Dog Itchy Skin Home Remedy Options

Aloe and Coconut Oil
Posted by Coldaw (North Vancouver British Columbia Canada) on 08/20/2015

Hi all, my poor pup has been suffering terribly with itchy back syndrome. So bad she's been falling down trying to reach it, twisting into a pretzel. She also had a hot spot about 2 months ago. I came up with a wonderful solution. First I apply pure aloe vera juice with a cotton ball, 2-3 tbsps depending on size. Really saturate the area and beyond. Then I take a few tbsps of raw organic coconut oil and massage it into the same area, then brush it thru. Not only does she smell great but if she licks it, it's good for her. Itching stops right away. I keep doing it for 3-4 days just to make sure.

Grass Allergy Remedies
Posted by Paula (Washington) on 08/12/2015

This has been the best information I have received for HOME REMEDIES.... Thank you very much....

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide, Clove Tincture
Posted by Emily (Seneca, Sc) on 06/18/2015

What exactly is the 'borax and hydrogen peroxide mixture' that you mentioned? How much of each?

EC: Please see Ted's mange page on Earth Clinic for details about the borax and h202 method.

Unpasteurized Sauerkraut
Posted by Lisa (Mn) on 05/12/2015

Editor's Choice My Doberman is currently 5 years old and has suffered full body yeast infections and allergies since he was two. For about 2/3 years we had been bringing him to the vet once a month for antibiotics to stop the constant itching. He was itching till he was bloody. We tried: the antibiotics, coconut oil, tea tree oil, tea tree spray, changing his food, bathing in oatmeal, bathing in Apple cider vinegar, and several other things. Everything would sort of help and for a very short periods of time.

I'm not a vet but what I knew about my dogs was around 3/4 years ago both of our dogs ended up with a bug that made them vomit for a few days. They were both given a strong dose of antibiotics. After the bug went away, they both had these spots of flakey skin. In the one dog it went away and in the Doberman that was the beginning to a 3 year battle of bumps, itching, yeastie ears/body, flaky skin, and massive hair loss....

What we FINALLY found that worked is, unpasteurized sauerkraut. Giving the dogs extra probiotics, replacing the good bacteria that was killed off with the massive dose of antibiotics. Now, the dogs don't like the taste of the kraut, so, for an extra bonus to promote healthy skin oils.... I melt some coconut oil and pour it over the kraut and they both go crazy to eat it.

This is was a great combo for them. The Doberman's skin has clear up.... It's not perfect but 98% better and I'm so happy with the results!!!!

It might be worth a try for someone out there. It HAS to be unpasteurized sauerkraut or it won't do anything. You can NOT cook it or you would kill the probiotics off...

I hope this helps someone who is devastated by watching their dog suffer!!!!!

Aloe Vera Drink
Posted by Edwina (Nyc) on 04/21/2015

My cat was itchy and everything for this problem had warnings regarding ingesting and usually with skull and crossbones warnings. I went to the heath food store and looked around and decided to buy an Aloe Vera Drink. This product has no taste and is clear. I figured if I could drink it I could put it on the cat. I put it in a spray bottle and spray it under the hair and it has helped so much. I also have used it on myself - very easy and takes away the itch.

Booties for Itchy Paws
Posted by Barb (Peterborough, On Canada) on 04/06/2015

For all of your pets with itchy paws, a good add on to the ACV treatment is to spritz or soak, dry lightly, then put on paw booties. I bought some polar fleece ones from the local pet store, very easy with elastic and Velcro to fasten. Although they worked like crap in snow and ice, we found them very beneficial to use indoors to stop our lab / border collie cross, Pepa, from licking.

She suffers from seasonal allergies and now I have a weird idea that she may be allergic to these cats we keep rescuing. (yes, apparently dogs can be allergic to cats, so says the web) Found some pimple type bumps in between her toes yesterday and her allergy season is still a long way off. We have been RAW feeders for many years and have tried countless holistic remedies for her.

I am a sewer so last summer made some booties out of a 100% cotton tea towel, elastic and Velcro, duplicating the design of the purchased ones. These allow her paws to breath, and dry out after the vinegar spritz. AND, she cannot lick them! Seems to calm her down a bit too and allows all of us to get some sleep at night. (not really meant for outdoors though)

Hope this idea helps, Barb

Chlorpheniramine Maleate
Posted by Deborah (Jax, Fl) on 03/28/2015

I tried this. I was at wits end from the constant scratching. Well it works! I gave it to my dog this afternoon and the scratching is down quite a bit .THANK YOU so much.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/27/2015

Hey Ron!

The first place to start is with your dog's diet; what are the ingredients on the dog food label? If grains or corn are in the first 5 ingredients, it is time to upgrade the groceries to a grain free diet.

And, once you upgrade the groceries it will still take time - no quick fixes, but many things can help.

When mine get the itchies I alkalize the water with baking soda - a 'crisis' or 'outbreak' dose is 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of water, and this as your dogs only source of drinking water. After 7 days I switch to 1/2 teaspoon baking soda to 1 liter of water, and after 7 days I again switch it down to 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water- and this can be for another week or so, or as a daily maintenance dose.

Next, Consider Ted's mange remedy - this can bring an itchy dog relief:

Borax laundry booster - the plain stuff with NO scent.
1 -16 oz bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide

I get both of these from the grocery store.

Empty hydrogen peroxide into larger bottle - I use an empty 1 gallon vinegar jug. Add to this 32 oz filtered or distilled water - I just refill the hydrogen peroxide bottle twice - and dump into the jug. What this does is change your 3% hydrogen peroxide into 1% hydrogen peroxide.

Next add 1 cup of the borax crystals and shake. There should be some undissolved crystals in the mixed solution - this is just right. I try to use hot water from the kettle on the stove, that or sit the jug of mixture in the sink full of hot water while I bathe the dog.

Bathe the dog - use whatever shampoo and rinse well. Squeeze out excess water and make sure the tub is drained. I then plug up the tub. Now pour the mixed up solution over the dog. I use a small sponge to soak up the solution from the bottom of the tub and squeeze it out onto the dog again and again, making sure I get the head and underneath. Keep squeezing solution over and over onto the dog for about 15 minutes - 30 minutes is better. Then pull the stopper from the tub and let the excess drain. DO NOT DRY THE DOG OR RINSE THE DOG. The solution has to remain wet as it is still working. Allow the dog to air dry. I just pop mine into their crates and I remove any absorbent bedding.

If you are worried about poisoning your dog keep in mind that borax has the same toxicity as table salt. The solution doesn't seem to hurt the eyes or sting any sores on the skin. Some dogs feel instant relief! I find this is effective on the skin for 24 hours - after that you can do another dip or switch to the Anti-fungal/Anti-staph solution:

Anti fungal/staph skin solution - you will need:
Milk of Magnesia [magnesium hydroxide]
Epsom salts [magnesium sulfate]
Borax [sodium tetraborate]
1% hydrogen peroxide solution

Mix 1 tbsp of MOM with 1 tbsp epsom salt and 1 tbsp borax into 1-1/2 cups of 1% hydrogen peroxide. Apply and do not rinse. This solution should knock out any staph infection or yeast infection going on in the skin.

If you get results - less itching and chewing - you can mix up a smaller batch of the above solution and put it in a spritzer bottle to use on your dog's paws; if they heal up you can try a simple solution of water and white vinegar to use after your dog comes in from outside or when you see your dog start to chew at his feet.

You also can address the itching from the inside out with dietary supplements - yucca, turmeric and quercetin can be found in capsules at the health food store and help with inflamation; colostrum will help build the immune system and Vitamin C, kelp and spirulina will help support it.

Let us know what you try and please report back!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ron (Eldersburs Md) on 03/27/2015

I have tried many things to correct my Yorkshire Terrior itch, but nothing works. He is always at his paws chewing and itching all over with some sore spots. Does anyone have a cure? Been to three vets and no help. Please help me.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joanne (Manchester. Uk) on 03/26/2015

Has Coconut Oil helped your skin? I suffer from psoriasis and was just wondering.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Elise (Brownsville, Tn) on 03/21/2015

I have a very small yorky that scratches all the time. How much coconut oil should I put on her food per day?

Itchy Skin Medications
Posted by Diamond (Ma., US) on 12/29/2014

If people are hiding from conventional meds. then you might think about it also. I spent $130.00 for my cat and she was worse, so I started her on home cooked chicken because she has always been a dumpster diver and she is twelve years old, so as it now stands my cat is doing great. I can afford going with-out a meal in order to feed and save my pet/s life. Something more natural is better then these hard core meds. we know nothing about. Your message is a great help, I needed that to help me out a lot more. Thank you.

Itchy Skin Medications
Posted by Ed (Okemos, Michigan) on 12/28/2014

I have been reading with interest the benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar and am starting the regimen today. My dog has been on .25 mg of Medrol every other day for several years and the vet wants her off that and has prescribed Cyclosporin. When we picked up the compounded script the pharmacist indicated we should use a latex glove when we give it to the dog as it is quite "toxic." And the label on the bottle says "wear gloves when dispensing this medication." My god if it is harmful to human skin, what does it do internally to a dog?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut and Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Ru (New Zealand) on 12/26/2014

Tea tree oil is best used as few to several drops in, say, half a cup of boiled water.

I used fresh garlic, slightly crushed, in boiling water, wait for it to cool and then add tea tree oil drops. Soak cuts twice a day for faster complete healing (slower to scab but faster to heal). Think of it as antiseptic and give it the same respect.

Use your nose: it smells strong for a reason! There's a LOT of tree in each ml of oil.

If in doubt try manuka honey instead - but must be used pure and kept dry (adding water or diluting honey is bad - it's partly the concentration that keeps the micro organisms out).

Manuka honey is great because it kills fungus and microbes but not skin like commercial antiseptic. Have tried on human surgical cuts and it heals so much faster and cleaner. But you do need to keep the site clean and dry (apart from the sticky honey itself of course). If wound is weeping then need to clean and replace more often - just rinse with boiled water, air dry and reapply honey - dressings help if you can't keep it clean any other way).

Best of all, doesn't hurt them if dog licks it :)

Loving the Apple Cider Vinegar for the same reason: good inside and out! Yes, stung a little on a cut when used strong but licked and now very happily resting, phew!

But, like anything plant based, there will be a small number of dogs and people who are allergic (I know of none but I assume so) so test small and see.

Chlorpheniramine Maleate
Posted by Nina (New Jersey, US) on 12/10/2014

I have a poodle mix; he is 11 yrs old. Last year after a grooming at a chain grooming store he began having seizures, then after a couple of months he started losing his hair on his back, that grooming took place in the summer of 2012.

His hair has not grown back. I believe the groomer was new, I believe she used a toxic flea bath to cause both the seizures and hair loss. I spoke to the mgr. he denied that this happened. My Teddy also used to scratch and lick but when I switched to a glutten free dog food which was suggested to me by a clerk in a pet store, he stopped licking himself. That was before the flea bath insident.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Casandra Morton (Charlotte, NC) on 12/05/2014

My dogs were itching and scratching also, their skin is dry and irritated. My brother-in-law raises coon dogs and he is the best doctor ever. My pom pom's ears was always itching for over a year. Doctors gave me prescriptions and prescribed dog food also, none of it worked. My brother-in-law told me to take the grain out of their food. buy grain free dog food and put cooking grease in their food. I put old cooking grease in their food everyday and their coat is so pretty now. The key is grain free food and old cooking grease in their food and in a week watch the change. WOW. Like magic!

Chlorpheniramine Maleate
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 10/06/2014

Thanks, Mimsy56 for this tip!

Chlorpheniramine Maleate
Posted by Mimsy56 (Seattle, Wa) on 10/05/2014

This may not be a natural treatment but I just want to help - it worked for me when nothing else available & safe was effective: simple over-the-counter at your local drugstore CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE - 4 MG tablets - put 1 tablet in dog's food/treat 2 to 3 times a day. I'd already used Benadryl when my vet (FINALLY!! ) recommended Chlor. Maleate - it worked instantly, & supposedly, very safely. My dog (mini schnauzer) weighs 22 lbs. - dosage may vary by dog's size.

I only want to help others in similar miserable situations, having truly agonized for over 4 yrs as my 4-8 yr old allergic mini schnauzer scratched himself daily into a bleeding, balding, hotspot- covered, unhappy, uncomfortable mess. I tried everything, from flea treatment (he had zero fleas), to apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, fish oil, Benadryl, yogurt, grain-free food, prednisone (briefly! ), 24 hr clothing to stop him from scratching himself raw everywhere, Atopica (for about 8 months - useless), to finally, in 2014, Apoquel - it worked perfectly but was very costly & after only a few months, international supplies were depleted & it won't be available again until 2015.

Meanwhile, with the Chlor. Maleate, my dog is finally able to relax au natural (NO CLOTHES!! ) with VERY LITTLE scratching & zero raw areas/hotspots/fur loss, for a measly $12 per 100 tablet bottle of Chlor. Maleate. When/if Apoquel (costs about $70/mo. from my vet) becomes available again, I'm not sure I'll need it. This Chlor. Maleate is a true godsend for my allergic dog - talk to your vet/try it if you're in a similar situation.

Grass Allergy Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/25/2014

Hey Lesley!

Thanks for the baking soda rinse tip!!

Grass Allergy Remedies
Posted by Lesley (UK) on 09/24/2014

Agree with Theresa on vinegar, but baking soda has really good anti itch properties so you could wash your dog with a mild solution of bakingsoda, rinse very thoroughly with plain water, followed by a final rinse of 50/50 vinegar and water.

Grass Allergy Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/23/2014

Hey Brooklyn!

Please give your dog a bath and follow up with a vinegar rinse. I am OK with using white vinegar for a rinse [some only swear by ACV] - I would mix 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water after the bath, making sure your dog gets saturated down to the skin with the rinse.

I would also consider dosing benadryl if your dog is really uncomfortable. I also find it helpful to alkalize your dog's drinking water by adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water and have this be the only drinking water for the next 7 days.

Grass Allergy Remedies
Posted by Brooklyn (Brooklyn Ny ) on 09/23/2014

My pet yorkie went with us to Pennsylvania and was running all around the grass and squirming all around the grass now we got back and she's been itching all over. Please help me help her stop itching.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Pamela (Texas, US) on 09/19/2014

Coconut oil healed my dog's scabby, itchy (probably ringworm fungus) skin and his anemia.

My dog Melvin, a four year old smooth-skinned Sharpei mix, normally has a beautiful, shiny chocolate-brown coat. Recently he developed scabby, itchy spots all over his body. He also became pretty anemic (apparent from the white color of his gums and inside his ear flaps) and would tire out easily after playing with the other dogs. I think the scabby spots were fungal, most likely ringworm. I had a spot show up on my forearm a couple days after finding Melvin's spots that looked like classic ringworm. I treated mine with an OTC ringworm cream and it started healing right away.

I've used your site for years and have had tremendous success with all other remedies. Coconut oil was one of the remedies recommended, so I added one tablespoon daily to Melvin's dry kibble (he weighs approx. 60lbs.) He loves the taste. After just one week his coat is shiny, the scabs are gone, new hair is growing in the bald spots where scabs fell off, and he's no longer tired after playing with our other dogs. The most incredible result is that his gums and inside ear flaps are no longer white, but a pretty, healthy pink, which is amazing because his appetite was never affected. So the anemia was not from his diet, but apparently from the fungus. I'm now adding the oil to my other dog's meals. I figure if it can reverse anemia, and cure fungus, it may prevent other ailments from even starting. I've also added it to my diet to see if it can help with a chronic skin condition I've had for years. I'll update any new findings.

Once again, thanks Earth Clinic and all contributors. It's so nice to be able to avoid the vet whenever possible.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Chee (Farmersville, Ohio) on 05/29/2014

My bulldog has allergies. Harley would itch and lost hair. I finally changed his dog food several times before I realized that he was allergic to yeast. Yeast is in almost every treat and dog food. Read every ingredient carefully. I ended finding a great new brand called NULO he likes the north atlantic cod and turkey. He stopped itching and losing hair and has been fine, it's all natural. Hope this will help all the itchy pups out there. :)

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Kay (Jax, Fl, USA) on 03/12/2014


My GSD at one time also suffered tremendously from itchy skin. I tried everything from prescription shampoos, etc. What helped her the most is I found out she apparently was allergic to Corn meal. So I had to get a dog food which didn't have this in it. Her skin condition cleared up. Sometimes it is an internal thing.

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Derek (United Kingdom) on 03/10/2014

My dog is scratching & biting her paws due to a pink rash on skin, have been feeding her dried iams for dogs. I have a strong suspision its the food as I have bathed her in special shampoo & used fox mite spot on from vets but still itching so try going back to meat products as manufacturers are using fillers in dried food they also have had many recalls due to toxic substances in production

Epsom Salt Baths
Posted by Dianec (San Jacinto Ca.) on 01/30/2014

Thank you, Theresa!

Epsom Salt Baths
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/30/2014

Hey Diane!

Epsom salt baths are safe for dogs.

Epsom Salt Baths
Posted by Dianec (San Jacinto Ca.) on 01/30/2014

My dog sometimes has mild itching and I wonder if Epsom salt as a bath or soak would be safe to use on my dog? I use Epson salt for my feet as I sometimes have rashes and it takes away itching. I was wondering if Epson salt would work for my dog? Thanks

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/30/2014

Hey Om!

One more idea from EC's Neem page - date unknown, but likely several years old:

[YEA] Marie from Sumter, SC: "This saved my dog's life. Mitaban was literally killing him. Neem oil smells like garlic, but when he's dry, its not too bad. Give the dog a haircut so his fur is ? inch. Mix 8 ounce bottle of 10% benzoyl peroxide (People) facial cleanser with 16-20 ounce bottle of dog shampoo. This will do for several baths. BENZOYL PEROXIDE BLEACHES JUST LIKE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.

Use 'dog' towels and blankets and remove the nice bathroom rug. Wear old clothes. Wet dog completely. Drain bathtub. Lather dog with a generous amount of benzoyl peroxide shampoo mix for 10 minutes. Give dog a shower for 10 minutes to rinse very carefully. Benzoyl peroxide opens the pores-- mites live in the pores. Keep dog in tub. Add ? cup neem oil to gallon of warm water in a bucket. If the dog is small and you can find a container that he fits in, do that inside of bathtub. Soak him for 5 minutes, massage well several times and he's done. For medium to large dog, put each foot in bucket and massage solution into dog's leg. Use a cup to pour over dog repeatedly trying to save as much as possible in bucket to reuse. Massage into the entire dog. Be careful of eyes. Use a sponge for the belly and face. Wash 5-10 minutes, depending on how big the dog is. Do not rinse off. Do not towel off. When he stops dripping, wrap him in a blanket and stick him in his kennel or a small warm spot. Keep dog warm until dry. All his pores are open; he could take a terrible chill. Bathe every week. He can have baths twice a week instead if it is really bad. Every 2-3 days, rub neem oil on afflicted areas, more often if he won't stop chewing. It doesn't matter if he licks it off after a few minutes. They make neem oil pills. My dog also gets the skin yeast infections dogs can get with demodex so we had to soak him in vinegar. No soap, no scrubbing, just soak good. He has a wading pool. We always add a gallon of vinegar to it. He soaks himself in it and that cures his yeast."

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut and Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Becca (Abilene, Tx) on 01/29/2014

Pure undiluted tea tree oil is toxic to dogs! Their liver cannot process it...I almost killed two of my dogs treating hot spots with it. Please research the proper dilution before putting it on your dogs.

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/29/2014

Hey Om!

Wow - no more flakes after just 1 treatment with Neem? I have used Neem in the past but never with such stellar results. Clearly this is the right remedy for your dog! I guess its time for me to dust off my bottle and try, try again...


Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/28/2014

Hi Theresa and all Pet Lovers on E.C.

I am glad I remembered neem seed oil. After one treatment the skin looks wonderful. Neem is anti bacterial and anti viral remedy that also helps hair regrow, discourages fleas, kills mites and no-no critters and lice. It has a smell but I can live with that. This will address the staph infection which, I suspect he may have. Also some bare spots may regrow as future will tell.

There are no more dry flakes and he looks clean. He is now my dog and a joy to have around. His bumps are not all over, just here and there. Thanks, Theresa, I will get a muzzle and e-collar tomorrow. Neem is very bitter, so he is not licking now. I plan to treat him generously with this oil which would differ with each dog, I think.. I warm the neem oil a bit as it becomes semi solid; the colour is gold/brown and one can see the seeds.

I have been reading up on it and I also have the powdered neem leaves to fill into capsules. If a dog has diabetes, this and holy basil leaf powder would be best. I plan to use it myself off and on.

In India neem is famous. People eat neem leaves on empty stomach and it is always hard to reach up to the branches as they have been stripped of their leaves by others. Neem is for everything. The tree itself discourages invasive weeds in its vicinity. The twigs of Margosa (neem) tree are used for tooth brushes. Namaste, Om

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/27/2014

Hey Om!

You said: "Of course he was plagued with fleas in an inundated environment for years. But there are no fleas here."

Perhaps I misunderstood- this dog has been in your custoday since late last year? This is your dog now? You might want to try the lamp/plate of dish soap water trap one night as the pattern of itching is a textbook example for flea issue.

That said....

" Mites do itch, Theresa."

Sarcoptic mange mites itch like crazy - however in my experience demodex mites do NOT itch, not until secondary infections such as staph or funal occur.

"It is just the new and old bumps that I am wondering about. Are they bacteria heavens?"

Bumps upon bumps sound like one or both of two things - hives [allergies and inflamation] and pustules [bacterial staph]. Turmeric is effective on MRSA and inflamation, so I would not hesitate to go at the dog's rump with the turmeric shaker as well as dosing in the food.

You might consider adding oils to his diet to help with moisturizing. this is Ted's advice on Newfoundland case from the EC pet allergies page:

'A common remedy for a dry skin condition is evening primrose oil, one teaspoon mixed in a dog food. A dog's skin falling off is often insects, but can be certain staph bacteria for example. As an emeergency remedy I used, milk of magnesia (no aluminum) mixed with water at a ratio of about 1: 2 (which means one part water two parts milk of magnesia solution). The milk of magnesia kills off the invading staph and other bacteria whenever H2O2 and Borax [mange remedy] fails to work. As a warning, the milk of magnesia may cause the dog to have a mild diarrhea, but it seems to help some detox. A baking soda 1/2 teaspoon per liter of water will help raise the dog's immune system. On the other hand 1/8 teaspoon only once a week of borax mixed in one liter of drinking water will help the dog raise the hormones.

As to other remedies that may help, the opening of wounds can be healed faster, some aloe vera is applied or in some cases that has helped me was the application of milk of magnesia, than this is followed by a vaseline to prevent further infection in case things do not work out.

In some cases a certain mange can be resistant to H2O2 and borax treatment due to a REINFECTION. If this is the case the H2O2 and borax is redone, but this time the dog is quarantined in a small room or cage that is sterilized and clean during the treatment period. I have found this method to work quite well in case the H2O2 and borax didn't work initially. I suspect that there is a small hives of mange somewhere in the house that the dogs get reinfected, and hence a quarantine the dog in a clean sterilized area, instead of allowing the dogs to roam around a large area seems to do the trick.'

And as sweet and gentle a soul as this dog is, it may be prudent to muzzle him prior to any grooming session were you have to work the dead skin off the affected area. There are simple muzzle you can make with nylon stockings, or simple dish clothes. For that matter, you can google how to make a Elizabethan collar at home as well. You might also consider cutting the hair shorter [NOT shave to the skin] to make treating the affected areas easier.

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/26/2014

Thanks, Theresa, for your reply.

Of course he was plagued with fleas in an inundated environment for years. But there are no fleas here. I use dry turmeric only on fungal conditions or wet wounds. I plan to use VCO with turmeric to moisturize his skin.

It is just the new and old bumps that I am wondering about. Are they bacteria heavens? Mites do itch, Theresa. I will follow your instructions with the Ted regimen. I used such a bath recently but my little dog caught a cold in the early morning. I was mortified and ran to my homeopathics, dosing him with ACONITE, then with a combo from HEEL and would you believe it: not a cough since; he is fine. However I will be spot treating mainly till the weather gets warmer.

Big dog bit me as a pain reflex when I tried to deal with his tail. It was a tooth wound. As turmeric was right with me, I pressed the powder into the wound and there was no bleeding, swelling or discolourisation. Next day I could hardly discern it. It was not his fault. Right now I am using a med. soft nylon brush to remove dead skin. He does not mind that. Thanks again, Om

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/26/2014

Hey Om!

My spidey senses are tingling on this one. Mites aren't usually itchy, which if it was mites means that you are dealing with sarcoptic mites, and those can get way bad - like when you first saw this dog.. but then you would see hair loss all over, not just the back, but on the face and legs and groin.

Have you ruled out fleas? The itch pattern IMHO fits the MO for fleas. If this is not your personal pet but a client dog, do you know for *sure* the dog's home is not flea infested? Just something about the issue being at the base of the spine and along the tail makes me think fleas. And no matter how many times you wash the dog, if the dog's environment is contaminated the problem will not resolve.

So, if you DO find fleas anywhere in the environment or on the dog then give a good flea, starting at the nose and working your way back; I use Dawn dish soap when I have to do a flea bath, and follow up with an ACV rinse to neutralize any soap that might remain in the coat and re-balance the PH of the skin. I don't envy you blow drying a huge newf mix and all that coat, but you really should blow him out and follow with a thorough flea coming.

Now, if you have absolutely ruled out fleas then the itch pattern you describe smacks of inhalant allergy - mold from snow melt, cedar tree pollens. The remedies for allergies apply - urtica urens/stinging nettle, Thuja - and turmeric of course to combat inflammation, and certainly probiotics to get the gut healthy which will cut down the immune response/inflammation.

Sounds like the diet you are feeding is tops - but when dealing with a rescue you have to repair the 'back log' of being fed less than ideal foods [which likely created a yeasty gut] so ACV or baking soda in the water to alkalize is indicated as well.

I posted below under the Dog with Fishy Skin Odor my Allergy Battle Plan that is based on and includes Ted's remedies - check it out, as I think the crisis doses for baking soda in the water may apply as well as the anti staph remedy for the particular patch at the base of the tail and along the tail- sounds like that may have a fungal component to it. And then when the dog was all dry, back at with the turmeric :)

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Debbie (Bonita Springs, Fl) on 01/25/2014

Try applying either hemp seed oil or coconut oil to the area three or four times a day. Probably wouldn't hurt to mix some turmeric in with it.

Turmeric, Essiac Tea, Ted's Baths
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 01/25/2014

Hi Theresa, or anyone on EC that can give feed back.

Late last year a woman came to my door with a large black rescue dog that is part retriever, newfie. His back was one raw piece blood and serum from years of neglect by people who were addicted to alcohol as well he was kicked by a man and abused constantly. By the way, this is a wonderful, intelligent dog that puts us to shame because he has not a mean bone in him . For four years he wore an e-collar, but no serious treatment for his condition.

The dog was screaming with pain and rubbing his back on the floor in utter agony. I immediately went to my kitchen cabinet and poured high quality turmeric on his huge wound till totally covered. The room was full of blood and turmeric which cleaned up well, so no problem. After about three minutes, while we were talking, I noticed the dog lying quietly in a corner, relaxing. Within three days this large wound area was healed! The hair began growing back with small areas that need work to help fill in. Wonderful turmeric!

The reason I am seeking input is that months later after several baths which he endures with patience most of the scabs have fallen off except those at the root of his tail and along the tail. New bumps appear with a type of goose skin and severe itching. He is on Essiac to clean him out which can take months. I am waiting to get out of this small town to purchase a good e-collar, much as I hate it but plan on keeping it on only after a TED bath for mites and so on.

Meanwhile I use Dr. Bronner's lavender kastile soap for another bath, following up with much diluted ACV which both my dogs hate for the smell even though they like it in the food. What I am concerned about is those hard itchy bumps and the lower back and tail not clearing up. Is it detox or what? I am sure he has mites as he scratches his face quite often. They get home made food with lots of raw veggies, turmeric, MSM a little Celtic salt, kelp and VCO. Some raw chicken items, too. Top quality grain free kibbles in a smaller amount than the rest.

Can anyone make useful suggestions without bringing in vets. Thanks, Om

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/24/2014

Hey Angela!

I would bathe your dog first, and then rinse the soap off. Then, I would pour the ACV over him while he is still in the tub, making sure you get every part of him. Use 1 part of ACV into 10 parts of water.

What kind of bushes is he rubbing on, do you know?


Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Angela (El Paso Tx) on 01/24/2014

Hi, I have a blue nose pitbull and he loves to rub his body against the bushes out front never thought it would be a problem but than I just started noticing that he is getting bumps everywhere and its weird cause I'm allergic to those bushes as well, but I just want to know what I should do as far as do I give him a bath first and than give him the ACV and how much should I put of ACV and water in the a spray bottle. Thank you in advance.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide, Clove Tincture
Posted by Shelaughs (Lake Worth Florida) on 12/08/2013

Hello... Every time my dogs played in the yard across the street they came home with freakish itchiness & occasionally lesions would erupt between the toes. We had the same issue at our former residence & we wonder if it might have something to do with the mango tree leavings in both yards-

Whatever it is, I used the borax-peroxide solution & we found relief from itching instantaneously. We made a gallon of this solution initially & were able to give a lot of it away to neighbors whose dogs had skin issues. I use a squeeze bottle to direct the solution to specific spots.

Researching further I discovered food-grade diatomaceous earth & I am amazed at the panacea of benefits this has to offer. I found food-grade DE at a local animal feed/pet store. I added this to my dogs' diet, take it myself & have my adult son taking it.

All of us are also using ACV (a life-long thing- my great grandmother used to drink the stuff).

A medieval recipe for a topical anesthetic to treat skin abrasions, hot spots & to calm intense biting/chewing;

Clove tincture: add a box of whole cloves to a cheap bottle of vodka- close the bottle tightly & place in a dark cupboard for 10 days. The alcohol will turn a deep brown & smells wonderful. Using a soft cloth or cotton ball dab a little of this solution onto affected area, it may sting a teeny bit but the clove oils will numb this immediately. (This is good for mouth pain as well! ) You can strain & package into smaller bottles to help your family/neighbors/friends & their pets.

Ted's Anti-Fungal and Staph Solution
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 10/14/2013

I have dogs who have seasonal allergies and other allergies that show up on their skin. They get hives, or crusty lesions on their skin; sometimes the skin is very reactive and they will rub on furniture to relieve their itching and cause the hives to raise. Sometimes they just get small, black looking spots that give way to round areas that would make you think 'ring worm' but they are not. I have taken them to the vet when the itching is beyond what I can manage and gotten the steroid shot and in some cases antibiotics if the skin has gotten infected. I have bathed in the medicated shampoos to no avail; nothing really seems to *work* and I end up down the same road - cortisone shot and antibiotics.

This year I discovered Ted's Anti-fungal and Anti-staph solution. Since I have a quantity of dogs, I was able to do some side by side testing. I had one dog I used the cortisone shot and Sulfadene medicated shampoo, and other dog I used only Ted's Anti-fungal and Anti-staph solution. While neither the shampoo or Ted's solution outright stopped the inflammatory state of the skin, Ted's solution stopped any topical infection from starting and spreading. In the dog I used the sulfadene on, it looked as if it was turning into a greasy seborrhea; when I used Ted's solution on that dog the condition resolved immediately.

Dogs with allergy skin are work -no question. In my case it means I bathe my dogs weekly, sometimes oftener if needed, in Ted's solution. While it is not perfect -again, I need to find a way to halt the inflammatory state - at least it allows me to keep the skin healthy to avoid a secondary infection and the antibiotics that are required to resolve it.

I gleaned this recipe from Ted's the feedback in the pet section; since I tend to have a quantity of dog to be bathed at any given time, I usually make a quadrupple batch. The only possible side effect may be that a black coated dog will suffer peroxide bleaching which will turn a black coat red with multiple uses over time.

Ted's Anti-fungal/Anti-staph solution


  • 1 - 16 oz bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 bottle Milk of Magnesia
  • 1 box Epsom salts
  • 1 box Borax
  • Filtered or distilled water


Dilute the 16 oz brown bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a 1% solution by dumping the bottle into a jug and adding 32 oz of filtered or distilled water; I just fill up the empty brown bottle with water and dump it in the jug twice. Now you have 48 ounces of a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Add 4 table spoons EACH:

Borax, Epsom salts, and Milk of Magnesia.

Shake the dickens out of the solution. I usually run a tub full of hot water and set the jug in the tub, and then when the tub cools where I can bathe my dog the solution is by then an agreeable temperature for the dog. Bathe the dog in doggy shampoo or what have you, get all the crusty lesions gently scrubbed up and loose skin and scabs off and rinse well. Now drain the tub and when empty plug it up again and now pour the jug of prepared solution over the dog. I use a plastic cup to scoop up the solution and keep pouring over the dog. I try to keep this up for 10 minutes. If you have multiple dogs with skin issues you may be able to do two at a time depending on the size of your dogs. After 10 minutes I pull the plug and let the dog drip a bit in the tub, and then I take the wet dog with bare hands and put her in a crate with no bedding. Do not towel the dog off - you want as much of the solution to stay on the dog as possible, so it can 'work'. I allow the dog to drip dry in the crate with no bedding. It helps to have the house heat ON, and a nice tasty bone or high value chewy in the crate to distract the dog for a bit. After half an hour I let the dog out and towel dry as best I can and then let them work themselves dry by running all about the house. You do NOT rinse the solution off - you let it dry completely and that is it, until the next bath.

If you have a tiny dog, if you do not wish to make up such a large quantity of solution, the single batch is as follows:

  • 1-1/2 cups of 1% hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 tbsp MOM
  • 1 tbsp Epsom salts
  • 1 tbsp Borax

You may be able to put this into a spritzer bottle and spritz problem areas on your dog, but I find it best to tackle the entire dog with a full body treatment first, before using the spritz bottle for a spot treatment approach.

Fish Oil
Posted by Betty L. (Lead Hill, Ar) on 09/06/2013


I have just started fish oil again for my Dobie and her insanely itchy skin. Am treating for Candida. Just a caution, with fish oil. My little doxie cross loved the oil too. And I got to feeding them for treats. She got worse and worse, very sick looking. Then I read something about how it can thin the blood. I was thinning her blood too much! I stopped cold and she came back strong!

Coconut and Oregano Oils
Posted by Joypcs (Fort Worth, Tx) on 08/11/2013

4 year old Aussie/Border female went through bouts of excessive itching, chewing feet, hind skin raw, etc. She wasn't in an episode of itchiness when she started to get horrid ear odor. We got Liquid-Filled Ear Swabs which did a great job of cleaning out ears, and also started giving her 1 drop of (diluted) oil of oregano daily to stop excessive candida growth. Well, after 2 weeks, we saw zero excessive itching, clean ears, loss of excess weight and a happier, more peaceful dog! We dilute the OoO with 3 parts exta virgin oliveoil to 1 part OoO. I take a drop/day now!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Anna (Rockhampton, Aus) on 08/02/2013

It's my first post here so I hope I find the right spot. I have commenced the ACV + yoghurt regime with my very itchy 12 yo German Shepherd. Final rinse yesterday was a 50/50 ACV and warm water. I added 1 tabsp ACV and 2 tabsp plain yoghurt to his food this morning and it didn't worry him at all. Today I used a 50/50 mix of ACV and water and with a squirt bottle, worked the mix into his coat where he has most itch (down the back). I let it dry naturally during our pm walk.

Adding the above 2 ingredients to food will be a daily routine, but how often should I do the ACV squirt application? would it be a good idea to add acidopilus to his food or will the yoghurt be adequet?

So far he smells great and isn't scratching as much. I'm really hoping this works.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Anna (Rockhampton, Aus) on 08/02/2013

Thanks for your support and advice. Should I spray with the diluted ACV daily, every other day, etc? He's a big dog and a GSD, so has a double coat.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 08/02/2013

I believe the yogurt is adequate. You can continue to add the tablespoon of ACV to his food once a day as long as you'd like. I've done this with my dogs for a few years. I feed them twice a day, and only add the ACV to one meal.

Sometimes I choose not to add the ACV, maybe for a week or so; then I continue the next week. Alternating weeks is fine depending on the severity of the dog's itching.

Also, spraying the fur with diluted ACV is really good. Continue doing that.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Anna (Rockhampton, Aus) on 08/02/2013

It's my first post here so I hope I find the right spot. I have commenced the ACV + yoghurt regime with my very itchy 12 yo German Shepherd. Final rinse yesterday was a 50/50 ACV and warm water. I added 1 tabsp ACV and 2 tabsp plain yoghurt to his food this morning and it didn't worry him at all. Today I used a 50/50 mix of ACV and water and with a squirt bottle, worked the mix into his coat where he has most itch (down the back). I let it dry naturally during our pm walk.

Adding the above 2 ingredients to food will be a daily routine, but how often should I do the ACV squirt application? would it be a good idea to add acidopilus to his food or will the yoghurt be adequet?

So far he smells great and isn't scratching as much. I'm really hoping this works.

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