Side Effects of Pet Vaccines: A Closer Look

Advice for Vaccination Side Effects
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/27/2024 512 posts

I've been thinking about pet vaccinations - or, rather, ALL mandatory vaccinations - and I think it would be a good idea to make up a slippery elm, bone-char and hardwood charcoal gel with some freshly ground dried marshmallow root powder, put it in one of those travel tubes they have for shampoo and smoosh a nice big glob of that on the spot right after. Suck that s%#t right back out.

Advice for Vaccination Side Effects
Posted by Javagenie (Central, Vt, Usa) on 05/04/2010

I have a Boxer that had distemper and rabies shot last November 2009 (he was about a year old). About a month later he started to develop severe dry/red skin with blotches. He was digging at his skin constantly and obsessively. We finally brought him to the vet and they gave him a round of antibiotics that helped clear it up slightly. For months afterwards, he kept having these out breaks about once a month. This past spring (2010) we took him again because he had itchy skin. They gave him the same antibiotics and not realizing he had already been vaccinated for rabies a few months ago administered another shot. About 2 weeks later he started digging at himself even more than he has ever done before. He also started to act differently (aggressive at time and sometimes confused). We brought him back to the vet and they administered a shot of cortisone. That night he started to have these seizure looking episodes that only affected the movement of his head and he was completely concious and alert. Regardless of our description the vet's diagnosised it as focal epileptic seizures and immediately started to administer phenobarbitol. After about 2days later with the phenobarbitol not working, he was looking terrible and I was beginning to wonder if he was going to survive. By this time I was loosing faith with our vet. So, I began to do some extensive internet research. I found that the seizures were actually called "head tremors" and some believe are to be caused from vaccinations and/or a compromised immune system. This led me down a long trail of information about vaccinations and specifically overvaccinosis. I immediately started to administer milk thistle combined with dandelion root and burdock. The head tremors immediately started to get better and within a few days he stopped having them. Only on a few occassions within the past 4-6wks has he had them since giving him this liver detox formula. After finding great success with this natural miracle cure... We seeked the council of a hollistic/homeopathic vet and have been trying to repair the damage caused by this unnecessary vaccination protocol. After about a month of a raw diet, supplements, and homeopathic treatments our beloved pet is starting to make some improvements. He is still in the detox phase... so, it is tough some days. But, we are all confident that he will have an almost full recovery within the next 12mo.

My advice to anyone who has noticed any changes in their pet following any vaccinations within 3mo. is to seek a naturalistic vet ASAP. If it were not for sites like these my dog would have been dead at the hands of a normal veterinarian professional. It's time for the medical community to wake up and stop poisoning us and our pets with toxins! Stop treating symptoms and treat the cause naturally and safely!!!!