Itchy Cat With Mange, Tried Everything!!! Works For Dogs Too. What I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me...
Almost two years ago one of my cats named River started itching and licking his fur off. River itched most the fur off his back, sides and tail area leaving a bunch of pimple, rashy looking bumps. I tried a number of home remedies like Apple Cider Vinegar, Epsom Salt Soaks, Ted's Borax & Peroxide Mange Treatment, Rubbing Him Down With DMSO and Hydrogen Peroxide. After months of these with no relief, Finally out of desperation, against my better judgement I took him to the vet and got steroids, topical mite medicine, a mild tranquilizer to check for a nervous problem and antibiotics for a bacterial infection which all did no good. They wanted me to buy a $180.00 small sack of idk protine extracted cat food because he may food allergies. By this time I realized I was on a thousands of dollars roller coaster on an endless path to no where with these people..... Where they go home with the money and I go home with the pain.
So, I came home and tried even more home remedies like Kitty Vitamins, Magnesium, Digestive Enzimes, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Iodine, Stinging Nettle, High Dose Vitamin C, L-Histidine and changed food brands three times.
I believe I tried enough to say I tried EVERYTHING!!
Around this time I was learning about JADAM Organic Pesticides. YT DIY Ultra-Powerful Natural Germicide JADAM Sulfur(JS) 10L for Gardeners. Homemade pesticide. I gave him a warm soak on diluted Jadam Sulfur, about 3/4 cup per gallon. This helped but didn't solve the problem.
You can buy Lime Sulfur Dip in the market.
Next I washed River down several times with Chlorine Dioxide. You can find out more about Chlorine Dioxide at https://theuniversalantidote.com
More internet research led me to Happy Horse Medicated 2% Chlorhexidine Horse Shampoo which is safe for cats. This also helped but several applications did not solve the problem.
Next I found, Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Antiseptic & Antifungal Shampoo. Again several applications of this helped but did not solve the problem.
Since they both helped a little, I thought to apply the 2% Chlorhexidine Horse Shampoo one day and the Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Antiseptic & Antifungal Shampoo the next day and finally found relief. Today is the first day I haven't heard the dreaded hind leg itch in several years.
I've known for years that my cats had ear problems because of the black goo and one cat kinda clear discharge from his ear and eyes. I thought they had ear mites and treated them with Olive Oil, 50% DMSO, and Chlorine Dioxide with some sucess but it never resolved the problem. I watched a video called Dog Yeast Ear Infections: Great OTC Home Remedy on the YT channel Veterinary Secrets and learned most ear infections in dogs and cats are actually not mites but yeast. I treated all the cats with Clotrimazole, once a day, which is safe cats and they all feel better.
So, I believe River may have had multiple fungal infections, including a yeast infection on his skin and ears which took several medications to resolve.
I found this helpful article in the Merck Veterinary Manual, called Dermatophytosis in Dogs and Cats (Ringworm). I originally ignored information about ringworm because he didn't have large open sores, just pimple like small sores.
I hope this can save many who read it a lot of time and money.
Thanks for reading. Happy health to you and all our furry friends.
Multiple Remedies
Hello all, like most of you I have been frantically seeking a cure for my dogs itching. I have a 10k dog who has been driving herself and me crazy itching to the point of losing her hair and breaking her skin. This is what worked for her and me.
INTERNALLY once a day:
5mg Zertec (antihistamene - every 12 hours), 1000mg flaxseed oil, 500mg vitamin E oil.
EXTERNAL baths daily:
half cup epsom salts
4 drops essential oregano oil (anti fungal)
5 cammomile tea bags, steeped in boiling water
5 mls flaxseed oil
just pour over dog and massage in finishing off with extra flaxseed to soften the skin.
After about 3 days my pup is sleeping soundly (snoring) the itching has reduced significantly, the anger has gone out of her skin, her hair is starting to grow back and the broken skin has healed.
It worked for us, hope it works for you and you four legged friends.