Turtle Remedies
Health Benefits

Turtle Care: Natural Pet Care Tips for Pet Turtles

| Modified on Nov 03, 2022
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Prolapsed Penis/ Cloaca
Posted by Zathadaddy (Gas City, Indiana) on 08/13/2012

Apply Karo light or dark CORN syrup liberally to your lizard, turtle or frogs prolapsed penis( or cloaca ) area-this is usually caused by ingesting large pieces of substrate and intestinal blockages. the CORN syrup will help shrink the affected exposed insides safely, allowing them to slip back inside, leaving the obstruction to be pushed out of the animal during the tissue shrikage.

I have been a herpetoculturist for over 20 years

if you feel unsafe about this procedure, call a reptile vet. a true animal lover will agree with this method rather that telling you to come in and let them do the same procedure, wasting valueable time which could mean life or death.

Respiratory Infection
Posted by Jack (Toledo, Ohio) on 08/31/2008

Dear Ted or Deirdre, My daughter has a "RED EARED SLIDER" TURTLE and she's about 16 yrs old, about 3 1/2 lbs and she has a "Respiritory Infection"! spits out white mucus and at times seems lithargic tired most of the time, Do you have any knowledge on this type of pet?? and ailment?? when daughter is not around i slip her diluted Hydrogen peroxide orally, seems to help some and it fizzes! Bubbles up in her mouth.