Discovering the Health Benefits of BHT: New Research and Findings

Hepatitis C
Posted by Dave From Midland (Michigan, US) on 08/25/2014

Thank you Oscar for typing back. Glad you're still there. Ast42, Alt49 they're all right .I will get back in October with my viral count.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Dave (Midland, Michigan, US) on 08/23/2014

Been taking BHT 350 mg twice a day on empty stomach with a gulp of water. When I started my viral load was 5,200,000. This was June of 2012.S ince then the viral load has jumped to 8,100,000 in June of 2013. Since then my viral load dropped back to 5,300,000. That was in april of 2014. In July of 2014 my viral load dropped to 2,900,000. First time my viral load has improved since taking BHT. It has been over 2 years to see an improvement. I'm having another viral load test done in October. I hope my viral load goes down some more. Maybe 2 years is what it took for the BHT to kick in. I also quit eating so much sugar and honey. I hope this gets to Oscer on the bht remedies section. DavefromMidland

Hepatitis C
Posted by Huntsman5436 (Marquette, Mi, Usa) on 05/29/2013

Thanks to a nice and caring gentleman named Oscar, I have been treating my hepatitis c genotype 1 (not sure if it is a or b) with BHT for approximately one year. I started taking 375 mg twice daily for the 1st 9 months. Lately I have been taking 250 mg along with a monolaurin. When I started taking BHT my viral load was 450,000 and my last was 147 and my salt was 173. Yesterday I reviewed my recent results with my Dr. and my viral load was 7,500. My ast and salt are still high at 100 and 127, but having this disease since probably the early 70's takes its toll. My albumin and bilirubin are still within normal limits which tells me that although my liver is working hard, it is still functioning at a decent level. If anybody would like more info on but as a treatment for hcv, you can find it at the new but cures group in yahoo groups. Here is a link: Http:// New BHT Cures Group/

Hepatitis C
Posted by S (Sacramento , California ) on 01/15/2012

Oscar, Thank you for sharing this powerful info. With ALL of us. I purchased my BHT and I am currently taking it about 5 days now. I was diagnosed with Hep C in 2006. After this I decided to visit my herbalist and started taking milk thistle and other supplements but up until recently I started to feel sick as if my condition needed medical attention ASAP! I was experiening liver pain, joint , foggy memory, no motivation to get up in the mornings.. I was desperate, Luckily I came across this forum. I was impressed with the possitive feedbacks etc.. I decided to try it. I am going to the doctors to get blood work done this week. I was keep you posted. Now that I am taking the BHT I no longer have the liver pain and best of all I don't have ANY side effects from BHT 2 x a day 350mg. I just wanted to let you know that you inspired me and I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. This is indeed a blessing. Thank you!