Posted by Karen (Hamilton, Ontario ) on 11/09/2020
My dog was diagnosed with probable food allergies. He spent two weeks on drugs that made him tired and unhappy. Despite changing his food away from chicken, he began itching again. I gave him a capsule of ginger emptied over his meaty food and he stopped itching immediately. 12 hours later and he is still fine! I hope this is a cure for my little dog.
Posted by Jeanne (Florida) on 07/08/2020
I saw a post from 2010 on earth clinic about ginger capsules. Both dogs of mine get itchy at night. I gave them both a capsule each and they slept all night long. I love earth clinic!!!
Posted by Mamaknocks (Downers Grove, Il, Usa) on 01/07/2010
A GINGER, 550mg capsule cured my dog's inflamed, itchy skin in 5 minutes. A MIRACLE MINUTES, thank GOD! After a long, miserable, sleepless night...peace and quiet.