I disagree with Oscar on the B12 issue. The synergy between BHT and B12 was independently conformed by Ward Dean decades ago. BHT is lipid-soluble, B12 is water-soluble, so they work in different compartments in different ways. But both are classified as antiviral (catabolic, aerobic, acidifying) by Emanuel Revici's metabolic schema.
I had a shingles outbreak in my 40s due to allergic/toxic exposure to urethane adhesive. Trigeminal outbreak, two of three nerve paths, which responded quickly to BHT and B12. At 24 hours, the redness was dramatically reduced. By 48 hours, it was almost natural skin color. BTW, my outbreak was highly atypical in not being in any way painful. No pain, no itching, no neuropathy, only skin lesions. I had natural chicken pox as a child, so this outbreak was likely shingles. It was diagnosed as shingles by visual inspection by MD. And no shingles outbreaks since despite 25-30 years of aging.
Viral Diseases
BHT has proven itself to be an effective treatment for many lipid coated viruses including: ALL herpes viruses and ALL liver viruses. This does include all hepatitis VIRUSES. Most especially the hepatitis C and B viruses in their many forms. This BHT treatment does NOT work for EVERYONE. You have to try it to find out if it works for you or does not work.
The recommended dosage is: 200mg to 500mg of BHT per day with water only on an empty stomach. Large or heavy people [ those who weigh more than 200 pounds ] might require larger amounts or doses of BHT per day. That is the BHT treatment that worked very well for me and many other people.
It did CURE me and others of hepatitis C and B and also herpes. You HAVE to keep taking BHT on a daily basis for at LEAST 2 years to achieve a true CURE.
There are blood tests that do determine a TRUE CURE. A true cure is when you test NEGATIVE with the different ANTIBODIES tests for the different viruses. And like I said that takes at least 2 years to get to or achieve with daily dosing with BHT as discussed.
Generally, usually: This BHT treatment works best when NOT mixed or combined with other treatments. Surprisingly this BHT treatment worked very well with the ANTI AIDS drugs called " Complera " or something like that for one person. Taken as discussed his HCV viral load was cut in half in ONE WEEK using BHT as discussed.
From the feedback available: BHT works well with a standard vitamin and mineral supplement. And importantly does NOT work well with vitamin B12 supplements.
So give the BHT a try as discussed and report your results here at THE EARTH CLINIC if you wish to. Feedback is important for all the obvious reasons.
Also start with small doses of BHT to make sure it causes no problems. If it does: decrease the dosage used or stop using BHT. BHT does cause problems for some people as discussed here in this forum....Oscar