 48 hours. Catch your urine in a clear container. See how many poisons the ACV washes from your system. I've never been able to do that. You can also make a vinegrette for your salad or soak cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes in ACV, you are still getting the benefits.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

(Cos Cob, CT)
To Karunadiva from San Rafael, Cailfornia:
First thing to come to mind when reading your post about kidney pain after taking ACV & wondering if you have damaged your kidneys is "probably not". Knowing that vinegar can dissolve calcifications, I wonder if you possibly had some early renal stone formations and the ACV started them moving. Vitamin C is also known to start kidney stones to moving and causing pain.
If your kidneys are still functioning normally and has the usual color, I wouldn't be concerned about it. A transient change in color can also occur with movement of stones.
(Warner Robins, Ga)
I believe I have experienced something similar to this. For the last two weeks I have taken 2T ACV 1-3x/day for health benefits. The last few months I had suspected a cyst on an ovary. Though I have not been to the dr. I have had enough, I know what it feels like and even for them to rupture. Last Thursday and for 2 days I was in pain. I knew that this one had ruptured. I continued taking the ACV. Was it the ACV? I don't know. But I do know that since I have started taking this stuff: My sinuses have cleared, I have lost a few pounds and overall I feel pretty darn good. Back pain requiring daily meds of IBP, muscle relaxer and pain reliever are pretty much gone and I only take a few pain reliers a week the last week or so. I think my skin is looking better and oh dog no longer has fleas. Depending on what your reaction is, it could just be your bodys way of removing toxins and cleaning up/repairing what is wrong. I too think it could possibly be kidney stones that are causing the pain. Get that one checked and and try the ACV at a later date or less dosage.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

I have started using ACV and all my joints hurt, knees the most, the ends of finger and toes and like the whole body aches, is anybody experiencing this delight, is it a side effect of detoxing or what can it be? I like the instant tonic of ACV with apple juice or pineapple juice but this feeling is scaring me a little. HELP HELP SOS!! Thank you people.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

I would like ask you for help. Does anyone of you had hard time at the bathroom after drinking acv with soda (by receipt) it is just second day what i am using it but after today's second drink i had to run to the bathroom. I almost put it to my pains. Than i had to go again maybe 3 times.
Oh i think i left there everything what i had in my body.
I drunk it 15 min before my lunch on empty stomach and than after maybe another 15 min had lunch.
I got lucky :) i was home lol
Thank you for answers have a nice day ;)
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

(Austin, Tx)
i had a similar problem when i was taking ACV in large doses (1 tablespoon in 8 ounces of water)
when i would take it like this every night i would have bloating and gas when i was trying to sleep - very uncomfortable.
i didn't want to entirely stop the ACV - so what i started doing was to put about 1/4 to a 1/2 a teaspoon into 32 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day.
this has worked great for me. i still get about a teaspoon of ACV per day and it doesn't give me gas or bloating.
also i had a very bad reaction to blackstrap molasses. i tried several times to take it starting with 1/8 teaspoon and every time i would become dizzy, have diahrreah, and just feel horrible. i stopped taking it and each time it would take a few days to feel normal again. this was organic no sulfur added blackstrap molasses.
from what i've read blackstrap molasses contains natural occuring sulfites (or is it sulfates?)and that would make sense because i have trouble with sulfites/sulfates (red wine gives me an instant headache, etc).
(New York, New York)
After reading this website, I am determined to try ACV, however in reading all of these "side effects" I am foced to ask the question, Do people actually know the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon? 1 teaspoon is 5 milliliters and 1 tablespoon is 15 milliliters (TRIPLE the dose!) Working at a pharmacy, I know the importance of starting a new medication at a small dose, and working your way up to the recommended dose. This way, it gives your body time to get used to the medication and also if side effects/allergies occur, they will occur with much less intensity at a lower dose, and if they continue at the same low dose for a full week, there probably is a problem and you should stop and consult your physician. The other important part of working your way up to the recommended dose is the recommended dose part, which I understand is 1 to 2 teaspoons (5-10 milliliters) diluted up to three times per day. Maximum daily dose of 6 teaspoons (or 30 milliliters) When starting anything new, you do not want to start at the maximum daily dose, overloading your system with anything new and different can cause extreme consequenses. I am excited to try this remedy for my fatigue, allergies, depression, IBS, acid reflux and insomnia, however I will probably start at 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 milliliters) ONCE per day and increase as needed IF needed every few days or so. I'll write back in a few weeks and let you know how this works for me.
(Brandon, Florida)
Hello, I have been reading the comments on the side effects and noticed that people would take a huge starting dose not knowing about their body's tolerance and then they would have a reaction. I would use a small dose and see the results. I have used the ACV and castor oil and gotten rid of moles. Awesome
(Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada)
How exactly did you rid yourself of moles, what mixture did you use, I have recently developed many little moles or skin tabs and would love to get rid of them. Thanks
EC: Please see for more remedy information.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

(Brandon, Florida, Usa)
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
(Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada)